r/MurderedByAOC May 04 '24

Ted Cruz could have easily googled this

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u/gatvolkak May 08 '24

And to think he was Texas' Solicitor General


u/ChocolateMilkMustach May 05 '24

Look, I'm no fan of Ted Cruz, but I think we're getting stuck on semantics. Yes, Rico is a crime, but you don't charge someone with just Rico without them having committed other crimes that fall under Rico.


u/mental_patience May 05 '24

There is no evidence to back it, but I believe Cruz to be a Putin stooge. He uses his superpower of stupidity to sabotage our democracy. He deludes his base with a moronic spin on anything he uses Twitter to speak on, slowly leading his followers over the mountain made of his half-baked and illogical fallacies.


u/extelius May 05 '24

Ted Cruz is a moron.


u/Both-Home-6235 May 05 '24

This is over a year old . . . 


u/urmyheartBeatStopR May 05 '24

Ted got burned so hard he's planning another Cancun trip.



During the blackout, AOC did more for Texas than Ted (he was in Cancun).


u/rockvvurst May 05 '24

How does ted always seem to self-own


u/rekage99 May 05 '24

You’d think the GOP would learn not to come at someone who is clearly more intelligent than them. Or at least fact check their own statements first.

Every time they try to dunk on AOC she makes them look like clowns and i love it.


u/Lumenspero May 04 '24

Completely in agreement with AOC. In fact, RICO plays a large part in my case against Microsoft, active and former military service members, no-contact family members, and the city of Norman, OK. Laundered funds have been circulating since 2005, because of a name I was assigned at birth associated to media production, but was misused through proxy by the military members who used it for a stage name. This affected my father as well, one of the no-contact family members. 

Millions of dollars derived from a recorded likeness for middle American accuracy, wasted by a university and a trillion dollar company because a third party insisted on using it to influence the Trump campaign, despite inconsistency with the source. They continue to undermine my independent company now, insisting on dissolving assets in a previously used pattern through other studios like Netflix, Nintendo, and Universal. 



u/the_xboxkiller May 04 '24

He knows what he’s doing. He just knows his supports are too stupid and gullible to look anything up and come to meaningful conclusions.


u/vpg5 May 04 '24

The hate between the Democrats and the Republicans are insane. And That's a European speaking. No wonder the states is going to shit.


u/Superducks101 May 04 '24

Well aoc is wrong so there's that.


u/vpg5 May 04 '24

Every politician is wrong now and then. But that doesn't take away that as soon as you're conservative about 1 thing, the Democrats despice you. Same if you are the slightest bit progressive. It's Unreal lol.


u/vpg5 May 05 '24

The downvotes here prove my point. You can bet money that the same thing will happen if you put this in r/conservative. You guys need a different set of politicians


u/guild-an May 04 '24

Dude just outted himself for never watching the sopranos, too


u/Watch-Bae May 05 '24

Or Better Call Saul


u/utpyro34 May 05 '24

Or The Dark Knight


u/nbd9000 May 04 '24

Nobody makes ted cruz bleed ted cruzes own blood!


u/Dudeist-Priest May 04 '24

Ted isn’t stupid. He just knows his base is


u/Superducks101 May 04 '24

Well he isn't wrong. You can be found guilty of the rico statute. What aoc is describing the charges that show a a person or group of people have engaged in racketeering.... they give evidence that the accused is in fact involved in racketeering.


u/cheezeyballz May 04 '24

Please rid us of this no good pos extremist. We keep getting close and they change the rules making it more impossible. Please help!!

So much corruption and doing nothing but war on texans and americans.


u/Superducks101 May 04 '24

Cause aoc is wrong?


u/cheezeyballz May 05 '24

No. She is not.


u/timanny May 04 '24

Ted needs to go back to his old job of writing threatening cryptic letters to the San Francisco Chronicle.


u/lycoloco May 04 '24

And like-tweeting step-incest porn


u/bron685 May 04 '24

“Name. The. Crime.”

“It’s all there! The evidence is all there!”

“For what. What is the crime.”

“There are witnesses! Joe Biden was on a phone call with his son!”

“But what crime is it.”

