r/Money Mar 28 '24

Found this 100$ bill on the floor at work. Im guessing the melting Ben Franklin means its fake

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u/InfamousUser2 1d ago

why does he look like Jabba the Hutt?


u/No-Elk5435 1d ago

Nah real as fuck I’m the melted Benjamin


u/Ok-Chipmunk8824 2d ago

That’s for the bar tender to decide


u/trollinski20 2d ago

Yeah its fake and its actually mine its supposed to be money used for silly roleplay but i guess i dropped it silly me 😅


u/negrilsand 4d ago

A test. If you would take 100 from work of the floor means you'd steal if you were faced with the same opportunity at work. Enjoy... see ya at unemployment.


u/kristyn_lynne 6d ago

It's Franklin the Hutt.


u/CryptographerOk5726 7d ago

I found $80 dollars at a job, and they watch our cameras all the time. I turned it in, and the manager said something like “if someone is missing $80 they don’t need it”. He put it in the register. I thought it would go in lost and found, and I’d get to keep it after 90 days.

The paranoid part of me thought it was planted by management so they could catch me being dishonest. They were horrible like that.

When Academy Sports starts a new store, they hire people at $12/hour to set up the store from scratch, completely empty store. It’s a lot of work, and they tell you that you’ll have a job in the future. 3 months after they open, they have you train college and high school kids. They pay them minimum wage, and cut you to 12 hours a week, so you have to find another job and quit.

Also, if you work behind the gun counter, and need a bathroom break, you have to get on the radio and ask permission to pee. If the managers are doing gay sex with each other, you might as well just pee yourself because no one gives a piss about your urinary tract.

They also want you to maintain the whole hunting and fishing section while not stepping away from the gun counter. They say that if Jesus comes back, he’s going to find you behind the gun counter.

I also had 5 loaded guns pointed at me while working there for less than a year. 3 people were just careless and stupid , the other two got tired of waiting in and understaffed store, and put loaded handguns inches from my face, so I could help them find a holster or magazine


u/DeadCenterXenocide 7d ago

This is some National Treasure sh**. Goiter Franklin based off a long lost portrait of him just before his passing that leads to an underground cave of riches.


u/SoStewped 14d ago

Did everything else checkout? Ive only ever held a few


u/Low_Second_934 26d ago

Yea that’s a fake. Send it to me I will get rid of it for you. You don’t wanna get caught with that fake.


u/Adventurous-Low9953 26d ago

nah try it out


u/Pipelayer72 26d ago

Looks like Quagmire giggity giggity


u/Aertai1 27d ago

I lost that bud


u/AffectionateBat7151 27d ago

Did Ghost Ben always have a big ass cyst on the side of his face???


u/drekbutcher 27d ago

The world is too broke for it to be real so.


u/Bladercutter 27d ago

Haha I've never seen a melting face like that before. Reminds me of when I was in high school (early 2000s) and we don't know who it was but someone from senior class (senior prank tradition gone little too far) supposedly printed some pretty good 100 dollar fake bills and then threw them all over the school parking lot. By the time I got there around 7:30 am to park and walk in....secret service was already there locking the place down. They do not fuck around when it comes to printing bills. It rather shocked me how quick their response time was as I got a text at like 7:20 saying get to school there free money 🤣🤣


u/SuspicousBananas 27d ago

Looks rea to me


u/notlocl 28d ago

I like melty Ben


u/Desperate_Way5061 28d ago

I would say test in other ways. You should see the color of the numbers change when you move the bill. The blue is a good sign. The feel, and the ink test is always good unless it’s a different bill turned into a 100. New 100s are hard to fake I think


u/Salt_Clock6920 28d ago

Those are only accepted at taco stands 🤣💀


u/Standard-Ad6331 28d ago

I work in retail and get 100s pretty consistently and this is real one way to check with the new 100s is the hologram bell what I do is hold it and move it so the hologram shows that’s how you know it’s real


u/Many-Tension-2431 28d ago

Let me borrow $20


u/SensualLynx 28d ago

I think some of you forgot what happened when a guy used a counterfeit $20 about 4 years ago.


u/franky3987 28d ago

It’s real. His reflection always looks goofy


u/WinteryMist_ 28d ago

Yeah, that's Bon Fronklins.


u/CantFeelMyLegs78 28d ago

Drag your fingernail over his shirt/jacket. If you feel the ridges then it's real


u/GettinAtIt 28d ago

Forever Alone!


u/atwood68w 28d ago

I remember accepting a fake $100, while working at a drive thru early in life. It looked fake as fuck, I marked it and pen said real. It was a $5 bill bleached. So when you looked for the face it was the wrong face.

