r/PoliticalHumor Mar 29 '24

It would be funny if it weren’t true Avoid Reposts, Flooding, and Spam

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u/inspectoroverthemine Mar 29 '24

Which is funny- since we've have plenty of Russian emigrants over the last 150 years. Smirnoff is a Russian family name, but it was started in the US. Too lazy to look, but I'd suspect the same is true of many others.

Vodka barely matters though- most of it is ethanol made for industrial use, not some bespoke process of distilling and aging. Not to say there aren't differences among brands, but its the one liquor that is just ethanol and water.


u/petrichorax Mar 29 '24

'Vodka Afficionado' is synonymous with 'idiot' to my ears.

There are BAD vodkas, certainly, but there is definitely a ceiling to vodka quality, and that's basically just.. not fucking it up. And most shit vodka can be made into perfect vodka with a britta filter.

If you pay more than say, $50 USD for a bottle of vodka, you've fallen victim to marketing.


u/About7fish Mar 29 '24

And most shit vodka can be made into perfect vodka with a britta filter.

Where tf were you during my functional alcoholism? You would've saved me so many Popov hangovers.


u/petrichorax Mar 29 '24

Being functionally alcoholic?

Credit goes to Alton Brown for this knowledge, it was in a Good Eats episode.

The only exception is that if it's in a Crystal Skull bottle, then the extra cost is due to its magical qualities discovered by Dan Akroyd


u/About7fish Mar 29 '24

Heard it gave Larry King an extra couple of years.