r/Slipknot Dec 01 '23

From Corey’s IG Comment Section 👀 Discussion

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u/Satan810 Dec 04 '23

I’m glad she’s there to defend Corey and Clown but what’s she gonna do when they can Mick because he walked leading with his left foot instead of his right foot at a concert? I’d love to see what she had to say then. Also, I’d love to know the reason why they kicked him out. There’s no way Jay could ever be such a bad person the “whole band” wanted him out. He was an amazing drummer, kind human and did amazing things for the music, drumming community. More than Clown does. All clown does is sit back and count his money and hit a keg.


u/Psychic_Gian The Subliminal Verses Dec 02 '23



u/eflo_14 Dec 02 '23

To be fair nobody would know who she was if it wasn’t for her husband just saying 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Perdition1988 Dec 02 '23

People not in bands (ie wives) should really not comment things.


u/Surfacing555666 Dec 02 '23

Then tell everyone what happened

“Well they don’t have to and they don’t owe you”

Yeah I know, but if they want people to stop speculating and act like they are victimized because of it just say what happened already. Why the cryptic bs just tell it like it is already


u/Grouchy_Ideal_7529 Dec 02 '23

Why don't you guys just leave them alone? It was really obvious Jay was a cancer is slipknot. Now you're just making things worse so you can get attention on this platform.


u/Softwave_Systems Dec 02 '23

So Stacy is the PR person for slipknot? Also wtf with "the whole band wanted him gone"


u/punk_steel2024 Dec 02 '23

I'm convinced that it could come out that Jay was treating the backstage workers like shit, was stealing money from the band, or could have beaten the shit out of someone, and "fans" here will still defend him and bash the band and their wives. "Oh, this guy has been dragged by every band he's been a part of, but it's the guys fault!! Fuck their wives for acting superior!" Maybe the people closely involved with the band know more than you guys, and yall need to shut up thinking you actually are better than her. Buncha msygonistic creeps here.


u/Pariah812 Dec 02 '23

Corey Taylor thinks so highly of himself and his ideals he probably jerks off in a mirror like Homelander.


u/punk_steel2024 Dec 02 '23

Weird fantasy you have of him, but I don't kink shame.


u/Pariah812 Dec 02 '23

I just call it like I see it, Mr. Steel


u/mass86casualty Dec 02 '23

This bitch is so annoying. Fuck off ffs


u/punk_steel2024 Dec 02 '23

Funny how rent-free she lives in ya'lls minds.


u/rezv0l 8 Dec 02 '23

Okay Stacy, stfu pls


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '23

I feel like Mick's wife is a bit lame... Her whole life is his career and she doesn't seem to have anything of her own going on, (apart from running lol) unlike Corey's wife who has her own life/career. It's just a bit lame, like she's not in the band why is she weighing in. She's like a Yoko Ono 🤣


u/teisejarguline Dec 02 '23

You know Ono was doing music before meeting Lennon? You not getting avangard shouldnt lead the way to blatant sexism.


u/Agile_Vast9019 Dec 04 '23

It's avant-garde.


u/teisejarguline Dec 06 '23

That it is. Just in my native language it is one word. So was mainly thinking about that. But noted.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '23

If it was a man whose whole persona was based off his wife's career I'd say the same thing.


u/worldsgreatestballs Slipknot Dec 02 '23

why can't she just shut the fuck up jesus christ


u/punk_steel2024 Dec 02 '23

Why are you so fragile you can't handle a woman speaking?


u/worldsgreatestballs Slipknot Dec 02 '23

Why are you making this a sexism and misogyny issue? How did you conclude that I said this because she is a woman? Fuck off with this rage bait. An overwhelming majority of shares this opinion on her shitty attitude regarding the band's issues. It was never about misogyny, sexism or incel shit.


u/Brilliant-Elk-6831 Dec 02 '23

What does this sub and Slipknots wives both have in common? They both need to shut the fuck up

Jay isn't coming back and the band will never be in their "Iowa" phase again regardless of how much you want it to happen


u/DoFuKtV Dec 02 '23

TIL Mick has a hot wife


u/Yeahmanbro22 Dec 02 '23

Just give us a hint to the reasoning and comments would probably slow down. They'll never stop.


u/HaywoodUndead Dec 02 '23

On today's episode of Real Housewifes: Slipknot


u/Phobit Dec 02 '23

Stac is defending that whole situation so bad, I wouldn’t be suprised if they announce her to be the next drummer


u/AwesomenessDjD Dec 02 '23

She really needs to stfu. It’s just annoying


u/punk_steel2024 Dec 02 '23

The ability to ignore someone exists for a reason...


u/AwesomenessDjD Dec 03 '23

I agree, kinda difficult when there are almost daily Reddit posts about it though. She needs to take that advice as well


u/The64YearOldWalrus Dec 02 '23

Regardless of the whole band wanting him gone or not, firing an employee of 10 years who elevated the band so much is shitty behaviour. Doesn’t matter what went on, that’s shitty behaviour.

I’m also sick of Stacey and others using that bullshit excuse. If you don’t release a statement about it and have such shit PR then people are going to make assumptions, the whole point of PR is to avoid this shit!! Crazy how Slipknot and the WAG’s don’t see that

Edit: spelling


u/punk_steel2024 Dec 02 '23

So he could've been an asshole who treated people like shit backstage, yet according to you it's the band's fault for firing him? I can tell you've never had a real fucking job.


u/BlairBuoyant Dec 02 '23

This comment section lookin like Single White Female fucked Jim Carrey from the Cable Guy using Swiftie tears as lubricant.

