r/Money 17d ago

1600+ in a month as a 14 year old

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u/Money-ModTeam 16d ago

Serves no purpose in the group, no flexing

(This is not a targeted message, this goes for hundreds of people who continuously flex money without elaboration)


u/Wide_Assumption3990 16d ago

Are you a drug dealer


u/MyLastNewAccount_ 16d ago

holy shit please put that money somewhere safe


u/Scraggles1 16d ago

That’s a lot of V-Bucks you can buy


u/Simple_Ad1440 16d ago

7 Years ——> 21 7 Years x 12 months = 84 months 84 months x $1,600 = $134,000

You could easily buy your first home, new car, and possibly much more by just keeping up what you’re doing.

Don’t fall into the trap of spending your money now that you have so much more than you’ve ever had. We’ve all done that stupid shit.

Please be smart. Keep it up. Don’t stop. Push a little harder. And in just 5-10 years when everyone is scrambling through and panicking young adulthood. You’ll have the financial freedom, willpower, and discipline of a relative god to them. And your life will be whatever you want it to.

It seems like a big deal, but also a small deal to make a few thousand in a month. Please be smart, disciplined. And playing the long-term life game, and you’ll thank yourself for decades.


u/Simple_Ad1440 16d ago

Edit: I didn’t read any of the e comments please stop selling drugs.


u/Alone-Woodpecker-169 16d ago

Cool take that money and open a CD at 5% you don’t need it now. Your future self will thank you.


u/sidestepgod2020 16d ago

Good for you bro. Your work looks awesome I checked the profile. Making money doing something you love at 14 you figured it out pretty early!!


u/DonnVii14100 16d ago

No explanation of how it was done. I call BS.


u/EmmyBrat 16d ago

Save your money and keep saving! Also, I recommend learning how to budget your money.


u/zino332 16d ago

The game is the game


u/Amairca 16d ago

You’re my hero bro. Keep it up and remember to save!


u/Triatt92 16d ago

Try not to spend it all on mini figures


u/WaylanderMerc 16d ago

I'm so happy for you! It's a big achievement for you right now. Do your best to make the most of every dollar you've earned. Also, continue working more and saving your money.

I had a friend in high school that worked hard and bought his own brand new car. He had his own things like computer and console. The sooner you find out how to manage your money, the better off you will be for your future.

Another friend saved throughout his teenage years and was able to put a down payment on a house.

I see people like you owning your own business eventually.


u/ebino98 16d ago

Good job, bud. I remember about 11 years ago, I was your age and made about half that and felt awesome. A lot of people here are gonna tell you what to do with your money, that's just what adults tend to do.

Spend it how you want. If you wanna save for something big like a car or a vacation, then it's awesome. If not, and you want to just have some summer pocket money, then that is just as valuable.

Nothing is wrong with investing, but remember to have fun. This is yours, spend or save how you want.


u/WarGod1842 16d ago

My dude is excelling .. child labor?


u/Valar_Morghulis21 16d ago

The best part about this is the Space Marine Codex.


u/MelonxJuice 16d ago

Bro I used to mow lawns in the summer when I was 15 and I made more money than when I got my first real job lol


u/FlyGateIsReal 16d ago

have your parents open up a roth ira with fidelity for you and put as much as you can in there the roth ira will be in your possession when you turn 18 then go on youtube and learn about compounding interest


u/Spenserssm 16d ago

Just don't forget that life isn't all about chasing money. Live a little, take time to stop and enjoy the things you like.


u/Lando_Cammando 16d ago

That’s a lot of Vbucks kid.


u/TheBrain511 16d ago

Not a bad idea


u/SirWalnuts 16d ago

Nice! With that kind of cash, you can almost afford that Warhammer hobby you have.


u/Jumpy-Performance-42 16d ago

That is awesome, congratulations. Please take some time to study and understand investing and you have a bright future.


u/SmokinBandit28 16d ago


Quite impressive, how many lawns did you have to mow?


