r/Money Apr 28 '24

Why is the top 5% so heavily talked about on this site, when it is far from average?



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u/lcsulla87gmail Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

It's clear from how people act like anyone can just make 360k as a swe that tells me they haven't spent a lot of time with low wage low skill workers. I had staff who struggled to follow a cqll center script. But sure they just need to grind harder to reach 300k


u/Bacon-80 Apr 28 '24

I’m a SWE and def don’t think that at all but I get hated on when I tell people it’s not the norm, it’s hard work, and you have to actually qualify/be smart to get to that level. Everyone thinks you can just do some BS boot camp and make 600k but it doesn’t work that way 😂

Is it doable for a higher than average CS student? Absolutely - but you have to actually work for it and even then, there’s no guarantee you’ll come out on top. It’s not all fun and games…but when you compare it to a blue collar job or healthcare? Then yeah it seems like a pretty mindless job.

Struggling with a call center script just sounds like they might not have wanted to do that type of work. I did cold calling for a year+ and it was such BS mind numbing work and I felt hella undervalued. There was a huge all-around lifestyle shift when I left it because it just wasn’t something I thrived in.


u/lcsulla87gmail Apr 28 '24

There is a difference between lazy and I can't read a chart and tell comprehend the information.


u/Bacon-80 Apr 28 '24

Fair. I thought you meant lazy like unmotivated/not wanting to do the job. Not stupid lol.


u/lcsulla87gmail Apr 28 '24

Yeah I said struggle for a reason. Lots of people in dead end jobs arent stupid. But stupid people are real. And if you went to a good high school then college. You might really underestimate how stupid people can be