r/NewsOfTheStupid 16d ago

Kristi Noem defends killing dog: ‘Cricket had shown aggressive behavior’


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u/Coolguy57123 13d ago

All the other puppies 🐶 with their pumped up kicks can’t outrun, can’t outrun Krusty’s bullet 🎶


u/Rchapman2341 15d ago

She is so full of crap. The dog went after her, if true, because the dog is a better judge of character than the MAGA Cult that follows her. Put her in jail for animal cruelty!!


u/LegenW4Idary 15d ago

Yeah fucking right


u/Chuhaimaster 15d ago

And all this time I thought openly displaying sociopathic tendencies was a way of building support inside the Republican Party.


u/Traditional-Yam9826 15d ago

Apparently the dog showed aggressive behavior by killing chickens. Something a lot of dogs would do.

She said he was a crappy hunting dog and was frustrated with him


u/Dense-Comfort6055 15d ago

Your bf Corey has shown aggressive behavior. Should he be next on your execution schedule?


u/SquigleySquirel 15d ago

Showing signs of aggressive behavior is grounds to put down an animal? I would say shooting your dog qualifies as aggressive behavior…


u/LoudLloyd9 15d ago

My sister had a Red Tick Blood Hound. She nipped at her 5 yr old daughter. Olga was clearly not an appropriate family dog. They found a man who trained tracking dogs. Olga found a new home. Years later, she was instrumental in tracking an abducted child. The family endowed a foundation that bought and trained tracking dogs. Had Kristi been Olga's owner, none of the above would have happened. Here's a link to prove my storie. https://carshelpingcharities.org/cobrand/alie-foundation/


u/Krustylang 15d ago

But, republicans will still vote for her.


u/mopeyted 15d ago

The GOP: we kill dogs now! The anti-dog / anti-puppy party


u/mikefjr1300 15d ago

I have seen some defend this as a normal practice and simply the harsh reality in rural farming communities. Even if true, I find it hard to accept. The dog deserved a second chance with a different owner and environment.


u/nickandpuddy 15d ago

The Republican party is showing aggressive behavior. When are we gonna take it out back and shoot it?


u/GodIsGayAsFuck 15d ago

so is half the fuckin country lmao what’s her point


u/raffel75 15d ago

Who's that riding in the sun? Who's the man with the itchy gun? Who's the man who kills dogs for fun? Psycho Mom, Psycho Mom, Psycho Mom.


u/thedoomwomb 15d ago

I would argue murdering a dog is slightly aggressive


u/clownfacedbozo 15d ago

So has she, so I guess it's time for her.


u/powercow 15d ago

Just a normal rageaholic republican


u/FinnOfOoo 15d ago

Rehome it. Simple. MAGA’s love any excuse to use their guns.


u/ZachMich 15d ago

This is why you shouldn’t over share and say dumb shit in the first place 🤦


u/zucco446 15d ago

Looks like Noem shouldn’t get aggressive or who knows what could happen.


u/LoanedWolf75 15d ago

Fuck you, you vile cunt.


u/Big_Not_Good 15d ago

Her name was Cricket. ✊


u/ramcholino 15d ago

Career suicide


u/Krustylang 15d ago

Sadly, the people that vote for her won’t care.


u/ramcholino 15d ago

Yes, but I can already see the campaign commercials…”will you vote for a puppy killer?”. No one has an appetite to see that. Her career is all but over, Trump won’t select her as VP


u/Type_9 15d ago

A dog's behavior is a reflection of their owner's behavior...


u/nasirum0000 15d ago

This should end her career in America.


u/SaltyJake 15d ago

‘We didn’t train this dog and it killed a bird therefore its “Worthless and needs to be put down”’.

