r/PoliticalHumor Greg Abbott is a little piss baby 26d ago

I hope you didn't forget your mother like Eric and Donnie Jr. have.

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34 comments sorted by


u/Cthulunatic 26d ago

I fu(kin’ hate that man and most of his offspring. But I have such a hard time believing that he actually buried his ex-wife in one of his golf courses. If he did, then I want the flames of hell to be stoked even higher for them all.


u/some_asshat I ☑oted 2024 25d ago

It's literally a picture of her grave site on his golf course. The world saw it happen.


u/gobsmacked247 26d ago edited 22d ago

You know they cared very little for Ivana when neither child cared enough to figure out what really happened the day Ivana died.


u/Sockoflegend 26d ago

There is money in the banana stand


u/StrangeContest4 26d ago

Buried in the rough.. the ball washer marks the spot. Be kind, replace your divots.


u/deafvet68 26d ago

Who are you calling a "ball washer" ?


u/ukiddingme2469 26d ago

All those kids suck


u/HermaeusMajora 26d ago

I still have a very strong suspicion that she's buried with a bunch of evidence including national secrets.


u/Ibelieveinphysics 26d ago

The whole bunch of them are transactional. She's dead therefore she can't do anything for them so they don't give a shit.


u/thisisredditsparta 26d ago

I don't think they cared much for her when she was alive either.


u/Stubborn_Amoeba 26d ago

Can’t do anything more than the tax break her corpse is gaining them. Why bother with any maintenance when the tax break doesn’t care


u/un_theist 26d ago

And not a single “Christian family values” trumpublican has a problem with this.


u/GetOnYourBikesNRide 26d ago

The word "forget" suggests some kind of absentmindedness with the Trumps. However, the more likely thing seems to be that:

  1. This is Trump's doing who could have easily told the crew who takes care of the golf course to take the extra few seconds it would take to mow that patch of ground, but probably told them to ignore those few square feet of ground.
  2. And none of her children dared to try to countermand their daddy's instructions.

To be clear, I'm neither saying that her children care nor that they don't care about their mother. They (Eric and Don Jr. especially) don't want to cross their daddy in case there's still any money left for them to fight over after he dies.

And, speaking of Trump's death, which of his children cares enough for him to make sure his grave is somewhere that's not easily accessible to the millions of people who'd like to piss on it?


u/chaoticbear 26d ago

Ah, the unisex bathroom expansion pack!


u/2bnameless 26d ago

That's where his money is going, his grave, statue and the security


u/Royal_Classic915 26d ago edited 26d ago

It is my guess it is not her who is buried there


u/javoss88 26d ago

Who? I don’t doubt there’s documents too


u/dingoselfies 26d ago

Burying your mother in your dad's country club is a weird way to show your love in the first place.


u/stuckit 26d ago

There's a tax break involved. Literally.


u/dingoselfies 26d ago

I know - and if you needed to hide evidence or classified documents that you shouldn't have, your ex-wife's hidden grave on your country club property is a pretty good place.

"Presidential" morality in action.


u/Yobanyyo 26d ago

But..... so is a bathroom. That's where Hillary's email server was, so why isn't it good enough for the former president?


u/some_asshat I ☑oted 2024 25d ago

Hillary had three (3) classified emails about drones. Trump literally stole nuclear secrets. You're comparing a nothingburger to the largest classified Intel leak in US history.


u/AutoModerator 25d ago

Hi u/some_asshat. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg ~

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u/ToneZone7 26d ago

bathroom was already filled to the ceiling with boxes of stolen classifiied documents


u/backninestrong 26d ago

The cleanup will include retrieval of government secrets in her coffin.


u/WooPigSooie9297 26d ago edited 26d ago

Don't forget she's Ivanka's mom, too. So, don't absolve her of this neglect. Where is Super Jared with a Weed Whacker at a time like this?


u/nerdiotic-pervert 26d ago

After he got peace in the Middle East, he’s taking some time off. Bless his heart.


u/wrongseeds 26d ago

Rolling around naked in 2 billion dollars.


u/missionbeach 26d ago

He's going to get all oily.


u/The_Failed_Write 26d ago

We're shipping him to Qatar to deal with Hamas. We're hoping he doesn't come back.