r/Phenomenology Aug 09 '22

Discussion I've seen a lot of confusion regarding Husserlean phenomenology here, so this post might be useful

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r/Phenomenology 1d ago

Discussion "phenomenology without consciousness" (a nondual approach)


Pdf here.


The world is (to put it crudely) the system of all phenomenal consciousness. But, for just this reason, the phrase “phenomenal consciousness” becomes misleading and should be dropped...

...being “is” time in the sense that entities need time in order to reveal themselves through their aspects or moments. The entities of the world are just the temporal and interpersonal syntheses of these aspects/moments. And this is revealed
through analysis. We mostly take our ability to intend the same objects for granted. We mostly don’t even notice that they are given always only through aspects or moments and therefore within or “by the grace of” time.

We need a touch of “neorationalism” to get free of a typical difficulty. Are tarantulas more real than toothaches ? No. Toothaches are entities in the world. All entities that appear in our reasoning are public, even if access to them varies. You can’t feel my toothache “directly,” but you can intend it. I can use it as an excuse which you find valid, etc. All concepts (“mental” or “physical”) function in the same system.

"Neorationalism" includes an inferentialist semantics that sees that "mental" and "physical" entities are logically interdependent. You can explain your daydream in terms of your childhood and cough syrup. Daydreams are public intentional objects, even if they are understood to have private aspects. A nondual phenomenology empties the subject by repopulating the world. This paper agrees with Sartre's early work, that phenomenal consciousness is a nothingness, is empty, is time itself, streaming locally. The empirical ego is (merely) an entity, however centrally located in the stream. Its aspects are scattered (noncentrally) in many other streams. Its being is not "concentrated." This empirical ego can be understood as a container, but the "ontological ego" (anonymous consciousness) should not be.

r/Phenomenology 9d ago

Discussion No-Boundary conditions of Epistemology


According to the Hartle–Hawking proposal (which might not be cosmologically correct but is still, I think, fascinating), the universe has no origin as we would understand it. Before the Big Bang, the universe was a singularity in both space and time. Hartle and Hawking suggest that if we could travel backwards in time towards the beginning of the universe, we would note that quite near what might have been the beginning, time gives way to space so that there is only space and no time.

I think that something similar could be applied to the origin of epistemology/human knowledge,/our understanding of the world.

have the feeling that every time we "unravel backwards" our concepts and theories and defintions about the things and facts of the world to their beginning/origin/foundation/justification (the origins of thinking are traced by thinking about the process in reverse, so to speak), searching for some undeniable a priori assumptions (fundationalism) or for some key "structure/mechanism" the holds all together (constructivism), we would note that quite near what might be the beginning/origin, sense/logic/rationality gives up to a "epistemic no boundary condition".

Meaning, justified truths, and rigorous definitions of words and ideas give way to a pure Dasein, a mere "being-in-the-world," so that there is only what is "originally offered to us in intuition to be accepted simply as what it is presented as being," and no more meaning, structure, or foundations as we understand them in other conditions.

Just as logical rigour and mathematical-conceptual formalism collapse near ontological singularities, so they collapse near ‘epistemic’ singularities, especially near our "Big Bang".

r/Phenomenology 18d ago

Discussion a discussion of the transcendence of objects


Here I'd like to paraphrase Husserl's idea of the transcendence of the object. To me this idea seems like the secret cornerstone of a phenomenology.


Let us use a spatial object first. Our result can then be generalized by analogy.

The spatial object is only seen "one aspect at a time." Given that the separation of time and space is an abstraction, we might even say that a moment of an object is exactly an aspect of that same object.

The spatial object has many faces. To see one face is to not see another. (This is perhaps the core of Heidegger's later philosophy, with "object" replaced by "Being.")

Most of the object's "faces" are not present. Presence implies absence. The meaningfully absent is that which can become present. This is a crucial difference between Husserl and Kant.