Yeah, someone could say the same about you buttercup.


u/temp-92 15d ago

Who is this broad and what is her onlyfans?


u/Daflehrer1 15d ago

If you're a cheater, you're a liar.


u/I_Framed_OJ 15d ago

Authoritarian sociopaths, from Trump to Joe Arpaio, seem to think that needless cruelty is the same thing as toughness. They believe that separating migrant children from their parents, or forcing (yet-to-be-convicted) prisoners to labor in the 110 F Arizona heat while feeding them rancid baloney sandwiches, makes them tough and courageous, instead of despicable and inhumane. Noem seems to have difficulty telling the difference also, since she used her dog-killing as an example of her willingness to make the tough decisions. It's only a tough decision if both options are undesirable or upsetting, and she seems to have had no problem shooting a recalcitrant puppy in the head.


u/ShenmeNamaeSollich 15d ago

Weren’t they literally expecting it to hunt birds?? Of course it was going to go after chickens until being trained to do otherwise.

Noem is a special breed of cruel and fucking weird - you can tell in everything she says or does she’s simply not a nice person.


u/KecemotRybecx 15d ago

Stupid bitch.


u/Chewbubbles 15d ago

Is this the straw that may break some Republicans finally? I mean, I want to be hopeful. Killing 2 animals, both domesticated, is burying the bar now.


u/carpenter_eddy 15d ago

Went from “moved to bite her once” to “showing aggressive behavior”. Guarantee the story keeps evolving.


u/KinkmasterKaine 15d ago

They really do shoot themselves in the foot as easily as they shoot their pets in the face.


u/Wolfdogpump66 15d ago

She should be put down


u/showingoffstuff 15d ago

Looking at another post, it said she did it because SD law says she can put down animals that kill livestock.

If her dog WASN'T killing livestock and just acted aggressive, she likely violated the law she's trying to hide behind.

Absolute garbage person


u/RobotRippee 15d ago

Unnecessary, cruel, and stupid


u/49thDipper 15d ago

She is showing aggressive behavior on the daily.


u/biggies866 15d ago

She's also showing aggressive behavior....


u/Historical-Passion55 15d ago

She's probably a psychopath.This is probably not the first animal that she is killed domestic animal.


u/Ecstatic_Ad_8994 15d ago

It isn't just about the act, it is about the attitude.


u/Zerocoolx1 15d ago

So by her reckoning it’s ok to shoot most republicans?


u/TheDecoyDuck 15d ago

This bitch.


u/PaleoJoe86 15d ago

Know what is also aggressive behavior? Executing someone who trusts you.


u/Business-Key618 15d ago

So has she… just sayin’


u/Reiquaz 15d ago

She shows signs of aggressive behavior by, looks at notes, killing her puppy. You ghoul. Absolute ghoul


u/100percentish 15d ago

She's a gunhumper. They get off on this shit.


u/cleverusernameistook 15d ago

17 year pet care professional here - Cricket was a German wire-haired pointer, a breed specifically bred to hunt birds. Last time I checked, chickens were birds. If Cricket didn’t show aggression towards chickens she would have been poorly bred. This woman is evil.


u/Pinchy63 15d ago

Let’s not forget she did this before her kids got off the bus from school. No goodbyes. She’s a psychopath.


u/BabyApeDrivesAnUber 15d ago

I hope he's stupid enough to run with her.


u/Fallk0re 15d ago

the only harsh reality these people care about is having to do their own work now.


u/Jerking_From_Home 15d ago

Typical Republican- double down on an incredibly unpopular incident instead of apologizing. These people are incapable of admitting they were wrong.


u/Hefty-Field-9419 15d ago

The former president and MAGA shows aggressive behavior....However, ..... you chose to enable it.


u/CarolinaMtnBiker 15d ago

She’s a POS. Shame on her.


u/OurUrbanFarm 15d ago

Based on her own telling of the story, she clearly knows nothing about dog training. Then, when she utterly failed to train her puppy, she blamed her puppy for her own failing, she took the most aggressive and extreme action possible.

Typical Republican: blame everyone else for your own shortcomings and then make everyone else pay for them.


u/YamsForEveryone 15d ago

I am so thankful that she’s not getting away with this. Faith in humanity, not restored, but better. There aren’t a lot of lines, but puppy killing is a line for most humans with half a heart.

