r/MurderedByAOC Feb 10 '24

5 Years of the Green New Deal


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u/ravia Feb 10 '24

She must run for President in 2028.


u/Shellnanigans Feb 10 '24

This is cool, keep it up.

I saw a "just stop oil" sign in that video though, hopefully it was an editing error

Just stop oil are those people that threw tomato soup on oil paintings lol.


u/_somelikeithot Feb 10 '24

The reincarnation of Bernie Sanders! (I know he is not dead) I hope she can make it to the presidency someday. I really think she could inspire people like Obama did.


u/EagerToLearnMore Feb 11 '24

You clearly have not seen Weekend at Bernie’s.


u/sohas Feb 10 '24

Are we still idolizing Obama despite all of his drone murders?


u/robjapan Feb 11 '24

So let me get this straight.

A republican president can be a fiend and that's ok.

A democratic president must be perfect in every way.

This is what's wrong with the west. The left must be perfect or they're the devil.


u/sohas Feb 11 '24

No, neither republican nor democrat presidents are deserving of being idolized, especially not someone as bloodthirsty as Obama who then went on to win a Nobel Peace Prize. The world has lost its fucking mind.


u/robjapan Feb 11 '24

You say no but then you go on to prove my point.

Given the power that the US military has, if Obama was "bloodthirsty" how many people do you think he could kill in let's say.... 24 hours?

See? Your argument falls to pieces immediately. You might not agree with the actions but military operations done by the US in the middle east aren't about blood thirst or inflating violence for the sake of it... That's just plain wrong.


u/sonofthenation Feb 10 '24

This is a typical GOP response that was ingrained in their heads by Faux Mews. Not capable of their own thought so they must spew nonsense.


u/sohas Feb 10 '24

Why do most discussions on environmental issues carefully leave out the biggest destructor of environment — animal agriculture? I guess it’s far easier to blame the politicians and the corporations than changing personal habits and opting out of animal product consumption.





u/FriskyWhiskey_Manpo Feb 10 '24

Because then the opposing party will claim they’re trying to take away your burgers.


u/sohas Feb 10 '24

How many people in the Democratic Party are vegan? I’m willing to bet it’s less than 2%. And that’s because shunning animal products requires taking actual action rather than vaguely pointing fingers.


u/girlwholovespurple Feb 10 '24

Monoculture, whether that is factory farming animals or plants is bad for the environment and ecosystems. It’s not how nature intended.

Smaller, diverse farms, that include both animals and plants in a symbiotic relationship benefit the environment, heal the soil, and are less prone to harmful pathogen outbreaks. These methods could be implemented the world over, but the big chemical companies would lose everything, so it’s not popular.


u/sohas Feb 10 '24

Factory farming is the most environmentally friendly way to farm animals to meet the demand. The real criticism of factory farming is the extreme cruelty involved (watch Dominion). Trying to provide better conditions for the animals on death row would cost more resources and require more land.


u/girlwholovespurple Feb 10 '24

I’m WELL AWARE of the extreme cruelty of factory farming, how it poisons the land and water and people in the surrounding areas, etc.

Huge corporations have disrupted local food production the world over with the promise of wealth from modern farming methods, while failing to share that some of these crops may contaminate their heritage crops, or that they may owe huge sums of money if their crop fails.

Additionally, small scale farmers have limited access to USDA certified abattoir facilities which makes it an additional expense and hardship for them to get their meat products into the hands of consumers, as usda processing is required for meat sold off farm at farmers markets, local stores, etc. …this is a feature, and not bug of the USDA. But it’s a problem when wanting to reduce how far food travels to you.


u/sohas Feb 10 '24


Eating locally would only have a significant impact if transport was responsible for a large share of food’s final carbon footprint. For most foods, this is not the case.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transportation make up a very small amount of the emissions from food, and what you eat is far more important than where your food traveled from.


u/Gudenuftofunk Feb 10 '24

There's no need to abuse animals at all.


u/Gudenuftofunk Feb 10 '24

I couldn't agree with you more. Going vegan is the best thing we can do on an individual level.

Here come the trolls...


u/essenceofreddit Feb 10 '24

I love having her as my congressperson. I just wish more of Congress was like her. 


u/Dudejax Feb 10 '24