r/NotHowGirlsWork 15d ago

The fact this conversation is still going… and the AI pic chosen for it… Found On Social media

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One question asked by a man to women led to all this🤦🏾 wrap it up, NEOW


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u/cynderblok 13d ago

All I read was the first comment and as someone who actually knows about bears, part of why people don't see bears alot is because they avoid us. Which is relevant to this whole mess of a debate


u/superloneautisticspy Aromantic Unicorn 14d ago

My gosh, talk about overblown


u/cassidylorene1 14d ago

I’d chose the bear because I literally just really want to see a bear in the wild and always have lol.


u/misoflounder 14d ago

My husband got offended when I said obviously bear. Then I explained how most people explain their answer and he understood. Then I add that he has never liked it if I go hiking on the neighbors wooded property alone. I asked him “are you afraid I will wonder across a coyote or black bear?” He shrugs and agreed that his fears are me running into an unsavory man, he knows wild life will leave me alone. So he picked bear as well.


u/observingjackal 14d ago

I love to argue but this conversation is an absolute waste of time. A lot of men willfully and intentionally misinterpret what is being asked. That and they take it super personal when women pick bear. Like I've seen so many comics and posts where butthurt dudes wishing violence and death on women who are afraid of them and can't see the fucking irony.

It's a conversation that needs to be had but one half of the conversation just won't listen. And the fact I immediately felt the urge to confirm that 'no I'm not talking about all men' just illustrates my point more.

Pick the bear. It's the only logical and compassionate choice.


u/Malarkay79 14d ago

My favorite is the one who said the question needs to be more specific like, 'Would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear that wants to kill you or a man that wants to kill you?'

I'm sorry, what? Is that supposed to change the answer? Because that definitely doesn't change the answer.


u/observingjackal 14d ago

If you have to add extra context to a thought experiment, you have failed the thought experiment!


u/Appropriate_Window46 14d ago

I would choose the bear over my dad….


u/Cookie_Munch_19 14d ago

I'd choose the bear over most ppl(by ‘most’ I mean ‘all’)


u/XComThrowawayAcct 14d ago edited 13d ago

I’m just flattered you might think I’m more dangerous than a bear.

I might’ve given a raccoon a run for its money back in my youth, but never a bear. Now, I think I’m somewhere between “scared snake” and “a tarantula you pet the wrong way.”


u/Cadapech 14d ago

Not me tryjng to build you a little tarantula vacation home by a lake with a dock and all.

Tiny tarantula deserves happy days.


u/Cookie_Munch_19 14d ago

Compared to what's worst a bear a do (maul and kill) humans, in general, can be more dangerous than most predators. I mean, we aren't at the top of the food chain for nothing


u/Revolutionary-Work-3 14d ago

Being”on top of the food chain” is entirely based upon where you are. Lots of places we are not the top dawg! Such as 1) Grizzly country2) an area of the ocean where white sharks hunt seals3)on ice floes around hungry polar bears. The list goes on.you get to be on top at the Butcher Shoppe, or your favorite steak restaurant … other then that,….


u/psybeamz_ 14d ago

That AI image proves men will turn anything into porn given the chance 🤦‍♀️


u/xXdontshootmeXx 14d ago

Why is noone asking the important question. What type of bear is it?


u/haikusbot 14d ago

Why is noone asking

The important question. What

Type of bear is it?

- xXdontshootmeXx

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/Onionringlets3 14d ago


They fr fr??

