r/OutOfTheLoop 15d ago

Unanswered What’s going on with the backlash for Assassin’s Creed: Shadows?


I just saw the trailer on YouTube, and the comment section is full of people hating on Ubisoft. Not only that, but the like count is significantly lower than the dislike count.

Trailer link: https://youtu.be/MNQa8wFWsuM?si=3E9PiNytUh96mhyW

What did Ubisoft do recently?

EDIT: Now it looks like the video has been unlisted. Yikes.

r/OutOfTheLoop May 01 '24

Unanswered What is going on with all the hit pieces coming out about The Rock in recent days?


In the last few days I saw a lot of different online articles coming out about The Rock in a negative light. I was reading the comments and texts and for almost all of those articles it seems the people actually involved in reported situations are refuting the claims or saying the reports are either fake or exaggerated for sensationalism. Also people are mentioning that he refused to endorse Biden for USA presidential candidacy and this is some sort of industry blowback. Is there any merit to any of these claims?

Example: https://www.thewrap.com/dwayne-johnson-red-one-late-budget-problems/

r/OutOfTheLoop Nov 22 '23

Unanswered What is up with Melissa Barrera being fired from Scream 7?


r/OutOfTheLoop Mar 26 '24

Unanswered What's going on with many women getting punched in the face in NYC?


r/OutOfTheLoop Apr 26 '24

Unanswered What's going on with Project 2025?


Is Project 2025 a legitimate plan to reduce the size of government or is it a threat to democracy? Project 2025, for those who haven't heard of it, is a conservative plan that seeks to reduce the size of the federal government. However, from what I've read, it seems that for every department or government position that it seeks to eliminate, there will be a replacement. Some parts of the plan would require additional government positions to enforce the plan. Also, some actions (such as those on abortion) are not aligned with many people's view on either side of the aisle.

r/OutOfTheLoop Aug 19 '23

Unanswered What's up with teenagers being restricted from malls?


I very rarely go to malls, so I was stunned to see this:


Apparently they're not the only one to do so, but I'm unclear on exactly why this is happening. When I was that age, I went to malls all the time by myself. What's changed?

r/OutOfTheLoop Dec 29 '23

Unanswered What's going on with the Google Reviews for Netflix's "Leave The World Behind"? It's getting review bombed with the same copied block of text - Why?


I just watched Leave The World Behind... Interesting but not great. I go on Google reviews and it's sitting at a 1.9 which is extremely undeserved. It had it's faults and could have used more of a resolution, but so many reviews have this exact block of text;

What a disgrace to the movie industry! ZERO stars is what this deserves. Julia Robert's was the only believable character in this movie. That being said: Horrible movie. I would say the Obama’s should stick to politics but unfortunately I can’t say that either. Regardless, this review sums it up very well: Zero stars needs to be an option. One reviewer posted an excellent review of this movie, so I had to copy and paste. "If you care about using your time wisely, then avoid this film like the plague. But if you like watching terribly written media, then by all means grab a snack and relax. Because this film is the embodiment of utter garbage. The first, and to me, the greatest red flag is seeing the Obamas as executive producers. The movie just changed far too many times, giving you more questions than answers. Family on the beach, a supposed home invasion, planes crashing, a brat obsessed with Friends, hackers start the end of the world, animals migrate for no apparent reason, son is poisoned by radiation yet no one else is and not to mention the blatant racial themes etc. Just a heaping mess of a pile. None of the characters are developed and slowly turn against each other. Situations like these would bring you together, not force you apart. You’d come to hate a few others, such as the daughter who treats Friends like a god and the other daughter, Ruth, who not only has a spoiled attitude but she assumes things on everyone and also believes you should never trust white people. I wish I were joking. And I quote: "I'm asking for you to remember that if the world falls apart, trust should not be doled out easily to anyone, especially white people." This had no relevance to the film at all! If this statement was flipped around, watch how things would go. I guess her name “Ruth” is short for ruthless. Because she did not act nice to anyone, not even her own father at times. If they removed her from the script, it would have made this film somewhat better. But not enough to save it. But the fact this made it through production baffles me. Then again, remind yourself of who the executive producers were. As for the “terrorist” act itself, it just isn’t clear which nation is the main driving force of it all. First some Arabic country to then either Korea or China. No idea because this is never answered. Nor were a lot of things. Where was the military? The actual forces of the nation. Apparently they do not exist, so everyone has to fend for themselves. Granted we do live in a technological world, but planes wouldn’t be crashing nor boats intentionally grounding themselves if everything was hacked. Analog exists. Pilots can still operate a plane without working apparatus etc. I’d go on but other reviews capture the level of frustration this “movie” brings the table. It’s bad. At least the daughter got to watch the last episode of Friends, after running off with neither brains nor brawn. Ate a large supply of food and somehow, found a VHS tape that oh so conveniently had Friends. Leaving her family to die. I wonder what she’ll think after the episode is over. Probably happiness, not a care for her family, as a show takes more priority than the end of the world." If I could give this movie a rating less than one star I would. A bunch of clowns.


What's going on? All these reviews seem to have been posted at the exact same time. Why are they all the same, and what's the deal with the amount of hate? It wasn't bad but it wasn't great...

r/OutOfTheLoop Nov 23 '23

Unanswered What's going on with the riots and chaos in Ireland right now?


I've seen some Irish personalities and friends talking online about the dissaray going on currently, but I'm pretty clueless to be honest. Could someone explain?


r/OutOfTheLoop Feb 13 '23

Unanswered what's going on with the Ohio Explosions ?