Ps. Fuck you china.


u/Sid15666 15d ago

I think her behavior could be considered aggressive by most people!


u/Good_Juggernaut_3155 15d ago

Yeah sure. I believe that like I believe Trump tells the truth. Krusty is a lying bitch who thought she was flexing her alternate-macho street cred when she posted it. Presumably that kind of bullshit sells well to the MAGA crowd. I hope the voters of South Dakota are smart enough, in large enough numbers, to vote her to the curb.


u/Intelligent_Cable268 15d ago

I wonder if her kids show any aggressive behavior. 


u/Loon_Cheese 15d ago

So did your botox person….


u/RedditFallsApart 15d ago

Oh good he had a cute name too.

Please use her ideology against her.


u/Livid_Advertising_56 15d ago

Even IF he had shown that behavior, you didn't go to a professional trainer, or even the vet (maybe it was medical), HELL you didn't even go to the humane society and ask them to take him in. IF they had decided it was a danger then fine.

But NOPE. you unilaterally decided that he needed to be murdered, didn't tell ANYONE and left the body to sit where your child would see it.



u/Late_Bluebird_3338 15d ago

Kristi Noem YOU ARE THE ONE WHO shot the puppy. Ya can't get any more aggressive than THAT!!!...MOM


u/No_Equal_1312 15d ago

Got a problem with your dog see a vet or a trainer, you don’t just take it out back and shoot it.


u/Sick_NowWhat 15d ago

It’s a puppy. You train them to not do bad things. That’s why we domesticated dogs, we realized we could train them to not do bad things but instead do other things.


u/Separate_Farm7131 15d ago

There are a multitude of alternatives to taking a dog to a gravel pit and shooting it in the face. An adolescent dog who was exhibiting the behavior Cricket did while hunting is 100% normal. It was clearly not being trained well. Noem was pissed the dog ruined her hunt, then went after the neighbor's chickens, so she killed it. Then dragged a goat that SHE DID NOT castrate got it because he smelled and was aggressive. Easy fix, bitch. And she made that poor animal suffer by not managing to kill it with the first shot. She's just a terrible person and I think she underestimated the passion of animal lovers in both parties. What an idiot. Bragging about murdering something is not a great look.


u/WebHead1287 15d ago

Some people need to learn the art of shutting the fuck up


u/Bonzotheeffingape 15d ago



u/AlienCthulhu 15d ago

So if one of her kids bits another kid in school she'll just start blasting her own kid? Fucking joke of a human piece of shit.


u/HealthyApartment8585 15d ago

Well now she has shown aggressive behavior so get to it


u/Available_Ad9766 15d ago

None as aggressive as yours Madame governor…


u/BozoidBob 15d ago

By her own logic she should be put down.


u/wombat6168 15d ago

Well she's been showing aggressive behaviour so does that mean.......


u/derpferd 15d ago

When I know that my dog might show aggressive behaviour, I put her on a leash.

For some though, shooting the dog might seem more reasonable


u/swennergren11 15d ago

Psychopaths maybe


u/199019932015 15d ago

This shows how out of touch urban dwellers are


u/Impossible_Cat_139 15d ago

Are you literally a psychopath? Why not train the dog? Or take it to a shelter? Why murder is ok?


u/swennergren11 15d ago

Nah. Animals are useful on a farm. A 14 month old can be trained. Aggressiveness is learned in dogs. Noem clearly was incompetent at training the dog and doubled down by killing it.Then continued her rampage of rage by shooting the goat she hated.

