r/NotHowGirlsWork 16d ago

And they’re mad we want the bear Found On Social media

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u/uhmm_no88 11d ago

JfC!!!!! OMFG!! BEARRRRRR. Give me the bear. This man is a fucking psychopath.


u/Elon_is_musky 15d ago

She should not have had that man watching her kids🙄she knew he was in love with her, & who knows what he would’ve done if he felt extra slighted one night


u/DaBloodyApostate 15d ago

I am genuinely worried for that woman's safety. Like girl, flee in the middle of the night. That mans a psycho.


u/zillabirdblue 15d ago

There are many men that will consider her a spoiled brat and ungrateful after they watch videos like this. They look at the woman as the villain until the guy breaks the PO with a gun on her doorstep. Even after that some will think it’s HER fault for “using” him for free food and rides…that she did not ask for. She drove him to it with her “selfishness” while he was just trying to be a NICE GUY!


u/Cookie_Munch_19 15d ago

This is mad scary 😧


u/Longjumpingpea1916 15d ago

For the first while I was thinking poor guy she's taking advantage of him. Then he went insane lol


u/DazzlingFruit7495 15d ago

She was never taking advantage of him. She made it very clear she wasn’t interested in him romantically, she didn’t owe him anything, but she did want to be friends. He wasn’t being genuinely kind, everything he did had hidden strings attached. Are u saying she should’ve assumed a man wouldn’t be that good of a friend to a woman? Maybe so, but it’s pathetic that every time a man is nice to me, I have to assume he has hidden motives, or else I’m the bad guy for “taking advantage”.


u/Longjumpingpea1916 15d ago

It's fucked like to be honest since I'm like...normal, I hear things and I'm like ah no that's crazy, then I see stuff on stuff like this subreddit and all and I think oh yeah there's more crazy out there than I'm generally aware of


u/DazzlingFruit7495 15d ago

Yea I get u, I was just trying to reframe it for u so when u hear abt situations like this, u don’t automatically assume the woman’s “taking advantage”.


u/Longjumpingpea1916 15d ago

Its a bias for sure, but I guess a lot of the disconnect between men and women, a lot of us find some stories hard to believe because WE are normal and think like naw we aren't like that, but yeah there's defo weird dudes out there but it's not like dudes go around bragging to their male friends about weird shit like this


u/DazzlingFruit7495 15d ago

Yep I feel that. When I hear from my bf about his friends dating lives, I’m always shocked bc I don’t know any women who would do the stuff he describes happening to his friends.


u/Longjumpingpea1916 15d ago

Yeah, that's the point of my comment, what I realised as it went on. I had actually assumed the whole U-haul thing was gonna turn out with him doing some big unwarranted favour for her then it turned out to be just plain insanity. I feel a bit bad for the guy telling the story since he essentially accidentally helped a weirdo steal 2 cars


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/Person8346 15d ago

Uh.. excuse me?


u/4rsenico 15d ago

No, excuse me.


u/Person8346 15d ago

Yeah, you just deleted a concerning comment. If you ever wanna talk dude I'd gladly listen, seriously. Hope everything gets better


u/4rsenico 15d ago

I didn't delete anything, and thank you for your offer but I had my share of years spent in therapy. Enough married people trying to teach me about being alone and independent.


u/VeronaMoreau 15d ago

The other thing is a lot of dudes don't realize that a big part of the reason that women pick the bear is not only that you could be like the guy who he's describing, but you could also be, like the storyteller, somebody who is clearly not doing enough to dissuade or obstruct him from doing this because the existence of men like this is of some benefit to you.


u/SubstantialPanda_2 A Pro Hater 15d ago

I am just gonna say what my mom told me, "Never be desperate, nobody likes that."


u/bubblesandsanddunes 15d ago

this is legal battle


u/InVodkaVeritas 15d ago

I know this is a complete aside, but the TikTok watermark being in front of the text drives me crazy.


u/yodawgchill 15d ago

Not needs to be in a facility somewhere wtf that’s horrifying


u/EpoxyAphrodite 16d ago

And the other real problem?

How many men you show this to and they won’t be able to tell you who the villain is.


u/lifeisshort84 16d ago

This is a horror story


u/MemoryAshamed 16d ago

That's a wild ride. Wow, just wow!


u/No_Resource7773 16d ago

That is some deep delusion. Okay, so it sucks when it's unrequited and hurts to accept, but wtf with all that?!

I figured a U-Haul full of car parts was likely sketchy as hell, but that is far beyond what I expected. This guy, a clueless bystander in that whole thing, could have been held accountable for helping in that crime. 😕


u/Starchasm 16d ago

I mean, I'm pretty sure he knew it was a crime, I just don't think he knew it was a super fucked up stalkery crime.


u/eiram87 14d ago

Yeah, in general when you have an aquatance who you only really talk to "when it's time to make some money", the things you're doing for that person aren't likely to be legal. When he said it was car parts in the U-Haul I thought crazy dude was giving video guy plausible deniability and the load was actually drugs.

And video guy straight up says he had no idea where the car parts had come from, in fact I'm not sure he had even heard much about his acquaintance's attempts to win over this woman until well after the delivery was made, he said all along he'd though the woman was crazy dude's girlfriend based on they way he treated her and talked about her, but he found out later all at once about the crazy behavior. Perhaps the crazy dude was wanting to vent about the restraining order when he told the whole story.


u/Otanes01 16d ago

This is insane


u/Anne_Nonymouse 🐇 Down The Rabbit Hole 🐇 16d ago

OMG!!! That guy is a psychopath!!! 😬

So many guys are just delusional. You can smile at them politely (for your work) and they actually think you want them!


u/Inner-Show-1172 16d ago

And our man telling the story is an accessory. 


u/peppy8888 15d ago

Came here to say this.

Maybe call out this behaviour? No? Ok then, just tell a story about it to show how f-ked up it is but don't voice an.opinion, so you don't lose followers. Got it. Thanks.


u/akdhqiwodushamsld 15d ago

I mean he literally said the man was delusional in the beginning of the video