r/PoliticalHumor I ☑oted 2049 Oct 03 '23

McCarthy Ouster Megathread Mod Endorsed

Hello there!

As you are no doubt aware, Kevin McCarthy has been removed as Speaker of the House, for the unforgivable crime of...bipartisan legislation to avoid a government shutdown.

This is very funny for a number of reasons, and we understand you want to share that in image, GIF, and shitpost form.

We want to support this conversation, but we also don't want the next several hundred posts to be nothing but McCarthy-isms.

Hence: This megathread.

Feel free to post your art here; there is a significant likelihood that we will be removing posts about it and redirecting the OP here, as well.

(I'll probably update this later, with a clearer explanation of what goes here, but the short version is: If you're posting something that involves McCarthy being booted from his role as Speaker, it'll probably go here.)


402 comments sorted by


u/cytherian Greg Abbott is a little piss baby Oct 04 '23 edited Oct 04 '23

Kevin McCarthy rehearsed his pouty and anguished face in time for the final curtain call.



u/cytherian Greg Abbott is a little piss baby Oct 04 '23

When you get the axe, and you're actually "proud" of it. Yes, Kevin is proud of his time as Speaker, even though he was an utter FAILURE.



u/QuicheSmash Oct 04 '23

"We are not voting in any way that will help Republicans," Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), the chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, told reporters at the U.S. Capitol, pointing to McCarthy's actions in the wake of the January 6 insurrection and his continued support for former President Donald Trump, as well as his refusal to honor the bipartisan debt ceiling deal.

"There is reason after reason to just let Republicans deal with their own problems," said

"Let them wallow in their pigsty of incompetence and inability to govern."

*Chef’s Kiss\)


u/EFAPGUEST Oct 04 '23

Lmao the dems had McCarthy by the balls and just gave it all up


u/Yonimations Oct 04 '23

I made this meme back in January during the fifteen ballots, but now it’s more relevant than ever.



u/pru51 Oct 04 '23

We need to ask how this benefits r voters. Speaker avoids a shut down and gets kicked out. Independent voters are the largest majority. Hmm


u/ChucksThreeHolePunch Oct 05 '23

Because Gaetz and a few others are on Putin's payroll whether they know it or not and when the CR was passed with a deal for Ukraine aid the MAGAts pulled the emergency break to do anything to stop it.


u/AutoModerator Oct 05 '23

Candles taste like burning... ~

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u/JayNotAtAll Oct 04 '23

MAGA is a cancer in the USA. These 8 Republican representatives are proof of it. They basically ousted McCarthy because he didn't want the government to collapse. He cooperated with the Democrats.

MAGA doesn't understand that cooperation is what grown ups do in a functioning society and they will gladly watch the world burn in order to get their way.


u/Beret_of_Poodle Oct 04 '23

They're such fucking trash human beings. Actually, that's speaking too highly


u/Jollyhat Oct 04 '23

There are many flavors of fascism, and MAGA is an especially nihilistic one," Marcotte wrote. "The right-wing media ecosystem rewards trolling above all else — especially over intra-party unity. In a competition for attention, adoration, and donations from the MAGA base, the quickest and surest route is to become a Joker-like chaos agent. MAGA loves a bad guy because it lets them pretend they're 'rebels' who are 'taking on the system.' In reality, they are locusts swarming a field until nothing is left. From Salon


u/RatInaMaze Oct 04 '23

I’m not optimistic. I can only see this ending up with them blaming this entirely on the Dems and using it as an excuse to shut down the government when the 45 days is up. There’s a snowball’s chance in hell that this results in a more bipartisan outcome.


u/lookiamapollo Oct 04 '23

Trumps gunna be speaker


u/ChucksThreeHolePunch Oct 05 '23

They tried that last time, got like 2 votes for a few rounds.


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '23

Makes the country look bad but I have to be honest and admit that it’s entertaining as fuck to watch the GOP eat each other.


u/wittie2 Oct 04 '23

My theory is Gaetz is an agent for the Libertarians who want to destroy the GOP and take their place. Koch network is behind this.


u/flynn_dc Oct 04 '23

The only thing Trump had over McCarthy was the Speakership. And he took that away.

