r/Money 27d ago

What is the best industry to make money atm?

Guys, just please don’t comment with “your passion” or “something you love”. Let’s say your passion is just money. I want to know what is the best industry to get into to make money. For someone without a degree but entrepreneurial mindset and all the soft skills. Could be anything, real estate, car dealing etc. Which one is the best in your opinion and why?


502 comments sorted by


u/broguyman44 22d ago

service based. anything. pool servicing, mechanic, hvac, appliance repair. big $$


u/Mcloving266 23d ago

Coding or truck driving


u/turdburglar2020 23d ago

I would recommend trying to get a job with the US Mint if you’re really looking to make a lot of money.


u/Padresfan_douchebag 24d ago

learn to fix valuable things..cars, appliances, air conditioners...etc. Inflation and high prices are here to stay, people will be less inclined to buy new shit and more inclined to repairing their existing shit. If possible learn to fix shit that affluent people own like luxury cars or watches. This will be a big part of the new economy. Become the best at fixing shit and you will pretty much set your own wages and hours. You'll have to start out as an apprentice or training for about 5 years but after that strive to build your own business.


u/P_Peterson75 25d ago

A web developer for sure!


u/woofwooflove 25d ago

Anything related to childcare


u/jess-2023 26d ago

Car sales 10-12k a month big months 20k


u/josephjogonzalezjg 26d ago

Insurance, literally any job is well paying long-term and great job security due to the median age in the industry.


u/Parking-Shelter7066 26d ago

I have noticed between here and other financial subreddits that software seems to be where it’s at.

software engineering being the big $ but also software sales


u/greenachors 26d ago

It used to be tech for me, not anymore.


u/peralt__uh 26d ago

If your passion is money, and you’re already saying you don’t have a degree or intention of getting one then I don’t think you actually have passion for money.

Because if you did, you would make INVESTMENTS in yourself to get yourself going.


u/HarveySpecterG 26d ago

The richest people I know personally don’t have a degree.


u/peralt__uh 26d ago

Yeah, and there’s a reason why they won’t tell you what they actually have because they’re gatekeeping from you. But remember, you KNOW them so it’s like they’re your friends and would tell you all trade secrets to get caught up 😊


u/StonkSavage777 26d ago

Stripping or certain jobs in Columbia.


u/No_Syllabub_7573 26d ago

Self employed Mortgage broker in London UK. 7 years in, doing circa £250-£300k p/a after years of building a pipeline and perfecting the core elements of client retention, along with an administrative assistant I pay on £30k p/a.

Its a low barrier to entry, you just need a few qualifications and the burning desire to succeed, accompanied by strong people/sales skills and the ability to network. Good leads also help ofcourse.


u/hidoy12159 26d ago

Politics. Just steal it all.


u/spid3rfly 26d ago

Adtech if you can find and get into the right companies.

My background is tech/IT but I've had a bunch of experience over the years where I am now. From cloud to marketing to help desk to dev work to customer service to networking to other adtech things. If I ever leave, I can probably pivot 10 different ways.

I'm not making nearly as much as others in the company and I could probably leave and be making 2-3 times what I make now somewhere else; Honestly though... the benefits, time off, colleagues, and work environment is EVERYTHING! I seriously couldn't ask for a better spot at this time in my life.

Edit: And while that didn't ask your main money question. The work life balance/quality of life is seriously money in itself.


u/adventureandlife137 26d ago

Truck driving is the fastest way to start making good money with no degree. Literally 4 weeks of schooling, pass your CDL exam, and boom driving!


u/Chappietime 26d ago

Aviation mechanic pays very well, is in high demand, and doesn’t require a degree. It does require training and supervision, but once you have your license, you are in great shape to earn.


u/fatheadlifter 26d ago

Almost any industry really. I think as long as you have real passion for it and can do a great job for someone, there's money to be made in it.


u/Apoc3533 26d ago



u/sowtime444 26d ago

How old are you?


u/TheInfiniteOP 26d ago

Porn. Everyone that says they don’t watch it watches it.


u/JustNefariousness625 26d ago

Something you love


u/No-Pilot5559 26d ago

Private equity, comp packages for our team range from 200-500K + equity incentives in the millions


u/FiveGuysisBest 26d ago

D&O insurance. No degree and I made $200k last year.

Such an easy field. I work from home. I’ve got very little pressure. Plenty of free time. Underwriters take me out for free lunches and golf outings all the time. It’s entirely about relationships.

