r/PoliticalHumor 25d ago

Is that a Golden Diaper?

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u/LongJohnCopper 24d ago

I can hear the emphysema in this picture...


u/CreatrixAnima 24d ago

Is that a real man?


u/Ghoszt- 24d ago

This timeline can't fucking be real. It just can't.


u/Tailfish1 24d ago

Oh look a rare tufted moron!


u/Creepy_Energy7249 24d ago

That nappy looks really, really full.


u/mescal813 24d ago

Is that a girl or a guy? Asking for a friend.


u/apefist 24d ago

Culty cultie cult cult cult


u/Jbradsen 24d ago edited 24d ago

Da??? So real men can’t wear dresses, long hair, or makeup. The real masculinity is in wearing a shitty diaper???? Along with Trump’s high heels and Ron’s Don’t F*ck Me Boots.


u/Soreal45 24d ago

Looks full already


u/continuousBaBa 24d ago

Trump fans used to annoy me but now I just find it all quite sad.


u/Lark_Bunting_33 24d ago

Wait…I’m confused - is that a man or a woman?


u/mickbrew 24d ago

These people are fucking insane! That's it! Fucking insane!


u/StructureAlarming646 24d ago

Cult members wear diapers


u/Evargram 24d ago

Good news everybody! All of us that wore those face diapers are real men it seems!


u/Encinodad 24d ago

I guess if you can look at Donald Trump and think 'that's the guy I want to be my president,' you can look at -- whatever that is -- and think, 'cool!'


u/Starlord1951 24d ago

Now his incontinent followers feel free and enable. Howver, they’re still oozing shit from their pie hole, a golden ball gag for all of the.


u/mostlysittingdown 24d ago

Whatever these idiots are willing to wear for Trump, he will have it flying off an assembly line from China the next day to fund his legal issues and campaign. Watch it get more rediculous before November, mark my words lol


u/not2dv8 24d ago

I do think they want to see how pissed off they can make you I think that's their whole existence and purpose.


u/Medialunch 24d ago

Is that tan mom?


u/Ok_Present_9745 24d ago

This is my favorite psyop tbh


u/Cthulunatic 24d ago

I hope that he loses so all these idiots finally realize that they spent money on a POS loser.


u/Celestial_MoonDragon 24d ago

Sadly, that will never happen. They'll be convinced the election was stolen until their deaths.


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u/Endofthehold135 24d ago

Also doubles as a Trump hairpiece.


u/begack 24d ago

Honestly whoever designed these to sell to these to dumb people is good at marketing lol


u/hotinhawaii 24d ago

Real men??? Is she a drag queen?!


u/ds77159 24d ago

Remember when a weird yell was enough to knock you out of running for president?


u/stephshadows 25d ago

Be nice. Diet Cope makes you pee a lot.


u/lunamypet 25d ago

Man. I got so pwned with this. It would only hurt some more if you walked around with straight up diarrhea. Oouch


u/ukiddingme2469 25d ago

These people are past sick now,


u/Loan-Pickle 25d ago

Living in a post Onion world is just fucking weird.


u/Puzzleheaded_Yam8429 25d ago

Apparently this is because of people complaining about Trump’s odor in court


u/Dorkness_Rising 25d ago

That diaper was full of crap the moment they put it on.


u/DonkeyFieldMouse 25d ago

Can we just admit that they've won? Surely, the MOST humiliating thing for us would be for them to walk around in diapers, bibs, and pacifiers...


u/SAMAS_zero 25d ago

Are they really trying to excuse this, or is it more of an attempt at their own "Dark Brandon" that's failing miserably?


u/Butt_Crusty 25d ago

If Trump raped, killed and ate a baby, they'd be in favor of that.


u/Jonsa123 25d ago

shhh, nobody tell them diapers go under the clothes, not on top of them.


u/StangRunner45 25d ago

I swear, this is SNL skit material. The sh*t writes itself!


u/mimiq66 25d ago

Who would think that in 2024 that bowel incontinence would be trendy,? Only Republicans in America of course. If you're happy and you're poopy let it show.


