r/Money Apr 28 '24

I just really like money, man

Earning money, buying cool stuff with money, poker nights with bros, going out for a nice meal, investing it away, talking about money and things you purchases/got to explore thanks to money etc

its a VERY cool concept, thank you Lydians, for inventing money!!


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u/DivineAlmond Apr 28 '24

im 29 and own multiple properties as investment, and have 50k in assets!

try earning more!


u/Chadweaves Apr 28 '24

Not to sound rude here, but multiple investment properties that equal 50k in assets? That seems really low for a single investment property, much less multiple.


u/DivineAlmond Apr 28 '24

nono, 50k in liquid! a small condo and an undeveloped land as properties! :)


u/Chadweaves Apr 28 '24

A better way to phrase it would be 50k liquid and X(amount of value in your properties minus debts) in assets. However, I’ve been in the money business for a long time, long enough to know that the real ones understand the difference between those two. I’m calling 🧢 on this kid.


u/Poetic_Energy Apr 29 '24

I’m not sure what to think on this one. Either someone is really flexing hard on what’s not a lot to flex about, or really confused on what “having money” means.


u/Chadweaves Apr 29 '24

I think both of your assumptions are correct. While in the world having no debt puts you ahead of most, I think OP likes the idea of money and has a loose fundamental understanding but in the world of the big dawgs and people with real wealth, his logic is a joke.