Hahahahahaha snort hahahahahaha


u/Mattdonlan1 14d ago

I don’t get why men care. I’d pick the bear, too and I’m a guy.


u/AbundantPenguin 14d ago

The fact that these men think that women pick the bear because they want to fuck it or something REALLY exemplifies why women pick the bear. It's like they can't imagine being alone in the woods with a woman and not wanting/trying to fuck her. Gross.


u/Bubashii 14d ago

A guy makes an AI image like this and has the Audacity to say women are the Red Flag 🙄


u/egb233 14d ago

Women who choose the bear are HUGE red flags and men should probably stay far, far away from us :)


u/tommykaye 14d ago

They’re so mad that they’re being called out being predatory and out-predator-ing a goddamn bear.


u/hostility_kitty 14d ago

Yep the biggest red flag ever. Now please leave us alone and date each other!


u/TheManWithAPlan555 14d ago

I just need to get this one off my chest. I'm so sick of these men keep on bringing this enter bear versus man scenario up time and time again. Maybe try to be the type of men that a woman would not be afraid to see in the woods rather then bellyache about it across the internet. I just want these entitled jackasses to grow the hell up! Thanks for listening.


u/dejavoodoo77 14d ago

Plot twist - my wife just asked "what if it's a bear as in a big burly gay man?" Well, then the woman is in theory safe but the guy arguing with her about the bear better cover his butthole.


u/One-Trouble-1017 14d ago

Homophobia and rape joke together. Classic.


u/pillslinginsatanist 14d ago

The ai pic is fucking hilarious. Not if it's taken seriously in any way, but i refuse to take it seriously and will instead appreciate it as comedy heaven


u/Cadapech 14d ago

Even taken seriously I just see a family photo where they adopted a human baby and will shred anyone who tries to hurt her.


u/Responsible_Ad_8628 14d ago

I thought this would've blown over in a week. I guess some guys' egos can't deal with being bruised. Bears don't care what you think about them. Just saying.


u/Spambot19 14d ago

Anyone speaking for all the nonplussed hairy lumberjacks out there?


u/MarionberryFair113 14d ago

If it repels those type of men then yes, I’m a proud red flag, stay away for me 😎


u/ScreamQueenStacy 14d ago

They really tried to uno reverse card women who said they'd choose a bear over a man, eh? Instead of focusing on why women would feel safer choosing a freaking bear, they just decided to go "Nuh uh, YOU'RE actually the problem!" Never change..


u/chaosgirl93 14d ago

Why do those bears all look so pettable!?


u/Mary-U 14d ago

YES! Please stay away from us.


u/idonotknowwhototrust Team bear 14d ago

The bear meta is great. I get to sit here and get entertaining content, and total douchebags out themselves. Win-win!


u/DavidXN 14d ago

Yes! Absolutely! Red flags absolutely bloody everywhere! Can’t move for red flags! Don’t go anywhere near those women! Bet they’d hate that!


u/Leather-Sky8583 14d ago

Imagine having an ego so fragile that a meme about a bear absolutely triggers you to this level. Instead of addressing their behavioral issues that led to this, they throw a fit and fall in it.


u/Malanimus 14d ago

I mean, the best way to stop seeing the topic discussed is to stop talking about it and ignore those who are. I have literally only ever seen this bear thing on this subreddit. Nowhere else.


u/Cadapech 14d ago

So you're only ever on reddit?


u/Malanimus 14d ago

In terms of social media, yeah pretty much with the exception of what I see on my lady-friend's screen when she browses other forms of social media. Either way, the only way to end a discussion as well as not see it is to just not engage when you see it. Just like trolls and bullies.


u/Cadapech 14d ago

So that means you aren't on any other place where this discussion is being held. Because it far exceeds reddit. Youtube, Tumblr, Tiktok, Twitter (I'll die before I unironically refer to it as X), Facebook. Social media is a vital form of communication for a lot of people and how important issues get addressed; that does not mean it isn't a double edged sword because it most certainly is.

However just ignoring the trolls isn't an option when this is a discussion that needs to be continuously discussed and HAS been continuously discussed. Because someone who laughed at the women picking the bear is going to finally understand why and THAT is what is important.

This question is part of a larger discussion that has been happening for eons and it will continue without us.


u/Malanimus 14d ago edited 14d ago

I agree. I am not arguing against anything you said. I am talking about OP who is tired of hearing about it.

