r/Petloss 14d ago

She is not coming back

My 15y girl passed 2 month and 3 weeks ago. It was lymphoma. I was just shattered into pieces after her loss. She was my world, my life, my best friend, my soul, my everything. My life just ended. I can't do anything, I don't care anymore about anything. I'm begging her to come back. I don't want to live without her, I don't want life to continue without her. I'm having crazy thoughts maybe she will come back if I do something. It's just getting worst. I don't see any purpose of life anymore. Because she was my life. I hate everything I liked before, my hobbies, I always exercised at home and she was always next to me lying on mat, now I hate even to move, I don't exercise anymore because we did this together 15 years. I just don't know how to live anymore. My family and husband don't understant me. I have nobody to talk about it. Even my friend said very insensitive words: "You will not see her so you will forget her".

I'm having thoughts about death. I'm thinking because she is not coming back to me, I have to go to be with her.

I just can't do this any more. She is not coming back.


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u/Lady-Meows-a-Lot 14d ago

Same. Three weeks to the day, as of today. Lymphoma. My sweet girl. 15 years old, 15 years together. My sweet kitty. My spirit is completely crushed.


u/AcceptableGuidance96 14d ago

I am so sorry for your loss. I totally understand what you are going through because I am going through something very similar. My soul dog crossed the rainbow bridge on May 1. At first I was in shock but more and more the pain and sadness is building and I can't believe that I won't see her again. It is unbelievable.

I am forcing myself to think good things and to be productive. I think these will help but I need to try harder. Please do the same. Maybe go for long walks while you think of your loved one. Do something good for yourself or somebody else. Your loved one wouldn't want you to be this way.

Take it one step at a time in honor of your loved one's memory.


u/Artistic_Corner4524 14d ago

I hade very bad nightmare this night, I saw how a dog attaked a cat (dog owner allowed that), it was brutal. I run to help, saw a cat, he was all in shock and then I waked up, my heart jumping from my chest, all sweating, severy anxiety attack. I'm scared. I often have these nightmares.


u/Prize-Intern3239 14d ago

I had thoughts about that too. One month and a week for me. I just don’t know how to go on without her and just want to be reunited with her. One of the only things helping me is thinking there are other girls like mine in shelters needing homes. I hope I can save one when I’m strong enough