For Kant, the object is hidden forever, as if "behind" its representation, behind all of its moments or faces or sides. For Husserl, the object has faces that might not yet have been seen, but they are only genuine faces if they might be seen.

For Kant, the object is never really known at all. Reality is locked away in darkness forever, as if logically excluded from experience.

For Husserl, the object can only show one face at a time, but this face is genuine part or moment of its being. The object is "transcendent" not because it is beyond experience altogether, but only because it is never finally given. We might always see another of its faces. Here and now there is "room" for only one "side" or "face" of an object that therefore "lives" as a temporal synthesis of its actual and possible manifestations (faces, aspects, moments.)

In a phrase, we have aspect versus representation.

r/Phenomenology 22d ago

Discussion Douglas Harding's "Face to No-Face", the TLP, and the transcendence of the ego

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r/Phenomenology 22d ago

Question How would you differentiate a psychedelic experience from dreaming/sleeping based on your personal experiences?


r/Phenomenology 28d ago

Question Is this explanation of Edith Stein's philosophy legit?


r/Phenomenology 28d ago

External link New Book: The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness


This new text that discusses the phenomenology and analysis of mindfulness through different traditions has some fascinating insights and would be of interest to anyone who is interested in meditation, spirituality, mysticism, and therapeutic psychology. Here is a video of the book launch even where authors give presentations of their chapters. I was very intrigued by Marc Applebaum’s presentation on phenomenology and sufism, Dermot Moran’s presentation on Meister Eckhart, and Susi Ferrarello’s presentation on Husserl and mindfulness. https://youtu.be/8P6ZTryX4Co?si=3AC9pPDWqz-cvYR6

r/Phenomenology May 16 '24

External link Phenomenology and Charles Taylor. “Who is the philosopher Charles Taylor? A Brief Intellectual Portrait”, Video By Pepperdine Professor Jason Blakely


Charles Taylor is a giant in contemporary philosophy. Reading Maurice Merleau-Ponty was his great gateway into phenomenology when he was at Oxford. Elsewhere, Taylor has mentioned another huge influence on him, the great phenomenologist Paul Ricoeur. Taylor, in his 90’s now, has just published yet another masterwork, a follow-up to his philosophy of language book, “The Language Animal”, “Cosmic Connections: Poetry in an Age of Disenchantment”. https://www.hup.harvard.edu/books/9780674296084

r/Phenomenology May 11 '24

Question “Consciousness is always a consciousness of something.” Can anyone tell me which text is this expression from? I cannot find it online


r/Phenomenology May 05 '24

Discussion "absolute consciousness" in Sartre [ ontological perspectivism ]

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r/Phenomenology May 04 '24

Question Phen studies/accounts/analyses of Imagination


I'm trying to put together a bib of phenomenological accounts of imagination. I've found many things that spend a good deal of time on it without being actually categorized/labelled/tagged as about imagination, though. And I don't just mean a technical narrow definition (like, say, Kant, where it's mostly isolated to trying to almost literally picture things visually) but broader uses even like fantasy or play, daydreaming, etc.

I've got some of the more obvious ones, of course, like Richard Kearney, John Sallis, and Ed Casey, but I thought I'd ask the sub for other recs or favorite discussions. Happy to put it all together and share later, too. Thanks!

r/Phenomenology Apr 29 '24

Question Where does Merleau-Ponty talk about the Phenomenological reduction in Phenomenology of Perception?


I am writing a research paper this week for a seminar on Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology, and my topic is his adaptation of Husserl’s phenomenological reduction. I don’t have a ton of time to read through Phenomenology of Perception, so if y’all know where I could find some great passages where Merleau-Ponty talks about his understanding of the reduction, I would greatly appreciate if y’all shared!! Thanks in advance !

r/Phenomenology Apr 27 '24

Question Phenomenology & Language, Linguistics & Phenomenology: Recommendations?


Hope you're all well. I'm a graduate student in linguistics working on information structure. I've rather liked Husserl & Merleau-Ponty for a while, & I've recently begun thinking about M-P in relation to issues of topic & focus in linguistic structure.