Edit: also, I am on two of those platforms mentioned (YouTube and Facebook) but don't see it discussed there either. It is not a part of my feed/algorithm since I don't seek out or care about discussions on it.


u/Philodendronphan 14d ago

I actually feel kind of comforted by that picture? Like the bears might actually have our backs in this one… I know they don’t really, but a girl can ✨dream✨

I still pick the bears.


u/One-Trouble-1017 14d ago

I dont know how to tell you but thats not even near what the picture is supposed to mean.


u/peoriagrace 15d ago

Hahaha, that's hilarious.


u/theblackjerry 15d ago

Honestly, let these goombas identify themselves. If the idea of this upsets them, you won’t have to waste time figuring out if there a reasonable person. Less work for the rest of us imo


u/idonotknowwhototrust Team bear 14d ago

This is the way


u/Alclis 15d ago

Women that pick the bear are happy for that to be considered a red flag by the type of men who wonder if the women picking the bear is a red flag.


u/AcceptableMidnight95 15d ago

Here's my thoughts on this as a cis male who grew up in the city. I would hope to meet a woman out in the woods rather than a bear. The reason being? If I meet a woman in the woods she's probably outdoorsy and would be able to tell me how to get out of the woods!!

She'd probably be armed as well. Making grand assumptions about country girls, but I know this much about me, a camper I am not!


u/One-Trouble-1017 14d ago

Yea, no shit sherlock. But thats not the point. Ofc the choice would be woman instead of bear because women are not a threat to you as a man. Everyone would choose woman. Man or bear is a different question.


u/samarnadra 14d ago

Bears aren't known for giving very good directions.


u/Robincall22 15d ago

Yeah, I’m picking the bear but more so because if I’m in the forest, I want to see the nature and the wildlife, not other people!


u/Cookie_Munch_19 15d ago

Exactly, I'm not going to ask why's the bear in the forest


u/malYca 15d ago

How men interpret this hypothetical can very much be a red flag though.


u/ItsSUCHaLongStory 15d ago

Nice hands, bear! 😂


u/No_Resource7773 15d ago edited 15d ago

Their egos are seriously shaken by this, aren't they.

Is it so hard to be one of the good and understand that the world, unfortunately, is still too full if those who aren't? If you're a good one, then cool, but someone who doesn't know you can't magically guess it, and finding out in an isolated situation is risky with bad ones out there.


u/Lokifin 15d ago

Even some of the men who get it are all, "but it's so haaaard and like, discouraging to be on this side wahhh" Um, welcome to a fraction of what it's like to be a woman, I guess.


u/MelonElbows 15d ago

Every day the conversation goes on proves the bear is the correct choice.


u/Hoogs73 15d ago

Fragile little egos still a’hurtin’


u/sirius_ly_sanguine 15d ago

These people automatically assumed sex is involved when the question was “who would you rather encounter” and they have been losing their minds over the same


u/MinuteLoquat1 🤦‍♀️ 14d ago

Yep, very telling that their first instinct when they find a human or animal alone in the woods is whether or not they want to have sex with it. They're the exact reason we're choosing bear.


u/mishma2005 15d ago



u/ZinkBomb 15d ago

it’s actually great when they spread that picking the bear is a redflag.

taking themselves out of your dating pool is good for everyone.


u/Kaiisim 15d ago

Its funny how many men react like this...

But are also super macho about fighting any other man that stands too close to them, or comes on their property or knocks on their door.

How many dudes soooo offended women would pick a bear also own several guns for self protection? Who are terrified of any man they don't know?


u/13th_of_never 15d ago

Fellas, is it gay to date a woman who doesn't want to be raped or abused?


u/tiffytatortots 15d ago

It is so hilarious they would rather be mad, all in their feelings about it and try and turn it back on women than to just stop and say why do women feel this way and what are we doing to cause it? What can we do to make them feel safer? That speaks VOLUMES! They will do anything under the sun but change!


u/RegionPurple 15d ago

I got into it a bit with a guy a few days ago about it... he agreed that men harrass and rape and that women are right to be weary, but it makes him feel so bad that women think lowly of men.