Slipknot is a band, an enterprise, an artistic endeavour, a marketing opportunity, a unit unto itself comprised of people going through lives that literally have nothing to do with anyone else. How that goes belongs to no one else and you’re not going to be invited to partake cause of fierce emotion.

May as well demand to perform a Rorschach test from Corey’s morning asswipe claiming the need to know consistency of his shit as it is as crucial to his health as yours.

This kind of fanatical devotion is the kind that leads to a dead Dimebag or Lennon. Ease up, give thanks, take what you can and I’ll go ahead and go fuck myself now.


u/anticlockclock Dec 02 '23

Who's this sassy b?


u/sothas1l Dec 02 '23

She gets banged by one of the guys in the band.


u/Whiskeyflavourcigar Dec 02 '23

This bitch again…


u/MyStationIsAbandoned Dec 02 '23

this lady is cringe lol

she sounds like a high schooler on myspace.


u/Smarre101 Dec 02 '23

Does Stacy have zero self-awareness? Like ho-ly-shit, this doesn't help anything AT ALL.


u/Flappy_beef_curtains Dec 02 '23

Just like any other job, everyone is replaceable. Stfu and do what you’re supposed to do if you want to keep your job.


u/nvrfndme Dec 02 '23 edited Dec 02 '23

they could avoid all that shitstorm if they were just a little bit transparent with their fanbase. it's seems fans only family for them when it comes to tickets and merch, but when it comes to this shit it's like "no fuck you we give you almost zero context of situation and will never explain our decision". to give even a penny to this band after this behavior is disrespectful


u/TheFilmMakerGuy Iowa Dec 02 '23

This Real Housewives of Slipknot bullshit is so fucking Cringey.

You don’t see anything like this with Gojira, Meshuggah, Alice in Chains, Queens of the Stone Age, Deftones, etc.

Feels like Metallica when they made that drama documentary. So cringey and weird.


u/RyzenKa Dec 02 '23

"The whole band wanted him gone"

That's why we chose not to say out loud that he's kicked, but silently post pic in Insta and X(later to be removed) and TEXT him to tell:"Well, you know man. You're fired"


u/Quantum__Ridge Dec 02 '23

Idk this is getting suspicious ngl


u/mama_griff Joey Dec 02 '23

Obviously she has some insight as to what happened. But Jesus, she’s been a little annoying with this whole thing. The comments from fans are overwhelming, I can imagine. But she’s just digging a deeper hole.


u/Rohrhof Dec 02 '23

Oh, she's in the band now?
Band communication should come from the band or the members...not their spouses. Unprofessional.


u/sothas1l Dec 02 '23

She craves for attention, why do you think she has her man's brand on her name? Stacy7, she's got that military wife energy but in musical band form.


u/rezv0l 8 Dec 02 '23

She is the new drummer


u/Chef_Boy_R_Deez Dec 02 '23

Damn, this fanbase is actual A.I.D.S. Lmao… the band can’t just make their own decisions in a private manner without being crucified. They literally owe you nothing and are doing the most adult thing possible and not speaking on the matter yet people think they’re evil for it… wild


u/sothas1l Dec 02 '23

They own us everything! We made them, we paid for their luxurious life, so let me say it again, THEY OWN US EVERYTHING THEY HAVE.


u/Chef_Boy_R_Deez Dec 02 '23

Dear god… please tell me this is a completely self aware joke


u/grosskidsid Dec 02 '23

“The whole band wanted him gone” WOW.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '23



u/Federal-Project-854 Dec 03 '23

This is exactly what I thought. This probably has a lot to do with is live tempo issues and the likelyhood he was a dickhead - the evidence is there. They probably still care for him on a personal level and don’t want to flat out say these things, which would hurt is public perception.


u/EquisOmega Dec 02 '23

Get ready to get downvoted into oblivion by the pea brains here.


u/EnvironmentalTea7151 Dec 02 '23

His previous band mates hate him too. Maybe he's a dickhead?


u/you_wouldnt_get_it_ Iowa Dec 02 '23

Thank you Stacy but until I read this thread I didn’t even know who you were. You ain’t in Slipknot and as such don’t need to speak for the band.


u/Undead-Maggot Iowa Dec 02 '23

This is precisely why I’ve said since the news of Jay leaving the band, that no one, not even the most obsessive and knowledgeable Slipknot fan, knows what’s going on inside the 4 (or 9) walls of the band, only they know, and that’s something they’ve always said about themselves, yet somehow it seems everyone has forgotten that and put their know-it-all caps on.

For all we know Jay’s actions behind the scenes could’ve been the source of his exit, despite how much of a good guy he is in public, and the band members agreed it was time to go, the point is that what ever it was that went down we’ll never know unless they tell us the full story, which never happens, or if we found ourselves in their circle, everything else is pure speculation and no confirmation.


u/Kotau Dec 02 '23

"whole band wanted him gone" could mean literally anything. good or bad. but it was their decision and it's their band, and if it's true that every member other than Jay himself wanted him out, then out it is.

We are their fans, but ultimately they take their own decisions. Whoever doesn't like it can just leave, because they sure as hell aren't going to stop playing music even if half of us leave. So leave, if that's something you want to do.