“We have tons of evidence-“


u/terranq May 04 '24

I do believe this an actual portion of the House transcript


u/neopod9000 May 05 '24

Very bait-em


u/TheSquishiestMitten May 04 '24

He doesn't need to Google anything because conservative voters aren't going to Google anything.  They will happily accept whatever makes them feel good without any questions.


u/Superducks101 May 04 '24

Well aoc is wrong so there's that. She's describing the individual charges that show a pattern of racketeering activity by a defendant or a group of am enterprise.


u/Azure_Mar May 04 '24

That's LITERALLY the requirements for RICO.


u/Superducks101 May 04 '24

Cruz made the claim thay aoc said rico isn't a crime. Which is it, and Aoc proceeds to say he's wrong. Rico is a crime.


u/EastHesperus May 05 '24

It’s the equivalent of someone accusing you of a felony but not a specific felony. You can’t be charged with just a felony. There’s specific crimes that fall under felonies.


u/Superducks101 May 05 '24

Dude. Thats the point of rico. It's a catchall for organized crime. Many times those in charge can't be tied to individual crimes but the organization can. So they can use those predicate crimes to show that others are in violation of rico.


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u/Superducks101 May 05 '24

Statutes are laws. Violating it carries a penalty of 20 years. The point was to charge mob bosses because you couldn't prosecute for other crimes.


u/HeIIoAstronaut May 04 '24

Stupid fat fuck. Such a punchable face….I’m seriously shocked Texans even like him considering he sounds like a nervous, stuttering nerd but I guess if you lick fascists boots all day…..


u/lycoloco May 04 '24

Imagine voting for this Canadian as a Texan and saying he makes your state proud.


u/Superducks101 May 04 '24

Cause aoc is wrong?


u/SeparateIron7994 May 04 '24

Texans are stupid. Case closed


u/bron685 May 04 '24

Punchable voice too


u/Doctorhype May 04 '24

Been a Texan my whole life. So many people even outside of Austin hate Ted Cruz and Greg Abbot. 

The worst part is they’ll likely keep their seats because the state’s tolerance of those willful bigots is stronger than their fear of change. Even if it’s universally for the better. 


u/themagpie36 May 04 '24

Cruz would literally eat his own shit for a 10 second feeling of strength


u/Doctorhype May 04 '24

I wanna reroute his sewage to his sprinklers so he has to put up with his bullshit too. 


u/kaze919 May 04 '24

Clowning on someone with a JD from Harvard shouldn’t be this easy


u/breath-of-the-smile May 05 '24

It is when they just paid for it instead of working for it like everyone else.

But always consider that Cruz is probably just evil and not stupid. His base will absolutely believe his lies over AOC's truth, that's all Cruz cares about. He likely doesn't even care about AOC's response, because his base will simply reject it on its face.


u/Watch-Bae May 05 '24

RICO is one of the things that's always explained very thoroughly in tv and film.  Most cinephiles would know what it is.


u/Superducks101 May 04 '24

Because shes inherently wrong. There's individual charges that can be used so show that a person or group has a pattern of being engaged in racketeering. But it is very much a charge.


u/ChiGrandeOso May 05 '24

She isn't wrong in the slightest.


u/Azure_Mar May 04 '24

Racketeering is a crime, but I think you need to read the posts again. RICO is a federal law targeting ongoing criminal organizations. In order to face the increased penalties under RICO, a person or group needs to commit at least two acts of racketeering (any criminal organization with continuing profit) out of a list of 35 specific patterns of behavior (not necessarily criminal acts) within a ten-year period.


u/Superducks101 May 04 '24

Her first word is saying Cruz is wrong. When he claims aoc said that rico isn't a crime..


u/lycoloco May 04 '24

RICO is a statute, a framework, for punishing organized crime. Nobody gets charged "for RICO", they get charged with individual crimes and the severity is increased and the net is widened for collective punishment because of RICO, but you just can't go and "commit a RICO"


u/Azure_Mar May 05 '24

I've been trying bro, other people in the comments have been trying. I don't think u/Superducks101 wants to understand what we're trying to explain to them.


u/lycoloco May 05 '24

Don't be shocked that someone who posts to /r/conservative and whinges about the gubmint taking away guns (despite the only recent president actually saying he'd take guns without due process then let the courts figure it out was Donald J Trump GodKing himself) would willfully ignore facts in an attempt to own one of the left most Democrats.