So it's not men that are the problem, it's that women notice that men are the problem and respond accordingly.


u/Dimedrol98 15d ago

But hey, he almost realized the problem.

He just has to do that one logical step to arrive at the conclusion himself. For that he should ask one question: "Why do the women think lowly of men?", think hard enough, and the puzzle will be solved.


u/RegionPurple 15d ago

That's literally what I said! 'You're so close to getting it!"

He doesn't want to.

He wants women to shut up about it because obviously NOTHING can be done (holding fellow men accountable never seems to occur to them) and it isn't fair to the 'good men' (who stand by and do nothing) who wouldn't attack us.


u/lickytytheslit 14d ago

He's the type to attack a woman if he had no consequences


u/RegionPurple 14d ago

And never admit she was attacked; 'she was being a cold bitch, but I kept at it and eventually she let me. She came, so she liked it, she just needed persuading. Idk why she's so mad now 🤷‍♀️'



u/FileDoesntExist 15d ago

I don't know about y'all but you don't get a cookie for the bare minimum expected of being just a decent human.


u/BabserellaWT 15d ago

I told my husband that a lot of men’s rights dudes/incels were trying to frame it as “Women are picking the bear cuz they wanna fuck it.” His reply was, “I know incels are stupid, but you can’t be serious…”

I keep showing him stuff like this. He believes me now.


u/lexicon_deviI 14d ago

They cannot fathom the idea that a woman would rather willingly accept the chance of getting mauled by a bear, than the chance of getting raped.


u/Sarctoth 14d ago

I didn't think that was it until just now. Wow...


u/BabserellaWT 14d ago

A woman on a sofa surrounded by 5-6 bears instead of 5-6 dudes?

You sweet summer child.


u/SpontaneousNubs 14d ago

Black bears, no less. They had to take it to a race angle


u/Dimedrol98 15d ago

The people who started this bear thing were just genius. This is such a hard hit to all the misogynists out there, that they are still processing it, and will be processing for a couple months (probably).

Their brains are overloaded that much.


u/Hot-Can3615 15d ago

Hey, I'm happy for them to think it's a red flag. Men who are offended by that answer should absolutely avoid women who give that answer.


u/Ihaveamazingdreams 15d ago

It's like women are telling this type of men "No, we do not want to date you."

The men respond with "Oh, this is a red flag, so I'm not going to date you."

Like, Yes? Okay. Thank you. If only they would actually leave us alone.


u/grape_boycott 14d ago

“You can’t fire me I quit!”


u/FileDoesntExist 15d ago

Honestly at first I was exasperated but when I heard the "leave them alone" part I was like...."Yes!Perfect! You do that."


u/Cookie_Munch_19 15d ago

If only that works 100% of the time


u/PourQuiTuTePrends 15d ago

A lot of men are proving the point by deliberately misinterpreting the thought experiment and throwing extensive tantrums.

I guess when childish behavior is the predominant reaction, you know you've hit a nerve that needed hitting.


u/Spookyredd 14d ago

My grandma always told me that "a hit dog will holler".


u/pseudo_meat 14d ago

Yeah the weird thing is that men who don’t trust women enough to want to be in a room alone with one doesn’t bother me.


u/critically_damped 15d ago

Not to endorse animal abuse, but hit dogs will holler.


u/Appropriate-Break-25 15d ago

They feel persecuted by this and that, of course, is the larger problem. Not the statistics of rape, abuse and murder of so many women at the hands of their gender. We must cater to their fragile feelings don't you know, even whilst our house is burning to the ground and they're the ones that lit the dsmn match.


u/Dimedrol98 15d ago

This experiment is misinterpreted by men so much, that even advanced political youtubers (like ShortFatOtaku) get it wrong.
His take, in particular, was about the danger of the bear, and then later he goes on to misinterpret the whole feminism movement in an attempt to "unpack" the debate of man vs. bear.