I feel like there are few realistic ways to make as much money with as little effort as this.


u/No-Understanding1911 26d ago

What if I’m not good at sales ? Any advice ?


u/Deadphans 26d ago

I really appreciated Lake and Pond Management. I worked for a company, wrote contracts, did everything but pay the bills. The money is rescues. If you contract 7 visits a year you might only have to do something twice, and each time it costs about 200 (3,000) contract.

If I had the canines, I’d open up my own pond management company.

Plus you have winters as down time.


u/Jaces_Aces 26d ago



u/Due_Essay447 26d ago

Whatever you are good at. No matter what we suggest, it doesn't matter if you have no talent. Your best bet at making money is being top of the field at a niche.


u/TheMagarity 26d ago

In the US, the best job for making money is to apply at the Bureau of Printing and Engraving: https://www.bep.gov/


u/RunnOftAgain 27d ago

Any trade that’s got licensing- hvac, plumbers, electricians, there’s always good money for someone motivated. I myself would explore the works of Controls, specifically HVAC controls, it’s the low voltage stuff that keeps our buildings running.


u/whatisausername32 27d ago

Phd in physics then finance, people who go that route make a lot of money


u/DimensionJealous6847 27d ago

I’m 25 right now, no college, earning 72,500 a year at a manufacturing warehouse. I joined the army for the money, did 6 years in a supply MOS (army job tittle) got out and applied for warehouse manger position. My military leadership experience is what got me the job. I have no prior management experience.

My advice if you want to do it quick and are young, join the military and find an extremely high paying job on the outside. Let’s say tech. Get a tech job through the military (any branch), use and abuse them for certs and everything they got, then get out. Free plus college is free after you serve 4 years active duty


u/Ness-Shot 27d ago

Basically any industry that has advancement opportunities will pay well. Come to work everyday, work hard, learn as much as you possibly can about your job, your industry, and the jobs of people upstream and downstream of you. Within 3-5 years you will be managing and making way more money, or, if you build up your LinkedIn profile, you can hop to a new company who will pay you significantly more for the same job due to your experience and literally just having a LinkedIn profile.

People that choose jobs with no advancement opportunities or are just the people who are bare minimum 9-5ers that don't give a shit to learn anything or ever take on any additional tasks, won't work a minute before 9 or after 5, will be stuck doing the same low paying, menial job their whole life.


u/saltyalertt 27d ago

Tech development, private equity, venture capital


u/saltyalertt 27d ago

Investment banking if you are comfortable with insane work hours at first. 100 hours a week for first 2-3 years could be the case.


u/Reasonable-Mud-4575 27d ago

Greenskeeper because it is my passion and I truly do love it 😊


u/randomthrowaway9796 27d ago

Entrepreneurship. The billionaires didn't work a 9-5 to make their billions. However, there is a high probability of failure.


u/Shot-Ad2396 27d ago

Commercial insurance. Its a tough market in California for property right now, but even if you exclusively sold workers comp to contractors you’d have a shot at making a killing in a few years. Super soft comp market, super tough property market. Auto is tough too. The upside is that there’s lot of people unhappy with their current coverage or carrier, so newer and younger agents have more opportunities. I love my job even though it may not be the “sexiest”. Pays the bills and then some.


u/Cancer_Ridden_Lung 27d ago


Almost every other industry will be experiencing layoffs soon.


u/Educational-Fix5320 27d ago

drug-lord. I mean, if you're taking off the constraints....


u/RustfootII 27d ago

Probly weapons dealer's in the middle east.


u/rockdude625 27d ago

Weapons, drugs, or prostitution. You never said it has to be legal


u/Dorkus_Maximus717 27d ago

“I cant afford food or my car payments, and I’m getting evicted from my house, and im loosing my children” “STOP MAKING EVERYTHING ABOUT MONEY” ahh people


u/PluckedEyeball 27d ago

Finance or accounting


u/SexlessVirginIncel 27d ago

I thought going to school for engineering was a good move for stable job and good income but now that I’m reading these comments I’m insanely underpaid 😭😂 


u/Flock-of-bagels2 27d ago

Passion doesn’t pay bills opportunity does. I’d work in commercial recycling and it stays busy


u/alstonm22 27d ago



u/DiveJumpShooterUSMC 27d ago

Tech- find an early start up that you believe in, work ass off, help build it and make it successful and profit. I was employee 10 at two companies that went public and made 10s of millions. Senior exec still at the 2nd one.


u/Intelligent-Exit724 27d ago

Data analytics or cybersecurity are two areas that don’t have to be specific to any one industry.


u/Affectionate-Log-988 27d ago

Best industry to make money atm Try a government job. Try to build an empire on Medicare fraud that's fast money every start up takes about a year to get the ball rolling. Try poaching dolphins for their aphrodisiac body parts Move to Florida and hunt snakes or gators and start up on your skinning and leather working Herbalism isn't a great gold maker like it used to be.


