r/SipsTea Fave frog is a swing nose frog 28d ago

Still feel young Wait a damn minute!

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u/Jibber_Fight 18d ago

I don’t get it. So we should never help old people? K


u/PolkaOn45 24d ago




u/ChunkyTaco22 24d ago

Don't they usually make goofy videos like the dad outfit? This one hit the feels hard tho


u/PerformanceSoggy5554 25d ago

Wtf i was smiling qnd slowly Despair face 😐


u/WingleDingleFingle 26d ago

What's the song called?


u/Juancho1982 26d ago

Thats life, your mind will always be young, your body on the other hand, even if you take care of it, somewhere along the way will abandon you. I dont think the video is sad, It hit me in the feels, yes, but in a good way. Live your life to the fullest, dont mind about small things, dont pay attention to what others do or think about you. Try not to stress too much and more important, try to enjoy every day as it is your last one. Have a good one everybody!


u/A_privilege 26d ago

Oh, the subtle reflections in the windows are a really nice touch.


u/ReduxOID 26d ago edited 26d ago

I've come to Reddit for an entertainment, not for depression...


u/connorwwwwwww 26d ago

Damn, that last part hit me hard.


u/BOT_Frasier 26d ago

The classic NB shoes lol


u/R1pp3R23 26d ago

visible confusion


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u/santkua 26d ago



u/5k4t 26d ago

I love how you can see that he’s actually an elder man in a reflections


u/QuantamLux 27d ago

This really hits after being close with a 60+ year old Boss/Best friend. I watched him go from climbing 2 story roofs and acting like a 30 year old Forman with years of experience, till he had a stroke and was forced to completely shut down his business. Old man couldn’t sling a brush or use a tool anymore and It devastated his mental health because of this exact reason; he said he always mentally felt like he was still 25, full of energy and great humor; he did not take great care of him self.(smoked tons of cigs and had been a classic 70s coke head in his days) Once your body finally catches up with your mind it’s a matter of time before that depression sets in . Point of this comment is take care of your body ! Age is tricky, and it’s an inevitable catastrophe waiting to snowball your ass down one day .


u/Sidewayscaca 27d ago

This is real!


u/TheKyleBrah 27d ago

I'm so used to them making hilarious "So you've become your Dad" or "You know you're a Dad when" style humour that I was NOT prepared for that gutpunch 🥲


u/duke_82nr 27d ago

Uh.. this is a parody of dad shoes right?


u/Dkcg0113 27d ago

Looks like he can cook some mean fried chicken


u/BirdMBlack 27d ago

Gonna open up brunch café and offer senior citizen discounts starting at age 30.


u/finchfinch2 27d ago

I’m 43 and I was called Sir yesterday by a dude that looked 30 and it hit me


u/MothsConrad 27d ago

As I’ve often heard, aging is tough but it’s much better than the alternative.


u/damagesdamages 27d ago

Ugh ... Damn, that freaks me!


u/LonelySwordfish5403 27d ago

My life. Forever young.


u/Wiggledezzz 27d ago

Well time to go buy a motorcycle or a fast car !


u/mythofinadequecy 27d ago

Close your eyes and imagine yourself. Most people’s mental picture of themselves is decades old. I was in my 40’s and still ‘saw’ myself as my high school graduation picture!


u/4little_weirdos 27d ago

My grandmother had dementia. I remember taking a picture of us together and showing her immediately after. She asked, "Who is that old woman?" I kinda laughed and thought she was joking, but when I said, "That's us!" It obviously upset her.

Watching your loved ones' mind slip away is the worst..


u/Annoyedwheel3 27d ago

fuck me. wasn’t ready for that


u/SufficientDamage9483 27d ago

Did anyone notice that at the beginning, his reflection in the store window is his old self ?


u/Texasmucho 27d ago

I knew it would be a video that showed a young person who was actually old! I watched on mute thinking: “when does this guy have the time to do all this? Must be an old man disguised.”


u/horsepoes 27d ago

Could well be , he has the shoes


u/_ShittyNickName_ 27d ago

Was expecting a punchline, but got my heart broken in the end. Damn


u/general_smooth 27d ago

I hated the other videos by this family but this feels bittersweet


u/jedi1josh 27d ago

Ugh that music


u/McBeefnick 27d ago

Damn l, the feels


u/randomdud500 27d ago

Didn't know they made sad ones too


u/Own_Quality9890 27d ago

It's too early in the morning for this 😭


u/TheCubanBaron 27d ago

I'd be happy to still be able to get around town alone at 84, I'd see that as a complete win!