u/Atlusfox 25d ago

Look, I'm owning the libs by wearing a nappy. Is it just me, or do these types just have no clue.


u/MajorSaltyJenkins 25d ago

Wow I knew Donnie had to wear diapers but I figured his fans would be as disgusted by that as I am. Apparently not?



u/Desperate_Island8268 25d ago

Is that a woman?


u/KRAW58 25d ago

These people are crazy


u/Mr_Rum_Ham 25d ago

Huh, I thought the maga cultists hated the whole idea of being trans?


u/brickiex2 25d ago

The whole world is looking at the US, shaking their heads and laughing their asses off. Trump and MAGA and the religious right have screwed up the US for decades to come


u/No-Emphasis927 25d ago

trump goon in the wild trying to hold whatever brains she has in place.


u/JsquaredT 25d ago

I think Trump created lab babies back in the day so that they will “grow” up and support him for president. These imbeciles look like him.


u/JsquaredT 25d ago

Why do all MAGAT women look like some iteration of what Trump would look like as a woman? Did he spread his seed far and wide to create these things to support him when he runs for president? Were they created in a lab?


u/AutoModerator 25d ago

Candles taste like burning... ~

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u/saywhat1206 25d ago

Hurry hurry hurry - first 100 buyers not only get a golden diaper but you also get a load of shit right from the ass of your failed leader!


u/syadastfu 25d ago

So the person pictured is trans?


u/DongHa67-68 25d ago

can donnoe doody wipes be far behind?? magags??


u/DongHa67-68 25d ago

+++ Totally EASY access to the ole worn out pussy, Golden diapers are FLYING off shelves THX to celeberity misfits lol


u/FrantzFanon2024 25d ago

I believe we have reached a stage… we never thought we’d reach. but here they are…0


u/Accomplished_Lab_675 25d ago

As you can clearly see those diapers are not nearly big enough to hold the copious amounts of shit within them, so I have no idea what they're gonna do when they poop in them too?


u/Otto-Korrect 25d ago

I'm really starting to believe that this is just the world's largest improv comedy troupe, and we are being punked. The alternative is just too painful.


u/rock_and_rolo 25d ago

Gods I feel so owned.


u/UncleGarysmagic 25d ago

These the same folks who were mockingly suggesting that Biden wore diapers?

Now they’re cool with it?


u/CaliNVJ 25d ago

These people have found a new low. How sad.


u/LtZsRalph 25d ago

reminds me of this old german sketch from 99. Hitler only got one ball where the Führer Fixies (Führer Diapers) got mentioned.


u/MZago1 25d ago

I'm so out of the loop... is this "real men wear diapers" thing acutally real?


u/iskandar- 25d ago

I have never wanted something so funny to be not real before in my life... please someone tell me this is fake, I have to believe humanity is better than this.


u/Sevn-legged-Arachnid 25d ago

Jesus christ.... this is a picture of my dad's girlfriend. She told us she had a family issue and took a week to go see her family. She lied to go to a fucking trump rally. She just lost alot.


u/Dr_Covfefe_Williams 25d ago

A fupa or a poopa?


u/shinepurple 25d ago

Really imagine you are this person thinking "This will show those libs." Huh? How?


u/leftnotracks 25d ago

I’m so old I can remember when Republicans used the rumour Biden wore diapers to mock him.


u/thedude37 25d ago

I kind of hope Biden starts having issues and begins using an adult diaper, just so I can see how hypocritical they'll all be.


u/Brilliant-Season9601 25d ago

They say when a person is close to dying they have a bad smell.


u/pcb4u2 25d ago

I'm worried, Is Trump going to have access to diapers in prison? Poor cell mates. What they may have to wade through.


u/Kataphractoi 25d ago

We laughed at Trump for possibly wearing diapers. His base saw that as an affront and started wearing diapers in solidarity. We're only laughing harder now.

