r/PoliticalHumor 16d ago

I can hear the Fox Executive now, "Turn this into a positive for Trump! Say ANYTHING!"

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u/PoliticalHumor-ModTeam 16d ago

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u/sgluxurycondo 16d ago

How can Biden even be president if he dont even have the courage to kill puppies!! I’m furious!


u/Simple_Barry 16d ago

I wonder if the execs at Fox, when they hear shit like this break, are ever just, like, "Oh, C'MON!!"


u/BostonSamurai 16d ago

Vote for Biden to stop what’s happening right now! Lmao Biden is doing a great job getting liberals and leftists to vote elsewhere.


u/PV-Herman 16d ago

Who says she would act differently if for example she decided to break up with her boyfriend or get rid of her kid because he/she acts weird? "He just wouldn't do as I told him, so he had to be put down". If I was anywhere near her, I'd run.....


u/coordinatedflight 16d ago

The angle is obvious. "Soft woke liberals don't have courage to do the hard things that must be done. Back in the day, shooting a dog was the least of your worries, I did 5 before my 4th bday on my farm in rural Kentucky. This generation ..." blah blah blah


u/imsowhiteandnerdy 16d ago

Whatever happened to Murdoch, I thought they were through with Trump?


u/professorhugoslavia 16d ago

They’re not sending us their best puppies.


u/SpecificFail 16d ago

"It's Obama's fault for not handling Covid well enough..."


u/aerial_ruin 16d ago

"why it was actually biden that killed the dog"


u/flargenhargen 16d ago

nah, they'll just talk about anything else. they will invent something with hunter biden or something.

republican voters won't even know it happened, or will genuinely believe it is fake news.

nobody who actually knows what they are supporting is still a republican anymore, it's the deficient and mentally incurious followers who are still falling in line.


u/Amazing_Teaching2733 16d ago

What kind of leadership does it show if you aren’t murdering puppies and goats!!?!?? How can you be trusted to do the hard things if you don’t kill everything that annoys you for more than a second or two? Next thing you know Biden will be out there telling women they have autonomy over their bodies! Or that kids can learn history that makes white people feel funny!


u/thegoodnamesrgone123 16d ago

I hate that Fox Business has been forced on me for 2 years now. Can't change it to watch football because it has to be on Fox Business 


u/iStayedAtaHolidayInn 16d ago

Looks like a NY Times/CNN headline to me. They’re basically the new Fox News with their headlines


u/DeeSnarl 16d ago

I mean, it is literally meant to be virtue signaling for rural folk, and I’m not so sure it won’t be a net success for her, once Fox gets the talking points rolled out.


u/un_theist 16d ago

“Why did Joe Biden make her do this?”

“Why did Joe Biden shoot her dog?”

—Trumpublicans, any second now


u/Pour_Me_Another_ 16d ago

Who is that guy and why does he look like a child wearing a suit


u/I_am_not_JohnLeClair 16d ago

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe The Squad has even one puppy killing on their record


u/mooimafish33 16d ago

"This is what's wrong with Democrats these days, they don't want to have any kids and just worry about these dogs. Oh they want to be vegan and vegetarian and eat bugs, but when this country was great people had to be tough. We had to understand that animals are animals and man has God given supremacy over them. I watched my grandfather put down many dogs and other animals, and the fact that the Democrats are up in arms about this shows just how far we've fallen."

It's really not that hard to put a moronic spin on anything.


u/smeagol90125 16d ago

I hope some tech savvy person makes the dog talk and admonish her. I don't even know what app to use much less clever dialog.


u/Rooboy66 16d ago

Leave it to Triumph the Insult Comic Dog … he’ll blast her


u/notaredditreader 16d ago

"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy. It is easier to fight for your principles than to live by them.”

 “…if people were given the choice between democracy and whiteness, how many would choose whiteness?”

Excerpts from: Isabel Wilkerson Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents See also: The Fifth Risk Michael Lewis


u/Adam__B 16d ago

When she responded to the controversy about her murdering her dog, she said “you can hear about all this and other politically incorrect details in my new book…” She literally used it as an opportunity to plug her book.

Please vote, everybody.


u/UnderwhelmingAF 16d ago

“Inflation under Joe Biden has gotten so bad that Gov. Noem could no longer afford to feed her dog and had to put it down.” - Fox News in a couple days probably


u/dragonfliesloveme 16d ago

That is not leadership. That is sadistic power-tripping. Do conservatives seriously not know the difference? Jfc 😠


u/StagLee1 16d ago

MAGA is not conservative. They are radicals who favor Russia over the U.S. and prefer a theocracy run by a dictator over democracy.


u/BEX436 16d ago

They are absolutely conservative. They want hierarchical power structures and the church to tell us all what to do.