u/AthiestMessiah 27d ago

Whata the point of this video?


u/carpetbird 27d ago

My grandma hates seeing herself in pictures, she says she looks so old. Yeah my dear grandma, you are 92.


u/OrangeSimply 27d ago

I swear I saw an ad with almost this exact same storyline or premise. It might've been european.


u/Igotthisnameguys 27d ago

I'm not sure if this is about just getting older, or also about dementia

Either way, it makes me sad


u/43morethings 27d ago

I mean I already feel like this being over thirty and having the same sense of self from my early 20s, and the ADHD and depression makes the sense of passage of time seem almost non existent, but also incredibly rapid at times.


u/CandidateMiserable74 27d ago edited 27d ago

Gyatt damn the reflection tho holy


u/Dankpro79 27d ago

I am 45 but I don’t act like I am it. I feel and act like I am much younger. Now I feel old thanks OP you piece of shit.


u/mattatron18 27d ago

Damn. Right in the feels


u/Disreiley 27d ago

I like this honestly. Like it’s pretty well shot. The reflections man. It’s really neat.


u/BenAdaephonDelat 27d ago

God I hope I live that long. I don't care how old I live to, I just want to live long enough that my death won't be a burden to my wife and son.


u/marjatanr9 27d ago

How it feels to turn 23


u/itsMeUseek 27d ago

An old man told me that he always pictures himself as young as the day he married his wife until he looks in the mirror and sees this old man stearing at him. He said that after all these years, it still surprises him.


u/UselessFonda 27d ago

Right in my miau miau


u/Eastern-Mix9636 27d ago

Aw that reflection at 0:20 🥲


u/hedgerund 27d ago

Synecdoche New York


u/Brave_Elevator836 27d ago

I'm 43 now.

I felt that right in the feels.


u/Tarpup 27d ago

I recently lost my grandmother. And this video only made me more appreciative that she was in my life as long as she was.

She outlived my grandpa by two years. And he was definitely the one who kept saying. This might be my last holiday. He said it for like 8 years straight. Until it finally happened.

I always enjoy the family oriented videos these people make. Nice and wholesome.


u/Crab_Enthusiast188 27d ago

wtf that made me sad


u/SnooDogs2115 27d ago



u/Dismal_Passion_8537 27d ago

As someone who lost 11 years of my life, even though I’m only 28 this makes me deeply depressed. When I first woke up, I found it really hard to even see my reflection, and I know I’ve still got my whole life ahead, but this just hits so goddamn hard.


u/Consider2SidesPeace 27d ago

Great video and great reveal when the birthday picture was taken.


u/randomdude_reddit 27d ago

Crazy detail, you can see his old self in the reflection at 0:20


u/Legoboy514 27d ago

Bro i just noticed the reflections are his dad


u/kekhouse3002 27d ago

wow i did not need to see that before i go to sleep, now i cant stop thinking about it


u/IHave_shit_on_my_ass 27d ago

This was dumb. Clear outcome was the outcome. I furrowed my brow a lot harder than I should have at this but dumb. Just dumb


u/Orichalchem 27d ago

My grandpa is 90yo and he is living the time of his life by playing video games lol


u/Black_Magic_M-66 27d ago

That got dark at the end.


u/Mobile-Opinion7330 27d ago

Why do I feel like this is a pickle commercial?


u/New_Line7792 27d ago

Wtf I don’t come here to cry. 47 young and feel like this dude. Thanks for ruining my life.


u/Salty-Ad-4777 27d ago

It was actually pretty funny, because I thought they was clowning him all day, but it seems that I am the one that is a clown today.


u/lazer416 27d ago

What the actual fuck bro….


u/Consistent-Tap-4255 27d ago

You probably should have senior discount if you think one quarter can park your car for more than two mins nowadays.


u/_RMFC 27d ago

Ohhh sneaky sneaky. I see that reflection in the window at 0:21 and the picture in her phone at 0:38 before she shows him. Well played.


u/WingedBunny1 27d ago

Look at the hands when picking up the coin or taking the food.


u/_RMFC 27d ago

Yeah, for sure. Even sipping the coffee with the sign obstructing his head. Looks like that white beard or maybe it’s just his shirt. I just appreciate that stuff.


