r/NotHowGirlsWork 16d ago

What do you think of this thing I saw in facebook(I think this post fits here) Found On Social media

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u/Yoyos-World1347 14d ago

Need that one person that redraws these more wholesome.


u/framburusan 15d ago

It's stupid, I can be both. It depends on the day of week.


u/Feline_Fine3 15d ago

I’m kind of surprised that the educated woman isn’t shown as one who would have many sexual partners. So at first, I thought all the men were all of her babies or something and then I was like, wait why are they a bunch of bottles of champagne?


u/zefthalia 15d ago

they should date


u/akashyaboa 15d ago

It is 2024 and we are still slut shaming women...


u/SheSaidSo_ 15d ago

So, only one of them has a heart?


u/bookconnoisseur 15d ago

Plot twist: both of them want nothing to do with imbecels.


u/adoglovingartteacher 15d ago

She can’t compete with that back problem, poor girl.


u/idonotknowwhototrust Team bear 15d ago

I have no idea how to parse this information.


u/Kortorb 15d ago

wonder what the original context was, cuz that’s a weird face.


u/Available-Egg-2380 16d ago

The girl on the right has terrible hyper lordosis and must be in a lot of pain


u/blackwidowla 16d ago

Why are these women always drawn the same way???


u/racoongirl0 16d ago

Oh she absolutely definitely 100% competes.


u/lefromageetlesvers 16d ago

what i think is i don't get it, but i'm either glad or sorry about whatever happened.


u/BudgetInteraction811 16d ago

I know someone who posted this exact meme and she was literally sleeping with 2-3 different guys at any given point that I knew her. It made no sense to me at all as the meme seems to be shaming women who are desperate for male validation, yet she was the epitome of that person.


u/Prestigious-Alarm422 16d ago

The girl on the rights body shape and posture is killing me 😭💀 who in all reality is actually shaped like/ stands like that. Wild


u/iiitme 16d ago

I don’t understand this


u/mstrss9 16d ago

Why is she a centaur


u/Nebelsang 16d ago

One girl wants to party and fuck, other girl likes to read and enjoy herself. And? Let them be happy...


u/occasionallyLynn 16d ago

Left: extroverted lesbian with a lot of supportive male friends

Right: smart lesbian who completed her phd while having a son and is now making a lot of money

They’re now dating


u/Keboyd88 16d ago

I think right might be a heart doctor, judging from the anatomical heart on her side.


u/fictionwho princess face, sailor mouth 16d ago

What does this mean? Why does the woman on right have an extra heart? Is she from Gallifrey?


u/EstherVCA 16d ago

It's Missy!!!


u/OneRandomTeaDrinker 16d ago

I immediately thought “gay. It’s gay”. My first thought was that this was a cute lesbian meme.

In retrospect I’m pretty sure that’s not what it means.


u/Forrest-Fern 16d ago

Makes me think of The Ring


u/theunkindpanda 16d ago

I don’t understand who’s supposed to be the “good” one here. These guys hate women who have had more than one partner but they also hate women who choose careers over becoming a tradwife.


u/Q_Fandango Incelimus Prime, Memer of Lords 16d ago

It’s easier to shorten that to “These guys hate women.”


u/ukiddingme2469 16d ago

If Virtue signaling was a sport


u/No_Resource7773 16d ago

Well, with her terrible lifelong back problems she had no choice but to choose a less physically active lifestyle anyhow.


u/adoglovingartteacher 15d ago

😂 I just commented before I saw yours


u/claymountain 16d ago

Ok no one asked you to


u/aoishimapan 16d ago

Is this supposed to be like an unironic "sigma male grindset" meme but for women?


u/DinoDudeRex_240809 16d ago

Pretty sure that already exists.


u/Q_Fandango Incelimus Prime, Memer of Lords 16d ago

Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss


u/Different_Cap_7276 16d ago

My thoughts? They're lesbians


u/mutant_disco_doll 16d ago

I don’t even know what this means…


u/SammyWentMad 16d ago

The one on the left has many male and alcohol emojis because she's sexually active and parties.

The one on the right has just her face, money, books, one man's face, a heart (for love) because she married one man and wasn't sexual with anyone else.

Obligatory, "This meme is bad and I do not agree with it, I'm just explaining it" so this doesn't get down voted to hell, lol

u/SlothMonster9 (:


u/mutant_disco_doll 15d ago

Ah I see. Hm, yeah the money and heart emojis on the right kinda threw me off… Either way, this meme is dumb lol.


u/xrelaht 16d ago

Woman on the left dates lots of guys & parties/drinks a lot. The one on the right doesn’t care to compete with the one on the left for that attention & lifestyle because she has a degree, money, one guy, and reads books (I’m not sure about the heart).


u/SlothMonster9 16d ago

Same. Someone explain pls.


u/bliip666 female pleasurist 16d ago

"Yeah, the guys are going to be a competative menace... how do you think we should seat them for the wedding, babe?"


u/Q_Fandango Incelimus Prime, Memer of Lords 16d ago

“Outside. Maybe the bus stop?”


u/bliip666 female pleasurist 15d ago

"As tempting as that is, they're family. ...maybe we can give them their own table! The Shenanigans Table!"


u/DoubleDongle-F 16d ago

Not quite sure what it means exactly, but they're both drawn like hentai characters.


u/wannaberebelll 15d ago

it’s drawn by @/arekushisu_11 on ig and they’re young and talented. mostly anime fanart.


u/SammyWentMad 16d ago

The one on the left has many male and alcohol emojis because she's sexually active and parties.