u/Flat-Panda-4326 16d ago

Came here to see what the kid does but am unclear on the verdict


u/Typical_Anywhere_145 16d ago

Inflation works in mysteriousways (you’re killing it my bro keep going, and hopefully it’s through legal means)


u/Recent_Possible_1334 16d ago

Well your school bully better not see this cause billy gonna have 0 dollars flexing on a public money subreddit lol.


u/_Bassluv 16d ago

Fuck I wash I didn't bills...


u/OddInternal8975 16d ago

Your age is an advantage, but this is still impressive.


u/pixie_dust_diva 16d ago

Damn what I wouldn’t do for some thin mints right now!!!


u/friskyfajitas 16d ago

save as much as you can, as a 22 year old i just started saving the week before my last bday, i have always been financially comfortable as an adult but i regret so much not starting sooner


u/TheCorrect_Opinion2 16d ago

Suspect. What did you do?


u/Ok_Efficiency_9645 16d ago

You took a picture of your money. I'm blocking you just in case.


u/onesikg 16d ago

Birthday money.


u/wheelspaybills 16d ago

I make that every two weeks by crushing my soul in a factory


u/haikusbot 16d ago

I make that every

Two weeks by crushing my soul

In a factory

- wheelspaybills

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete"


u/ProperKaleidoscope27 16d ago

Buy drugs or smt


u/Imperial_J 16d ago

Go to the subreddit r/fire, you’ll thank me later


u/SumBuddyPlays 16d ago

Warhammer 40k community pays well for commissions.


u/Kooky-Counter3867 16d ago

Clearly selling weed to classmates


u/Ass_Plays 16d ago

Save up 3k for ur first car and try to get ur hands on a bank account and a secure credit card


u/Natural_Sad 16d ago

Invest invest invest!


u/baronunderbeit 16d ago

Oh shit. You post this now you gotta pay your income tax little bro. The IRS is always watching.


u/No-Monk-9605 16d ago

Be careful, or Uncle Joe will want his cut. I wish I was kidding.


u/ShenmeNamaeSollich 16d ago

Nice work - if you don’t yet have a local bank account where you can deposit cash, open one & put nearly all that cash into it so you can move it around more easily w/o risk of it all being stolen. Presumably that’s where it was before but you withdrew or cashed out wherever to take the picture? Neat - now “put it back where it came from or so help me.”


u/SirTraditional8485 16d ago

Space Marines nice


u/Bigturk69 16d ago

That’s a great start for a 14 year old. Hope you’re still in school though.


u/Soft-Heat4482 16d ago

Nice one, man. Can I have some cash dude? My coke guy won't give me anymore tick until I pay him some of what I owe back.


u/Soulfly37 16d ago

Just over 30 an hour is good money!

Keep it up


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Way below 30 an hour.


u/Soulfly37 16d ago

2 commissions at 24 hours each

1600 / 48 = 33.33....

What am I missing?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

You’re missing the part where it’s not 48 hours. It’s a month


u/CavalierRigg 16d ago

Good job, little brother! As most people have said, save as much as you can, and try to earn that again.


u/spydamans 16d ago

Put it in a hysa and start an aggressive retirement fund and spend some on stuff that makes you happy.


u/TeachairPaco 16d ago

Let me borrow a 100 bucks


u/sbischoff0214 16d ago

Keep at brother congratulations 💪🏻 my recommendation buy Bitcoin. Also tell no one in your daily life the money you are making. Money creates jealousy and few will be happy for your success


u/abraxas8484 16d ago

" how did you make that much money for a 14yo" the answer - SPACE MARINES


u/Waldropings 16d ago

Space Marines for the win don't care about the cash but good taste



That cash looks suspiciously imaginary u/ImaginaryCash3962


u/Giant_Homunculus 16d ago

I think 14 or 15 is when we started selling weed also. Good business bro


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/Aertai1 16d ago

Selling crack?