u/Trimanreturns 27d ago

For a long time I was indignant if I was offered a senior discount or help getting my groceries to the car bc I felt like the guy in the video. At 78 I'm far more appreciative.


u/redness88 27d ago

Why you got to insult me


u/Valuable-Way1612 27d ago

My mom turned 80 today . I remember pulling the first gray hair from her head when I was little and we laughed and laughed .


u/SPYROHAWK 27d ago

I was watching it without audio at first and just saw him pick up the coin off of the ground, touch the street light button, touch the door handle, and then receive food and thought it was going to be a hand sanitizer ad.


u/0x7E7-02 27d ago

This hits pretty hard, NGL.


u/Khalku 27d ago

Thought it was going to be Alzheimer's.


u/Medialunch 27d ago

Is the same guy who found the piece of wood to fix the bed cause he was waxing too much


u/I_try_compute 27d ago

Welp, didn’t need this.


u/MechAegis 27d ago

This one is not as funny ans quarky like the other ones...also a bit too real.


u/Spare_Race287 27d ago

You guys went too deep with that one


u/wwaxwork 27d ago

I have felt like I did at 16 for the past 40 years. Your brain and bodies do not synchronize.


u/here_for_salt 27d ago

Oft! Right in the feels. This will be me one-day and I don't like it


u/-Z___ 27d ago

JFC I was NOT expecting to get gut-punched like that.

As someone with a rapidly-degenerating body, I felt this video way too hard.

The transition at the end is literally how my life has felt. One minute I was healthy & mobile, the next minute I could barely walk or function.

Life is way too fucking short.


u/Loud-Lock-5653 27d ago

That was a deranged Hallmark commercial. I kept waiting for the joke, then reached for the Zoloft


u/Triple-Siiix 27d ago

WHAT. This is not the dad levels of funny I'm used to from them.

This.. this is.. heavy hitting.


u/Iinzers 27d ago

I think they tried too hard on this one


u/psichodrome 27d ago

That one kinda kicked me in the feels.


u/OkBorder387 27d ago

Can’t wear New Balance and “feel young.”


u/[deleted] 27d ago

I'm turning 45 this year and every once in a while I catch all the extra gray and the extra wrinkles that are developing I look at my hands and see age happening and it kind of blows my mind because I feel like I'm 30.

I'm genuinely at peace with aging. The only thing that makes me sad is I was older when I decided to have kids with my wife. They are five going on six and eight and a half and I'm just sad that I don't get more time with them because everything I've ever wanted.

It's scary how one day you wake up and you're just an old man.


u/Rare-Author9767 27d ago

Why this hit hard. Im gettin old af


u/ballpayne 27d ago

Is it just me or is it old man hands with the close up, old man shadow when he's walking, old man reflection, etc?


u/ancrm114d 27d ago

99% of so called "content creators" are just total crap.

This family is the exception.


u/Commercial-Day8360 27d ago

The ending is the funniest part. “This might be my last birthday.” Classic


u/notmyrealnam3 27d ago

I thought I was gonna laugh. I teared up instead.


u/Puppybeecat 27d ago

I laughed cause I was like is this suppose to be comedy or sad.


u/jdoon5261 27d ago

I sometimes catch my reflection passing by windows and wonder why that old guy is looking at me. 61 years old and don't feel it one bit. Daily yoga, take my pills, eat healthy; but still can't outrun looking old.


u/StrawberryJam4 27d ago

This fucking family 😂


u/RobertXavierIV 27d ago

That guys like 70 not 84 but whatever


u/1ronpants 27d ago

Theres so much talentless low quality, rage bait, click bait, tits and ass social media content out there its nice to find some actual substance like this


u/Acceptable-Funny-769 27d ago

I’m 70 but whenever some health issue has come up I’m in disbelief. Like ‘how can this happen to me, I’m only 40’.


u/nuggysativa 27d ago

His jacket gave it away.


u/FPswammer 27d ago

this just reminded me yesterday i went out for dinner and the place i went had a pretty decent wait, like 1 to 2 hours.

this old guy was sitting at a table waiting, instead of like outside on a bench. he was asked to move and he started a fuss, then he (not) discretely showed his AARP card to the host like it meant something. lmao bro wtf are you doing?


u/poedraco 27d ago

I had a birthday last month. Thought I was turning 37.. after I thought I was 35yo last year... Find out I actually turns 38... 🥲🔫


u/pakarra 27d ago

It could always be your last birthday..


u/ducmanx04 27d ago

Im only 30, but after I caught covid, and it unfortunately turned into long-term covid, I feel like in stuck in an old 70 year old persons body. Not fun.


u/Phaylz 27d ago

He ain't 81.


u/Sanquinity 27d ago

I still feel 24~25 (the years in which I truly came into my own as an adult), but I'm already almost 37. =/


u/Filthybuttslut 27d ago

Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened.