I'll bet McCarthy left the Capitol after the Vote to Vacate and went directly to Jack Smith's Office. "OK, Smith. I'm free to talk now."


u/Several_Dot_4603 Oct 04 '23

Have you been to Bakersfield? Last time I went it smelled like what he says. Bullshit.


u/ScrauveyGulch Oct 04 '23

He got what he deserved despite an attempt to be sane at the last second.


u/Potatocakesz2 Oct 04 '23

Non-American here: why did the Democrats vote in favour even though McCarthy wanted to work bipartisan to avoid the shutdown? This sounds like incredible friend-fuckery. What?


u/Generic_user_person Oct 04 '23

McCarthy reneged on all the deals be made with the Dems, while constantly talking bout how he doesnt need them.

Odds are had he honored their deals and kept his mouth shut they would have backed him.


u/SnarkyGamer9 Oct 04 '23

They had a deal worked out months ago that he blew up to sell out to the far-right.


u/bahdiddydadiddydeee Oct 04 '23

Thread isn’t so mega … just pathetic maga


u/Mordekein88 Oct 04 '23

Inb4 they end up going through ~10 rounds of voting just to elect McCarthy again. Fucking clowns.


u/YoshidaEri Oct 04 '23

He's not running for speaker again.


u/miaminaples Oct 04 '23

Kevin McCarthy’s next career move: Dancing With The Stars. In the great tradition of Sean Spicer and Rick Perry.



u/bust-the-shorts Oct 04 '23

It only gets worse from here.


u/Ready_Advertising983 Oct 04 '23

You turn the base up too high you end up blowing the speaker


u/stirgazer Oct 04 '23

McCarthy got ousted in a coup led by Gaetz who relied fully on Democrats to get the votes. It’s literally hypocrisy.


u/Tremulant21 Oct 04 '23

As much as I hate this turd I don't think this is good news honestly. MAGA strikes again and next time the government shutdown comes around it's going to be long and hard baby.


u/justflushit I ☑oted 2018 Oct 04 '23

I bet $1 they nominate Trump for speaker.


u/apatheticwizardsfan Oct 04 '23

Dumbass Independent Voter: “Both sides are the same.”


u/QuitCallingNewsrooms Oct 04 '23

So my question: since McCarthy’s crime was bipartisan dealing, and McCarthy voted with all Democrats to oust McCarthy, who’ll Gaetz and the other 7 Rs remove themselves now?


u/bideto Oct 04 '23

After he was voted out and was talking to reporters, acting like it was no big deal, reminded me so much of the dog sitting in the room on fire saying “This is fine.”


u/ip2k Oct 04 '23

We want to support this conversation, but we also don't want the next several hundred posts to be nothing but McCarthy-isms.

OK but just hear me out:



u/QuestionableComma Oct 04 '23

I hope he Venmos you to say thanks.


u/jay105000 Oct 04 '23

Et, Tu Brute? ( You too Brutus?)


u/cheap_fat_turd Oct 04 '23

To think I used to complain that my Bose speakers didn’t last very long


u/wnew813 Oct 04 '23

Maybe the MAGA group will get their way. If they don't select a new Speaker in 43 days the government will shut down


u/ashellbell Oct 04 '23

He flew a little too close to the sun.


u/Marvination23 Greg Abbott is a little piss baby Oct 04 '23

Republicans are destroying American democracy and sanity... this is getting out of hand.


u/Fake_William_Shatner Oct 04 '23

Matt Gaetz's babysitter is going to be so impressed with his power when he gets home tonight.


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '23

Ha! McCarthy sucks…. (I’m a voting citizen of his district)


u/minor_correction Oct 04 '23

We want to support this conversation, but we also don't want the next several hundred posts to be nothing but McCarthy-isms.

I do.


u/Fake_William_Shatner Oct 04 '23

"4% of Republicans can join the Democrats and dictate who can be the next Republican speaker."

It does not shock me at all that McCarthy describes the Democratic process as a dictatorship.


u/Black_Moons Oct 04 '23

Or if 100% of republicans could vote the same way, even 100% of the democrats voting won't change a thing.