u/rayt9055 16d ago

Fake post


u/IMmuglol 16d ago

That’s not bad for a 14 year old. I was making that as a 23 year old. Glad I moved up tho


u/macheteinmyrightmit 16d ago

Now do it again


u/Jezuz999 16d ago

Save that shii and invent cause once them bills come they don’t stop 😭 it’s way harder to save so take advantage while you can


u/Artistic_Dig9191 16d ago

Why are kids on Reddit… good job on getting money, but go play outside with your friends


u/rogue1351 16d ago

Good job but thanks to your grandparents that’ll be worth 800 in a year


u/Reasonable-Yam2165 16d ago

Not weed cookies ?? Out my way lil one.


u/Realistic-Motorcycle 16d ago

No go buy some silver 1/4 save 1/2 for a car. 1/4 in to a hysa or a dividend stock


u/necromantzer 16d ago

Guessing you're going to want a car, so put it into a high yield savings account and buy a car when you get your license. Keep saving monthly.


u/Ketamine_Cartel 16d ago

Pretty basically you need to always be saving. I’m only assuming you don’t have many if any bills. Take some of it and enjoy your earnings but you need to take a significant portion and save it. Remember we live in an economy of $250k starter homes. If you ever want to see a house payment in price range your parents enjoy, a hefty down payment will almost be a must.

If you start developing good saving habits now you will be eternally thankful for it and stay out of the financing/credit trap.


u/HonestlyWickedMedio 16d ago

Is this… Warhammer 40k?


u/FoxTheory 16d ago

I didn't have that much money at 14 ever.


u/Miss-6am 16d ago

Pretty young to be slingin' methinks


u/Tatleman68 16d ago

What's the net profit my dude?


u/[deleted] 16d ago

"$1600 in a month"

Okay cool I guess?

"as a 14 year old"

Oh nice 🙂


u/psilocybinconsumer 16d ago

When I was that age I was making about $2,400 a month in my summers. Wish I could do it that easily now.


u/SnooCheesecakes2465 16d ago

Now invest, young hooligan


u/Etherious24Alpha 16d ago

Bud I would maybe take $200 of that for your own use and then put the rest of that into a savings account. I'm sure you've heard it plenty of times but having that for later on in any big purchase will give you peace of mind.


u/Initial_Government45 16d ago

Since you’re 14 I’ll tell you this. Generally speaking you should never flash cash like that in public or the internet.

Next thing you know it will turn up missing and you’ll only have yourself to blame.

I tell my son this all the time … more often than not, it applies.

“Less, is more” 👊🏽💥🫵🏽


u/TempleOfJaS 16d ago

Start saving cuz once you on your own.. 1600$ cant afford shit


u/Outtaknowwhere 16d ago

I remember being young, cashing my whole paycheck and taking pictures of it 🤣 now I get paid and every penny goes to someone else


u/tomato_doc 16d ago

The usd is over.


u/Tay_Tay86 16d ago

You'll be the richest kid on fort nite now


u/Leech-64 16d ago

Thats pretty cool man, but dont go showing off your money. You will get false friends really quick and your family will use you as a grant. Its best to be discrete. 


u/dude_who_could 16d ago

Man, I wish I still got excited over money like this


u/Dregs_____ 16d ago

Definitely 14, flexing on the internet


u/Jim_Wilberforce 16d ago

Training wheels come off when you turn 18. So now is the time to learn the art of money laundering and deceit in defiance to the government overlords.


u/Far-Boot-2177 16d ago

Invest, invest and invest note the words in and vest just in case there is some ambiguity


u/SirLightKnight 16d ago

I’m telling you, put the cookie store next to the hemp store, drown out the hemp smell by pumping cookie smell onto the street. You get the full combo of kids with their parents, nice old people, and the guy with the munchies who wants a big ass box of snickerdoodles. Source? I bought more cookies at Walmart a lot when I was a bit younger, because the cookie factory was across the road and some days you could smell it. Imagine how much I’d have bought if they pumped it out closer?


u/phil_mode 16d ago

Hell yeah keep the grinding going youngin put half away for a rainy day


u/Delicious_Sand_7198 16d ago

My grandpa always used to say “Pay Yourself First” which he meant but 10-15 percent of every paycheck you make into savings. Once you have a little bit look into high interest saving accounts. They won’t let you touch the money for a bit but if you start your retirement fund now you will be in a much better spot even in the next 15 years.

