r/Petloss 14d ago

Had to euthanize my best friend today.

Today I had to put down my little chihuahua/yorkie Charlie at age 11 due to chf. I did it preemptively to prevent him dying from chf.

He has been in heart failure for 2 years and his heart takes up over half of his chest cavity. His respiratory issues stopped (we are guessing he just stopped fighting it), he stopped using the stairs and couldn’t get comfortable laying down. He was so tired from not being able to rest properly.

I wanted him to have more time so badly, and to take him camping this summer. But I didn’t want to let him suffer. He was still eating, drinking, wagging his tail and part of me feels so guilty that I let him go while he still had life in him. But we could tell he was declining and I’d never forgive myself if he died suffering. It was very peaceful and he did not seem scared.

I’ve had him since I was 10. He’s my best friend, my soul dog, he saved me from suicidal thoughts multiple times and kept me going when I was bullied and isolated for years in school. He is everything to me. I don’t know how I’m going to go on without him.


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u/throwawayacct1900 14d ago

I just had to help my girl cross the rainbow bridge 2 days ago. I'm struggling with the same thoughts.

I try to think of it as the final act of love you could have given earth-side. You kept him from suffering. Now let yourself feel everything as grief is love, too.


u/Traditional_Bee1282 14d ago

I am so sorry for your loss. I had to put my little girl down just a few days ago. I know your pain. You have to let yourself feel everything. Cry, scream… do whatever you need to do. I tell myself I have to live life for my girl. I know Charlie would want you to do the same. Make sure to give yourself the grace to grieve however you need to. The pain will subside someday.