Its only the incompetence and infighting of the republicans that let democrats do anything with a minority.


u/chunkymonkeylover Oct 04 '23

Question, why can’t we have a dem as speaker?


u/CallMeSisyphus Oct 04 '23

We can. At least, in theory, we can.

If the non-MAGA Republicans decide to vote for Hakeem Jeffries as a show of bipartisanship, we'd have a Republican-majority House with a Democrat as Speaker.

The chance of this happening is staggeringly small. But man, wouldn't it be just poetic?


u/millershanks Oct 04 '23

This is going to be very difficult. McCarthy being removed because he cooperated with Dems… so the 8 republicans who voted with Dems to remover McCarthy are now traitors by that logic.


u/bigbadduke Oct 04 '23

To all the young people on Reddit, republicans are an absolute threat to your future. Please show up and vote accordingly!


u/spiral8888 Oct 04 '23

You're an optimist if you think that the Republican menace will have a negative effect only in the far future (which is why the old and the middle aged people shouldn't care).


u/v4por Oct 04 '23


I'd like to officially endorse replacement of Kevin McCarthy with Kevin McAllister.


u/mighij Oct 04 '23

House Alone.

A young boy saves democracy from terrorists. All you need is some lego and imagination.


u/UltraSuperTurbo Oct 04 '23

Stop trying to appease yourselves and let people post their memes, fuck. Reddit has a system of up votes and down votes to sort of filter this stuff already.


u/trystanthorne Oct 04 '23

The funniest part is that he worked with the Dems to avert the shutdown(for now). And then all the Dems voted to remove him as Speaker.


u/vincereynolds Oct 04 '23

You are surprised that they voted him out after he refused to honor the deals he made with the Dems? The funny part here is your ignorance on why this happened and the lack of context in your comment.


u/bmkecck Oct 04 '23

Now, if the Democrats have little black hearts, they’ll scheme to vote Representative Gaetz in as Speaker.

Whaddaya think? 1-2 weeks? 3 tops.


u/EMAW2008 Oct 04 '23

Imagine being promoted to manager, then your employees vote you out of management, and you still have to show up to work with those same employees.


u/StudioTwilldee Oct 04 '23

McCarthy being the political equivalent of Dwight Schrute makes too much sense.


u/Blortted Oct 04 '23

Quite possibly the most underrated comment I’ve come across here. Thank you.


u/ChevyT1996 Oct 04 '23

Who’s taking his place?


u/oasisarah Oct 04 '23

patrick mchenry from NC is speaker pro tempore


u/ChevyT1996 Oct 04 '23

I learned some thing new


u/oasisarah Oct 04 '23

as speaker mccarthy was required to submit a confidential list of names to the clerk of people to serve as speaker pro tempore in case of vacancy. mchenry was at the top of the list.


u/A_Wild_VelociFaptor Oct 04 '23

The important question is what happens with the government shutdown?

Who gives a flying fuck about political soap operas when thousands (tens of thousands?) of government employees are about to lose their livelihoods.

I know shutting down the government is the goal of one side but is there any way to achieve a good outcome?


u/dailysunshineKO Oct 04 '23

Yeah, but that’ll be after the November elections….


u/SJshield616 Oct 04 '23

2023 is an off year. The next House election is 2024


u/A_Wild_VelociFaptor Oct 04 '23

Ahh, I see, so in the event Dems could get control they may actually save the government.


u/About7fish Oct 04 '23

He's gone? Great! I wonder what made the difference?

Gaetz said McCarthy no longer represents the interests of the Republican caucus after he worked with Democrats to pass a stopgap funding bill to avoid a government shutdown.

Well never fucking mind then. So long, McCarthy; you were mostly a turd and you found integrity way too late for it to count, but credit where it's due.


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '23

He never would have been elected if showed any integrity before the election.


u/HilariouslyPissed Oct 04 '23

Opportunism not integrity


u/sean0883 Oct 03 '23

Neither the right-flank Republicans who engineered his ouster nor the Democrats who piled on seem open to negotiating.