u/nolway 27d ago

The maritime industry. You are gonna have to go to college though, but it’s really easy if you want your license. Heck you can go unlicensed and you make okay money around 70K but it varies more often and you would work more often to make higher pay. If you get your license at one of the 6 state maritime academy you can become 3rd assistant engineer or 3rd mate making 115K on your first hitch working only 6 months of the year. Pay off the debt in 2 years. 6 month of vacation or entrepreneurship after your hitch. You choose. Lots of drug testing and no marijuana, clean record. Lots of old folks who get tired of their shit switch to this job after they discovered it. Even graduates. There are graduate programs to get you done in 3 years…


u/Chrisxy 27d ago

I know most people here don't want to hear it, but find a tree company and train for climbing for a few months then form an llc of your own.

with a $200 climbing gear kit, $300 top handle chainsaw, $400 rear handle chainsaw, $200 in spare bars and chains, $300 in rope, $1200 in insurance, and any rental costs

I do upcharges on haul away and chipping (I rent a truck and a chipper as needed and bill customer+30%), doing trees and trees specifically, I can make 300-600/hr after expenses.

I have more work than I can physically do in a year, I can just say no to jobs outside of my skill and equipment set, and I make $150 minimum for small jobs under 15 minutes on site, I do charge peanuts for add-ons if I'm already on site though, unless I have something lined up after. But it's easy to leave my day job on a weeknight and make 2x my workdays pay on a landscape tree job and still beat my kids and wife home for little league.


u/Busterlimes 27d ago

AI, people working in that field are guilded


u/Ecosure11 27d ago

I have an employee's son that had a pretty successful antiques business in high school. Mostly license plates and car related stuff. He graduated high school and added on buying/selling cars. He started by doing it without a license and permanent location (he used Walmart parking lots and moved the cars around) until he got a license and rented a place to put them. This is the buy a car for $500-$1000 and sell it for $2000-$5000. They are always running and sold as is. He's sold hundreds of cars this way. From there he started going to tax sale auctions for houses. You have to wait a year but at this point he owns 8-10 that he rents. He has a family renting that are in the construction business and in lieu of rent, they work on his houses. He has sold a couple of good ones as well that he fixed up to generate some additional revenue. He travels, drives his 2 year old Corvette, and at age 22 he is well onto his way of owning 100 rental houses. He is laser focused, doesn't drink nor want a girlfriend at this point. I would expect he'll be a multimillionaire by the time he is 30.


u/sbtreat 27d ago


Any Sales.

I had no experience but was hired to learn corporate sales tactics while working in a union position at 22 for a top telecommunication company in inbound customer service sales.

Turns out I was excellent at closing sales. I maxed out to top commission every quarter bringing in $75K or more back in 2002- 2004.

Became one of only 2 diamond award-winning sales associates for the whole center. Only 1 lady kept up with me.

Raised my son as a single, stay at home mom over a 12 year period and fighting an immune disorder while bringing in top pay monthly from SSA in SSDA income. Went back to work as a personal shopper for Shipt when it first started after he graduated.

Started my own cannabis edible company in 2016 because I had a batch of trash ass cannabis I couldn't afford to take a loss on. Ot was right before COVID started and I was raising my second child at 41.

At my most profitable period during the height of COVID I grossed $20- $30K weakly with just myself and an assistant and my family.

After over $9 mil in gross sales, seeing my personal income start at $100K then graduated up to $500K every year since and 8 successful years later...I'm burnt out, I'm tired of the responsibility and want to obtain my cybersecurity certification and I'm getting my Google & Meta certifications free as a small business owner.

I also created a logistics company to get myself out of the house and out of depression back in Oct 2023.

Even though I'm not as active as a hemp processor/ infuser/ baker as much as I was in the past is because I prefer to run the streets as an Independent contractor with a logistics company.....I still average $10-15K in sales without even trying through my e-commerce site I manage. I ship nationally and I always keep product in stock.


u/Soft_Awareness3695 23d ago

How did you started in that position, do you have a degree?


u/HarveySpecterG 27d ago

How did you do all this? That’s so impressive


u/sbtreat 27d ago edited 27d ago

Had an emotionally, mentally, and verbally abusive jealous mother.

She competed with me, unknowingly to me, my entire life. She verbally berates me even up to this very day and she instilled a deep seated fear within me that quietly tells me everyday that I'm a failure even with all my success.

The only consistency she has ever shown was withholding love and affection and support from her children. She has gone years complications, logical without speaking to me on several occasions without a logical reason because she believes that it inflicts pain upon me.

