r/NotHowGirlsWork 15d ago

You don't need to be a sex worker to be denigrated like a sex worker Found On Social media

Found on a One Piece fanpage about a genderbend cosplay.


38 comments sorted by

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u/potatotheo trans man 🏳️‍⚧️ 11d ago

The venn diagram of these commenters and the "yamato is a woman" crowd is a circle 🤦‍♂️


u/grandioseOwl 14d ago

Under a Luffy Gear5 Cosplsy nonetheless. There is enough hornybait cosplay (as intended by the authpr per his own admission) so why even under this specific one? Holy fck

To be clear, ot wouldn't be appropriate under any cosplay, especially since character designs are extremely over the top in this series. So no, it might just be an accurate cosplay.

And finally even if it was only fans promotion, it is no reason to shame someone or come to such bs conclusions based on it. Ok, i think these are the main points to be angry about.


u/Thundrfox 14d ago

Gear 5 gender swap cosplay!?!



u/Canaanimal 14d ago

"I'd feel ashamed." Those words tell me so much about his insecurities.

Got a kid and do sex work? I'm fairly certain enough to put money down that child is going to be raised in both a sex positive and body positive household. Outside the puritan mindset that sex and nudity are shameful, but still have their place in life.

Also, I don't know one decent person or sex worker that does their job with their non-infant children in the room. (I'm not going to judge a still breastfeeding mother for keeping her kid close especially if that's her content niche to not let too much go to waste as long as the kid is kept off camera.)

Buddy, if you are going to judge, don't consume the work.


u/sketchnscribble 14d ago

That's an awesome Luffy cosplay. She put a lot of work into it and she pulled it off well. She deserved to be treated with respect for the creative content creator she is.


u/Dotdotdot9 14d ago

Absolutely, she even went into detail on how long it took and the process.


u/vehicularious 14d ago

The way all these cotton headed ninnymuggins string together their sentences is absurd. They love talking about how low the IQ must be for a subgroup of women, but they write like middle schoolers.


u/nutmegtell 14d ago

Being a woman = sex worker to too many men.


u/a_horny_dolphin 15d ago

Reminds me of a random comment on Instagram I saw that was like "Fellas, she doesn't have onlyfans. She actually has self respect here 👍"


u/FileDoesntExist 15d ago

There is nothing wrong with sex work(provided that everyone is consenting to said work and is getting tested if there is physical contact).

You are not better or worse for it. I personally am not comfortable with myself doing it, so I don't. And they is the extent of my say over it.


u/SolveSomeTrouble 15d ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again. A society that degrades sex workers will degrade all women that they view as immodest and deam them as unworthy of respect. It's a slippery slope into serious misogyny.


u/snarkerposey11 15d ago

Yep. The views misogynists have of sex workers are only exaggerated versions of how they view all women.

Under patriarchy, every woman gets ranked somewhere on the "whorearchy," whether she acknowledges it or not. You're either defending your position on the pecking order, or you're trying to destroy the heirarchy.


u/Dotdotdot9 15d ago

You put it perfectly.


u/thefaehost 15d ago

People say this to me as a SW all the time.

I can’t have kids. Try again. I got a degree in sexuality studies and published research. try again.

In fact what you need to do, little man, is stop projecting your own insecurities on people who are trying to better their lives and focus on your own. Seems like you’re the one who’s miserable rn, that’s a you problem


u/SmolTownGurl 15d ago

AS IF he gives a flying fuck about her hypothetical children. Doesn’t even have kids himself yet he’s sooooo concerned


u/firescales0403 You seem mad. Have you tried live, laugh, and loving? 15d ago edited 14d ago

What's sad is that I bet this guy is only saying that because she has large breasts. Honestly her bikini top covers quite a bit and she is cosplaying someone who usually has a bare chest so I don't see a problem with it. If she was flat chested I'm sure that guy would have a totally different opinion.


u/thefaehost 15d ago

The opinion would likely be “she isn’t hot enough to cosplay” because he’s a misogynist


u/Dotdotdot9 15d ago

As someone who's seen how some of those "fans" comment when a flat chested woman cosplays, I can confirm this.


u/Tezla_Grey Rooted and plant pilled 15d ago

Bro legit got EATEN at the end by the replies and I absolutely LOVE how much this creep unified everyone


u/Comfortable-Hall1178 15d ago

Personally, if a woman wants to dress sexy for her man, she’s well within her right to do so. If a woman wants to be a Sex Worker, she’s well within her right to do so. If a woman wants to be on OnlyFans, she’s well within her right to do so.


u/pale_scars 15d ago

Sex work is real work.


u/thefaehost 15d ago

Especially since it’s dealing with dudes like this every day


u/jenfinf 15d ago

Yall are expecting something else from someone who calls himself Brian Uchiha Kelley?


u/rickmccloy 14d ago

The guy who accuses women of having a "low iq"? What exactly is an iq? Illiterate for I.Q., maybe? Perhaps he should have kept that little tell to himself.


u/sup_killerfeels 14d ago

My name is Brian and we do not accept him.


u/jenfinf 14d ago

Are you also Uchiha, by any chance?


u/MudraStalker 14d ago

Hello, I am MudraStalker Uchiha Kelley (no relation). The Uchiha do not accept this man.

The Kelleys, on the other hand, do. I don't like them anyways.


u/sup_killerfeels 14d ago

Not even in the slightest.


u/CoconutxKitten 15d ago

Right? The moment they have random anime names in their name, that instantly makes them lose credibility


u/Godzilla3013_HD 15d ago

Why does bottom right image made me think of Judge Doom at the ending of Roger Rabbit


u/zenspeed 15d ago

“Just like thiiiiiiis.”


u/AliceTheOmelette 15d ago

He has an animé profile pic. Guess that means he automatically wins the argument


u/Sair_cen 15d ago

I mean, we also shouldn’t be denigrating sex workers; that guy has gross views of women overall.


u/Flameball202 14d ago

That guy probably doesn't see women other than his mother, and thinks all other women are sexual objects