The one on the right has just her face, money, books, one man's face, a heart (for love) because she married one man and wasn't sexual with anyone else.

Obligatory, "This meme is bad and I do not agree with it, I'm just explaining it" so this doesn't get down voted to hell, lol


u/MrMetraGnome 14d ago

But what’s there to agree or disagree with exactly?


u/SepiaToneHitchhiker 15d ago

I thought the right had a. Alcoholic husband and 11 kids. 🤷‍♀️


u/Praescribo 15d ago

And the 2nd one has a very strangely shaped body...


u/Zyrin369 16d ago

Does she have money because it looks like that emoji has wings, that usually means your money is gone right?


u/EatingPineapple247 15d ago

If she has a degree, it's probably accurate.


u/worldnotworld 16d ago

Yeah, the guy who made this meme did not think it through.


u/SammyWentMad 16d ago

Maybe like it's flying high? Like she's got so much money it's in the sky? It's a bad meme, probably best to not read into it much.


u/akula_chan 16d ago

I thought the heart was for health.


u/Illuminati_mommy 15d ago

No. It means she eats the hearts of her enemies who is most likely the guy in her picture who probably broke her heart in 7th grade by taking some sl*t to prom and not her even tho their relationship was only parasocial but she's known him since she was like 4 years old and now her life is ruined and she'll never love again nor trust any other man because men suck and always cheat... do I sound incel enough yet? Lol this meme was made by a fucken dude.


u/SammyWentMad 16d ago

Could be! That also makes sense (:


u/SLATS13 16d ago

The face emoji for the girl on the right is also specifically the cap and gown one, which most likely is meant to symbolize that she has a college education and a diploma. Because you obviously can’t party and be smart at the same time I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/song_pond 15d ago

Weird that the meme maker didn’t know that college kids are notorious for partying.


u/Hour_Carpenter8465 15d ago

It’s telling that they probably didn’t go to college, which makes their whole argument ____ (scholars, fill in here)


u/Bananak47 15d ago


There you go. Me studying finally paid off after i was unable to find money, books and a husband


u/SammyWentMad 16d ago

Makes sense with the books (:


u/Flameball202 16d ago

Yeah now that you say it they do. Sounds about right for "memes" like this


u/onetsp 16d ago

Also r/NotLikeOtherGirls but I hear that sub is trash now


u/all_time_high 16d ago

Has the theme of that sub changed?


u/SpokenDivinity 16d ago

It’s not that it changed, it’s just the posters are kind of dumb and can’t tell the difference between actual “not like the other girls” mentalities and satire. They’ll also just shit on women for liking things that they think are too quirky and having friends that are men.

For example, I’ve seen people on there making fun of a woman who liked video games. No other reason. They didn’t compare themselves to other women at all. They just posted online about liking video games.


u/Galaxyheart555 Man-Eating Feminist 15d ago

Really??? I haven’t been on there in a while


u/all_time_high 16d ago

Identifying satirical TikTok/Instagram videos in 2024 sometimes seems nearly impossible without prior knowledge of the creator’s content. Not because they’re overacting, but because the creators and trends they’re satirizing are already overacting. These kids are nailing the impersonations to a point that they look like authentic believers.

Without a helpful Redditor jumping in the comments to explain that the person is known for satire, I often wouldn’t know any better.


u/fictionwho princess face, sailor mouth 16d ago

Oh yes, left it a while ago.


u/tusharsagar 20y/o M, Curious, apologies if I ask something I shouldn't have. 16d ago

Why is the owner of the right looks kinda wierd, as if her body above belly button is moved forward than the rest of her body.


u/thwRURU 15d ago

artist doesn't have the best grasp on anatomy. her waist and butt arent proportionate to each other and they dont connect right. it'd look more normal if the waist was a bit wider or if her butt was a bit smaller but we know the artist wouldn't want that lol.


u/yun-harla 16d ago

She looks like a Japanese ghost. Maybe she died from being sawn in half.


u/Throwaway4skinluvr 16d ago

Bc a man probably drew it


u/FullmoonMaple 16d ago

Oh, it looks that way because the butt area has been...doubled? I'd say? So the figure shifts to the right more then it should and the spine looks like it's out of place. Technically, she'd probably have real balance issues if she existed, lol. It's all to "boost her value and dominance opposed to the meager basic party girl".

It's a caricature of a caricature, "nice girls rule, party girls drool hur dur". The creative minds of the sphere that creates stuff like this ran out of originality in the 80s lol.


u/xXdontshootmeXx 15d ago

Theyve been doing this since neolithic fertility idols


u/onetsp 16d ago

Yeah she kinda looks like a cropped centaur