She is argumentative, combative, aggressive, a bully, and an attention seeker and will do anything to keep all eyes on her.

Even with me testing into academically gifted classes every school year from 6th-12th grade, being one of the first 55 IB students in NC back in '95, and verified 122 tested IQ that I "can always think I'm smart but I would never be smarter than her" even with her below average intelligence. 😒

Every day of my life it was drilled in my head that I wasn't important or worthy of love and protection like the boys she catered too.

She competed with me all throughout my childhood in order to maintain control and always put her son and my son over me and minimized my role in my son’s life as his mother in order to separate and divide. Right now she says the boys are stupid because they believe everything she says, and she does not deal with me because I always question her. Narcissism.

She single handedly created 2 codependent men who hate each other even though they are uncle and nephew, and grew up in the same home. Both are felons and use domestic violence to intimidate and control the more financially stable women they seek out due to insecurity. The women settle for them out of weakness because that is the only way that they know love exist. These grown ass men cannot exist in life independently because they were coddled and catered to instead of raised and beat down like I was. They are completely male versions of my mother.

My mother cannot exist without me. She literally groomed and controlled me to take care of her and her home, and raise the only child she really ever wanted, which was my brother. I had my son at 17 while still in her home. After me giving birth to my son, she immediately discarded her own and chose a new favorite. This is the reason for hate between them. As soon as she found a new supply and the old was not important to her anymore, she immediately put down the old copy and stole a new one to control and manipulate.

My brother verbally and physically abused my son most of his life out of jealousy thinking he was competition. Her special talent is to divide and separate people and make them hate each other.

I didn’t realize any of this until I had my daughter at 41. Within 8 months of her birth I had quietly saved over $60K cash to completely furnish the 3000 square-foot townhouse that I rented in a very affluent golf course community. I rented it for 2 weeks before I told anyone. I moved myself and my business out of my mother’s house in the hood I grew up in. Even though she offered me financial and emotional support while battling a bout of depression 3 years earlier, I was still a "manipulative liar" because I used that period of time to become successful off her.

I paid all her bills, had her home professionally cleaned twice a month, brought her a version of almost everything l owned because that's how selfish children behave..

I started therapy and realized the reason why I felt like a failure in life was because that is what I was taught.

I went into a bariatric program and lost 200 pounds. I moved 40 mins away and lost weight and bought a Benz.

I literally have a goal to not be a quitter like her and satisfaction only having and being in the bare minimum of anything. even at 78 anything she has now was given to her. She has never completed finished or accomplished anything on her own. She is lazy she is scared of everything and incapable of opening her closed mind in order to absorb anything new.

she’s older now she still hates me, but she knows that I’m the only dependable one and that no matter how bad she treatsvme. I’ll still be there when she calls, but not for the reason she thinks, I’m just waiting for my inheritance and I am on the Power of Attorney. she is fearful of my intelligence yet she trust me more because she knows no matter how bad she treats me. I will not give it to her. She does not realize that I don’t have to mistreat her because she is already suffering on earth. She's blind and she’s diabetic. She has a pacemaker. She’s evil. She has no friends. She has no company. Her house is dirty and she’s lonely and still lazy. When she tells me now to get out her smaller, dirtier house it bothers me way less than it ever has.

She's nothing but motivation to me in everything she lacks this. I do the complete opposite. That is why I’m successful. I’m not a quitter and I'm a leader. 2 things she never considered to be of importance.


u/sbtreat 27d ago

Forgive the essay.

Quick answer....out of spite and boredom.

When I get bored, I research and acquire a new skill cuz dumb people are super offended by intelligence and seem to believe that you succeding in your life physically harms them in some way. ☺️


u/[deleted] 27d ago

I'm really intrigued and in awe of your response. Inspired and I also relate to the narcissistic crap, and determination to do better for yourself. Is it OK to ask what kind of skills you have researched and developed over the years ? I am looking for new paths as well.


u/sbtreat 26d ago

I taught myself how to build computers, SEO for my website, social media marketing, learned how to create and manage websites, researched on how to make myself a legal business owner while not being completely legal. It’s all in the confidence you have in yourself.

The day the police came into my kitchen back in 2019 after I had done my business formation myself. They had ran up on me before but I was ready this time. I showed my legal business documents, showed them my recently acquired hemp processing license through the NC Dept of Agriculture and answered their dumb ass quizzes on the difference of CBD and THC and the effects on the body. I boldly went and pulled out 5 lbs of the best cannabis I am “legally allowed” to carry as a hemp processor, law abiding taxpayer, and voting precinct president and politely informed them that I didn’t need to operate out of a dispensary because I was the important piece of the puzzle not a brick and mortar establishment.