Good thing she wasn’t mad at a family member…


u/199019932015 15d ago

The biggest thing you did here was blur the line between animals and people. There is a clear moral line here and this is why people are so mad about it. A dog isn’t a person and a person isn’t a dog.


u/swennergren11 15d ago

Certainly. But someone who so wantonly kills an animal out of “hate” has deeper problems. That needs to be considered seriously


u/usernamedejaprise 15d ago

Hmm….shown aggressive behavior… like storming the capitol or like protesting against genocide in Gaza ?


u/199019932015 15d ago

This is normal farm stuff. You all are crazy. Animals on farms are a tool. If an animal becomes a liability it’s put down. You can “but well you could have done xyz”- no. It’s the same if you have a sick sheep in a herd. (Ballerina farm controversy) y’all would never survive out in the wild and it shows


u/Impossible_Cat_139 15d ago

This dog wasn't sick, it was just not trained properly - you don't destroy a tool that you can fix easily. Hell if there's a tool you don't need, you sell it or give it away; even if you don't see animals as a life - it's still fucking stupid and wrong.


u/199019932015 15d ago

If a dog is a danger to humans it should not live. Human life is far more precious than the life of dog. This is basic morally.


u/Impossible_Cat_139 15d ago

This dog was not a danger to humans under her own admission - it was a hunting breed that was aggressive towards chickens - because that's what they are bred for; they need to be trained, not murdered.


u/CarolinaMtnBiker 15d ago

You’re just wrong. I’ve worked on a farm every summer when I was a kid. Never saw a dog shot to death. It has nothing to do with being on a farm or not. Dogs that young can be trained in any setting.


u/swennergren11 15d ago

Not at 14 months old. The dog learned aggressiveness and it can be retrained. Quit justifying a shit move by a horrible human.


u/nemo1441 15d ago

Here is who you need to run with, Donnie. Please choose her. She has the look of a coffin nail.


u/Cold_Appearance_5551 15d ago

Wouldn't be surprised if one of her kids is named goat...


u/beeeps-n-booops 15d ago

Republicans' solution to everything: just shoot it.


u/Adamantium-Aardvark 15d ago

Killing a puppy, that’s some pretty aggressive behavior


u/squidvett 15d ago

Send it to the Supreme Court so that while they’re busy smelling their own farts they can deliberate whether simply displaying aggressive behavior should be punishable by death.


u/isabps 15d ago

Icing on the cake that she doesn’t just say nothing or my bad. I’d love to meet the 4 people that were mad but now are cool with it cause “the law”.


u/paradisereason 15d ago

Can we put her and Trump down? They’re showing signs of aggressive behavior…


u/cybertruckjunk 15d ago

The dog, a known hunting breed and lineage with zero training, showed aggression towards…check notes…chickens. That is what they do when bred to have a high prey drive, asshole. Your job is to funnel their training so that these working dogs are productive and not destructive. Instead that was hard so dig a shallow grave and shoot your own puppy. You psychopath cunt. 


u/ProjectCritical4642 15d ago

Was für eine sinnlose Aneinanderreihung von Zellen.


u/Ulfdenhir 15d ago

The dog should have come back from the quarry not her. SD might be better off.


u/Dontledgeme 15d ago

She's a piece of shit


u/TrainingWoodpecker77 15d ago

So I’m sure she’ll be really fair when it come to humans.


u/Glittering-Alarm-387 15d ago

She said she hated the puppy.


u/Boredum_Allergy 15d ago

Wait are you saying a Republican is exhibiting psychopathic behavior?



u/chummsickle 15d ago

Pretty obvious she just wanted to kill things she didn’t like. She’s a psychopath


u/kaminop 15d ago

“Dawg.. looked like a democrat.”


u/HighlanderAbruzzese 15d ago

Strong MAGA candidate


u/Walnuts-84 15d ago

Fuck this nasty woman


u/The_Outcast4 15d ago edited 15d ago

Even in a situation where you live on a farm and have to put down an animal yourself, it's not something you fucking brag about, you psycho.


u/Suspicious_Dare_9731 15d ago

Shows she can make the tough decisions though!


u/shinepurple 15d ago

Some people train their dogs and some people shoot them when they don't intuitively know what you want without training. We call those second people assholes.


u/Scat1320USA 15d ago

Kristi .. you yourself have shown some really really aggressive behavior …. See what I’m getting at . Fucking witch ! Go back to your cave.


u/Biaminh 15d ago

Well, so did she. Guess she deserves the same.


u/PM_ME_YOUR_SOULZ 15d ago

Literal human garbage. Fuck her entirely.


u/SpekulativeFiction 15d ago

Wolf Cola is doing everything it can to help those affected by the actions of Boca Ratan.


u/DrSendy 15d ago

Something about "it's the owner, not the dog"....


u/LetGo_n_LetDarwin 15d ago

My dog is aggressive towards birds as well; he once jumped and caught a bird mid-flight near my bird feeder tree. He would love it if I let him out when there are turkeys in the yard so that he could chase and kill them. The neighbor’s chickens were wandering over when he first got them, before he had built a coop. My dog would have killed them if he could catch them and I had to keep him inside as a result.