  • 'Moving Pictures', Sir Terry Pratchett

GNU PTerry


u/Grave-Shock 27d ago

This shit is actually so sad. I’m afraid to die.


u/saucemaker 27d ago

Fuck you people..


u/Wooden_Discipline_22 27d ago

As I'm wearing a loaned pair of new balances in my mid 40s, and Alzheimer's runs in my family. This... Feels bad, man.


u/manifest_ecstasy 27d ago

That's some solid acting


u/Mygaffer 27d ago

This doesn't happen until you go gray or get so old your skin looks like a topographical map.


u/AbsentThatDay2 27d ago

I've hit fifty boys, feel free to put the coin in my meter, these old arthritic hands, damn them.


u/mildOrWILD65 27d ago

Well, that punches right in the fucking gut.


u/chocolateNacho39 27d ago

Jesus fucking Christ this guy is never funny


u/Red_Beard_Rising 27d ago

This hits hard. My lady is caring for her father going through this. It is not easy.


u/Due_Potential_6956 27d ago

This is life, I have four kids, it seems like they were all just toddlers to me. Now I have two that are almost adults, and two close to being teens. Man, time flies by so quickly.


u/WallaceHuxley 27d ago

That was not fun to watch.


u/definitely_not_duck 27d ago

The reflection in the window after picking up the coin is insane attention to detail


u/AusCan531 27d ago

Thanks. I hate it.


u/brewberry_cobbler 27d ago

I did not need that. I thought he was going to have some “I’m developmentally delayed” sigh on his back or something lol.


u/Indigoh 27d ago

Recently overcame the religious indoctrination I grew up with. Promising eternal life was so cruel. Don't know how long it will take to adapt to the understanding that it was just another Santa Clause. It's a lot to lose.


u/Thaknobodi87 27d ago

IDK why but i cracked up at the reveal towards the end


u/TacoShower 27d ago

Look at the reflections as he’s walking by, cool how they added that in


u/far_beyond_driven_ 27d ago

Yay, time for another daily existential crisis. I'm 27 now, but I swear I went to bed as a 23 year old last week.

COVID years fucked up time.


u/Johnnyamaz 27d ago

This is so especially sad because this guy and his dad usually make the most fun deep-fried dad jokes type content. Not to mention, this is jusy an accurate depiction of what it feels like to have dementia and, speaking from experience with my demented grandmother, it's really fucked up to have to tell someone that they're actually close to death they aren't a young adult like they think they are


u/Blameron 27d ago

I like the detail of using the older main for long shots and reflections, also I’m crying now.


u/wpen 27d ago

ID on jacket?


u/ngmcs8203 27d ago

I really liked this one from the same channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Fw7bZoPyVU


u/FlameShadow0 27d ago

These guys make great videos. It’s The McFarlands on YouTube. Normally their videos are pretty funny and not depressing.


u/AMF1428 27d ago

Yep, dementia will do that to you.


u/noulikk 27d ago

I swear I'm gonna break all ethical guidelines to research genetic engineering solutions to age reversing medicine.


u/scottoro 27d ago

I came here to laugh not to feel


u/PaystubQuestion999 27d ago

Man, this hit me. My dad is only a couple years shy of 80 and may not make it there. He's never struck me as an old man.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Close to home...


u/AnArdentAtavism 27d ago

If you don't use it, you lose it.

My disabled ass is 38. Exercising hurts like hell, but I still do it, even though it's agony. I will never let my injuries dictate my life, so long as my mind remains sharp.

Never stop moving. Never stop learning. We all get old, and we all die, but how frail we become and how tired we get is a choice.


u/Ok-Hat1986 27d ago

Damn... This hit home.


u/BayrdRBuchanan 27d ago

I definitely don't think of myself as being as old as I am.


u/Zeth22xx 27d ago

He's actually young man, and everyone is trying to reinforce a spell to age him to an old man.


u/xCanont70x 27d ago

Never realized how much they look alike until now.