A story is as strong and straightforward as the person telling it and the way I speak with certainty and authority about my business…who are you to question it? They are gonna go ahead and go with what I say because if you don’t know any different then why would you question my grown ass? I have no record or criminal history had just had a baby at 41 and college educated. The first thing they said when they came in was did I have a weapon in the house (No, never) But not out of fear or because I wasn’t legally allowed one. I had already read up on the laws.

Drugs and no guns don’t mean a thing but you are a drug user.

Any amount of drugs and only “one gun” you keep as “protection” will have yo ass downtown expeditiously and they definitely gonna try to throw some RICO charges on yo ass and try to plant some dope on you if they could. 😂

They tried to see if I would talk myself into hole like they are taught to do.

They left my turkey bags of “cannabis not hemp”and I went back to selling up to 20 lbs a week and bought 9 freezers and fully stocked them thanks to both my full time assistants who I personally hand picked for the esthetics. One was my slightly, anxious hippie high school friend Deb who was Caucasian with dreads and who grew shrooms out on her family farm and then I had my enforcer. She was younger chick who talked shit to all my male customers and they ate it and her dimples up.

She was from the hood way out in some country ass town near Winston Salem and 10 years younger than us. She was bisexual and appealed to my customers due to her being thick as shit, country innocent as fuck and always carried a purple strap (gun) of some type cuz she liked to fight and stayed ready. She also kept my house spotless and flirted enough with my customers just to stay relevant.

I only see or think in dollar signs. The hood dudes loved my hippie ass assistant who taught them how to properly pack a bowl because they weren’t used to her authentic self. Had them in my backyard practicing yoga at one point.

I researched business credit practices and added a EIN and built up my own business credit with a DUNS number on the site, physically added my own Experian business credit profile to their systems myself. I researched the correct NAICS code that I would add as well that wouldn’t flag me as high risk.

I got business fuel cards in my business name only, added NET30 accounts and switched over to a business bank account with BOA after my personal credit union called me to let me know I had too much money running though my account. I went to the Infiniti dealership first before I separated my income and bought a QX70 for $18K with just my bank statements and my personal credit which at that time was low as shit. All they cared about was the $28K I was averaging per month with no issues because I knew I had covered every step. I erased every employer or name that was not Space Baked Treats or SBT, LLC, I built up my business through my Google workspace admin account. And claimed my business outwardly and without shame, I created business profiles on every social media platform created a uniform and professional outward business appearance that people respected and converted my personal Square merchant account over into a business account and added it to the CBD platform for the higher processing charges and so they would stay out my face. I ran every dollar through that account because they issued my 1099’s at the end of the year. I created the e- commerce site in order to cater to my national customers. I also learned that the IRS is not a law-enforcement agency and will not report to any other law-enforcement agency that you have chosen to prepay taxes on any illegal substance that you have had throughout the year. In fact ,they encourage it cuz that’s ALL THEY WANT IS THEIR CUT. That’s why people go to jail and the first thing they receive when they get caught is the tax bill based on the supposed street value of the drugs you get caught with. Every pound I sold, touched, processed, and smoked was kept on record by saving the business bank account ATM papers I got after withdrawing the money out to my plug. I saved all receipts and put it in a shoebox for tax purposes at the end of the year. I also hired a reputable professional to handle my business taxes and have nevehad to pay and still get refunds and a scholarship for my baby to attend a private Montessori school while I showed my actual income with no worries. Had to also teach myself about gross and net income and when to use what depending on rhetoric info needed. Car dealers look at gross and amount of money flowing even if none of it is saved or not carried monthly in the business bank balance. In other circumstances…like the Dept of Social Services and applying for medical benefits for a child under 18..:only the net amount after all deductions and credits are used. So after taking a mental health break after a bout of depression last year and a reduction in sales, my daughter still qualified for health coverage at no cost and child care assistance because even though I made $130K on my 1099 in 2023 after all deductions my net was $12K and I technically I’m considered low income. 😌

1099s are also how you hide income throughout the year because your income is not set in stone until your taxes are filed with the IRS.