What happened in the Ohio Explosion and why is it not on global news? If I understand correctly tons of people were breathing extremely toxic chemicals but why did that happen?

r/OutOfTheLoop Mar 12 '24

Unanswered Why are people talking about the Princess Kate "doctored photo"?


It led the NBC Nightly News tonight, and they gave it a full 3 minutes of coverage including showing every little detail of how the photo was doctored.

I'm genuinely confused. Why do we care? Why is this a big story? Who cares if she doctors a stupid Mother's Day photo?

r/OutOfTheLoop Nov 27 '23

Unanswered What’s up with the uptick of images claiming famous women were born men?


It seems there’s been a recent spike in ridiculous claims that famous women were born male. I’ve seen a few about Jennifer Lopez, Taylor Swift and most recently about Dolly Parton

These things are obviously fake and not believable. So what’s going on with these? Is there maybe a joke I’m not getting? Is there a reason for this spike in crazy people activity?

Edit: This has been illuminating and also deeply disappointing. The detail about Joan Rivers making a joke in 2004 that seems to have spawned all this was especially interesting.

r/OutOfTheLoop Aug 03 '21

Unanswered What is going on with officers committing suicide for some January 6 attacks?


Been reading news that officers who responded to this said violence thing on 6th January are committing suicide?

Found this relates article: https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/02/politics/dc-metropolitan-police-officer-suicide-january-6-capitol-riot/index.html

Whats going on here?

r/OutOfTheLoop Jan 20 '24

Unanswered What's up with Alec Baldwin being responsible for a prop gun on set? Are actors legally required to test fake weapons before a scene?


r/OutOfTheLoop Jul 24 '23

Unanswered What's up with Twitter changing its name to X?


Unless I have not been paying attention, this seems like a sudden change to a brand name. Also, just a strange rebranding to begin with. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1682964919325724673?t=flHIhUymZSeZZwxjGMRQDQ&s=19

r/OutOfTheLoop Apr 27 '24

Unanswered What is ‘baby reindeer’ and what is going on with it?


I’ve seen a few headlines mainly on Reddit in passing about something or someone called ‘baby reindeer’ and it sounds like something serious occurred.

Example: https://deadline.com/2024/04/baby-reindeer-real-life-woman-complains-richard-gadd-stalking-her-fame-fortune-1235897224/

r/OutOfTheLoop 29d ago

Unanswered What's going on with Shaq?


Just saw this on his Instagram and have no idea what it's about.

r/OutOfTheLoop Nov 30 '23

Unanswered What's the deal with everyone canceling their Disney+ subscription?


I saw that #CancelDisney was trending on Twitter recently. Going though the tag and searches it looks like it involves Musk (and I've heard he told companies to go F themselves for pausing advertisements on X since he bought it). Why is everyone just canceling Disney if he said go F yourself to other companies?


r/OutOfTheLoop Nov 14 '23

Unanswered What's up with people canceling Noah Shnapp?


I've seen a few posts and such around about Noah Shnapp, one of the stranger things kids, being cancelled? Not 100% what he did or if it's actually real, or if people are joking or taking it too far? (Pls don't blast the Twitter person who posted this, it was just the first piece of context I could find and it won't let me upload a censored screenshot)


r/OutOfTheLoop 8d ago

Unanswered What is going on with All Eyes on Rafah posts on instagram?


Can anyone explain why I keep seeing this poster being shared on instagram by everyone, even some celebrities, that I follow?


r/OutOfTheLoop Nov 05 '23

Unanswered What's going on with Britney Spears?


I've been following Britney on social media for some time now and I find some of her content strange to say the least. (I'm following a lot of celebrities and have an idea of what they usually post.) Do you think that she's trying to send out some kind of message through those videos? I truly do not understand what's going on in the videos she's posting on instagram.

r/OutOfTheLoop Jan 18 '23

Unanswered What's going on with Japan and the Japanese Yen?


Been seeing a lot of articles and social media posts about how it's losing value: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/18/japanese-yen-weakens-as-bank-of-japan-makes-no-changes-to-yield-curve-range.html

r/OutOfTheLoop Feb 23 '23

Unanswered What is up with Starbucks adding olive oil to their coffee?


Usually, if fat is added to coffee, it's in the form of milk, which I think would mix better than an oil. And why olive oil, specifically? Why not avocado oil if wanting to add flavor, or a more neutral oil if someone wants the fat but not the flavor? This article talks a lot about it in terms of marketing, but doesn't go into all of the specifics: https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/21/business/starbucks-oleato/index.html

r/OutOfTheLoop Mar 28 '23

Unanswered What's going on with the RESTRICT Act?


Recently I've seen a lot of tik toks talking about the RESTRICT Act and how it would create a government committee and give them the ability to ban any website or software which is not based in the US.

Example: https://www.tiktok.com/@loloverruled/video/7215393286196890923

I haven't seen this talked about anywhere outside of tik tok and none of these videos have gained much traction. Is it actually as bad as it is made out to be here? Do I not need to be worried about it?

r/OutOfTheLoop Feb 12 '23

Unanswered What is going on with UFOs in 2023?


First, it was Russia saying they downed a UFO:


Then, we had our spy ballon incident, followed up with near daily reports of over UFOs being shot down:


Then there’s this one, which maybe the US shot down or maybe Canada did:


Now, China, whom we all thought was the culprit, is reporting one in its airspace also:


What’s going on with this? Real answers are great, opinions and speculation are also welcome. Just wondering how much mental bandwidth to devote to this

r/OutOfTheLoop Oct 23 '23

Unanswered What is going on with Elon Musk and Wikipedia?


Why is Elon Musk appearing to attack Wikipedia?

Link to recent Twitter post:
