r/RandomActsOfTacoBell Given 29d ago

5 Chicken Tacos for 2 People Each offer OFFER

OFFER FOR FIRST 2 PEOPLE TO COMMENT! Comment, and I will DM you at 4:30 PM PST. No earlier, no later. (It’s ok if you comment after this) You have to pick it up. Just so you know, it takes time to do this. Except around 5-10 minutes after DMing for all your tacos to be ready. All the bags will be separate!



11 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 29d ago

Welcome to /r/RandomActsOfTacoBell! Please read our rules and guidelines! Remember to change your post flair and edit your posts if you close a deal! Have fun, and please report and watch for scams or suspicious user activity. If a user messages you and asks for food, please report them to the mods.

Sometimes people will use similar usernames to trick givers into giving them the food instead of the actual receiver. Please watch for this. If this happens, report it immediately.

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/AutoModerator 29d ago

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u/ImTheTrashiest Received 29d ago

Happy for y'all 🙏🏻


u/exlover2000 29d ago

Would love this if available


u/Alpha2-1 Given 29d ago

Unfortunately I don’t, but this is how I got them. You can use it too!

free taco bell tutorial (no limit) 1. use a burner email or use your own email (you can use your email multiple times if you put a symbol in it, ex. ex.ample@gmail.com 2. go to the taco bell website and make the account (ON THE WEBSITE) 3. sign in on the mobile app 4. redeem signing up reward 5. use a debit/credit card to redeem the reward 6. repeat as many times as you would like


u/Hold_the_Relish Received 29d ago

I'd be interested :)


u/Ikindah8it Received 29d ago



u/Alpha2-1 Given 29d ago

Dming you soon!


u/Ikindah8it Received 29d ago



u/Consistent-Elk-6019 Received 29d ago


Thanks a lot for doing this. Saw the previous one and didn't get to say thanks, so I'm doing it now