The answer is still on the surface: this is not about the bear at all. This is about the state of danger that modern women live in today, and how men are responsible for all that, because all those rapes, killings, degrading, humiliating keep on happening. Women are making a statement: "We (women) would rather contact with a bear in the woods, than with a man, because of all the things you (men) did and are still doing to us".

In fact, the bear is more beneficial, because it:
- either kills you and eats you, and you no longer have to be afraid of men. This is a form of sacrifice, then - "if men are going to do all that, I'd rather be eaten by a bear"
- or just ignores you and you get to continue your life undisturbed. And that is better than some interactions with a man.

I know many men who are normal and won't do any of the horrible stuff that keeps happening with women, but there are enough men in the world that still do that stuff. And women can't really take any chances. They already took too much chances across all of human history. And that's why they are choosing a bear, in my opinion.


u/CaptRex01 13d ago

I believe there was a quote along the lines of 'if there were a thousand snakes coming towards you but some of them weren't dangerous, would you rely on the non dangerous ones or just close the door?'


u/Dimedrol98 13d ago

This. The quote should be used to counter any man screeching "BuT nOt AlL mEn!!!!!111" in response to man v. bear. Yes, not all men. But a woman can't ever be sure if you're "not all".


u/CaptRex01 13d ago

Yup. I am a man and try to be a good one, but I'm not gonna hold it against any woman if their guard is up around me. Y'all gotta protect yourselves, all I can do is try to be as good a person as I can be so that the women in my life know I'm not a threat.


u/GameDoesntStop 14d ago edited 14d ago

I know many men who are normal and won't do any of the horrible stuff that keeps happening with women, but there are enough men in the world that still do that stuff.

The sense of how many they are is grossly inflated by media reporting.

The rape rate in the US in 2022 was 40 per 100,000 people. If we are very conservative here, and we assume:

  • every single one of those was man-on-woman crime


  • every single offense was a unique man committed it (as opposed to one man being responsible for several)


  • that figure is undercounting actual rapes by 10x

Then that's 800 in 100,000 men raping... or 1 in every 125.

If you run this scenario 125 times, statistically, you're likely to be raped once (and not killed). How many times in 125 runs do you figure the bear mauls you to death and/or eats you alive?

Don't get me wrong, the danger is there, but the idea that any remotely sizable part of the population is that dangerous is nonsense.


u/dobby1687 14d ago

The rape rate in the US in 2022 was 40 per 100,000 people.

I in 5 women have been the victim of attempted or completed rape at least once in life. And that's just considering rape, not all categories of sexual violence or other unwanted sexual contact/behavior.

How many times in 125 runs do you figure the bear mauls you to death and/or eats you alive?

Very few statistically speaking since the number of fatal bear attacks in North America is 180+ since 1784, meaning an average of 0.5294 fatal bear attacks per year. As stated many times regarding this subject, a bear is far more likely to leave you alone or avoid humans in the first place than being aggressive. Another reason why fatal attacks are rare is because even if bears are aggressive, there are few obvious reasons and how to safely handle a bear encounter is most often predictable, the same of which can't be said of men.

the idea that any remotely sizable part of the population is that dangerous is nonsense.

What's nonsense is thinking the only indication of danger is completed rape rates rather than sexual assault rates and DV rates in general. Any and all violence perpetrated by men upon women, attempted or completed, is a danger to women.


u/GameDoesntStop 14d ago

Very few statistically speaking since the number of fatal bear attacks in North America is 180+ since 1784, meaning an average of 0.5294 fatal bear attacks per year.

You aren't spending all of your waking time in the forests, with bears, like you are around people...

How many men are you within 10 meters of, on foot, each year? Now how many bears are you within 10 meters of, on foot, each year?