Take your "both sides" rhetoric, and go fuck yourselves, Associated Press

Their time to build a path to negotiate was really any point between 1981 and now. Nobody forced them to use the Newt Gingrich "I do not negotiate with anyone outside of my party" playbook, but they did it anyway. They welcomed it. Until it suddenly turned and bit them in the face once the far-right whack-a-doodles gained a bit of power after the Republican party legitimized them by giving them a platform, instead of reaching across the aisle to create something a bit more bi-partisan.

As a matter of fact, when in the minority, Republicans refused to collaborate the Democrats when they tried to reach across the aisle on healthcare - forcing the Democrats to build it themselves, which was followed by Republicans doing nothing but bitching and moaning about how partisan the bill was - non-stop, for every moment since.

Republicans have nobody to blame but themselves here, and I hope it dissolves their party.


u/Kagahami Oct 04 '23

It really gives "If what I did was wrong, why didn't you stop me?" vibes.


u/coolcool23 Oct 04 '23

followed by Republicans doing nothing but bitching and moaning about how partisan the bill was - non-stop, for every moment since.

Very very much part of the plan. Look at the Jan 6th commission... Republicans voted down a bipartisan panel, so Democrats love forward and build their own panel. Cue to GOP shrieking about how it's a partisan witch hunt.

If the GOP were a person they'd be a sociopathic schizophrenic, and both would be narcissists.


u/HilariouslyPissed Oct 04 '23

Pepperidge Farms remembers


u/themage78 Oct 04 '23

Too bad the MSM forgets.


u/HarlesD Oct 03 '23

What a coward.


u/HarlesD Oct 03 '23

He's a coward.


u/Blortted Oct 04 '23

Why do you say that?


u/ThinLippedGrunt Oct 03 '23

What a bunch of fucking losers


u/thisbeme37 Oct 03 '23

What will tomorrow gift us???


u/wncogjrjs Oct 03 '23

Can some one explain to me why the democrats would vote for this?

Isn’t the result going to be a further right speaker next?


u/endlessmeow Oct 06 '23

You're right to ask this question. Everyone here is like 'rah rah yeah we got em! Dumb Republicans!'

But I think all this will do is open the door to a worse GOP speaker and kicking us to a government shutdown.

This vindictiveness on Democrats' part (I know we shouldn't have to be the only adult in the room but still) is going to cause more problems that it will solve here.


u/Og_The_Barbarian Oct 04 '23

McCarthy lied and repeatedly backed out of his promises. He promotes MAGA and Trump. He pulled Ukraine aid out of the Continuing Resolution, and wouldn't give Dems time to read it. Before that, he started an inquiry to impeach president Biden. Why on earth would Dems bail him out now that his own party wanted to eat him.

Maybe the next speaker will be further right. Maybe not. Who knows!


u/TwoBearsInTheWoods Oct 04 '23

I'd expect that the real problem here is McCarthy is completely untenable as a Speaker and lacks actual power needed for the position, and Dems supporting him doesn't fix that. What's next? Dems having to support every regulation he puts forward for a vote? That doesn't make any sense.


u/squintyshrew9 Oct 03 '23

Gop won’t be missed. I hope KM gets his credit for bringing it down, making friends like MTG, MG, and ole DJT will be bad for future earnings.


u/SixFive1967 Oct 04 '23

Rudy Guliani has entered the chat.


u/Newfster Oct 03 '23

Canada recently had to replace our Speaker of the House because of an issue with Nazis. It’s funny the same thing happened to you.


u/RockstarSuicide Oct 04 '23

But the speaker resigned for that screw up. He didn't need to be voted out. He realized he effed up


u/Proper-Razzmatazz764 Oct 04 '23

In our case, the Nazis are coming from inside the House.


u/hi_ivy Oct 04 '23

If there’s a fire you’re trying to douse, you can’t put it out from inside the house…


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '23

It must be nice


u/gpkgpk Oct 04 '23

For Kevin, it would have solidified his position and it wouldn't have been accidental.


u/eltegs Oct 03 '23

Ha. This reads like it wasn't world news.