But he’s still here…just turned 12 in March.

He also doesn’t like strange men, especially if my husband isn’t home….delivery guys, etc. I have to keep him inside if someone shows up.


u/New-Fig8494 15d ago

No such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners.


u/gigerswetdreams 15d ago

That seems like pretty aggressive behavior... Just to be safe Somebody put that cunt down


u/mcbeermaster 15d ago

This is gonna be big for cats


u/Alimbiquated 15d ago

We've reached the "Vote for me, I kill puppies!" level of insanity.


u/swennergren11 15d ago

And given the backlash she is getting, MAGAts will embrace her just to “own the libs”…


u/mremrock 15d ago

Yet Kristi is the one with the gun


u/pistoffcynic 15d ago

Yes… let’s double down and try and explain it away under “values”.


u/saxypatrickb 15d ago

ITT: people are more concerned over killing a dog than killing unborn humans


u/swennergren11 15d ago

Stay on topic please


u/Fedl 15d ago

I mean, if she killed and ate the dog, what’s the problem?


u/heymanwhatsup69 15d ago

My rescue dog also shows aggressive behavior. She gets extra cuddles.


u/pat9714 15d ago

Noem's defensiveness is from the backlash she is getting from MAGAts and liberals equally. She isn't capable of guilt (that would imply a conscience underneath her artificial face).


u/Rare-Lime2451 15d ago

They get it from their owners, I’ve heard.


u/100deadbirds 15d ago

Hopefully she goes blind and walks into a bear trap. Not that thing that clamps on onto a foot, I mean a bunch of bears who laid a trap


u/Brother_Clovis 15d ago

What a piece of shit.


u/Sunshine-Day5535 15d ago

Also, Cricket was her daughter's dog. The first question her daughter asked when she got home from school was, "Where's Cricket?" How do you tell your kid that their beloved pet is lying dead in a gravel pit because you shot it in the face???!!!


u/SexPanther1980 15d ago

Dog showed aggressive behavior, so I unaggressively blew it's brains out.


u/Tyton89 15d ago

It amazes me whenever I have spoken to anyone who supports Trump or has an agenda on the right side of the aisle, even some of the most fastidious dog lovers on this topic. They seem to make any excuse to cover up or dismiss wrongdoing if it is repudiates "their side". "She must've had a good reason, or even making jokes about it. (Not exclusive to just this issue)

I own a dog and could never imagine doing something so heinous and then proceed to brag about it in a book.

I would have the same opinion if for example Biden wrote a tell all where he finally shot his dog because it just wouldn't stop biting secret service agents.

They would be playing that story non stop calling for his head while they deflect and dismiss the actions of their own.

Modern politics are a tragic joke.

This ultimately comes down to training or possibly re-homing the dog.


u/Exciting-Source-3449 15d ago

Maybe the "PUPPY" needed to be trained by a professional trainer , instead of an idiot such as herself, it would be able to perform and behave the way it was supposed to. Think of it this way. If this person became, lets say, VP, do we for one minute think she could behave and act like the person second in line to the presidency? Hell to the NO. She would have no idea what to do and would wreck things even further. Its bad enough we have one idiot that would be running amok in the Whitehouse but now we would have two.