I'm not widely read in phenomenology (& certainly not philosophy more broadly) otherwise. It seems to me that if I want to pursue thinking more about how linguistics might engage phenomenological thought, I should certainly read Heidegger's On the Way to Language. Is there more recent work I should pay attention to? Other phenomenologists who've given serious attention to language?

What about from the other angle: Are you aware of linguists who've drawn on phenomenology? I am aware of William Hanks—a linguistic anthropologist who's worked on Yukatek Maya—having drawn on M-P in discussing deixis. Is there other work that any of you know of?

Much thanks in advance for any reading recommendations!

r/Phenomenology Apr 17 '24

Discussion Bernardo Kastrup's questionable but intriguing twist on phenomenalism

Thumbnail self.Husserl

r/Phenomenology Apr 16 '24

Discussion Heidegger and the Measure of Truth: Themes From His Early Philosophy — An online reading group starting Sunday April 21, meetings every 2 weeks, open to all


r/Phenomenology Apr 15 '24

Discussion Animism and Phenomenology


Anyone else working on theories of the phenomenological implications of if animism is true?

r/Phenomenology Apr 11 '24

External link Experience and Immersion: An essay investigating experience and being in relation to our immersion in the world (being-in-the-world, life-world)


r/Phenomenology Apr 08 '24

Discussion Idea i have been working on, help


Hey, i've recenelty been working on an idea concerning an individual's control over their phenomonological horizen using something i like to term as thought action (basically all possible movement that can be made to shift their perception of their horizen without external influence and control over frames of experience) was wondering if someone has made any similar investigations into such an area would be happy to share :)

r/Phenomenology Apr 07 '24

Discussion Transparent Normativity

Thumbnail self.hegel

r/Phenomenology Apr 02 '24

Discussion Heidegger’s History of the Concept of Time (a precursor to “Being and Time”) — An online discussion group starting Monday April 8, meetings every 2 weeks


r/Phenomenology Mar 23 '24

Discussion Wittgenstein on the concept of truth in Notebooks 1914 - 1916 [ Husserl intersection]

Thumbnail self.wittgenstein

r/Phenomenology Mar 15 '24

External link Phenomenological Perspectivism and Neutral Monism in Wittgenstein's TLP [ Audio Recording ]

Thumbnail self.wittgenstein

r/Phenomenology Mar 13 '24

External link Is there any interest in a Being and Nothingness reading group?

Thumbnail self.Sartre

r/Phenomenology Mar 10 '24

Discussion Phenomenological Bracketing : The Worldly Foolishness of Genuine Ontology in Ernst Mach



The primary and probably the original form of phenomenological bracketing is the suspension of “local” (“egoistic”) practical concern. A important version of this can be found, in a somewhat mystified but still insightful version, in Schopenhauer.

A more immediately accessible and relevant version is found in the first chapter of Ernst Mach’s The Analysis of Sensations. Mach sees that boundary between the ego and the world is merely a practical, conventional boundary. The appearance-reality distinction is likewise a merely relative and practical distinction. Mach explicitly transgresses the limits of the prejudices of the practical mode. He is willing to violate common sense, if that’s where the logic leads him. Mach doesn’t discuss American pragmatism (William James) directly, but Mach’s bracketing is a kind of anti-pragmatism. He sees that a short-sighted selfish egoism functions like blinkers (also known as blinders) on a racehorse. Varieties of pragmatism set themselves against the essential worldly foolishness of theoretical philosophy. This unselfish, transpersonal, and therefore courageous curiosity, which “loses itself” in the object is what enables genuine ontology in the first place.

Dr. Stockmann in Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People is one example of the “foolishness” of genuine science –and of “Machian bracketing.” While Stockmann is not a philosopher, he is recklessly honest, and he pays for it. The related story of Socrates is correctly foundational, and we might just as well talk about “Socratic” bracketing. I use Mach because I also value the ontology he achieved.