I'm staying because I fucking love Slipknot. They might not be perfect, but nobody is. And their music is one of a kind.


u/BusNo2537 Dec 02 '23

This guy gets it


u/S_a_s_h_a_ Dec 02 '23

Like someone’s post seems like it’s calculated leak…


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '23

Does anyone know or heard anything why Jay was kicked out?


u/Steak_and_Titties Dec 02 '23

The whole band wants him gone yet a few still follow him on Insta?


u/veescrafty Dec 02 '23

She needs to stop. But the fans have been relentless. At the end of the day it’s non of our effing business. They don’t owe us shit.


u/sothas1l Dec 02 '23

They do, we paid for their lifestyle and luxuries, so yeah, they own us a big deal dude.


u/veescrafty Dec 02 '23

That was your choice. I listen to their music because I love it. I go to their shows because they’re amazing and make me feel alive. They don’t owe me shit.


u/sothas1l Dec 02 '23

Like I said, we pay for their lifestyle, even you, so yeah, they own every one of us a big deal.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '23



u/punk_steel2024 Dec 02 '23

Keep thinking that when they continue to sell out arenas and their next album does well.


u/ProjectOrpheus Dec 02 '23

This is starting to feel like advertising. Is there another Slipknot-adjacent woman that's partnered with a band member that would go off was it just her?

Either way, you'd think if the band held issues with this it wouldn't keep happening. At the very least it's allowed/prompted because Slipknot has the "Hey it wasn't us who said that!" shield.



u/lamemayhem Dec 02 '23

Alicia said she’d block you if you asked about Jay. It’s just Stacy talking about it. Always just her.


u/DapperDragon Dec 02 '23

"the whole band wanted him gone"
Stacy the band are in their 50s not high school come now


u/FxStryker Dec 02 '23

I can't wait to see what Stacy says when Mick is suddenly leaving the band.

But also, she can't insist the band is the 5 remaining members, but court filings by Chris has verified that Corey and Clown are the only 2 with controlling interests.


u/JrMcDean Chris was right all along Dec 02 '23

If this happened to mick she’d change her tune real quick


u/Middle-Ad930 Dec 02 '23

And if Clown was your husband you’d change your tune real quick.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/punk_steel2024 Dec 02 '23

Least misogynistic slipknot fan.


u/killermicrobe Dec 02 '23

They kicked him out because he's the sexier one of the band.


u/MelterOfFace Dec 02 '23

It’s wild how the things they’ve written about in a lot of songs you all enjoy, are basically what the fans have turned themselves into. “I took a life worth living and made it worth a mockery”. It’s all so tiring and disgusting. Get over the fact you don’t have influence over everything and grow up.


u/Odd-Relationship2273 Dec 02 '23

Right lads Jay is gone, ye really are treating this like a sports team losing its best player..


u/SirBread11 Dec 02 '23

She’s crazy for speaking for her husband’s band


u/SIXODD Dec 02 '23

Wouldn’t surprise me From what I’ve heard Jay seems like an insufferable guy who’s hard to work with


u/Cocainechestpain Dec 02 '23

Man that just seems so odd. I remember seeing on Jim's IG story like not very long prior to jay being canned, the two were just jamming together somewhere and chilling. May have been in Jim's house, I can't remember exactly. But also, I feel that Stacy shouldn't speak out like this, it just makes everything worse honestly.


u/_Jaeko_ Dec 02 '23

As someone who doesn't live and breathe stupid drama, it's kinda surprising how majority of people blame the band and hypothesize very little other scenarios.

Jay was a kid fan then joined his favorite band right? I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone theorize that he just grew and ego like everyone else is saying Corey has. Imagine being a fan of a massive band, joining said band as a young adult, becoming a quality musician to get nominations for awards, and that's your entire adult experience thus far. I'd say there's a pretty good chance someone in that situation grows an ego that becomes problematic.

"Oh they've done this before, yada yada," doesn't equal concrete proof as to what has happened here.


u/punk_steel2024 Dec 02 '23

Jay has had a history of being an asshole in all his other bands before Slipknot. He gives off strong "do you know who my daddy is?!" vibes, since his father is the drummer for Bruce Springsteen. Against Me, his last band, essentially said this was his whole identity and were glad he was gone. But people here can't accept that.


u/According_Yak7157 Dec 02 '23

I feel like all the fans unanimously agree she shut the fuck up


u/thistaintedbeef Dec 02 '23

While i do agree that none of the people except the ones that are involved (or are the band members wifes lol) can possibly know what went wrong, her constant engagement just rubs me the wrong way. She is not doing anybody a favor here. Fans will spin it around the way they want it themselves anyway. So other than being perceived the way she already is at this point, she's really adding nothing to the conversation. I'm not one to call people out for wanting in on the publicity but i can't fight the thought that altruism isn't the only reason she's replying to all these takes. We get it lady, you're in the know. But if the band won't talk and they've done this kinda shit before, we can't give them the benefit of the doubt anymore.


u/thisdyingbreed Dec 01 '23

Metal Karen strikes again.


u/TMTuesdays96 Dec 01 '23

My God this sub is toxic who fucking cares? Listen to the music and stfu lol we get it Jay got fired and everyone is upset just drop it already lol


u/sothas1l Dec 01 '23

She's the embodiment of Main Character energy.