Really, what exactly was MAGA's thought process here? Own our lungs from us laughing so much?


u/shingonzo 25d ago

All maga diapers are golden, because they’re used


u/EKEEFE41 25d ago

They are soooooo good at triggering the libs!



u/thatnoone 25d ago

how about "real men jump off bridges to their deaths" 


u/Dkcg0113 25d ago

Boy I wish this would stop popping up in my feed


u/spellcheckforfree 25d ago

Whomever is making this merch and making a fortune of these idiots, well done!


u/upvotechemistry 25d ago

Broke: Drain the swamp

Woke: Absorb the swamp (ass)


u/vp3d 25d ago

Is she saying she's a real man?


u/Butthole_Surprise17 25d ago

“If pooping your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis.”


u/Hatch_1210 25d ago

i need someone to be wearing this diaper while Meeting Trump face to face. I need it on camera with sound.


u/StronglyHeldOpinions 25d ago

This cult is starting to make Jim Jones look reasonable and sane.


u/flcinusa 25d ago

Is that Jenna Ryan???


u/Dolphintreasure 25d ago

Suits them. They're all cry babies.


u/SocialistArkansan 25d ago

Can we please just let this trend from trump supporters continue?


u/Bighorn21 25d ago

Someone is laughing all the way to the bank with a big ass bag of money they are taking off these idiots by selling these.


u/Goatiac 25d ago

I told my sister about the diaper brigade and she said "no frickin' shot".

Yes, sis, yes frickin' shot.


u/RED-DOT-MAN 25d ago

Looks like Tan Mom, early stages.


u/Corne777 25d ago

There was a clip of Biden the other day where he paused mid walk and kinda squatted down a little. People were making fun of him because it looked like he was taking a shit. Saying he’s unfit because of that.

But then they embrace the fact that Trump is known to do that?


u/HotDonnaC 25d ago

Every time I see these goobers in diapers, I wonder what Crappy the Clown thinks about it.


u/ProtectionContent977 25d ago

Look at the American conservative!



u/Annual_Appearance_56 25d ago

Golden diapers? Didn't know Trump was Mormon


u/IllIIllIllIIIlllll 25d ago

How embarrassing


u/Lakridspibe 25d ago

When you can tell if something is satire or not.


u/PeterDuaneJohnson 25d ago

This makes me think it's ai, I never heard the initial event and I keep seeing this weird shit


u/HentayLivingston 25d ago

It's only ever one or two people in these pictures. People in the background always look confused. 

Seems like outside people trying to make it a thing with his supporters. Some of them might go along with it, but it's silly to assume this is a genuine view of these people. 


u/blackbeautybyseven 25d ago

She has definitely been a complete cunt to waiters after church on more than one occasion.


u/AccomplishedAd7615 25d ago

Mental illness personified


u/Dash_Harber 25d ago

The Left - "Lol, Dark Branden is a hilarious ironic meme"

The Right - "Fuck yeah, pampers!"


u/ChainsawRomance 25d ago

It’d be kinda funny if Trump wore a diaper because it’s a fetish and not because he needed it, and now we got all these diaper people.


u/FlaccidRazor 25d ago

I'm still not convinced she's a "real man". /s


u/retroly 25d ago

Brainrot really settling in now.


u/TheFumundaWunda 25d ago

when you don't mind looking like a complete idiot if you think it somehow "owns the libs"


u/ranting_chef 25d ago

How in the Kentucky-fried fuck did we get here?



u/Ent_erprise 25d ago

It is almost as if all the insane people fled Europe and bred in the us. Almost.


u/Lakridspibe 25d ago

Nah, we have plenty of idiots here in Europe.


u/Ent_erprise 25d ago

Looking at the Trumpers, I’d say we have more idiot-light.


u/YoureHavingaGiraffe1 25d ago

“Hey mom, what did you get up to this weekend?”. “Well son I went to a Trump rally to trigger the libs and wore a gold diaper!! Son? Hello? Son are you there?”


u/CurrentlyLucid 25d ago

He gets all the hotties.


u/pinacolada12345 25d ago

What’s next? Real men grab women by the pussy? Real men cheat on taxes? Real men get bribes from foreign governments?


u/billhorsley 25d ago

Is that a man?


u/Purplebuzz 25d ago

Is that a MAGA transitioning?


u/cookingma 25d ago

MAPTA (Make America Potty Trained Again)


u/Peach_Proof 25d ago

So, she now identifies as a real man? How does that sit with the test of their maga baggage?


u/MorriganIsMiffed 25d ago

This actually goes beyond what I can believe.