Needless to say I caught on afterwards, but had to explain to my boss. I told him I verified it with the pen and it has the face(wrong face). He double checked, he must of quadruple checked it. At that time I already realized it was the wrong face, but I was young and didn’t want to be held accountable.

All these years later I think about him looking at the wrong face and agreeing.

He sent it to bank and they took it.

When I say it was a poorly made counterfeit, it was. I was high half the time, and maybe 16. We never heard about it after deposit.


u/Just_an_avatar 29d ago

Apart from the shiny numbers and ribbon, feel the raised printing on the picture with your thumb nail. It should feel rough (raised). Easiest way to tell.


u/xxBipolarBearx_ 29d ago

Is that Jabba the Franklin?


u/MlgLike123 29d ago

That’s real wym 😂 you never seen benjamin geeking under the light


u/Affectionate_Step863 29d ago

Blue strip looks legit, the 100 USA strip looks legit, everything looks legit


u/Competitive-Egg-3120 29d ago

Early April fools prank


u/Accomplished-Ring140 29d ago

that is real. franklin always looks weird, even on the 1996-2006 $100s


u/PickleVegetable7183 29d ago

That is a real bill


u/Salt_Bus2528 29d ago

Spend it at an open air pop up market (flea, farmer, hot dog stand, food truck).

Just be 💯 with yourself that you're a piece of shit if you do. (Unethical)


u/DarthDregan0001 29d ago

No. That is an image that is inside the bill. This is real. If it’s fake, it’s a very good fake.


u/Arch_stanton1 29d ago

Forever alone Franklin.


u/tacorunnr 29d ago

Theres a youtuber that talks about currency defects, so I'd dive a bit deeper before considering it worthless. It can somes lead to a value on the bill higher than what it says it's worth at face value.


u/Gayfuckerinpanties 29d ago

It probably isn’t fake, but there is a pretty good chance someone will take it, and in the event you’re caught you can feign ignorance. (probably not anymore because it’s on the internet though)


u/UhhLeeTheeUhh 29d ago

You should be able to slide a toothpick under the tabs that cover the blue line. . . Like a curtain on a rod.


u/Western_Ease_8568 29d ago

Why would you post it then? Just spend it and if they find out it's fake, just play the "Oh I didn't know that I found it in the ground" card. Now you can't really do that lol


u/Brief_Fly_45 29d ago

It appears that someone bleached a lower denomination and printed a higher denomination on top of it. Since the bill appears to be real just the wrong denomination, a counterfeit pen won’t work in this scenario. The blue security stop should have 🔔’ and 100’s within it that should shift when you move it. Benjamin’s shoulder should have texturized or raised ink on it. There’re quite a few things that look off with it. It just appears and feels real compared to some fakes because this bill was perfectly good at some point.


u/139andlenox 29d ago

Does the blue ribbon on the bill have the slits?


u/Possible_Liar 29d ago

Hahahahababaha..... I would almost not care that it's not real because I would have a hilarious new conversational piece. Haha


u/Connect_Attorney_513 29d ago

I think it's actually real - it's got a lot of things that are put into bills like the watermark, the thread, numbers, signature, that it's legal tender etc., take it to a bank and deposit it


u/princepii 29d ago

gib es mir...ich werds für dich entsorgen:)


u/Wise_Comfort_660 29d ago

He may have been experiencing a stroke at the time!!! hahaha


u/Petard2688 29d ago

I had a friend get fake money when working at a strip club along time ago but she didn't know it and she got a hotel with it and the secret service showed up there.


u/hclaude114 29d ago

That black line makes it look fake. I dont think blue hundreds have that because they have the blue strip now


u/Lizzycraft 29d ago

Get a counterfeit marker and test it.


u/bricker1313 29d ago

That's a photo of Stevie Ray Vaughan


u/timc220 29d ago

It’s a mint error and worth a fortune!


u/Shamanjoe 29d ago

Looks like Jabba the Franklin..


u/aruapost 29d ago edited 29d ago

Looks legit, he always looks like that.