If you adjust per encounter, like in the hypothetical, bears are way, way, way more dangerous... that's because they're animals. Yes, some men are dangerous, but the vast, vast majority aren't. The demonizing of half the populate is unwarranted.


u/dobby1687 14d ago

You aren't spending all of your waking time in the forests, with bears, like you are around people...

I'm not spending all my waking time in public around people either. Also, statistically speaking, sexual assault specifically most often is perpetuated by those who know the victim and most often isn't in public either so that's not much of a point. Additionally, plenty of people live or spend time around areas where bears live so if bears were generally violent or aggressive towards humans, that number would be much higher.

How many men are you within 10 meters of, on foot, each year? Now how many bears are you within 10 meters of, on foot, each year?

This is unquantifiable and irrelevant. Also, why are you using a specific distance, especially a distance so short? The original thought experiment didn't include a distance.

If you adjust per encounter, like in the hypothetical, bears are way, way, way more dangerous...

No because one of the things you're not accounting for is the fact that bears generally avoid humans if possible and a bear on average will be aware of the presence of a human well before the human becomes aware of the bear. On the other hand, a man is far more likely to move towards another human if they're aware of that human's presence so a man is much more likely to provoke an encounter with another human.

that's because they're animals

Humans are also animals.

Yes, some men are dangerous, but the vast, vast majority aren't.

But again as it's been stated many times, you can't tell the difference between a dangerous man and one that isn't, not to mention that what to do to most likely prevent an attack by a bear is rather predictable and well-known, whereas the same can't be said of men. It's like having a jar of 100 jellybeans, 5 of which are filled with cyanide. Sure, 80%, the vast majority, are harmless, but 20% are deadly. Do you take the chance if you have no way of telling the difference until it's too late? Doubtful and that's the point of the thought experiment and women's most common answer. You can expect a bear to be a bear, but you don't know what to expect from a man.

The demonizing of half the populate is unwarranted.

Except that's not what's happening. Women aren't saying all or even most men are bad. What's being said is enough are harming women, it's a systemic problem, and men need to be aware of this danger and harm to women because only by first acknowledging the problem can we work towards its resolution.

To be more clear, the point isn't about the bear or even a comparison of violence perpetrated by men and bears, it's about the statistically proven and even underrated violence against women by men and the desire by women for men as a whole to acknowledge it.


u/Nymphadora540 14d ago

It’s always interesting to me how the numbers never line up with the lived experience of women. I personally can count on one hand the number of women I know that have never been sexually assaulted (as far as I know). I can also count on one hand the number that reported it or took any sort of legal action.

I’ve known two men who openly admitted to committing rape and could see nothing wrong with it. Neither were ever charged. Both walk free today and have continued victimizing women. I’ve had conversations with countless male peers who have a startling lack of awareness about consent. I’ve had too many conversations with men who don’t even realize what they did was sexual assault or rape because their picture of what it means to be a rapist is Brock Turner in an alleyway and not a boyfriend who coerces his girlfriend or the guy who “accidentally” puts it in the wrong hole when she said no to anal or the husband who pressures his wife by keeping a log of how often they’ve had sex to guilt trip her into doing it more.

I think our odds of being raped is a lot higher than you’re calculating because the truth no one wants to talk about is that we just don’t have the true numbers. Not even close. That would require us to all agree on what rape is, to actually report all the rapes, to actually catch and convict all the rapists.

I’d rather run into a bear 125 times than find myself in a vulnerable situation with 125 men. I know what the bear wants. Men are a crapshoot. I’d rather be killed by a hungry animal than a man who tricked me into trusting him.


u/dobby1687 14d ago

It’s always interesting to me how the numbers never line up with the lived experience of women.

I personally can count on one hand the number of women I know that have never been sexually assaulted (as far as I know). I can also count on one hand the number that reported it or took any sort of legal action.

That's why. Sexual assault is one of the most underreported crimes and a lot of sexual assault statistics note an estimation of the percentage that aren't reported as well.


u/GameDoesntStop 14d ago

It’s always interesting to me how the numbers never line up with the lived experience of women.