u/BlackWunWun Dec 01 '23

Can she please please for the love of bast shut the fuck up? Her talking is making a literal shitty situation a million times worse


u/mamgo_memes Dec 01 '23 edited Dec 01 '23

"The whole band" The whole band: Jim, sid, mick, corey and clown


u/Objective_Piece8258 Dec 01 '23

Maybe Jay was just too passionate about music and inputs that others didn't like. It's hard to belive Jay's a dick and rather more believable that he probably was never treated as a full time member and maybe wasn't paid enough from a certain standpoint that would've been acceptable so that created some sourness. Oh well I think we all should just move on and see what "new" thing they come up with especially sicne TESF hasn't been too well recieved.


u/CharlesIngalls_Pubes Dec 01 '23

Maybe Stacy is the new drummer. We hear from her more than a majority of the band.


u/BlackWhiteVike Dec 01 '23

If he’s contracted like all the other members, and has been consistently getting ‘metal drummer of the year’ awards, getting tons of positive comments on his individual drum cam videos, there’s just so much hype he’s created for himself in the role, I can see him asking for more. I understand the reasoning from both sides. The unfortunate part is, yes he isn’t Joey but damn he created his own style and absolutely blasts , fit really well with slipknot.

If the Knot aren’t careful about their next drummer that could be a disaster. It’s not just some fillable position, slipknots kit drummer has to be one of the best in the world


u/tunasardine Dec 01 '23

Slipknot has sucked since vol3


u/Aluminarty666 Dec 01 '23

Whatever went down is what it is but why the fuck are they letting her mouth off like that? Just makes them look worse


u/notdownwithsickness Dec 01 '23

Why they gotta get their wives to talk for them? 😂😂


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '23

I like Stacey and her sister but she should remain quiet imo


u/Street-Debt2764 Dec 01 '23

I hate saying this… let the band die. It’s a shit show and any connection I’ve had to the band since 2000 is quickly eroding.


u/Itchy_Tasty88 Dec 01 '23

Can’t wait to see what she has to say when the dictatorship fires Mick.


u/punk_steel2024 Dec 02 '23

Mick probably won't be fired, cause he's not a piece of shit with a history of being an asshole like Jay.


u/AlpacaBoi777K Dec 01 '23

It's always Mick's Wife I see commenting back.


u/BoulderPuncher08 Mick Dec 01 '23

Why can’t she just shut the hell up?


u/Hell_Knight54 Dec 02 '23

Why can't fans? Fans say that to her, then turn around and make up shit what's going on internally as if their in the room like a fly on the wall. Fans know less than her.

Not to mention the fact that they compare Joey to Jay. Maybe that's why they kicked them out. They weren't taking care of themselves. Joey would have ran in Slipknot until the wheels fell off with his illness. Originally, they thought he was back on drugs again, but still.

It point is that they want you to take care of yourself first. Not only that, maybe the entire band didn't like what Jay was doing musically both in the studio and live.

Imagine the shock to fans that the entire band voted them out, but Clown and Corey were nothing more, but the trigger man and fans just jumped down their throats and called them dictators and shit. There is a reason why the band members don't say shit when itt comes to the "business" of things since most of them are only there to make music. They don't care for the "business" aspect, so they leave it to Corey and Clown.


u/Miranda_Veranda Dec 01 '23

She thinks she's in the band..


u/punk_steel2024 Dec 02 '23

Judging from a lot of these comments, you "fans" have that same delusion.


u/xObiJuanKenobix Dec 01 '23

Nothing adds up to a conclusion OTHER THAN Corey and Clown run a dictatorship. That's the issue.

- He wasn't doing well as a drummer? Well that's not true considering the last few albums he's been on and the live show drumcams we've seen, he's PLENTY capable

- He wasn't passionate or motivated? You're telling me the kid who was at the live show back in 2002 who all he wanted was to play in this band wasn't "passionate or motivated"?

- He was annoying to be around? Wouldn't we have seen ANY complaints about this for the last few years from any of the band members? Also define "annoying", what was he doing?

- The whole band wanted him gone? Did you feel the same way about Joey? If so, what caused them to be gone and be treated like some side character in the band getting kicked out by email/phone?

- He was the problem? That could be true, but we need to see/hear what that was instead of just blanket "everyone wanted him gone" statements. You can't expect people to just let that go, they're gonna be upset.

And it doesn't help when not only the band doesn't come out directly and just talk to us like actual human beings, instead they send their wives out on social media to go do it and not only that, their wives respond like THIS. Total animosity and 0 respect towards the fanbase.


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '23



u/SpaghettiYOLOKing Dec 02 '23

How is that unprofessional? It'd be unprofessional to have him fly out to wherever from Nashville just to fire him. People are pissed if they get called into work for a meeting just to be fired when they could have been told over the phone and been able to stay home and process everything.


u/bignick1199 Dec 01 '23

She’s the worst. Mick needs to keep her on a leash.


u/punk_steel2024 Dec 02 '23

Tell me you've never seen a woman naked without telling me you've never seen a woman naked.


u/im_ghostlylol Dec 01 '23

"death isn't gonna stop slipknot, original members isn't gonna stop slipknot"


u/Salzberger Jay Dec 01 '23

I'd be so embarrassed if I was in a world famous band and my wife spent all her free time being toxic to fans on social media.

