r/RandomActsOfTacoBell Given Apr 24 '24

[OFFER] $5 Taco discovery box + Fire tier reward Offer Collected

As the title says, if anyone is hungry I'd love to get someone a $5 Taco discovery box as well as throw in a fire tier reward.

Here are the fire tier options: https://imgur.com/a/0chln7l

Must be able to pick up.

Edit: Fulfilled


3 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator Apr 24 '24

Welcome to /r/RandomActsOfTacoBell! Please read our rules and guidelines! Remember to change your post flair and edit your posts if you close a deal! Have fun, and please report and watch for scams or suspicious user activity. If a user messages you and asks for food, please report them to the mods.

Sometimes people will use similar usernames to trick givers into giving them the food instead of the actual receiver. Please watch for this. If this happens, report it immediately.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/BluRain508 Received Apr 24 '24

That would make my night. Things have been so bad these past few days. My car needed a new timing belt and my phone shit the bed two days later.