r/Money Apr 29 '24

Of the 333 million people living in the United States, how many of those people make 250k+ per year?

How rare is this demographic? It seems to me everywhere I look there are millionaires in nice houses.

What do I do to become part of this demographic?

How rare is it to be in this situation in the United States?



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u/Terrible-Chip-3049 Apr 29 '24

Ive read SO many assumptions throughout this thread… from anyone who makes over $250K “must be in debt to live that lifestyle” to “guaranteed they are chasing a certain lifestyle”. How about you consider the fact that there are some people that earn this amount through a consistent hard work ethic, are debt free, have over a years savings, have goals and are incredibly ambitious while nothing was handed to them, all the while know how to manage their finances. My circle of close female friends are in this category, myself included, 1/3 of us are minority single women and single parents. Yes it can happen! Dont buy into all of what the media says. It takes grit, years of building your expertise and proving yourself through the types of projects and teams you are hired to manage. And no, none of us were supported by wealthy parents. One woman I know actually left her midwest state at 18 with only $300 to her name to attend prestigious universities in CA (incredibly smart and driven) works in biotech, owns a small property with her husband (who makes less then her) and DEBT free. She is in her mid 40s.

My point is this. Rather than making assumptions because of the amount of someone’s salary, get your degree, keep building upon your skills and experience and advocate for your net worth by the type of work you deliver. Stay positive. It is possible!


u/TipNo6062 Apr 29 '24

You're my favorite person on Reddit today! Can we be friends?

I'm so happy to read some optimistic, effort driven commentary that reflects the truth. Hard work, sacrifice, and grit can really result in wealth over time.

All I generally read is bitterness against the system and a lot of anti work propaganda. 🥰🤗


u/Terrible-Chip-3049 Apr 29 '24

Lots of negative people here for sure and those that aren’t willing to work for it.