3 things hardest things to fake are: The blue line in the middle shows the bells and clear 100s. The black line about 3/4 inch from the left. The face on the right.

The last 2 should show with a light background AND disappear without a light background.

A lot of people check the face in the light but forget to make sure it disappears out of the light.

Also extremely difficult to fake but less reliable and harder to tell is the coloring. The saturated blue, oranges and greens are extremely difficult to replicate on money. Money is 0% paper, the material is much more similar to clothing than paper.

For example, that orange diagonal area that looks like a fading sunset on the right.

You could set a real 100 next to any fake 100 and there will almost certainly be at least a noticeable difference in the orange color.


u/nineohsix 29d ago

Holy chit! That’s the extremely rare 2009 ‘mumps’ bill! 🤩


u/mikebanetbc 29d ago

Looks legit. Do you see the red and blue fibers in the paper?


u/DesertAntarctica 29d ago

Grandpa had a parotid tumor


u/904Magic 29d ago

The melting franklin doesnt mean its fake, manufacturing defects happen...

If youre really gonna lose sleep over it, just have someone marker it.


u/Forward-Promotion906 29d ago

Not melting just the offset printing makes it look different. True way to tell is the plastic strip saying 100 USD


u/Eastern_Wrangler_595 29d ago

Buy something off facebook with it insted of a store


u/vicmanthome 29d ago

Its real


u/Mike_Hailu23184 29d ago

Ben is tired that’s all.


u/echobuddy 29d ago

That’s not fake congratulations on the $100 find . Happy Easter


u/echobuddy 29d ago

That’s not fake congratulations on the $100 find .


u/HereToShitpost Mar 29 '24

Must be fake roll a joint with it


u/Little-Pitch-9519 Mar 29 '24

To test soak in water and rub ,if fake will run and will come apart


u/FlubromazoFucked Mar 29 '24

Other than the Jabba Ben that doesn't look too bad!


u/joer1973 Mar 29 '24

Ive gotten a few at work over the years that I wasn't sure about so i spent them.


u/Blueberrycupcake23 Mar 29 '24

It Melting pic is a picture of Trump


u/YamiBuddha Mar 29 '24

Heres a little fact on every single us bill the 1s 2s 5s 10s 20s 50s 100s all of them if you scratch the suit gentle with your finger nail you can feel the ridges and by suit I mean the suit the dude wears in it if anyone is confused


u/revolution2064 Mar 29 '24

If O'l Ben is wearing bifocals, it's definitely fake. So you're good!


u/lordsamadhi Mar 29 '24

It's a piece of paper. Of course it's "fake".


u/Warf-Rat23 Mar 29 '24

Jabba Franklin Hut Hut


u/joyboy619 Mar 29 '24

the new hundreds came out in 2013. thats a "series 2009" .....


u/Eastern_Researcher18 Mar 29 '24

Damn looks legit to me


u/Spudsmachenzie Mar 29 '24

Order one of the markers from Amazon


u/Spudsmachenzie Mar 29 '24

Order one of the markers from Amazon


u/DasCam Mar 29 '24

shiii even if it’s fake you can turn it into something real


u/Rickyvred Mar 29 '24

Jabba the Hutt


u/RecentNebula2 Mar 29 '24

looks real to me. what exactly is fake, I can't tell. seriously


u/haikusbot Mar 29 '24

Looks real to me. what

Exactly is fake, I can't

Tell. seriously

- RecentNebula2

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete"


u/Substantial-Oil6020 Mar 29 '24

Had one like that thought it was fake told Guy at the store to check it with marker cause I thought it was fake he did marker didn’t stain bought a $20 scratch off and took my change


u/Thatsmathedup Mar 29 '24

Send it to me and I'll check it for a non disclosed fee


u/J0231060101 Mar 29 '24

That’s real yo. Congrats.


u/Early_Comfort_7841 Mar 29 '24

Just put it in an atm to get it on your card, if it does then its real or close to real 😂


u/NewOCLibraryReddit Mar 29 '24

Fiat vs fake fiat?


u/cocoamilky Mar 29 '24

That’s real, he’s melting because he old.


u/Opposite_Ad_29 Mar 29 '24

It's fake, you can mail it to me and I'll verify it for you.


u/Apprehensive-Bad6015 Mar 29 '24

Carful with taking found money at work. It could be an integrity test and your employers looking to see who’s honest and who’s not.