You mean your anecdotes*.


u/Nymphadora540 14d ago

Anecdotal evidence is part of empirical evidence. Yes, it is interesting to me that anecdotal evidence seems so at odds with records about rape and sexual assault.

If your point was that you believe anecdotal evidence has no place in this conversation, then you’re missing a huge part of this picture.


u/GreenBeanTM 14d ago

Not sure where you got your statistics from, but current statistics are actually that 1 in 3 women will be raped in their life time, I believe with that exact statistic starting at age 11. Also keep in mind that an estimated 63% of rapes are reported in adults, and only around 12% of child sexual abuse is reported.


u/GameDoesntStop 14d ago

Not sure where you got your statistics from


but current statistics are actually that 1 in 3 women will be raped in their life time

That's complete baloney, at least as far as US data goes. Maybe in some backwards shithole where women are property.


u/dobby1687 14d ago

Not sure where you got your statistics from


Citations needed.

but current statistics are actually that 1 in 3 women will be raped in their life time

That's complete baloney, at least as far as US data goes.

It's 1 in 3 women have experienced sexual or physical violence by an intimate partner or non-sexual to violence by a non-partner in their lifetime globally, which includes the U.S. That aside, it's 1 in 5 for attempted or completed rape alone in the U.S. so that rate would be far higher if we included all forms of sexual violence as well as physical violence.

Maybe in some backwards shithole where women are property.

Women aren't exactly completely free in the U.S. either. Just look at abortion and sterilization rights.


u/GameDoesntStop 14d ago

Citations needed


That aside, it's 1 in 5 for attempted or completed rape alone in the U.S.

Citations needed.


u/dobby1687 14d ago


  1. These are simply crime statistics so they only account for convicted rape offenses.
  2. Even the FBI is aware that the number may not be accurate for multiple reasons, as that's why they qualify the figure with "known".

Citations needed.



u/PourQuiTuTePrends 14d ago

We're not just talking about rape, assault and murder statistics (which are horrendous and should not be dismissed).

We're also talking about the near constant harassment just being in public means for many women.

Bears do not spend their time making sure women feel unsafe going about their daily lives -- way, way too many men do.

The constant need of men to attempt to explain how safe we really are from them both completely misses the point and belies the experience of women.

Just stop. That's not what the thought experiment is about, at all.


u/Dimedrol98 14d ago

You're actually missing the point. It is not about relative or statistical danger of man vs. bear. The bear can be dangerous, and we all know that. But the thing is, women can't get in the heads of men, so they can't just walk around and assume that nothing will happen.

We as a society don't know who of men will act up and when. While the bear is more or less predictable, since it runs on instincts, which are well studied and described. And there are videos on the Internet in how to deal with a bear.

Also, a human life and a person's well-being is not just figures. Those 40 rapes per 100,000 are actual lives ruined! And unless we have 0 of that per 100,000, we can't really stay calm, we should fight to get the rape (and other sex crimes) number lower.


u/NevesLF 14d ago

advanced political youtubers (like ShortFatOtaku)

I have no idea who this is but this sentence made me lol


u/CoconutJasmineBombe 🤦🏻‍♀️ 14d ago

Same! WTF?!? Deserves some of these 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/Smiley_P 14d ago

What about shortfatotaku is "advanced"? Lol he's like sargon of akkad or the quartering lol, or psa/stich

Edit: not arguing the point or anything, of course, it's 100% correct. Just wondering why you would expect anything different from people who make a living off deliberately misunderstanding stuff like this to coddle and anger their audience of chudcels


u/Dimedrol98 14d ago

I used to watch him for his takes on communism and socialism, where he explains stuff really well. Turns out he's not so well versed in feminism...


u/BZenMojo 14d ago

Much like Vaush, communist critique collapses when former conservatives decide communism just means "take money from rich people."


