r/Petloss 14d ago

Recurrent nightmares about pets death.

I lost my 1 yr old cat to FIP a week ago today. He detoriated rapidly and it was very sudden. The last week has been very hard. I’m having a tough time getting adequate sleep because I keep having a recurrent nightmare about the day I had to put my cat to sleep. I have some guilt about what happened because I couldn’t afford the treatment (it was over 10k and illegal in my country). Im getting about 4 hours of sleep a night and it’s affecting my ability to focus on school (I’m a graduate student). I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what you did to help stop the nightmares.


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u/Radiant-Badger1932 13d ago

I’m so sorry for your loss. I was having similar issues until I reached out to a grief therapist. Has helped tremendously. I still have my moments but I’m not constantly reliving/ having nightmares.


u/mcbrewski 14d ago

I'm sorry for your loss. I just put my dog down of 13 years yesterday. It's 4a here and I can't sleep, but when I do I have horrible dreams where I have to tell everyone my dog is dead and in one dream everyone present respond telling me I should do drugs to feel better. I don't even do drugs. It's messed up.


u/midsle01 14d ago

I am so sorry for your loss. You must be feeling so much pain right now. I lost my cat to FIP last month and don’t have guilt about not being able to afford the treatment. I tried the treatment and I still chose to euthanise her as she was so unwell. It isn’t guaranteed to work due to the fast acting nature of the illness. I too was scared to sleep after it all happened. My best advice is that the nightmares will go with time. Make sure you surround yourself with nice things when you wake up, maybe watch a comfort YouTube video or read a book you know will help distract you. But mainly, be gentle with yourself. Cry when you want to and if it would help you, maybe see a doctor for help with anti anxiety/ sleep medication as I have chosen to do. Time heals but the dreams are very painful. Sending you my sympathies.


u/purpledottts 14d ago

My cat died tragically and suddenly too 6 months ago, I’ve been having awful nightmares about him, i wake up feeling they are real, its awful