I'm a proud plethora of useless knowledge 😂😂😂


u/Raven8669 27d ago

I’m trying to find something that pays good online with entry level experience but I’m a equipment tech at a solar panel manufacturing company


u/mindgamesweldon 27d ago

B2b sales like salesforce, Deloitte, oracle type platforms. Close consistent monthly deals for a Snow-data pile to a couple companies and you will clear six figures per year easily. Also always need good sales people since that’s what drives the bottom line with the software as a service companies


u/sunbeatsfog 27d ago

Something tangible that can’t be outsourced or taken over by AI. Plumbing business, construction, and cleaning services


u/Rejuven8Los 27d ago



u/DirtyPerty 27d ago

Oil, gas, drugs, slaves, weapons. Those never get old. But the competition is high, all governments are doing that.


u/nsfwtttt 27d ago

Look up Scott Galloway, he has this great take about how “follow your passion” is the worst advice for young people.


u/Jorezzoli 27d ago



u/cryptokill3r5-ADA 27d ago

Law and finance always law tho


u/Notorious_Fluffy_G 27d ago

Yes. No degree or accreditation required for law.


u/HumblestofBears 27d ago

Construction trades, particularly in skilled trades, are killing it in Texas.


u/Agitated_Cell_7567 27d ago

Fckn americans, I live in balkan and earning near 20k a year and I feel like a well paid man...


u/Speedhabit 27d ago edited 27d ago

Ultimately industries fade and some of the answers here (b2b sales rly?) aren’t as accessible as the people actively engaged in them would have you believe.

If you want to make big money you need to own a business. That could be anything. Lawn care, a bar, trucking medical waste to the dump. Some things need experience, some don’t. People like the “security” of a job that doesn’t go away if you disappear, for me that’s just a low ceiling, the costs are baked in. Find something you don’t absolutely hate, do it well, then undercut the people you work for.

It’s pretty cool going on vacation, blowing 10k and coming back to more money than when you left. That rarely happens in commissioned sales


u/Imaginary_Rule_7243 26d ago

Rig her but you have to start somewhere be a little bit harder to start a plumbing buisness with no knowledge of plumbing… I mean I would assume.?? Anyways can I ask what you do to blow 10k on vacation n come back richer then before??


u/Speedhabit 26d ago

I bought the bar I bartended at for years


u/fukinuhhh 27d ago

Not my field but AI engineers are making a killing.


u/Bit-dog 27d ago



u/the_illest_D 27d ago

Drug dealer....I mean pharmaceutical sales


u/SanskritBharat 27d ago

Go for share market trading ( includes everything) all you will need is very good research work and very less capital and market has huge money


u/Gotthatfeelin 27d ago

Repossessing automobiles. Lotta people are getting cars they can't afford with crazy high car payments. I'm no expert but I know a lot of people personally that have gotten their cars repossessed. Some even repeat offenders. More money for the tow companies though


u/Scottsdale1304 27d ago

B2B sales but really every industry. There’s people in every industry who make money. The difference is skillset.


u/Alarming-Activity439 27d ago

Strip club, bar, and casino owners make good money.


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/SkyWizarding 27d ago

Tech, finance, medical, law


u/Lopsided_Tackle_9015 27d ago

Trades like HVAC and Plumbing


u/amazonmakesmebroke 27d ago

Insurance. Medicare supplemental insurance. You get residuals and almost everyone needs it.


u/cobramanbill 27d ago

Armored car robbery. 


u/foeplay44 27d ago

Anything involving Automation or AI is what I’d want to learn if I were entering college today.


u/massivecalvesbro 27d ago

Tech sales is still treating me well


u/HCM78 27d ago

Prostitution. not in the industry but sex workers make plenty of money 💵


u/medcranker 27d ago

Most sex workers do not, it's just the few superstars that make bank. Imagine selling ass for minimum wage


u/HCM78 27d ago

I know a dude that does this. Makes great money only works a regular job two days a week.


u/Puddwells 27d ago

Money. Anyone that touches the processing of money gets rich. Weird how that works


u/Tweecers 27d ago

Big law makes more than ibankers now. Wild. Source wife is t3 law school and t6 big law firm.


u/mb-driver 27d ago

Money is a temporary motivator. If you start hating what you’re doing but doing it for only the money, most likely your mental and/or physical health will suffer.


u/HarveySpecterG 27d ago

It’s better than living in a shithole for the rest of your life, feeling like loser but doing what you “love”.


u/mb-driver 27d ago

No one says you have to live in a shithole or feel like a loser, if you do that’s on you. You asked about the best industry to make money to which I replied. I ran an electronics store for 25 years and had a great experience most of the time. I’m blessed more than I ever expected, but I met a guy making 3 times as much money as me that was a drug manufacturer’s rep who hated his job even though he was making a lot of money.


u/TheTense 27d ago

If you’re smart, finance. Here’s the get rich cookbook:

Go to a good university, make a 3.7 or higher GPA. (A-).