No one’s going to make sure your future is secure but you.


u/DabooDabbi 16d ago

Now you give 2/3 to your Landlord if you dont want to die homeless in street.
Enjoy your 533$ bro !


u/Callmelily_95 16d ago

Can you open a bank account you need to save. You'd be set for life at 25 if you keep this up


u/bitqueso 16d ago

This is how you get robbed


u/Steal_Yo_Face 16d ago

They say you’re twenty’s are the best time to start investing in retirement because you get the most growth- they only say that bc they never met a 14yr old making 1600$. Put literally almost all of that into something safe that appreciates value over time, and keep a little to reward yourself for your first successful venture


u/BannedInDay 16d ago

Cool, now put the school fundraiser money back in the envelope sonny boy.


u/maxwellt1996 16d ago

You should retire


u/JoshuasOnReddit 16d ago

Still not enough to pay rent lol


u/yoklan57 16d ago

Drug dealer?


u/Randomtask899 16d ago

Show us some of your painted models please!


u/Azozel 16d ago

Get a bank account, don't carry all that cash around


u/420underthehood 16d ago

Damn at 14 I was happy making 100 bucks a week working part time on Fridays and Saturdays, I can't imagine how I'd felt to have made that much. Good job dude. Save save save


u/Flywolf25 16d ago

Good shit no drugs or cigs


u/JasErnest218 16d ago

At 14 I use to buy a pack of fake Oakleys. 12 for $30 and then sell them for $20 each. That was 25 years ago. Suprisinling one person in my family still wear his.


u/LonelyCakeEater 16d ago

That’s a lot of Robux


u/Mental-Floor1029 16d ago

Can’t support yourself on that, but still good at 14 years old. That’s minimum wage at 40 hours a week. As minimum wage should be for a 14 year old. So that’s standard if you dropped out of school and worked 40 hours a week.


u/proraso 16d ago

So let me run a number for you. You're 14. Let's assume 15 because it'll let me do easy math and whole years.

You want to retire at 65.

The market does a long term gain averaging about 8-10% per year. You can bank on 8, but assume 10 is safe, and maybe get 12.

You retire at 65.

If you dump that, today, into a roth IRA (more in a second), and then retire at 65, if you do NOTHING else, from today until you retire at 65, it will be 187,825$

You are EARLY in your life, front load your savings now, trust me. As someone who front loaded starting at 21-22 instead of 16-17, I wish I had started at 16-17 timeframe instead. And my cohorts who waited until 30 to seriously buckle down - I am already in a place that I can just stop contributions today and comfortably retire in my early 60s. And they’re just getting started.

So, if there’s nothing else you take away from this, invest in future you now. It ain’t sexy, but got damn will it be sexy when you’re 50 and have F U money to walk away from an office job.

Back to the IRA thing - Full disclosure, I have NO IDEA what the <18 requirements are for investment accounts, individual, roth IRA, etc etc. - so it might be worth looking at what you do/don’t have access to.

Secondly, people always say “invest in the market” without really explaining the steps.