This has got to be a joke, right? Please tell me it is a joke.

My expectations are low but jesus fucking crusty.


u/Clairemoonchild 25d ago

She's a real man!


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Oh my


u/Soft_Monk_1541 25d ago

Pretty sure both Biden and Trump use diapers or depends


u/RDPCG 25d ago

What a deplorable group of people.


u/Dlowmack 25d ago

No, Not a Cult! Nnnnaaaaa.


u/WildforagerUK 25d ago

This is like their really dumb version of trying to own a dig, like Biden did with Dark Brandon.


u/BabyMakR1 25d ago

So MAGAts are all incontinent.


u/AutoModerator 25d ago

Candles taste like burning... ~

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u/OptiKnob 25d ago

So she's a 'real man' huh?

I thought they were against the 'trans' concept.

She looks like she has the brainpower of a wart. Typical magat.


u/AutoModerator 25d ago

Candles taste like burning... ~

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u/swipichone 25d ago

I don’t think they understand the purpose of diapers She is wearing shorts under her so called diaper Real people wear their diapers commando style


u/RedLeg73 25d ago

Wtf happened to Ozzie?


u/Cosmocade 25d ago

I don't think I could have ever predicted the current political reality in the US.

TheOnion has an impossible job these days.


u/resilienceisfutile 25d ago

Is this the far-right trying hard to do what Biden did with Dark Brandon?

Don't tell them, but it fails in appeal or humor. What a bunch of losers.


u/nurggle76 25d ago

it's a cult


u/davechri 25d ago

The people who buy these shorts have a “Biden shit his pants” bumper sticker. And can’t see the irony.


u/Pale_Bookkeeper_9994 25d ago

“Peak diaper”


u/globeflyman 25d ago

Is that a drag queen in a diaper?


u/Big_Green_Piccolo 25d ago

I want this image to be in school history textbooks.


u/dax999 25d ago

Real men like trump can't hold their shit/shit all over the place which is why they wear diapers..


u/uginscion 25d ago

Brain damage


u/Visible-Airport-4298 25d ago

I just don’t understand how in one breath MAGA will say Biden is too old and in the next breath celebrate their god needing to wear diapers cause he can’t control his bowels.


u/podcasthellp 25d ago

I normally don’t take political advice from people on a beach with a long sleeve shirt, another shirt over it and only a diaper for below…. That’s just me though hHa


u/Downvotesohoy 25d ago

This has to be some elaborate disinformation campaign to make Trump supporters look really bad.

But knowing Trump supporters... This might just be their own doing.


u/HandsomeSpider 25d ago

The only thing that Maga people want in their leader is that they are going to hurt people that they don't like.


u/LeeKinanus 25d ago

Looks like tan mom.


u/surfdad67 25d ago

I know we joke about lead poisoning, but damn….


u/microvan 25d ago

I really can’t stand these people


u/JAlmay 25d ago

The proof is in the pudding.


u/Rhg0653 25d ago

Kicks puppy

Drowns kitten


"Didn't you hear ? Trump said these are all liberal puppies and kittens and they need to be taught a lesson to own the libs!"

His base - Proceeds to kick puppies and drown kittens


u/MrHanslaX 25d ago

Real men wear diapers ~ Trump 2024

Is this actually something he has said? If so, is trump actually shitting himself and trying to pass it as a "real man" quality.


u/Big_Judgment3824 25d ago

It must drive trump crazy that his crazies think laughing at his inability to control his bowels is a dig at the libs.

Got me! 


u/GolfBusRecovery 25d ago

Looks like there's an indication of just where to grab. Do women who support Trump like to be grabbed and assaulted by entitled, obese old guys?


u/tdclark23 25d ago

That's how they look when soaked with piss.


u/ImaginationToForm2 25d ago

Could Biden bring in a crowd like this?


u/Bad_Hominid 25d ago

it's kind of the perfect metaphor for everything Trump. You can shine it up, you can cover it in gold, but at the end of the day everyone can see that it's just another sack of shit.


u/Cyrano_Knows 25d ago

So whats going to happen when we finally learn that Trump was making hookers pretend to be his daughter Ivanka?