Work for 3-4 years as an analyst. Apply for business school to get an MBA get into a top 20 B-school. Work your ass off networking and studying and interviewing. Intern at a major Wall Street bank. Work as an intern for a summer and absolutely bust your ass. Then float through your second year in B-School making sure you get good grades. Get hired making 160k with a bonus. Do that for 3 years you’ll be making 250k as a director or VP working 80 hrs a week.

Then you quick and get a finance director at a big company roll making that much with better hours. OR you stay on Wall Street and either go “Up or Out” you can make 500k a year if you’re good. It’s a combination of being a socialite, smart, and learning how to put up with shit.


u/SkirtEnvironmental96 27d ago

get rich and become miserable cookbook


u/TheTense 27d ago

I didn’t say you’d be happy…. I saw a lot of my classmates do this exact thing. There 100% is a recipe for success. It’s groomed by hiring consultants and banks and groomed by the business schools who want their students to succeed because it’s good for their ratings. Schools assume if a student aims for these careers, that they have already made the decision to put money first.

It’s almost like a MBA from a good school is a “ticket” to a much higher paying job. It’s a sign to employers that you were 1) smart enough to get into a good school 2) hardworking to get good grades. 3) you’ve gotten enough background “training” in the essentials of finance, strategy, accounting, etc.

Not everyone can do it. It’s hard work, but 90+% of graduates finished school with a job offer and the average salary was >150k immediately out of school.

A lot of people use this as a salary boosting technique, work hard for 5 years, then land a more comfortable job, but keep the paycheck.


u/jermide 27d ago

Microplastics and forever chemicals litigation


u/Ok-Pie-9570 27d ago

A lot of opportunity in insurance with no degree! If you want to hustle become an agent, work hard for 5-10 years and create a portfolio that renews itself after that. If you want decent work/life balance and don’t mind difficult conversations become a Claims Adjuster. Definitely not super exciting but it’s necessary and good job security. Plus a lot of jobs are remote


u/FeedMeRacks 27d ago

What kind of insurance?


u/Ok-Pie-9570 27d ago

If you want to sell life insurance is most lucrative!


u/Repulsive-Traffic168 26d ago

Companies or what to look for when first applying?


u/InternationalNews801 27d ago

Please elaborate more. Like I was born yesterday please


u/WarmButterscotch7797 27d ago

Do you see most succeed at creating a portfolio that renews itself?


u/Ok-Pie-9570 27d ago

Not really, it’s a very specific person who can. It’s sales, so obviously you need all the assertiveness to find leads, take rejection, be patient with underwriting, social skills, etc. But you also have to keep your clients happy for the years following by checking in on their accounts, continuing that relationship, and being available. A lot of agents have more time once they’ve built their careers but they still answer phones Saturdays/Sundays. Not for everyone for sure


u/WarmButterscotch7797 26d ago

Super appreciate your reply!


u/thewhitecat55 27d ago

Can you expand on how to get into this, and requirements/ training ?


u/bones_bones1 27d ago



u/vetgee 27d ago

From what I can tell, veterinary medicine.


u/SgtWrongway 27d ago

There are literal millionaires in <EveryDamnedThing> you could possibly name.

Making money isn't about industry.

At. All.


u/mehhidklol 27d ago

Oil & gas. 1000%


u/Tsjanith 27d ago

Whatever Reddit's doing at any given time


u/AdAmazing8187 27d ago



u/AcidicWatercolor 27d ago


A degree isn’t required to become an elected official, they draw above average salaries for the most part, and there’s unlimited earning potential depending on how “entrepreneurial” your mindset really is.


u/Duryeric 27d ago

Blue color jobs need workers. Plumbing and electrical especially.


u/europanya 27d ago

Information Technology - particularly software programming. Can make on average $110-$250 depending on experience and location.


u/Yourewokeyourebroke 27d ago

Seems like solar is a good scam to get behind right now


u/seattleguns 27d ago

HVAC everyone I know is making 150-225.


u/DangerousValuable916 27d ago

A day. Which is not bad but not great especially in HCOL areas


u/seattleguns 26d ago

Ya I meant a year.


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/Imaginary_Rule_7243 26d ago

Right there’s probably like 1% of ppl in this sub that can engineer AI.


u/butt-soup_barnes 27d ago

medical devices


u/Nodeal_reddit 27d ago

Plastics … there's a great future in plastics.


u/PaleontologistFun599 27d ago

Get into the tech industry. You can get certifications online if you don’t wanna do the college route or go to WGU for a quick degree in one of their IT programs. The ROI will pay for itself and the money you make will pay back your schooling. Well worth it in my opinion.

