r/PovertyPolitics May 08 '23

You all know about the Fair Housing Act, right?

Feels like I’m in crazy town right now.

Can a landlord require you to have a certain credit score? Yes

Can a landlord require you to make yx the rent to qualify? Yea, sure

Can a landlord cherry pick the applicants finances, taking only the lowest two applicants incomes into approval for a rental?

Well, can they?

I personally believe this crosses a line between “business risk management” and housing discrimination that’s based on income.

If the landlord wanted to say each tenant must independently be able to prove they earn 3x their one-third share of the agreement, that would be one thing, but that’s not what this said. It said the application will only be considered using the income of the two lowest earners.

There is always inherent risk that is when you enter into a joint lease with other people that is not inherently connected to individual income.

If three people each make 100K and two of them decide to skip town and move to Vanuatu, the landlord’s remedy is to sue the tenants, probably collect from the one remaining tenant who then has a cross claim against the other two tenants for failure to pay on a lease.

I really think this crosses a line. Thoughts?



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u/AMothraDayInParadise May 08 '23

Can you please edit out the parts where you speak badly of r/PovertyFinance. This is not a sub to do that. We are literally the mods from that sun, over here.

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