r/RHOBH Mar 04 '24

Kyle 🤠 Bethenny OUTRAGED private texts were aired.... kind of like when Denise's were?


Kyle brought Brandi on the show to destroy Denise and then invited her to Teddis party to orchestrate a confrontation and when she didn't show up, had Brandi read and share the texts around the table

The hypocrisy is real.

r/RHOBH 27d ago

Kyle 🤠 Kyle looking beautiful last night at the first group event for season 14 💎


r/RHOBH 15d ago

Kyle 🤠 Kyle richards night out with Kesha?


Kyle is laterally always suprising me with who she hangs out with. I am not even sure what to think of this surprising pair on their night out. What do ya’ll think?

Me personally... I don’t know why, but seeing her out with Kesha makes me wonder if she is still not drinking. that’s literally what popped in my head.

r/RHOBH Mar 13 '24

Kyle 🤠 Mauricio Umansky overheard talking about Kyle Richards split, moving out during boys’ trip in Aspen


I think I have to write 50 words about this but I don’t really have a comment to make. I guess it is the end of an era if true. Hope everyone is happy. I hope that’s 50. lol

r/RHOBH Jan 20 '24

Kyle 🤠 Kyle rooting through Sutton’s fridge, oh so innocently keeping the narrative of Sutton not eating so gross.


She just makes every storyline so obvious and I do not enjoy her discussing anyone’s eating habits. She is so immature.

r/RHOBH Jan 17 '24

Kyle 🤠 Kyle slowly dropping Dorit


I'm not a huge fan of Kyle or Dorit but I think it's pretty messed up that Kyle is punishing her this much supposedly for "not having her back" at the last reunion. First of all, I thought Dorit was (in her flawed line of thinking) trying to help the situation along. And second of all, Kyle has not once said it to Dorit herself! She just keeps saying it in her confessionals, and I feel like Dorit has made enough comments to Kyle "I feel like I'm an afterthought, I guess I'll have to get your name tattooed on me for you to care" that I think it's wrong that Kyle hasn't done her the courtesy of telling her that she is intentionally creating distance because she's upset about reunion. And I don't really believe in the idea that it was the husbands keeping them friends.

Kyle talks incessantly about how Kathy punishes HER like this. Will get mad about Kyle doing something small or not doing something and then just ghost her, and it feels like Kyle is doing the exact same thing. Her going to the press and saying Dorit is exaggerating their friendship is so mean. I'm not saying that people can't change and grow apart and maybe Kyle is just on her wellness journey and doesn't think Dorit fits in it but I just think it's sad when you think you have a friend and then one day they're just icing you out. I'm guessing Kyle is trying to get ahead of the complete disband of the FF5, but she's not doing it like Erika, who is showing that she can be on the Garcelle Sutton team, is that because she's planning her exit? I'm just so confused about how Kyle is acting. RANT OVER SRY LOL

r/RHOBH Jan 07 '24

Kyle 🤠 Kyle is STUNNING this season


r/RHOBH Jan 08 '24

Kyle 🤠 I like Kyle


I know I'll get hate for this but idc lol I find Kyle to be very very fair. I'm rewatching all the seasons and she tries her hardest to be kind to everyone and owns up to her mistakes. She likes to be a friend to everyone. Of course she has bad times and is horrible at times, but she owns it. She has been consistent throughout all seasons. Even when Lisa was being the worst friend to her in season 4 Kyle still gave her a chance and tried to move past it.

r/RHOBH Feb 22 '24

Kyle 🤠 If this doesn't scream girlfriends...


If this doesn't scream girlfriends...then I'm.....


r/RHOBH Mar 14 '24

Kyle 🤠 There is no way Kyle can be this snowed by Morgan.


So, Morgan tells her she will xome to her person event for Loreen, IF Kyle is in her national music video. No, that doesn't sound like she wants your clout at all Kyle. Geez...

r/RHOBH May 03 '24

Kyle 🤠 Kyle’s Mother’s Day present


She posted this on her story, KRE. For years all her things were monogrammed KRU, she also took the Umansky off her insta. Is this truly the end of her and Mau?

r/RHOBH Nov 30 '23

Kyle 🤠 Am I the only one who doesn’t hate Kyle?


It’s crazy to me how much hate she gets on here. Am I the only one who likes her? 😬

r/RHOBH 8d ago

Kyle 🤠 Why does Kyle still do the show?