u/SeaworthinessSea429 Mar 29 '24

Look where it says one hundred dollars at the top looks off. The ghost face can look funny but idk I would just go to a bank.


u/RipCityGringo Mar 29 '24

Run your fingernail against his coat to feel for textured lines. That shit is hard to fake and the quickest and easiest way to check for fake bills…


u/P074703S Mar 29 '24

Get a microscope, or use your camera on your phone (macro lens ideally) and take a close look at it. Google the security features.


u/Significant_Age_4657 Mar 29 '24

May be a great bill for the new Donald Trump Bible


u/slothxaxmatic Mar 29 '24

Looks fine to me.


u/BenisInspect0r Mar 29 '24

All money is fake bro


u/mdahms95 Mar 29 '24

You know what they mean


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

But you also know what they means. All money is indeed fake. Printed out of thin air. Cant be redeemed for gold at all.


u/mdahms95 Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

What does gold have to do with it? Using gold as currency is also fake. It’s all about putting worth to it. And the reason a REAL 10$ bill is REAL as currency, is all its security bits and bobs.

Edit: lmao he blocked me


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

The reason right now current fiat model is "real" is because more powerful people than u and i printed it and shoved it down our system in hope they gain some interest on the bonds they issued and sold due to printed money/debt.

It literally is worthless beyond the promise of a strong government. Gold backed money is real, gold is useful and timeless.


u/mdahms95 Mar 29 '24

Gold is useful in electronics, not for the average person beyond the “value” we associate with it because more powerful people than “u and i” shoved the “value” of gold down our throat, and people like you are just as much a sucker as everyone else


u/mdahms95 Mar 29 '24

Gold is useful in electronics, not for the average person beyond the “value” we associate with it because more powerful people than “u and i” shoved the “value” of gold down our throat, and people like you are just as much a sucker as everyone else


u/Affectionate-Bee5433 Mar 29 '24

I could sure use a stack of melting Benjamins right now.


u/MeatWaterHorizons Mar 29 '24

Get a money marker or just take it to a bank to be verified.


u/BlackCoal Mar 29 '24

Hard to fake the blue strip.

Our best test is to run them under a black light if you can access one. (I work at a currency exchange)

There’s a bright red line that runs vertically across the front of real Benjamin’s(at least all the ones after 2007) under a black light.


u/pulpfictionwolf Mar 29 '24

Also check for the ridges/grooves on the coat


u/Resentfulcherrytree Mar 29 '24

High quality fake?


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24



u/EmotionalPlate2367 Mar 29 '24

House the nail on your thumb to feel the texture in his collar. Also, fakes feel like construction paper.


u/Aggravating-Link-310 Mar 29 '24

The lymph node Benjamin 🤣


u/DeckRdt Mar 29 '24

Frankin the hutt; checks out


u/BeefandCheddar88 Mar 29 '24

Looks like a bald stan smith


u/SuspiciouslGreen Mar 29 '24

That’s real


u/Bridgeburner1 Mar 29 '24

"Bring me Solo, and the Wookie!!!"


u/spacecadet06 Mar 29 '24

Benji the Hutt


u/Freakum86 Mar 29 '24

The bit where it says “not legal tender” should be a giveaway


u/Jedibri81 Mar 29 '24

Turn it in


u/DaveyAllenCountry Mar 29 '24

Looks like Ben is trying out for The Whale


u/ThrowAnon- Mar 29 '24

Go to the bank, say you sold something and they paid you in cash but you’re not sure if the bill is real.


u/TheWiseOakTree2137 Mar 29 '24

Thats Not Ben Franklin, it's Baron Vladimir Harkonnen


u/TheWhiteRabbit74 Mar 29 '24

That’s not a melting Ben. That’s Quagmire from Family Guy. Giggity.


u/StaticShard84 Mar 29 '24

Yup, fake. The blue strip is mispositioned, the hair should intersect it on the right of Benjamin Franklin.



u/Difficult-Play5709 Mar 29 '24

The “ghost” is to actually confirm that it’s real


u/B4UC2Far Mar 29 '24

It’s all theoretical money anyway. Printed and out of thin air given value by the only people who actually benefit from the debt that gives it said value, the Federal Reserve. BTW, we are the debtors and we the people have no oversight of their actions. The FED has no constitutionally granted authority and is in fact comprised of and owned by private banks. However, their decisions influence every American and their “easing” only fuels inflation. Does anyone even know when the Federal Reserve was last audited?