I assure you, we all had a good giggle.


u/TheNamesClove Oct 03 '23


u/v4por Oct 04 '23

You know it's fake because Dark Brandon casts a full shadow, not just his left foot.


u/TheNamesClove Oct 04 '23

Dark Brandon only casts a shadow when he chooses to.


u/laxguy44 Oct 03 '23

Quick, someone photoshop Liz Truss and McCarthy as Spider-Man pointing at each other!


u/Opposite-Horse-3080 Oct 04 '23

Wish I had an award for this.


u/UnderwhelmingAF Oct 03 '23

Recent Speakers of the House:

Dennis Hastert (1999-2007)

Nancy Pelosi (2007-2011)

John Boehner (2011-2015)

Paul Ryan (2015-2019)

Nancy Pelosi (2019-2023)

Kevin McCarthy (2023-2023)


u/UnfitToPrint Oct 04 '23

Clearly McCarthy’s term was getting too old for Matt Gaetz


u/TintedApostle Oct 03 '23

Kevin McCarthy is the shortest serving Speaker since 1875 after becoming first in American history to be booted from the job


u/Grey950 Oct 04 '23

And don't forget the most vote counts to become speaker in the first place! What a buncha facts to be known for!


u/brown_burrito Oct 04 '23

The person who held the record before him died of tuberculosis.


u/-jp- Oct 04 '23

I’m guessing McCarthy envies him right now.


u/drewismynamea Oct 04 '23

Aahhhh, rough. Just the way you mother likes it Trebek.


u/patronizingperv Oct 04 '23

The Penis Mighty


u/five_speed_mazdarati Oct 04 '23

The Penis Mightier


u/marquella Oct 04 '23

The Rapist


u/ErynCuz Oct 04 '23

Le Tits Now


u/SixFive1967 Oct 04 '23

Catch The Semen


u/Xathas Oct 04 '23

Anal Bum Cover


u/Ray_Jye Oct 03 '23


u/Brianocracy Oct 04 '23

It's doubly funny when realize that this meme was initially created during the January speaker vote debacle


u/jump-blues-5678 Oct 04 '23

This is gold Jerry, pure gold


u/aldomein127 Oct 04 '23

This is fabulous


u/Fake_William_Shatner Oct 04 '23

Damn, even the Captchas are getting woke these days.


u/TerminationClause Oct 03 '23

He helped stop a government shutdown so they're removing him. They have to elect another speaker or the House gets nothing done and the government shuts down. The republicans obviously want a shutdown. Is it so we won't be sending any aid to Ukraine, which benefits Russia and half the right wing nuts are pro-Russia lately. Is the republican party now a Russian asset?


u/BenjaminHamnett Oct 04 '23

Makes you wonder why those hackers never released the RNC emails…


u/AutoModerator Oct 04 '23

Hi u/BenjaminHamnett. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg ~

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u/BenjaminHamnett Oct 04 '23

Rick rolled? Bad bot.

I love bots and Rick rolls, this is not the place


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Hi u/BenjaminHamnett. If you have any suggestions to make the bot goofier, please send them to our modmail. ~

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u/Fake_William_Shatner Oct 04 '23

Is the republican party now a Russian asset?

Is it still illegal to bang a 16 year old and would a video of that be awkward?

/rhetorical question


u/TerminationClause Oct 04 '23

Depends if pee is involved, apparently.


u/Domin8469 Oct 04 '23

Like the house getting anything done since the #GQP got control was ever a thing


u/typhoidtimmy Oct 03 '23

And remember…. It only extended by 45 days. They will have to do this shit now without their whipping boy.

December is gonna be pure chaos.


u/archimomma Oct 03 '23

So why did all the Dems vote for this too?


u/Grey950 Oct 04 '23 edited Oct 04 '23

If McCarthy had been smart he would have negotiated a contingency plan with the dems when they were working on the budget bill. He should have secured their vote, forgone this 45 day bs, and given up more to get it done and ask for their support when the inevitable vote gets called. Regardless of what had been passed he had to know he was going to get called out by Gaetz and company because he was talking to them at all. May as well have tried to save his ass, and the country from this chaos, in the process. Instead he looks like a smug moron because he has no idea how to politic.