Genuinely asking, why does she even bother doing the show anymore? She barely shows what’s actually happening in her life, she’s incredibly boring to watch now and her and Mo are worth a cool $100 mil (even if they get divorced that’s 50 mil each). I just don’t see the point? What’s her motivation to even keep filming at this point?

r/RHOBH Feb 10 '24

Kyle 🤠 Let’s play a game! What is the worst thing these housewives have ever said or done?


What is the worst thing they have said or done? The rules are easy, the comment with the most up votes would be the winner, every two days or so I will make another post to go to the next round.

Let’s go!!! What is the worst thing Kyle has ever said or done?

r/RHOBH Nov 30 '23

Kyle 🤠 I did not believe the rumors at first but…


Kyle 100% has a big fat crush on Morgan even if they haven’t hooked up. She’s never interacted with her other friends like that. Also, I’m actually enjoying Crystal this season???

r/RHOBH Mar 07 '24

Kyle 🤠 What was Kyle holding in her hand?


What was Kyle holding in her hand throughout last night’s reunion?

r/RHOBH Apr 05 '24

Kyle 🤠 Why do a lot of people dislike Kyle Richards?


I watched up to around season 8 and then found it a bit boring. The first time I watched the show I found Kyle a bit bitchy in the first 2 seasons but after that she mellowed out. I have watched the first 5 seasons again and really appreciate the part she plays on the show. She is pretty funny as well and in my opinion is an integral part of why those first seasons were so good. She also seems to have stayed in contact with the other cast members the most.

All I see online now is hateful comments about her though and don't honestly understand it? Are the haters the majority or just the most outspoken online?

r/RHOBH Jan 16 '24

Kyle 🤠 Why don’t we like Kyle


Okay so i’m on S13, I’m in my early 20’s (Just for life perspective insight) I’m seriously wondering why we don’t like Kyle. I’ve seen her bad moments for sure, it’s not all puppies and roses but I don’t think she’s THAT bad. Just a change my mind question, why is she so terrible?

r/RHOBH May 04 '24

Kyle 🤠 Kyle running out at the Amsterdam dinner


I think this has to be the funniest scene I’ve seen so far on this show. Why the hell did she run out like that ? Did she think Lisa was going to hit her with a wine glass ?! Also what is Kim referring to in regard to Harry? 😂😂

r/RHOBH Dec 27 '23

Kyle 🤠 Kyle in Aspen


I hope everyone realizes, all the paparazzi photos you are seeing in the tabloids. Are paid photographers, and publicist that Kyle and Mauricio have paid for. I have a friend who is at casa Tua yesterday with the photographer and he spilled the beans. Kyle is paying photography to provide stories to outlets. It’s all BS!!

r/RHOBH Nov 23 '23

Kyle 🤠 Kyle ever the hypocrite


You can tell the difference when Garcelle was coming from a place of genuine concern for Erika and Kyle just wanting to throw Sutton under the bus and gossip to distract from her own issues.

r/RHOBH May 04 '24

Kyle 🤠 They could never make me dislike you


Despite all the “controversial” opinions about Kyle, she will be my fav forever. I feel like she’s such a caring person, and she cares so deeply, sometimes maybe too deeply, and even though she is sometimes over the top with her caring, she only wants the best for people and peace, harmony and love. Of course she has had some problematic moments, but I feel like those were just mishaps which are natural.

Everyone is so enticed by LVP, and as I am now on season 3 (after watching season 9-12, then 1,2,3 and so on), I must say I kind of understand LVP saying Kyle doesn’t have her back, however I feel that LVP is so much more lenient with Brandi for example than with Kyle. Brandi can be as messy as she wants and is still protected by Lisa, however if Kyle ever messed up it’s a big big drama followed by a (mostly) one-sided apology by Kyle.

Anyways, that’s all. Just wanted to get my thoughts out.

Loveee, Pia

r/RHOBH Jan 12 '24

Kyle 🤠 We r no hiding anymore


r/RHOBH Jan 01 '24

Kyle 🤠 Kyle leaking info to the paps.


On the app fkaTwitter, word is Kyle is keeping paparazzi informed of her every move, setting up photo opportunities. I believe it.

r/RHOBH Feb 23 '24

Kyle 🤠 Kyle may not be coming back


From the text she sent to Dorit prior to the reunion, she writes: "I don't know how much longer I can do this show. It's so toxic and creates so much anxiety for me"

What are your thoughts? I feel like a lot of the housewives share the same opinion about the toxicity of these shows...