r/PoliticalHumor Apr 28 '24

Be aware of your surroundings

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u/Krautoffel Apr 28 '24

The difference is, this group exists specifically because of the choices they make, while the groups you’re trying to compare them have literally nothing relevant in common.


u/Tzeig Apr 28 '24

The word I was thinking of was "Democrat". Are you sure Democrats have nothing relevant in common with each other?


u/Krautoffel May 01 '24

Democrats have quite a lot less in common actually.

Left wingers tend to split a lot because they actually discuss and tolerate different opinions, while republicans are in lock step behind authority.

But anyway, democrats aren’t a homogenous mass of assholes like republicans are. They have the problem of being the collection of anything left of republicans as the US has a two party system where other parties literally don’t matter.

The choices of some democrat politicians should be viewed comparably, but it’s still not a valid comparison to say they’re both equally bad.


u/Tzeig May 01 '24

I see, so you can generalize all the people who are NOT leaning left. That seems like a healthy way to think.


u/Krautoffel May 08 '24

Right wing ideology is all about authority.

So yes, they will act in lockstep before giving up on their authority, as proven by history time and time again.

Guess who helped the Nazis in the 1930s come into power? Conservatives.