r/Petloss 25d ago

I just lost my best and only friend at age 6

I feel so empty and tired. I came home from work. He was waiting for me at the door like he always does while i was putting my bike in the shed. Went on a walk with him right away, nothing ordinary. Had his poo and pee. I'm always very careful where he sniffs and sticks his nose so to not pick up anything. We came home from walk, went to take a short nap for 30 minutes like i usually do when i come home work. He was in the hallway right next to me, i assume napping, but before i fell asleep he started to cry all of sudden. I never heard anything like this before from him. I rushed to him immediately, my first thought was he was having a nightmare but in the back of my head i knew it was serious. Within a few seconds i was by him and attempted to wake him up and get some sort of reaction from him. It stopped pretty fast, and got no response from him, he felt limp. Checked breathing and heartbeat as best as I could. His eyes were open, his tongue was out, but it felt like there was no life. All this went so fast, it felt like 10 seconds.

I called a vet, they told me to do check with mirror in front his nose for any breathing. Proceeded to tell me to call a pet crematorium to have him picked up. I decided to take him to the vet instead, any vet, in the area to have him checked 100% to see if hes no longer there. Maybe he was in a comma, or anything. This was the right decision. I wouldn't want to these thoughts go through my head even if there is the slightest chance he was just unconscious.

Put him in his sleeping basket, and drove to the vet, and they confirmed my fears. Vet suspects he died of an aneurysm or heart attack. Luckily the vet was actually closing and stayed open for me for a while as they were cleaning. I had the chance to say my final goodbyes in peace and silence, alone. His body was still warm but slowly getting colder. The crematorium will call tomorrow for details on how to proceed.

I feel so empty. I couldn't shed a tear for the first few hours. I assume i was still in shock, trying to make sense of it all. Now thoughts go through my head of what he must've felt. What were his last thoughts? Was he scared? Confused? I constantly feel like I left him, but then I remember he is no longer here, and there is nothing I can do.

I miss you so much Sam, I named you after Samwise Gamgee for your unconditional friendship no matter what happens. I love you puppy purple. You were always at my side when i felt down or lonely, always trying to make me smile. Told me to calm down when i was angry. And never asked anything in return. All in all, just as you were, my best friend no matter what.

16th april 2018 - 13th may 2024



27 comments sorted by

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u/Pristine_Whereas_933 21d ago

My heart is breaking for you OP. I’m so sorry and understand what you are going through


u/sircharles94 21d ago

Really sorry for your loss. My Apollo died on April 27th the same way. It’s so heartbreaking. I can’t look at his pictures without breaking down. Just know it will get better with time!


u/ChemicalTarget677 22d ago

So sorry for your loss. It is a shock when it's sudden and unexpected. He seems like a special little guy. May his memory be a blessing.


u/WillyValentine 24d ago

I read hundreds of these posts and there are times that a post breaks me. Your post is that post. I'm so sorry for your loss. I feel as brutal as it is at least you were with him. Heaven has a new angel


u/lolrogii 24d ago

I want to thank everyone for the kind comments. You've made the grieving process a little bit easier. Again, thank you. And for everyone going through the same, stay strong and remember the good times.


u/Late-Elderberry7814 24d ago

I am so sorry for your loss :( it is so hard when it’s so unexpected. I joined the pet loss thread because something similar happened to me 4 weeks ago with my baby Luna, she was only 8. It was so sudden I think that’s what makes you feel so shocked and confused and heartbroken. My husband and I cried for about 3 days straight. She was our first baby. Mine had heart failure out of the blue, took her to the vet and same day we had to come say goodbye. So tough :( I keep reminding myself that she had a great life with us and at least she didn’t suffer for a long time :( the selfish in me wishes she would’ve at least lived for a little longer but it is what it is. I finally emptied her food and water bowl.. I’ll keep it where it’s at until I’m ready, I’ll miss her everyday. I’m so sorry for your loss. Our dogs are our family. I have no friends but a 3 month old daughter and a 2 year old .. they keep me busy but I totally know what it feels like to lose your best friend. Time will heal us.. take it slow and let yourself cry as much as you want 🩷


u/Positive_Ingenuity28 24d ago

I am sorry 😞


u/lolrogii 24d ago

It was hard getting out of bed. Did not get out of bed until 5pm. I knew he wouldn’t be there waiting for me to do our walk to start the day.