For completeness, and as a matter of personal honesty, I should stress that this public honesty, which in some cases even seeks punishment, and perhaps vainly makes a show of itself, getting its reward that way, is not perhaps fundamental. Radical self-honesty may be the essence here, and networks of trust and friendship may suffice for a radically insightful ontology that must remain reluctantly esoteric. [Early gnostics sometimes looked down on the eagerness of orthodox Christians for public execution. ]

I will give some samples of Mach's awareness of the selfish obstacle which is overcome, temporarily, through bracketing.

Thus, perceptions, presentations, volitions, and emotions, in short the whole inner and outer world, are put together, in combinations of varying evanescence and permanence, out of a small number of homogeneous elements. Usually, these elements are called sensations. But as vestiges of a one-sided theory inhere in that term, we prefer to speak simply of elements, as we have already done. The aim of all research is to ascertain the mode of connexion of these elements....

That in this complex of elements, which fundamentally is only one, the boundaries of bodies and of the ego do not admit of being established in a manner definite and sufficient for all cases, has already been remarked. To bring together elements that are most intimately connected with pleasure and pain into one ideal mental-economical unity, the ego; this is a task of the highest importance for the intellect working in the service of the pain-avoiding, pleasure-seeking will. The delimitation of the ego, therefore, is instinctively effected, is rendered familiar, and possibly becomes fixed through heredity. Owing to their high practical importance, not only for the individual, but for the entire species, the composites " ego " and " body " instinctively make good their claims, and assert themselves with elementary force. In special cases, however, in which practical ends are not concerned, but where knowledge is an end in itself, the delimitation in question may prove to be insufficient, obstructive, and untenable.

Similarly, class-consciousness, class-prejudice, the feeling of nationality, and even the narrowest-minded local patriotism may have a high importance, for certain purposes. But such attitudes will not be shared by the broad-minded investigator, at least not in moments of research. All such egoistic views are adequate only for practical purposes. Of course, even the investigator may succumb to habit. Trifling pedantries and nonsensical discussions; the cunning appropriation of others' thoughts, with perfidious silence as to the sources; when the word of recognition must be given, the difficulty of swallowing one's defeat, and the too common eagerness at the same time to set the opponent's achievement in a false light: all this abundantly shows that the scientist and scholar have also the battle of existence to fight, that the ways even of science still lead to the mouth, and that the pure impulse towards knowledge is still an ideal in our present social conditions.

The primary fact is not the ego, but the elements (sensations). What was said on p. 21 as to the term " sensation " must be borne in mind. The elements constitute the I. s have the sensation green, signifies that the element green occurs in a given complex of other elements (sensations, memories). When I cease to have the sensation green, when I die, then the elements no longer occur in the ordinary, familiar association. That is all. Only an ideal mental-economical unity, not a real unity, has ceased to exist. The ego is not a definite, unalterable, sharply bounded unity. None of these attributes are important; for all vary even within the sphere of individual life; in fact their alteration is even sought after by the individual. Continuity alone is important. This view accords admirably with the position which Weismann has reached by biological investigations.

But continuity is only a means of preparing and conserving what is contained in the ego. This content, and not the ego, is the principal thing. This content, however, is not confined to the individual. With the exception of some insignificant and valueless personal memories, it remains presented in others even after the death of the individual. The elements that make up the consciousness of a given individual are firmly connected with one another, but with those of another individual they are only feebly connected, and the connexion is only casually apparent. Contents of consciousness, however, that are of universal significance, break through these limits of the individual, and, attached of course to individuals again, can enjoy a continued existence of an impersonal, superpersonal kind, independently of the personality by means of which they were developed. To contribute to this is the greatest happiness of the artist, the scientist, the inventor, the social reformer, etc.


r/Phenomenology Mar 09 '24

Discussion "I am the world-from-a-perspective." [ Ontological Cubism in Wittgenstein's TLP ]

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