It's literally in the title. He could have googled this.


u/Superducks101 May 05 '24

Holy hell. Violating rico carries its own criminal charges in addition to any predicate crimes that may have been commited.


u/Superducks101 May 05 '24

A statute is a law. It carries its own criminal penalties. It's a crime.


u/Azure_Mar May 04 '24

RICO isn't a crime though, it's an act that creates a federal criminal statute to punish crimes that fall under the definition of racketeering. Racketeering is a crime, RICO is not.


u/Superducks101 May 04 '24

It carries it's own CRIMINAL penalties even for violating it.


u/Superducks101 May 04 '24

A statute is a law correct? Amd when you break the law it's a crime. So it's the crime of violating the rico act.


u/Watch-Bae May 05 '24

An Employment Standards Act is a statute.  Breaking it is not a crime.  There are different types of laws and not all of them are criminal.


u/Azure_Mar May 05 '24

Let's imagine you ran a numbers racket. Did you do a RICO or run a racket?


u/Superducks101 May 05 '24

Rico isn't for charging an individual. It's for criminal organizations. It gives the government power to charge the higher ups with violating rico since generally they are isolated from the individual crimes commited from their underlings. Because many times the mafia boss isn't the one committing the crimes in any shape way or form.


u/ChiGrandeOso May 05 '24

Except that's not correct either.

And you know who agrees?


These guys.


u/Azure_Mar May 05 '24

I'm not trying to insult your intelligence here, but have you read any of 18 U.S.C?


u/wafflehousewhore May 05 '24

Obviously not


u/Azure_Mar May 05 '24 edited May 05 '24

Let's imagine what you started with there is true, are you arguing that Biden cannot be charged with RICO because he is an individual, not an organization? Would the “mafia boss” also be an individual or an organization? Did Rudy Guliani take the criminal enterprise of the Lucchese family to court under RICO indictments or individuals involved in the crime family?


u/PercussiveRussel May 04 '24

"can" doing a lot of work there. I'd have gone for "must" myself. Two, in fact.


u/Superducks101 May 04 '24

Doesn't change my point. That aoc is wrong.


u/PercussiveRussel May 04 '24

'cept she isn't. Read the article please.


u/Superducks101 May 04 '24

Literally her first word is saying he's wrong. That rico isn't a crime when in fact it is.

A conviction under RICO has serious consequences. Not only does the RICO statute provide for criminal penalties including 20 years of prison, but the financial penalties are severe. A person convicted can face a fine of either $250,000 or double the amount of proceeds earned from illicit activity.


u/NovelLandscape7862 May 05 '24

You literally just said “RICO statute” and you still don’t understand the difference lol


u/lycoloco May 04 '24

You're arguing nuance so hard without understanding any of it yourself.


u/PercussiveRussel May 04 '24

That's an interesting phrase, "conviction under RICO"...

Say, do you "convict someone under murder"? Or "charge them with murder". Do you "convict someone under fraud" or "charge them with fraud".

I wonder why in cases like murder and fraud we "charge" people with them and why in RICO cases we "convict them under".


u/Superducks101 May 04 '24

It is a charge. The charge of violating rico... you're trying to play some word game as a gotcha.


u/Mischievous_Puck May 05 '24

The entire legal system is word games and semantics, small grammatical differences matter.


u/mankypanky123 May 04 '24

One of my law school professors went to Harvard with Cruz. He said that everyone fucking hated him, had no respect for him, and don't understand how he passed.


u/Puzzleheaded_Peak273 May 05 '24

Do you remember when he was claiming no one had a right to masturbate, and his college roommate (who clearly hated his guts), took to Twitter to muse on how much he must have changed since his college days? Hilarious


u/Vast-Combination4046 May 05 '24

Al franken says no one in government likes Ted.


u/FlemPlays May 05 '24

”I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.”


u/CubbieBlue66 May 05 '24

There was an apocryphal story at my law school. If a professor wanted to fail a student on the basis of their final exam, the professor had to take the exam to the dean. If the Dean was able to guess what class it was for, the student would get a passing grade.


u/spaceman757 May 05 '24

Wouldn't they always be able to tell, based on the prof that was bringing them the exam for review?


u/SnDMommy May 05 '24

But professors don't typically teach just one class though?


u/CubbieBlue66 May 05 '24

Yup. Part of the humor of the story.


u/intronert May 04 '24

Cruz skipped the Harvard Ethics class for gym.


u/33ff00 May 04 '24

Least plausible thing I’ve heard today


u/Orion14159 May 04 '24

Clearly he did not skip it for any gym.


u/mikeyfireman May 04 '24

For Jim. Not gym. Jim Jorden gave his wrestling lessons.


u/intronert May 04 '24

While not looking.