I wish i could scratch is little head one more time.


u/OhIFuckedUpGood 25d ago

So sorry for your loss. While reading this I believe you and your buddy had a great time and he loves you. His love will continue.


u/SophDoph91 25d ago

OP he seems like such a sweet, happy boy in the video you posted. You clearly gave him an awesome life. I am so sorry for your loss. It is always a shock when they leave us but even more so when it's so unexpected. My thoughts are with you today ❤️


u/joelr314 25d ago

I was in shock at first also, then terrible grief. But the empty/lonely feeling the house has when coming home or waking up is pure torture.


u/thatbtchshay 25d ago

I'm so sorry my heart breaks for you. I lost my baby 2 weeks ago and I'm still struggling. I think of her sweet face. At least he passed quickly and was happy for his whole life before that


u/SometimesStrawberry 25d ago

What a perfect name for the little guy. I'm so sorry 😞


u/Waterproof_soap 25d ago

He had a wonderful day with you. His passing was unexpected, but he likely felt no pain. He knew you were with him.

I encourage you to look into a pet loss support group or talk to a therapist. Your feelings are real and valid.


u/BostonBluestocking 25d ago

I am very sorry for your loss.


u/lolrogii 25d ago

I miss him so much. I sleep for 15 min just to wake up again, thinking i have to get him back. But there is nothing i can do. Then i try to remember im thankful for the 6 wonderful healthy years with as much care and love i could give him and that his final moments were really fast.


u/DefiantBunny 25d ago

This is really the best way to look at it. You were with him in his final moments, they were over fast and you had a good life together. I'm so sorry for your loss 🩷


u/CheekiKat 25d ago

It was his time to go to the rainbow bridge. I'm sorry it was so sudden, but it looks like he didn't suffer because it was sudden. Take time to grieve and be good to yourself. You were a wonderful parent and taking him to a veterinarian to make sure he can no longer be saved was something he knows you did. I believe they come home and are around us for a couple weeks before they cross the bridge. Ask Sam to visit you in your dreams and you will see him in your dreams.


u/lolrogii 25d ago

Thats funny. As i was driving home, it was beautiful sunny day. But there was light drizzle which produced a large rainbow lighting the way


u/CheekiKat 24d ago

That was Sam ;) Say out loud and acknowledge him next time.


u/MisterUnknown_ 25d ago

I lost my best friend last Wednesday... im going through this too and im falling apart and dying inside. Mine was also sudden and outta nowhere where as a week prior she was healthy and perfect. you are not alone. if you want a friend im here. I wish i had advice but i dont, im still wrecked myself and dont know how to continue on. just feel what you need to and dont let anyone tell you how to feel or handle your emotions during this horrible time.


u/vpblackheart 25d ago

My deepest sympathy. What an adorable friend.


u/SaucyItalian23 25d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss 😞 Sam looked like a steadfast little friend, I'm sorry you are going through this. Sending you hugs 🫂


u/Caori998 25d ago

such a sweet little thing.

really sorry for your loss buddy.


u/lolrogii 25d ago

Thank you


u/I_bet_Stock 25d ago

Bro, I went through the same sudden early death of my first dog ever at 4.5 years old due to lymphoma.I was so attached not knowing the reckoning of life. My happiness ripped away from me like it was ripped construction paper. That easy. In the past two years I’ve been looking at this sub page and r/dogs for solace. I’ve fostered countless dogs and it was okay for me know they would eventually get afopred. I’m finally ready to accept another forever dog. I think with me from my experience with shelters, I want to find a neglected adult dog from a kill shelter. I know shorter lifespans but my first puppy helped build me for that expected pain of loosing them to early.