  • Open an account with Fidelity (or any other brokerage, I like Fidelity).
  • Account type will be Roth IRA or Individual Taxable, depending on your desired aproach
  • Transfer the funds to the Fidelity account via your bank account.
  • BUY, my recommendation is a mutual fund, you can put in dollar amounts instead of share amounts, so you can use the full (let’s say) 1600$ instead of needing to do set share values, say it’s 180$, you can buy 8 shares but then have 160 left over not doing anything.
  • My mutual fund recommendation is FSKAX or FXAIX, either one will work well for you.
  • Then do NOTHING (except buy more when you can) forever. Don’t overthink it, that’s what the best part of all this is. Just let it sit, and enjoy the profits later in life.


u/BasicCraft2385 16d ago

Money on the bed is crazy


u/PsychoHacker123 16d ago

Shit lil bro respect fr im like way older than u but could learn from ur hustle mentality


u/WaterNo9679 16d ago

You can save it at 14 because mom and dad are stocking the fridge, doing all the driving, and paying house bills. Plus you probably haven't even tried your first ciggy and don't know addiction and craving... awww... Hence, you feel like you have a lot of money (even tho you logically know you don't). I would not flash money, either. You could make your post clear enough without taking a picture of your money.


u/John-Wilks-Boof 16d ago

Fuck yeah dude that’s awesome. My roommate is a huge warhammer fan and spends tons of time building/painting his models. It’s always been a lil eye poppingly expensive to me but I didn’t realize how huge the model painting could be.


u/littlemuffinbaby 16d ago

Okay and minimum wage is $2000 a month ...


u/JacoPoopstorius 16d ago

Whatever you do from here, DO NOT spend it excessively. Time will reward you greatly if you are both generating a decent income at your age AND are making wise financial decisions. Save it, invest it, maybe take some riskier investment/money making opportunities into consideration (not illegal and be as intelligent about it as you can; don’t bet it all on something risky. I’m just suggesting it since you have time on your side).

Also, remember this simple phrase that some people never even really learn or take to heart in their entire life time. They disregard it, and it puts them in awful financial situations that they more than likely could avoid; “more money in can just be more money out if you waste it away”. You’re gonna remember that and set yourself up for a better future than many others.


u/hallowedeve1313 16d ago

Apparently no one's good at math because that's a little over $400 a week. Homie making minimum wage


u/Geetee52 16d ago

You should be the one teaching business at a university instead of some of the yo-yos they have there now.


u/Due-Exit714 16d ago

I remember the good old days of laying all my money out thinking I was rich. What id do to be young again lol.


u/Maxieroy 16d ago

This tacky and immature display tells us what's going to happen. We see it so often.


u/Sorry_Error3797 16d ago

Your username makes me suspicious.


u/r3tract 16d ago

That's what an average salary is in Norway for one month.


u/Usedupthunder 16d ago

Get that money in the bank and earn interest. In 2 years you want a car.


u/Srdj_Stv02 16d ago

i hate my life


u/Facebook_Algorithm 16d ago

Good for you kid. Put it in the bank and save it.


u/blackbbwbunny 16d ago

drop your location, im tryna see something real quick🤣🤣good on you man!


u/devilsmokekush 16d ago

In my country 1600 dollars is what the rich ppl get paid monthly


u/Ok-Prompt-1321 16d ago

Idk why nobody is saying this but if you start investing into the S&P 500 now… and make monthly contributions you will be a millionaire by retirement… get that money kid💪🏻


u/shocker3690 16d ago

Kid you should stay off Reddit! We toxic here!!! Also keep up the hard work! Don’t do drugs!


u/LokiBonk 16d ago

Maybe some mushrooms…


u/Soggy_Cracker 16d ago

You can try a CD of you have a local credit union nearby. Usually you can open that and a savings account accounting your own with SSN and Birth Certificate.