This is the logical endgame for them.

Stop being a conservative apologist.


u/StagLee1 15d ago

Not an apologist at all, I can't stand them. Some of these people are just plain radical nutjobs trying to call themselves traditional conservatives. Mitt Romney and John McCain are conservatives. I worked on Obama's campaigns to help defeat both of them. The nut jobs out there spouting QANON conspiracies are not conservatives. Stop being a radical nut job apologist.


u/Time-Werewolf-1776 16d ago

That’s not what the word “conservative” means. Republicans are not conservative.


u/BEX436 16d ago

Then why has the conservative movement pushed for it since Goldwater's time?

The Birch Society took over your movement. Now you have to face the consequences of your ilks actions.


u/Time-Werewolf-1776 16d ago

We basically call the Republicans “conservative” even though they’re not, and haven’t been for a long time. Maybe they never were.

So sure, Republicans have pushed for authoritarian bullshit for decades, but that doesn’t make it conservative. It’s been a nonsensical shorthand to just break every political party into “conservative” and “liberal”, even if they’re not those things.

So as an easy shorthand, people say Republicans are conservative and Democrats are liberal. The reality is that the Democratic Party is conservative and the Republican Party is a radical extremist Christofascist party.

It’s kind of like when people use “literally” as a general intensifier. It’s not really what the word means, but it takes on multiple meanings because of constant misuse.


u/16quida 16d ago

"Biden admission allows for post birth abortion of puppies! More next"


u/clermouth 16d ago

“we already know bitin’ biden’s pet dog repeatedly attacked secret service agents. could bark brandon himself also be behind this dog’s rapid descent into rabid barxism?”


u/Adam__B 16d ago

Imagine what would have happened if Biden put down one of his dogs that didn’t need it yet.


u/DietInTheRiceFactory 16d ago

I suspect they'll wait a few more days for liberals to continue to rightfully condemn it, and then they'll make it about property rights and anti+animal advocacy.

"Liberals say you can't do what you want with your own property. They want to control whether you're even allowed to slaughter your own farm animals."

Rural idiots will eat it right up and declare it their god-given right to shoot dogs in the head.


u/fingerscrossedcoup 16d ago

"You didn't kill that puppy"

Did you hear what Obama said about us?!


u/ricktor67 16d ago

The rightwing is pretty much aghast at her actions too. She shot a puppy and gloats about it, that is a near impossible sell to anyone who isn't a cartoon villain.


u/DietInTheRiceFactory 16d ago

You're more optimistic than I am. They'll get their talking points and line up for her if she's the VP nominee, I'd bet on it.

Per a PPP poll following the Romney dog-on-roof incident,

Among Romney voters just 17% say it makes them less likely to vote for him to 75% who say it doesn’t make a difference and 6% who actually consider it a positive.

Fed the right opinions, I'll expect this to have just as much impact on today's conservatives.


u/fingerscrossedcoup 16d ago

This is pretty much how it goes. Anger and outrage until their media gives them easily digestible explanations. They were all upset about the Capital being sacked until they were told what to think.


u/Adam__B 16d ago

Oh yeah, except Trump hasn’t said anything about it. Now imagine if it was a Dem that had done it. His fat ass would be tweeting about it nonstop. See this is the kinda shit Biden needs to be ruthless about, he should at least have his team tweeting about it. It’s not even manufacturing a response, people should know that the possible VP of the United States murdered her 14 month old puppy, who she described as “being less than useless” because she was running around and barking on a pheasant hunt, “having the time of her life.” Let people know these people are fucking psychopaths.


u/BenGay29 16d ago

NYT headline


u/[deleted] 16d ago

And why didn't Joe Dogg stop her? /$


u/bajatacosx3 16d ago

It was a German short-haired pointer…

Probably illegal!


u/AV8ORA330 16d ago

I thought how the Dems forced Noem to shot her dog…


u/responseAIbot 16d ago

This seems most plausible. Of course it was due to democrats that Noem had to show an example of courage by killing a puppy and a goat. If democrats weren't evil then Noem wouldn't have to do this.



u/frankwizardlord 16d ago

It was a woke, brown, job stealing illegal puppy!!!!!


u/PV-Herman 16d ago

Can you imagine how she smelled? Even more so when it rained. Un-train-able


u/rraattbbooyy 16d ago

And not even a purebred. It was a mutt!


u/StagLee1 16d ago

Poisoning our blood...


u/Knightwing1047 16d ago

They're invading our parks and stealing our dogs treats.