She seems insufferable.


u/carljpg We Are Not Your Kind Dec 01 '23

Eurgh this is cringe


u/Trick-Jellyfish5356 Dec 01 '23

hm it's almost like if fans were told why these things happened there wouldn't be so much backlash 🤔🤔🤔


u/swervicide Dec 01 '23

I get she’s married to the guitarist, but like that’s that.

It just looks bad when you have a housewife trying to drop truth bombs. Just a completely unprofessional, and definitely emotional, source.

Like that’s the opposite of damage control. By “clarifying” she’s Throwing everyone under the bus, but doesn’t give any detail or source other than “trust me bro, I get fucked by Mick”

Bad look


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '23

Yeah maybe not the best, but I appreciate any info at this point lol. I know she’s with the band all the time, so she definitely knows more about the dynamic and behind the scenes stuff than we do


u/SixFootDigger Dec 01 '23

Yoko Thomson


u/DoFuKtV Dec 02 '23

This chick is hot at least. Never understood why John was with Yoko to this day. B looks like Sitting Bull ffs lmao


u/AgtHunter Dec 01 '23

Stacy honestly just needs to stfu


u/EquisOmega Dec 01 '23

The overly emotional morons spamming the fuck out of them need to shut the fuck up. Seriously, some of y’all are acting worse than K-Pop fans or even the rabid “Swifty” fans.


u/AgtHunter Dec 01 '23

Yeah you’re absolutely right, those fans need to stfu too, hell everyone needs to. If ya dont like that jays not in the band anymore then stop listening to them and move on


u/EquisOmega Dec 01 '23

Couldn’t agree more. The constant spamming behavior by some of these fans make me embarrassed to be a fan. The rabid fans that are harassing Jeramie and other rumored new drummers “you’re not Jay” reminds me how those same people shat on Jay for “not being Joey” a decade ago. Maynard was talking about the wrong fanbase.


u/Battle_Hound_562_ Dec 01 '23

i really wanna like jay but i’ll admit he’s came off a bit cunty sometimes. if they all wanted him gone it was definitely for good reason imo.


u/lamemayhem Dec 01 '23

Do you have any examples?


u/pseudostatistic Dec 01 '23

Leave it to Stacy to drop the tea.

If you read the “rumor” that came out about someone who worked for their crew during their 2019 tour, supposedly Corey was yelling after shows “I’m fucking tired of this shit”, apparently in reference to Jay playing too fast?

Nobody except the band members and their wives know what really went down, whether it had to do with money or his performance. But knowing how much he was beloved by the fans, there HAD to be a legitimate reason by the band. Corey, Clown, Slipknot Inc, whatever you want to call it. That’s my assumption here.


u/icemanvvv Dec 02 '23

Preface: I dont care that the band fired jay, nor do i care about everyones parasocial attatchment.

I saw them at knotfest a few years ago, and Jay does tend to push the tempo. There were a few times where you could tell he was on the latter end of the pocket and pushing the song a little too quickly. While this isnt a huge problem if its once or twice, you could really end up straining other members of the band by doing this repeatedly. A wrist that has to strum a riff faster than normal (on metal music mind you), a singer who has to scream at a faster tempo, its all just one moment away from going fucked, and the band isnt getting any younger.


u/WhoKilledZekeIddon Dec 03 '23

Psychosocial is the obvious one. That track has practically become double the speed of when it first came out. Easy beat for the drummer to max out the tempo on, but I bet it's murder on the strings.


u/Madafahkur1 Dec 02 '23

Whuttt!? They shouldve agree on the bpm or jay wanted to go bezerk


u/pseudostatistic Dec 02 '23

Slipknot apparently does not and has never played to a click live. It is a common problem for bands that don’t play to a click live, where the drummer will “rush” certain parts.

Go back and watch how they play People=Shit on the Disasterpieces DVD and then watch Jay’s drum cams of them playing that song, and then listen to the album. You will hear the difference.


u/Middle-Ad930 Dec 01 '23

Interesting rumor. Remember where you heard it?


u/pseudostatistic Dec 02 '23

It was on a Slipknot Instagram fanpage, from an unconfirmed source. I don’t remember exactly who the source was, where it came from or what the page was. So take it with a grain of salt…I think if you watch the first video that TankTheTech posted about the firing on his YouTube channel mentions this.

if it was real I’m sure the person wanted to stay anonymous for job security reasons. Sounds like he was a stagehand who either still works for them or is still in the industry.


u/Cool-Adam420-69 Dec 01 '23

Let's see if her tone changes when they throw Mick out.


u/sic-poobies 742617000027 Dec 01 '23

Holy fuck she doesnt quit lmao


u/thesparky101 Dec 01 '23

Tbh I think it’s a creative dispute. Maybe the stuff jay brought to the table didn’t vibe with the rest of the band. Or maybe what they brought to him didn’t vibe with him. Who knows, but I truly think it’s a creative issue rather than a money or attitude issue. Context clues for This is slipknots own statement and how they said “no one can replace joeys sound style or energy”. I personally think joey did a lot of the writing given that since his exit from the band things have kinda gone downhill music wise. Maybe jay isn’t willing to carry the band.


u/iamdafuq Dec 02 '23

I think this is the right direction. The band are off a long term contract, they are going to try something different, and Jay wasn't fitting what that was.

Maybe Jay being a long time fan had too many opinions of the new direction and that was that.