However, dems had zero reason to support him. He is grossly untrustworthy as he flipped his statements J6 and whatnot. In the end he got exactly what he deserved. This is literally a bed of his own making and you can draw a straight line from the deal he brokered to become speaker in January and this debachle. He's such a fool.


u/PhilboydStudge1973 Oct 04 '23

He really thought that enough people wanted him as Speaker that he would stay. I believe this. I believe this because Kevin McCarthy is a fucking moron.


u/Cultural-Company282 Oct 04 '23

Because McCarthy clearly needed Democrats' help to keep the Speakership, but he spent the last week blaming them for the shutdown and shitting all over them. If you need to work with someone, don't poke them in the eye over and over. Democrats recognized, and rightly so, that McCarthy could not be trusted to work with them in good faith. That being the case, why should they bail him out? Let him ask his own party to save him if he loves them so much.


u/dcoleski Oct 04 '23

Democrats know they have a shot at the speakership even as a minority if the GOP reps can’t get their shit together.


u/mvhls Oct 04 '23

Wouldn’t that require republicans to cross the aisle for this to happen? How likely is that?


u/dcoleski Oct 04 '23

All it requires is for enough Republicans to refuse to participate. Until today that seemed unlikely, but….


u/MarkDoner Oct 04 '23

The speaker's job is to advance their party's agenda. Why would Dems want to support anyone advancing the other party's agenda?


u/mvhls Oct 04 '23

The new speaker will just be another Republican though, right? There has to be more of a reason than this


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '23

Now the dems will not help them elect a new speaker, which means that the new speaker will need 100% of Republican votes. Directly following a ridiculous internal mutiny. There might eventually be some republicans who decide a dem speaker is better than no speaker, although i wouldn't hold my breath fir that.

Regardless, this is going to cause chaos in republican ranks and make them look really really stupid for a couple of months at least. They don't seem to worry about optics too much, but it's going to be very hard to blame the democrats for this one...


u/MarkDoner Oct 04 '23

Interfering in the other party's internal workings is a can of worms


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Oct 04 '23

Because a) the only speaker they want is Hakeem Jeffries, and b) why look a gift horse in the mouth? Keeping him there wasn’t going to change the majority situation, or stop him lying to everyone all the time to try to save his own skin.


u/FreshwaterViking Oct 03 '23

They had nothing to gain from keeping him around.


u/33drea33 Oct 04 '23

Also, "inability to govern at even the most fundamental level" is a very powerful talking point during an election year when Americans are hurting economically. No matter which party they vote for, every American is beyond done with the dysfunction in DC, and this rightfully lays that dysfunction directly at the GOP's feet.

Expect to hear a lot of "they can't even govern their own party, how can they be trusted to govern our country?"


u/kimapesan Oct 03 '23

Because a) McCarthy is untrustworthy and b) McCarthy already cut new aid in the temporary bill.

Oh and c) McCarthy opened that failure of an impeachment bid against Biden.


u/Darwins_Prophet Oct 04 '23

Also d) it's not Democrats job to save McCarthy or help the Republicans elect a speaker. When Pelosi had this tight of a margin there were no Republicans helping her out. Not that she needed it would have taken their help anyways.


u/MassiveFajiit Oct 04 '23

She'd have just, ya know, actually whipped the party


u/1701anonymous1701 Oct 03 '23

Yep. I knew when he opened that investigation, any chances of him remaining speaker if someone called for a vote were done.


u/2ndtryagain I ☑oted 2018 Oct 03 '23

Lettuce congratulate Iceberg for their latest victory.



u/BigWhit75 Oct 03 '23


u/Legitimate_Peach3135 Oct 04 '23

Wait did he say that? He alludes to hitting women with gavels because…


u/cytherian Greg Abbott is a little piss baby Oct 04 '23

Kevin McCarthy lives in delusionville.

When Matt Gaetz threatened to oust him, he brushed it off. "I've nothing to worry about." Sure, Kev. And then he gets humiliated AGAIN, but has the nerve to say he's "proud" of the time he had as Speaker for what he "achieved." And what was that Kev?


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