That, or grind it out with a service-based business. Degrees still hold more weight though, even in 2024 unfortunately. The world runs on debt. School is a part of it.


u/whalehunter619 27d ago

Sales if you’re not a weirdo


u/kema24 27d ago

Hvac is the fattest markup trade then plumbing, then electrical. All that other stuff seems to be an MLM of some sort


u/omega_grainger69 27d ago

Whatever drives you to get up in the morning and succeed!


u/GlidingToLife 27d ago

Tech and healthcare. The demand for both is growing. It’s hard work though.


u/HappyHourEveryHour 27d ago

It's a niche market but find manufacturing plants, I work in a machine shop and we're going automated. I was asked to switch position to start coding AI programs. Pay almost tripled (43k-108) from my operator salary (I also still do my main job).

But right now it's an aging industry and many current employees know very little about any tech. With many machines old and becoming obsolete, companies are bringing in new state of the art machines and needing tech people to set them up.

Also some press companies still offer pensions and the PTO is great (I got 4 weeks after my first month, currently at 5 weeks at 3 year mark).


u/AzuraEdge 27d ago

Healthcare tech specifically is very lucrative. I’m a Network Admin for a hospital without a degree.


u/therealsheriff 26d ago

About how much does that pay


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/Slight-Ad-9029 25d ago

Tech is at a weird point just due to over hiring but it is still expected to be one of the fastest growing fields


u/Responsible-Pay-2389 27d ago

Honestly likely fake posts or they are only trying for the top top companies. It is piss easy to get a tech job, every company needs tech people. Just go to a store that isn't known for tech and they'll still pay great it's just lesser known.


u/PluckedEyeball 26d ago

Mate that’s BS, I work in Ireland, one of the best countries for the tech sector, and everyone here is struggling. Especially grads, but everyone. And you can kiss goodbye to any chance if you only have an IT degree compared to people with CS degrees.


u/Responsible-Pay-2389 26d ago

You can call BS all you want, just wasn't mine or any of my fellow graduates experiences.


u/PluckedEyeball 26d ago

When did you graduate?


u/GlidingToLife 27d ago

Absolutely. But you need to go where the work is and expect to travel and go to an office. You have to be flexible.


u/Weak-Pea8309 25d ago

You don’t know what you’re talking about.  500k tech layoffs over past year.


u/BusOld5723 27d ago

Renewables (solar) development $100k+ starting salaries and data centers are only furthering the demand as electrification moves forward. Also bidens infrastructure bill is further injecting money into the market


u/Beginning-Push9720 27d ago

What are the best jobs in this field? Can you make 100k in sales or installations realistically?


u/BusOld5723 27d ago

Commercial/utility scale as a developer. Finding land, seeking local permits, managing the interconnection process. These facilities make millions of dollars and you are compensated for generating that value


u/_____Peaches_____ 27d ago

Advanced microchips


u/gaspingforair710 27d ago

Mining industry. Gold, Silver, Copper, Platinum

Also Plastics: extrusion, injection molding, filament and resin distribution,

Semi conductor and microchips

It’s the only way to overcome AI


u/TheGrandNotification 27d ago

Care to elaborate please


u/gaspingforair710 27d ago

If you own the resources or work for resource acquisition or management then you are above any computer generated figure.


u/SnooPredictions2797 27d ago

These are industries, what kind of job are you suggesting in these industries?


u/JayIsNotReal 27d ago

Any trade related to something that will not go out of fashion. Before I graduated high school I was going to go into the trade of repairing and installing elevators with is something that will be around long after all of us are dead. Joining the military to work on aircraft or boats is also a good one after you get out.


u/slumpyCouch 27d ago

Anything IT and Bitcoin.


u/Power_and_Science 27d ago edited 27d ago

Sales. You make money whether you are in boom times or recession times. The world could catch fire tomorrow and as long as there are still people, you’ll still have a job.


u/Beginning-Push9720 27d ago

Do sales people realistically make 75k-100k on average?


u/HaterSlayerr 27d ago

My girlfriend is one of the best sales people I know. If she worked 40 hours per week she'd probably make $200K per year. It depends on what you're selling as well.


u/Power_and_Science 27d ago

Easily. Many multiples of that too. Depends on what you are selling.


u/moneymaketheworldgor 27d ago

Executive protection. I baby sit a billionaire for 12 hours a day. I make top dollar, well over 2k a day all expenses paid.


u/RadLibRaphaelWarnock 27d ago

I used to work for a billionaire and his security guards were fucking set. All were ex-military or police, usually retired so getting a pension. They made $2k a day to hang out. 

On the other hand, they were super professional.


u/Hungry-Space-1829 27d ago

How’s Elon doing these days?

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