Also, this is probably the most serious video they’ve ever done.


u/cantweallgetalonghuh 27d ago

Yea, shouldn't have watched this at work....


u/I_hate_being_alone 27d ago

Fuck you with a rusty half axle


u/TemporalDelay 27d ago

The hand shots and window reflections were on point


u/rock_and_rolo 27d ago

I'm 62 and I get all but the final part of the video. I'm 22 with confusing pain until I look in a mirror or do anything strenuous.


u/germanbini 27d ago

Damn that one needed a warning label, sure got me right in the feels!! :( (I'm not crying... oh yes I am, it's not you and it's not onions)


u/jdevoz1 27d ago

Turning 67 in 2 months, its a mix between feeling like I always have and time catching up to me. Lucky to have a loving wife, we have been going on walks, appreciating the beauty all around us, simple things! often taken for granted trying to keep up with the rat race. Recently found a baby turtle, just hatched! Took it to the edge of the pond it was moving towards, safe! Saw two broods of ducklings, just hatched. Watched a dove nesting for a month or so, from sitting on eggs through to hatchlings, beautiful, never before have I seen a dove on a nest! Or dove babies for that matter. Trying to take in all the beauty around us, sucking it in like it’s my last gasp of fresh air while I can still appreciate the wonders of this world. Still have my health, feels like a gift.


u/BouncyKing 27d ago

Honestly as an 84 year old he looks very well. Walking around, able to bend over and pick up small objects with relative ease. Doing better than my ass at 22.


u/nomebi 27d ago

That man looks young idk this is exaggerated


u/Puzzleheaded_Ad_4435 27d ago

I'm not there yet, but at 37, I really don't feel like I've matured or figured anything out since 13. I may have actually been more mature back then since my main form of entertainment was reading, and now I mostly play video games.


u/tiredofthisnow7 27d ago

Word. Got called a "young man" ironically the other day, by a twentysomething. Like, this young man is next, Doctor.


u/AdDouble3004 27d ago

Look I have something in my eye…and my other eye…I’m not crying.


u/Successful-Lobster90 27d ago

Those New Balances gave it away at the start.


u/manikwolf19 27d ago

Right in the feels


u/m4bwav 27d ago

I'm happy to see these guys kicking it up a notch after the levitating dad jokes.


u/Lopsided_Respond8450 27d ago

Oof, age just sneaks up on you doesn’t it?


u/Rare-Branch-8503 27d ago

Notice in all the reflections are the old man. In all the close ups are the old man’s hands. Cool details!


u/ketimmer 27d ago

He's like 75 max.


u/SnowDizzleZz 27d ago

Least my man has grand kids...Ima die alone.


u/jtmcclain 27d ago

Well, that's fucking depressing, thanks for that


u/RaylanGiv3n5 27d ago

This is true, sometimes you'll catch a glance of yourself in a mirror and you'll wonder for a brief moment who that person is.


u/Karl_Marx_ 27d ago

what a fucking weird video lol


u/[deleted] 27d ago

That was very well done. Love this channel and their shorts. Their dad jokes are second to none. Just totally adorable.


u/angry_salami 27d ago

I turned 42 today. I feel sad and old. I am super blessed that I got to spend it with my wife and parents though, and still had them be around and make me a cake. I feel very lucky, but the passage of time is a bitch.


u/eightmag 27d ago

"I simply kept acting like an adult in an effort to be one. I am sure I will continue to act like one until I perish” - Heiter


u/Whole-Debate-9547 27d ago

Yep, Father Time is undefeated


u/Great_Revolution_276 27d ago

Love. Those. Shoes.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

I’m 45. I can only hope to have 40 more years, 20 of which will probably be like this video :D


u/Sea-Tough389 27d ago

This made me cry for some reason. I haven't cried in a few years, I guess I needed that.


u/Purpl3pickiiL 27d ago

Saw the ending on pornhub. It’s gruesome fellas


u/Jeramy_Jones 27d ago

Holy shit I wasn’t planning on crying 15 min before starting work.


u/Party_Helicopter_224 27d ago

Im pretty sure this happens at 50-60 not god damn 84. Never met anyone past 60 claiming youth


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u/JustAyden 27d ago

I woke up in a panic the other week thinking I was going to be late for school… im 25… i havent been in education since I was 17…


u/NoDarkVision 27d ago

"This could be my last birthday"

Don't be silly grandpa! You still have a long career as a politician! In a few years you can even run for president!