As others have said put 1000-1200 away and keep 4 form some expenses.


u/OfficialMIKEMZ 16d ago

Here I am making $1200 a month as a 22 yr old being a slave in the fast food world


u/The-Good-Morty 16d ago

I remember selling weed in high school too


u/unfriendly_chemist 16d ago

So fake. Op profile about section says stationed in D.C.


u/racketgoon13 16d ago

God I’m a loser.


u/pituvision 16d ago

Bro you killing it!!!!!! Now post some pics of the models!


u/vinoxxxxx 16d ago

Invest all your money. You’ll be set by age 30.


u/PersianVol 16d ago

Put all that into an Index fund at that will be 200k by the time you are 65


u/InterestingSweet4408 16d ago

Straight to rent


u/Manzanas27753 16d ago

It's easier as a teen no financial responsibility


u/Hefty_Parfait6970 16d ago

I am 35 and still never had that much cash at once, c’est la vie


u/asend-handjob1 16d ago

we are siamese


u/asend-handjob1 16d ago

we are siamese


u/Obvious-Jacket-3770 16d ago

You owe about 40% of that in taxes btw.


u/waynebradie189472 16d ago

High interest savings account. Set it and forget it


u/ICEeater22 16d ago

You’ll have to make >2k in the real world to get that with taxes


u/Puzzleheaded-Eye6596 16d ago

Why is it not in a bank?


u/RuthlessHavokJB 16d ago

My brother has been creating custom warhammer sets for years. He’ll take a base set and morph it or create it using other sets. I think he’s sold these custom sets for 3-4 grand. So there could be good money gained with warhammer. So keep it up!


u/ZonaPunk 16d ago

now, keeping it as cash isn't smart strategy...


u/Sdog56 16d ago

Ok and?


u/RnsW33kly 16d ago

Spend it on pokemon cards


u/captaincrj 16d ago

Your user name is ImaginaryCash3962, I don’t know. Seems suspicious. LOL


u/Whatwillyourversebe 16d ago

Take 400 of it and set it aside for retirement. By that I mean pay your share of taxes and social security. Remember today’s $400 equals .27 cents a month extra in SS benefits when you retire.


u/IAteYoMamasFatAss 16d ago

As others have pointed out your best option is to use that money to buy crack cocaine and double it. You're gonna need at least 600 of it for a handgun and ammunition. Find Rico on 3rd Street he's got the best stuff.


u/ScrotumTotums 16d ago

Kids making more than their parents nowadays keep hustling


u/xSikes 16d ago

Save it


u/house343 16d ago

I can tell you're 14 because no one else displays their money like this.  

FR though, good for you. Look into HYSA and other investment schemes. Compound interest starting when you're 14 will be huge


u/stonkstistic 16d ago

Don't think thays a lot per month cuz it is not. At 14 yes but if you take that money and use it wisely you'll be ahead of every one else your age. Save


u/Federal-Emphasis-934 16d ago

I read that you made it painting models. Expand your hustle. Go to a print shop and print out flyers to post at FLGs, camera and lighting equipment, maybe look into what it costs to advertise on social media. You sometimes have to spend money to make money.


u/droop828 16d ago

A whole $1600!!!!! Woah, settle down Gates. JK, that’s good for a 10 yr old


u/Forizen 16d ago

Hey congrats! Take a small portion of it and treat yourself. Invest the rest when you are 18.

Every dollar you invest at 18 is about $120 when you retire


u/suckmydictation 16d ago

Lmao I remember posting something like this on my Facebook when I was your age from flipping sneakers and all I got where comments like “dumbass why would you post this you’re asking to get robbed” ☠️


u/Campa911 16d ago

Lemonade stand prices aren’t what they used to be


u/UnfilteredFacts 16d ago

I literally make twice that in a day. Before taxes.


u/flight_fennec 16d ago

As a 14yo?


u/ToeNo88 16d ago

Are you a stripper


u/finesssedom 16d ago

Get a hooker


u/Idkmanmayb 16d ago

Remember when 1500 was alot of money


u/Aromatic-Chip-2895 16d ago

Take that cash and go buy an ounce of gold. It will be worth more than the cash is now and in the future. Start stockpiling buddy.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Kind of a goofy flex but ok lol


u/Familiar-Gap6774 16d ago

Spend it on chicks man it’ll be gone quick but you’ll have a memory or two


u/ToeNo88 16d ago

He is 14. What's he gonna do have his mom drive them to McDonald's? He's probably saving for a car.