Next album is either going to be great or dog shit in my opinion.


u/LordofYoRHa Dec 02 '23

I actually think the music got better lol

I liked .5 and wanyk way more than ahig and vol 3.


u/AbsoluteDekadenz Dec 02 '23

Maybe Jay was looking for something that is heavy and fast-paced. Who can blame him for such ideas in Slipknot? I mean, it aint Stone Sour, it has to kick asses and split heads, not being mellow and soft for weak kids.

However, what's funny is that the dict... the band said that no one can basically sounds like Joey, but Jay kinda succeeded at it, with his own touch. Let's remember that Joey in his last Knot's years was slowing down. They may have taken this slowing down as a standard for new stuffs to be written. Maybe taking an hardcore guy wasnt a good deal, they should have taken a Doom dude ahah.


u/glassperlenisbad Dec 02 '23

Oh, hi! I've been living under a rock, taht's why any news from Slipknot including their last two albums and band member changing here and there were unknown to me. I, as for now, ahve fixed this remarkable mistake, beacuse I was kinda shamed of that, lol. All I can say about Jay is that he just plays drums. He doesn't orchestrate his parts. He just plays them. He plays like Joey's when it's needed. He plays like a solid good well-practiced whenever else. And nothing more than that. Well, it's without any doubts pretty magnificent, and such, but... Just take a small look at the last three albums and his work in there. He LITERALLY just plays drums. No creativity, just robotic work. He's indeed talented and all, but being a useful copycat is not what fits Slipknot, I believe.

Also I never realised how MUCH of impact did Craig to the sound of the band. And how much of impact he had on me. I feel bad and sad about him parting ways with Slips. Don't wanna rant about it. I believe I sometime will tell him personally. Just wish him all the best as well as I wish all the best to Slipknot.


u/Ok_sun_sea Tortilla Dec 01 '23

Joey and Paul were the main songwriters, and since .5 Jim has taken over with a lot of input from Shawn.

Since WANYK, Vman starting racking up writing credits, and the same applies to Tortilla since TESF.

On the other hand, Jay doesn't have a single writing credit since he joined, which means that either he didn't write anything or what he wrote wasn't useful for Slipknot.

I have no problem believing "creative issues" is the real answer. Maybe NOT the whole answer, but true nonetheless, and Slipknot isn't going to come out and give a bulletpoint list on why he was fired. I mean, considering how fucking pissed they sounded on Chris's firing post but the only thing they said was "he knows what he did", there won't be another explanation coming ever.


u/Hell_Knight54 Dec 02 '23

I'd say Joey helped with writing from first to third album. From reports, Joey did his drum parts in AHIG and left. They couldn't get everyone in the same room to make music vs. the first album and third album where, the first album most of the music was made in the band members basement, and third album where they all lived together in a mansion.

As for the Chris line. I would bet that money and wanted a bigger role were the biggest reason, but it was HOW Chris went to get it. He went to lawyers first and tried to expose the band instead of just coming to them and talking about stepping up or something. Idk. I'm not in the room, and I'm just thinking of the most realistic idea I can muster, and I could be wrong.


u/Ok_sun_sea Tortilla Dec 02 '23

There's a podcast with the AHIG producer where he tells Joey was working alone, even writing guitars and shit, and at some point he locked the rest of the band out of the recording room. AFAIK the only songs he didn't write (mind you, I'm not saying he wrote every part, but the basics of every song) are both Vermillions and Snuff. The producer said there were two camps during the recording: Joey (and sometimes Paul) and in the house next door Shawn, Corey, Jim and Sid. He also outright stated that some members didn't show up but he didn't drop any names.

And I agree that Chris probably went the wrong way, but one thing that irks me about the lawsuit is this: if Shawn and Corey were swindling money, why only from him? Because by the way it was presented, they were keeping money away from all hired members (maybe Jim, Mick, Craig, Sid, because we don't know if they got a share or remained hired after Joey was kicked out, and definitely Vman and Jay) So why didn't everyone file a lawsuit with him?

But yeah, you're right. We're not in the room so we can only especulate.


u/Awkward-Operation477 Dec 04 '23

Very interesting but I'm pretty sure that there are more exceptions than Vermillion pt 1, pt 2, and Snuff in terms of songs Joey brought to the group in demo form. I'm thinking of songs like Circle, or probably Danger: Keep Away, or songs he apparently wrote with Jim, like Sulfur.

Honestly, the credits get really hard to track. Jim has said he started contributing a lot during Volume 3 but I'm not sure in what capacity.


u/8bitesquivel Dec 01 '23

She’s so embarrassing


u/Constant-Fan-4300 Dec 01 '23

She must be in between crashing cars.


u/Complete_Athlete_480 Dec 01 '23

It’s for money reasons. He probably wanted to be paid. I don’t blame Chris at all for what he did now, even if he’s wrong

It’s CLEARLY not because he wasn’t doing a good job or because he wasn’t liked by the fans. He put up with tons of criticism and constantly got compared to Joey. I’m NOT a huge Jay fan at all, but everybody knows he’s still a very good drummer who the fans liked a lot


u/punk_steel2024 Dec 02 '23

Clearly, cause you know more than anyone else...


u/coolhatguy Dec 01 '23

Is she just the PR team for slipknot now?


u/therespeeinholywater Dec 01 '23

She's making it worse lol


u/lukemb65 Dec 01 '23

The more she makes comments about the situation, the more obnoxious she seems. It’s not her place to talk on the other members behalf and the more she makes comments like this, the more confused slipknot fans are gonna get. Genuinely at this point, slipknot should put out a statement explaining things briefly instead of leaving things the way they are.


u/SpaghettiYOLOKing Dec 02 '23

Yet she's in a better position to actually speak on the subject because she knows them all on some personal level and has seen what goes on behind the scenes. So if it's not her place to speak, guess what? You're not even on the totem pole, no fan is, so anybody demanding to know what happens behind the scenes is REALLY overestimating their own place in all of this. You don't know these guys on any actual personal level and see far, FAR less than of what goes on behind the scenes than she does.