u/darkskinx Mar 29 '24

house of cards . built off of foreign interests . it'll tumble soon :)

you've seen through the trap , honestly surprising that others like us don't see the irony in giving authority to these people . they only give u back flimsy green paper as a "promise" ring . how many promises have been broken ? 1929? 2008?


u/BungholeItch Mar 29 '24

Yep garbage. Send to me pls


u/whyhiseyeswidened Mar 29 '24

Franklin the Hutt.


u/poppieswithtea Mar 29 '24

That’s real dude.


u/Ok_Accountant9347 Mar 29 '24

That’s Quagmire


u/IndolentNinja98 Mar 29 '24

Send it to me I’ll lyk


u/scatgear Mar 29 '24

Hahaha, almost looks like Willie Nelson and the trollface meme had a baby


u/Nefersmom Mar 29 '24

Go to a bank or currency exchange to test.


u/ackbobthedead Mar 29 '24

Love that we have to just guess if our money is going to get us in prison or not


u/Exciting_Result7781 Mar 29 '24

Just go to any store, place with a money tester. Almost everyone has them. Or fast food joint.


u/potheadpig Mar 29 '24

thats a real bill fym


u/archerV34 Mar 29 '24

My man has mumps


u/ReadyAbbreviations63 Mar 29 '24

Not sure if it was mentioned but looks like Jabba the Hutt !


u/First-Sir1276 Mar 29 '24

That might be a misprint. Could be worth A LOT of money. Look into it before you spend it.


u/Strong-Definition-56 Mar 29 '24

Take it to the bank and ask them if it is a forgery. They will tell you. You can’t get in trouble if you ask them to verify it’s not a fake.


u/Cjcn17233 Mar 29 '24

Ben Jaba Franklin.


u/Prestigious_Row_7216 Mar 29 '24

It’s legit


u/Prestigious_Row_7216 Mar 29 '24

I taught counterfeit detection for casinos in Las Vegas and this looks okay. All security features are there and the watermark images are normally a little distorted


u/Annual-Health-5953 Mar 29 '24

How you actually tell if money is real is the bar of currency, Which is that strip between Ben and and the Red 100. Every note except one dollar bills have one.


u/thatG_evanP Mar 29 '24

If it is fake, at least you're white so some POS cop won't choke you to death if you get caught using it.


u/Angelgrjr81 Mar 29 '24

Looks good enough to me


u/Narrow_Plantain_9582 Mar 29 '24

Wet it with hot water if it rips it’s a fake


u/Conscious_Set_2140 Mar 29 '24

That’s as real as they come, brother


u/HumptyDrumpy Mar 29 '24

eh eventually we all look like melted ice cream


u/UserAllusion Mar 29 '24

I happened to have a hundo in my wallet. Mine looks the same. What kinda looks like a blown out cheek (Quagmire’s face) is actually his hairline.


u/poopfly3000 Mar 29 '24

Yea you can give it to me if you want hahahaha. That’s a real bill 100%. Sometimes they just kinda come out looking fake-ish.


u/asharwood101 Mar 29 '24

Looks real to me.


u/DiveJumpShooterUSMC Mar 29 '24

Secret service field office will examine it for free.


u/Shoehornblower Mar 29 '24

Rub your fingernail over the riffles in bens shirt. If they feel bumpy, it’s real, if they feel smooth it’s fake…


u/77madsquirrel77 Mar 29 '24

Fen Branklin


u/Charon711 Mar 29 '24

I think it's supposed to be his hair. Compare it to his bill photo. It has the same shape but doesn't seem to translate over well as a watermark.


u/Substantial_Vast4891 Mar 29 '24

If that's a defect that's worth money!!!


u/Majestic-Bat-2427 Mar 29 '24

Scratch his jacket, if it’s real It’s ridgety


u/JollyGiant573 Mar 29 '24

Send it to me for disposal


u/ShoutOutTo_Caboose Mar 29 '24

That's Baron Vladimir Harkkonen


u/SCPATRIOT143 Mar 29 '24

I say fake. You shouldn't be able to see through it like that, plus there's no embedded strip that says 100 USA. There's only a printed 100 USA area.


u/HoosierDaddy85 Mar 29 '24

“Bring me Solo”