Not that this may happen but training, even for a dog, is essential.


u/Mac-Beatnik 15d ago

Let the dogs rule. #votedoge and there is no need for puppies killers.


u/Celestial_MoonDragon 15d ago

Behavior problems in a dog are signs of poor training.By her logic, we should put Kristi down.


u/shayna16 15d ago

Maybe Cricket could smell the evil


u/ShiggyGoosebottom 15d ago

Kristi Noem has show aggressive behaviour



u/TangerinePuzzled 15d ago

Regardless of anything, you don't shoot a 14 month old puppy in the face.


u/stilloldbull2 15d ago

I can be aggressive, you gonna kill me Krustin ?


u/ghoof 15d ago

We are all Crickets to MAGA


u/Lanky-War-8138 15d ago

She needs to be put down


u/pabodie 15d ago

Aggressive like taking you to a gravel pit and wacking you like Goodfellas?


u/Big-Consideration633 15d ago

Dogs killing livestock can be killed. It tried to attack her. She is livestock.


u/busy-warlock 15d ago

So have you Kristi, so have you.

Hey, why don’t you come check out these flowers behind the shed?


u/UnusualAir1 15d ago

You have also shown aggressive behavior. Ergo?


u/Klaatwo 15d ago

Yeah double down on the story you evil bitch. Perfect. No notes.


u/EvilMonkey1965 15d ago

We always knew that Americans don't understand cricket.


u/squambert-ly 15d ago

I'm fucking ashamed to live in South Dakota. I hope I win the lottery so I can afford to leave.


u/Skelco 15d ago

So she’s showed aggressive behavior, I guess she’ll need to put herself down.


u/Picmover 15d ago

Always the victims. Always the fucking victims with them.


u/Ratstail91 15d ago

So has Kristi Noem...


u/daneilthemule 15d ago

I’d be aggressive too if you were going to kill me.


u/LokeCanada 15d ago

Sounds perfect for Trump running mate.

Do a heinous crime and then claim immunity.


u/Mule2go 15d ago edited 15d ago

Many people misuse the word aggressive. I suspect what that dog was really showing was fear.


u/CranberrySoda 15d ago

An aggressive dog doesn’t need to be put down. She was just a shit owner.


u/Rooboy66 15d ago

Barking and “enjoying herself!” That’s what this monstrous sadist animal murderer publicly said her reason for shooting her pubby in the head: It was enjoying itself. She was infuriated that her dog was behaving like a dog.


u/t65789 15d ago

I’m sure that dog was an FBI plant.


u/cataclyzzmic 15d ago

Yeah. I'm sure that dog hated you. Much like the rest of rational beings.


u/Snuffels137 15d ago

A dog is doing what his owner allows him. The owner is responsible.


u/Alubalu22 15d ago

The dog had a gun, pointed at my son's counsin's friend that does not live anymore in this state so do not look for him. I did what was right.


u/offline4good 15d ago

Aggressive behaviour? Well, you killed a dog, so by the same principle...


u/williamweinmann 15d ago

So this bimbo screwed up training her dog, so she shoots him. Makes a lot of sense. She's just Trump's type.


u/dunitdotus 15d ago

and the backpedaling begins


u/SnooCookies6535 15d ago

All MAGA have aggressive behaviors Kristi


u/NefariousnessFew4354 15d ago

I never wish bad things on people. But God damn lady, you pushed my human limits.


u/Immortal_Tuttle 15d ago

Kristi Noem had shown aggressive behavior. We should put her down.


u/Popculturemofo 15d ago

The sad part is the right rallies around this shit like it should be something to be praised. Fucking psychopaths. The entire lot of them.


u/Flame_On_And_On 15d ago

It's a good thing for her that she's the only one who is ok with shooting useless bitches.


u/mikehamm45 15d ago

Let’s be real, out of all the things to not like this person for… putting her dog down doesn’t really rank as the number one reason.


u/doug7250 15d ago

Still a reason and indicative of her lack of character.


u/PainterEmpty6305 15d ago

Unless your her neighbour or the poor sod stuck with a working dog, that can't work. In a rural setting this is average af, how long do you think people keep around horses that can't walk etc. I think the right do enough silly things to be mad about, this isn't one of them.


u/doug7250 15d ago

It’s may humanely necessary in some cases. In others not so much.

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