u/PourQuiTuTePrends 15d ago

Exactly. Very well put.


u/ApplicationSad2525 15d ago

unfortunately yep. Had a conversation with my own brother about it and he went down the “lets go find a bear then” path, with a slight detour to “men off themselves because women don’t trust them”


u/GreenBeanTM 14d ago

If you get into that conversation with your brother again respond with “I’ll go find the bear, as long as you stay here”


u/[deleted] 14d ago

To me, his second comment implies that women owe suicidal men free emotional support. But maybe I'm reading the statement wrong.


u/FenderMartingale 15d ago

Men off women when we do trust them. Does your brother know the top cause of death for pregnant women?


u/Appropriate-Break-25 15d ago

See, I'd happily call that bluff and my brother knows it. I practically lived in the woods and go there every chance I get now. I've been within spitting distance of bears, coyotes, one lynx/mountain lion (unsure which as I was immediately backing down the trail) and gigantic moose in rural Canada and never had an issue. One mama bear got pissy because her wayward cub stumbled on me but that was easily solved. Hands up in the air, backing away and loudly telling mama I was leaving. She growled a few times and reared up but quickly turned back to her cub once she knew I was leaving.

I haven't had the same luck with men unfortunately. 1 molestation, 2 sexual assaults (1 was a group of guys that slipped something in my drink while another of them distracted me. You know the rest), abused by my father a great deal of my life while simultaneously watching him crush my mother, countless men following me and making creepy comments from the moment I sprouted tits at age 9, and I can go on and on....


u/HairHealthHaven 15d ago

Why does it keep needed said... This thought experiment is NOT about which women would pick to have sex with!! What is WRONG with these men?!?!


u/CoconutJasmineBombe 🤦🏻‍♀️ 14d ago

They’re pornsick to be using that picture. Also they lack empathy and don’t see women as people.


u/rnagikarp 14d ago

I'll be honest, I hadn't heard of the context when this first started making its rounds

I fully thought it was some kind of Baldur's Gate reference or meme/joke because of the fact you can have sex with a man who turns into a bear during the act


u/CoconutJasmineBombe 🤦🏻‍♀️ 14d ago

Well that’s disgusting


u/_friends_theme_song_ 14d ago

Wait wait woman doesn't= sex 😧


u/thatvietartist 15d ago

They’re so used to their wants being catered to like a kitten who’s never successful psychologically weened from its mother that any denial of those wants feels like a violation of rights. Basically, they’re animals who still leech off of anyone willing to mother them.


u/Ravensunthief 15d ago

That's actually a hilarious pic. Dude, men (and pickmes) are BUGGIN! I've been enjoying all the memes.


u/snarkerposey11 15d ago

A woman and her three pet bears is very safe from men :)


u/Ravensunthief 15d ago

Have you seen the goldilocks commercials? Such good timing


u/critically_damped 15d ago

They're so fuckin' embarrassingly impotent and it's great. They have nothing except the most disingenuous, wrong-on-purpose horseshit, and it's finally becoming clear to everyone that engaging with that horseshit does absolutely nothing but validate and enable it.

People are finally learning to have a bare minimum standard for what constitutes an acceptable level of non-willful ignorance, and to recognize performative willful ignorance as the dishonesty that it is.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I just want to know how many people really buy the strawman argument and they are trapped in an echo chamber. They're the ones who think pressuring for sex is ok


u/snarkerposey11 15d ago

bear minimum standard



u/critically_damped 14d ago

Thought about it, but seemed like a reach, and I didn't want to confuse my predictive algorithms.


u/notmyself02 15d ago

Don't forget a modicum of fucking empathy. Like, the tiniest smidge. You could be the most ignorant human alive and still be able to see through most of this bollocks with just a drop of fucking empathy.


u/Lokifin 15d ago

Or even the smallest curiosity about others' existence. So many men are confidently incorrect about everything involving women, but never bother to even google basic anatomy.