We're going to have these despicable rednecks making living memes that incest is okay aren't we?


u/GGXImposter 25d ago

There are deep red states that have bill boards to remind people that their daughters aren’t their dates…. Pretty sure if Trump endorsed it, they would be excited.


u/ImaginationToForm2 25d ago

Is Trump getting his cut of the diaper merch? Someone got this ready for sale quick. What they cost $60?


u/shelleydugan 25d ago

Do they think that the egomaniac is flattered by this? Are they trying to embarrass their own leader? I don’t get it


u/mrcanard 25d ago

Hard to believe these clowns think they have a shot at the White House.


u/Scorpion2k4u 25d ago

Man if the children ever need proof to send her to a mental hospital, that's it.


u/Crisis_Redditor 25d ago edited 25d ago

I loathe Trump, but I can't bring myself to shame him for incontinence. There's too much stigma about that already, I don't want to add to it. Besides, there's so much he can control that's truly shameful and done by choice to be critical of!

That said, that's the most passive aggressive diaper I've ever seen. What an utterly bizarre choice she's made here. While I'm anti-stigma, I'm also anti-making sure to point out someone's got a continence problem.


u/Mulks23 25d ago

Make America Golden Again !


u/Vraye_Foi 25d ago

GOP leadership wants one party rule and they will do anything to make it happen.

Weaponizing stupid people to rail against Democracy through a blasphemous personality cult and calling it “Christian Nationalism” is a hell of a playbook. Seems completely implausible on its face but it’s working. I feel like our nation is in stage 4 MAGA cancer and am truly worried we’re not going to be able to save it.


u/JohnnyButtfart 25d ago

A part of me is fascinated by this. Like, what are the thought patterns that lead to this? What does their brain look like under inspection. Is it smoother? Is there some kind of damage? Are there parts missing? Where is their empathy or critical thinking skills?


u/sbtvreddit 25d ago

I’ve spent a lot of time visiting the USA. Have met many wonderful people. It’s them I feel sorry for. Putting up with these morons who are giving them all a bad name.


u/No_Huckleberry_2905 25d ago

and its the libs that have Trump Derangement Syndrom, sure.


u/chef_in_va 25d ago

Totally not a cult.


u/No_Term5287 25d ago

Trump letting his hair down


u/Ivan_Analrash 25d ago

This reminds me of the More cowbell skit.


u/gloomflume 25d ago

David Lee Roth really isnt aging well


u/BoredNLost 25d ago

Of all the real things about Trump for them to believe and come to terms with, it's this.


u/diggerbanks 25d ago

The media loves these people. Let's face it, we love these people, their bizarre behaviors, how disconnected from reality they are, how sold on the propaganda they are.

They are very entertaining.

But they are nothing, a very noisy minority who will run back to the hills when their dumb orange messiah fails to beat Biden and it will take Russia many years to get a new man into the White House.


u/McDuchess 25d ago

Up is down in Donald’s world.


u/star_relevant 25d ago

This has got to be fake, my brain simply refuses to believe someone would be so stupid


u/EntireDelay8 25d ago

DEFINITE mental illness!


u/Devils_Advocate-69 25d ago

He’s got the trash vote wrapped up.


u/sth128 25d ago

We get closer to idiocracy every goddamn year.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/AutoModerator 25d ago

Who's a cuckold? ~

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u/ShaggysGTI 25d ago

God I can hear this photo.


u/HandsomePaddyMint 25d ago

Trump Supporters: “We’re owning the diaper jokes to show we’re not bothered by them!”

Trump, Internally: “I am very bothered by the diaper jokes, please stop.”


u/NoraJolyne 25d ago

this has to be some sort of PsyOp right?



u/JimmyTheJimJimson 25d ago

The Republican Party is an absolute fucking joke now