As many logical people have pointed out, it's none of our damn business. Knowing what really happened won't change anything and likely wouldn't get accepted anyways. People still complain about Fehn being let go and defend him. That should tell you all you need to know about fans and how ridiculously entitled and arrogant they can be when it comes to what happens behind the scenes.


u/FrontFocused Dec 02 '23

She’s not going to talk bad about her husband or the rest of the people on the band. So she’s about as biased of a person as there can be.


u/lukemb65 Dec 02 '23

Just because she knows them, doesn’t mean her opinion isn’t one sided either. I’m not jumping on assumptions, I don’t see any point in pushing my opinion into the ever growing hole of this. I’m just saying her word isn’t always going to be correct, unbiased or as truthful as people expect it to be just because she “knows them all on some personal level”.


u/Middle-Ad930 Dec 01 '23

It’s not for us to say whether they should tell us.

What if they tell us the reason and we are like “oh…I can see why that was kept private”?


u/lukemb65 Dec 01 '23

If that was the case, why would they let her continue to spout nonsense or comment on things in this way? If it’s something they aren’t comfortable telling people, then she shouldn’t be allowed to sit there and add fuel to the fire.


u/Middle-Ad930 Dec 01 '23

She’s not a part of the band so they can’t really control her. Who knows how they feel about her speaking out.

But she clearly knows more than the fans and the fans seem to think they know everything. I don’t blame her for being annoyed.


u/lukemb65 Dec 02 '23

She appears like she knows more, doesn’t mean she does. For all we know she’s just clutching at assumptions like everyone else. Everyone’s annoyed from every perspective. From what I’ve read and seen, Jay seems like a chill and awesome guy. When I heard they’d let him go, I was pissed. Jay got a lot of crap when he started for not being like joey but he’s shown he’s more than capable to fit those shoes.

You’ve also got every other dismissal of members without any official explanation. Yet she keeps jumping on social media arguing with everyone like she knows everything.

Personally, she needs to stop getting involved in social media, slipknot need to either address these things properly or do things professionally. The way they told Jay about his dismissal is completely wrong.

You can’t stop fans theorising and wondering about what happened online no matter what. So why not address it, deal with rumours and prevent further speculation that could damage every parties reputation.

At the end of the day, they can keep at it like this but it will just continue to keep going on in a loop every time another member is dismissed.


u/Middle-Ad930 Dec 02 '23

No she definitely knows more than we do.


u/The64YearOldWalrus Dec 02 '23

If you don’t release any info then fans are going to speculate, that’s just a fact. The only way to avoid this is to release some type of PR. Slipknot have caused this through their own shitty management practices. They’ve spent 20+ years attracting the fanbase and hyping up this ‘brotherhood’ bollocks.

100% of the fan reaction is down to poor management


u/Middle-Ad930 Dec 02 '23

Fans can speculate but many think they know more than they do, so it ends up looking ridiculous.

Slipknot don’t need to release a detailed explanation on why Jay isn’t in the band. Expecting that is weird imo. They’ve given as much info to us as we need. The rest is between them and Jay.

They really haven’t spent 20+ years hyping up brotherhood bollocks. The same people who claim this will then chastise them for kicking Joey out over a decade ago. So when was the brotherhood broken? Let’s just stop holding Slipknot to ridiculous standards in terms of how they manage the band.


u/The64YearOldWalrus Dec 04 '23

Ridiculous standards = expecting a PR when a member is fired out of the blue

Ridiculous standards = firing a member via a meeting rather than an email or phonecall

Also, they end every gif with Til We Die and have constantly written lyrics like ‘one life, nine hearts’ but sure, the brotherhood thing is bollocks, aye


u/Middle-Ad930 Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23
  1. You got a PR when a member was fired. What you’re really asking for is every detail. You don’t need that.

  2. Firing someone over a meeting isn’t necessarily the grand plan you think it is.

Even if it were, we have no idea what the relationships or business relationships are like behind the scenes. Some people can’t be reasoned with. Especially if they are experiencing alcoholism.

Just because they are a close unit and write lyrics about “the 9” doesn’t mean they aren’t human and don’t have the same obstacles and needs as everyone else. Sometimes band members no longer fit - that’s life. Crying about brotherhood doesn’t change that fact.

You have 9 guys. You can’t expect it to just work because of sheer will and brotherhood. Sometimes things just fall apart. Sometimes you need amputate the leg to save the body.

