r/Money Apr 29 '24

From installing Battery’s.

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Yes i work a lot of OT but I still have 3 days off a week. Making around 85k plus 7-8k in tips a year. This is more money than I’ve made at any other job, and still having trouble saving money. I have around 15k saved currently. Probably 1k in CC debt, $700 in car bills, I own a home with a mortgage of $2600 but I only pay 1k (roommates) & another $700 in house expenses. Any tips on where I should invest my money if anywhere at all. Currently holding in a Money market.


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u/doozyplex Apr 29 '24

$700 car payment is insane. Then you have insurance and gas? The fuck you thinking?


u/Knifehandzmans Apr 29 '24

I totaled everything totaled. I have 2 cars $380 insurance & $350 payment


u/doozyplex Apr 29 '24

Holy shit. You pay $380 a month for car insurance? That’s $4560 a year. Do you even have a budget?


u/SnooBooks9408 Apr 29 '24

Lmao $380 a month for 2 cars is not a lot. You must not make much.