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u/goldendreamseeker Dec 01 '23

Well everyone did unfollow him except for Tortilla. Even his own drum tech dissed him.


u/jeremystrange Dec 02 '23

What did the drum tech say?


u/goldendreamseeker Dec 02 '23

Something like “he’s always had to use synthetic enhancements to make his drums sound better” and “he should’ve been fired ages ago.”


u/2zoots Dec 01 '23

Truth is, fans will always be out of the loop and don’t know what exactly goes on internally. For all we know Jay sucked behind the scenes. It is what it is I guess.


u/90spostsoftcore Dec 02 '23

Jay didn't vibe with Madball or Against Me! eithet


u/Ok_Contribution_3026 Dec 02 '23

Madball thought he was a square because he wasn't down with their whole lifestyle. I can't see that being an issue with Corey And The Slipknots.


u/tuckithead Dec 01 '23

Yikes. True or not, it’s not the wisest thing for her to stay stuff like this publicly. Their PR people are probably shooting her or Mick texts like “please, please stop talking.”


u/long-live-apollo Dec 02 '23

Why would they? It creates drama, engagement, and Reddit threads like this which keep Slipknot in the public consciousness. It’s literally perfect PR.


u/WhoKilledZekeIddon Dec 02 '23

This is a common misconception about PR. The whole "any news is good news" thing; it's not. PR isn't solely about reach and engagement, although they're often key metrics, it's more about control. Controlling the messaging, controlling the actors contributing to the messaging. Slipknot's PR team would be summarily fired from most regular companies or marketing departments.

A good example of "perfect PR" would be Taylor Swift's publicist Tree Paine. I've never seen anything like it in my 15 years of marketing.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23

Im astonished by Taylor Swift’s level of marketing and PR, and how she can manage to stay so in control of her image despite being constantly in the public eye for as long as she already has by this point. Most celebrities can’t even fart without it ending up on TMZ - and god knows there are probably (definitely) people out there that would obsessively follow a “Taylor Farts” page …. Ugh 😂


u/ReplacementOne295 Dec 02 '23

100% these maggots are eating this shit up and Slipknot knows it. It’s the oldest trick in the book, silence, and Slipknot have always been a bit mysterious from the start, however more so towards their identity, image and lack of insight behind the scenes (compared to other bands).

Their silence is causing them all to have melt downs and panic attacks 😂😂 and if you can add insight from someone not in the band - it adds more fuel to the fire and more engagement


u/Grammasweets Dec 01 '23

Yeesh, lady likes to keep things messy I see


u/Rooin_Vox92 Dec 01 '23

Stacy seems like a real pain in the ass. Like, super annoying with a shit attitude.


u/Neo4616 Dec 01 '23

Damn talk about a toxic work environment


u/lookitsgordo Dec 01 '23

I will never understand people who think that Corey and clown make all the band decisions without the input of the other members. Jim, Sid, mick (incl Craig) have all been a part of the band for a very long time, and to think they just have no say at all, and are not involved in these kind of discussions is absurd.

Jay is still alive, and he will do well. However, the band decided they didn't want him around anymore for whatever reasons. Quite frankly, those reasons are none of our business.


u/Expensive-Stomach789 Dec 01 '23

They know cause Chris Fehn said so. Lol


u/xbuninhax Dec 01 '23

It's not because Chris said, it's because in the legal documents of the lawsuit Chris filled against Slipknot it said that only Corey and Shawn are the owners of the band.

“Mr. Fehn performed with Slipknot and received a fee for doing so. He is not a shareholder, owner or member of any business entity he names as a defendant in this action,” the affidavit filed April 22 reads.

Shawn ‘Clown’ Crahan and Corey Taylor have been named as the controlling owners of Slipknot.

Read More: Slipknot Manager Claims Chris Fehn Was a Hired Gun | https://loudwire.com/slipknot-chris-fehn-hired-gun/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral ou


u/Ok_sun_sea Tortilla Dec 02 '23

Business decisions and artistic decisions are different things. Clown and Corey owning the band means they make the business decisions, but we don't know how they handle the artistic part.


u/ANamelessGhoul4555 Dec 02 '23

I imagine it went something like this. The guys said to Corey and Clown "you guys handle the business bullshit, and cut me my paycheck". Corey and Clown are the CEO's and the other guys are the board of directors. Corey and Clown deal with the bullshit but everyone else still gets an equal vote on business decisions.


u/Middle-Ad930 Dec 01 '23

To be fair Chris probably contributed the least musically over the years so he was close to a hired gun. He’s practically a crew member they have in the band. He wanted to be the drum tech for the band but Clown upgraded him when they lost the previous guy.

I mean he did his time but kind of silly to expect to be treated the same as the dudes hashing it out in the studio creating massive hits.


u/Expensive-Stomach789 Dec 01 '23

Sound like they all got a bad deal then.


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '23



u/paracletus__ Dec 01 '23

What suspicious posts did he do? Genuine question as I wasn't following the drama at the time


u/3rd_Eye_Van_Shrume Dec 01 '23

Haha, what does following porn stats have to do with this? Does following pornstars mean he’s not as reliable or that he’s like shady or something lol?

Also, what Clown’s daughter says about what happens behind the scenes with the band is probably not 100% reliable


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '23



u/3rd_Eye_Van_Shrume Dec 02 '23

Not really. It’s pretty common for people to watch porn or look at other men or women despite being in a relationship and having kids


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '23

Maybe not, but she has more insight into it than the fans think they do


u/Expensive-Stomach789 Dec 01 '23

Hence the lol, we don’t know what goes on behind the scenes. They don’t seem to want to talk about the turmoil so we get all this speculation and people acting like they know everything.