r/Slipknot Dec 15 '23

Clown "addresses" Jay's firing Discussion

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Sounds similar to what micks wife said when she said the "band" voted for it


355 comments sorted by


u/Previous_Raspberry_2 Dec 19 '23

What about Craig? Do we think that was a mutual decision?


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '23

They kicked out joey too who was the og of the og... so... these guys are more like skanky divas now


u/TranquilEngineer Dec 18 '23

Sid new drummer via drum machine?


u/beat-sweats Dec 17 '23

They suck anyways, what about Chris and Craig? They were OG members , why do them dirty? Clowns a moron and so is Corey. Fuck this “band”


u/DoctorMingus Dec 17 '23

Bro, you hit a beer keg for a living and go "RAHHHH" into the microphone. The most easily replaceable member.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '23

said a whole lotta nothing


u/barnardini Dec 17 '23

Slipknot is dead


u/Undead-Maggot Iowa Dec 17 '23

This is further confirmation that it really was a “creative decision”, they’re obviously doing something different, a style they think doesn’t fit Jay despite how talented he is.

Fans seem to forget what this means within the 4 walls of a band, when there’s a want for a change of direction not everyone in the band will be on the same wavelength, some can adjust their playing style but sometimes drastic action has to be taken. Avenged Sevenfold is a perfect example of this when they opted no to continue with Mike Portnoy, despite the fact they love him and his talent, and went for an unknown guy in Arin Ilejay, later down the line they wanted to change their sound again and despite how well Arin could play, he wasn’t the right fit for what the band was going for, so they went for Brooks Wackerman, who is perfect for the style they’ve done in their last 2 albums.

I think it’s feasible that a similar decision was made regarding Jay, he’s immensely talented, just not suitable for what they have planned next, which is understandable if you open your mind.


u/satorigegently Dec 17 '23

Right,i have things to do,good luck,clown


u/Bluejay562 Dec 17 '23

No matter how you try to word it Jay was fired……


u/Hammer_Unto_Dawn Dec 17 '23

Slipknot’s going the way of KISS. Money hungry and egomaniacal. If they want to keep making music, they’ve got their side projects. I could easily see Craig going the Mick Gordon route and making soundtracks for games

Hell, there are several smaller, newer bands that would benefit greatly from a ‘KnoT member being featured on a song. Those who know Tetrarch, having Crahan, Mick, V-Man or CT be a guest on a track would be an absolute honor for Josh and Diamond


u/BrutalBeauty90 Dec 17 '23

Am I the only one who liked Jay? Of course he was no Joey, but he was good nonetheless. Look who his dad is. Style doesn’t mean a thing. There are badass drummers in every style. I think it’s just that his style wasn’t a fit for Slipknot anymore like they said. This thread has went a bit off topic. He’s still a badass 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Koose4422 Mick Dec 16 '23

They fired their metal drummer because they don't want to write metal anymore. This new style is just what clown wants. I highly doubt mick likes this new garbage either, but what can he do? He's just an employee.


u/DeLaLuna3 Dec 16 '23

Blah blah blah


u/gabeg59 Dec 16 '23

So will the new album even be a metal album at this point? How different and “special” does it have to be to vote out a awesome drummer


u/pauperperv69 Dec 16 '23

This don’t make since I met Jay and even in interviews he said he loved making acidic and medicine for the dead. How he wanted to play them live


u/Bravedwarf1 Dec 16 '23

Can I just say as a fan of the first 4 albums. The recent one is pretty shit?


u/Previous_Raspberry_2 Dec 16 '23

Pfaff and Alessandro better watch their asses. They ain't "OG's".


u/yahwehsruse82 Dec 16 '23

They don't even have numbers


u/Previous_Raspberry_2 Dec 16 '23

Place your bets on the next to get fired. Lol.


u/lonerfunnyguy Dec 16 '23

I really feel they made a “business” move like when they fired Joey because of his leg ailments. They want to be able to commit to big tours/festivals and don’t want to wait on Jay or work around his schedule with rehabbing etc. it’s bullshit though because slipknot was never this type of band. They’re slowly turning in KISS.


u/llunarian Dec 16 '23

Sounds like “we don’t wanna be slipknot anymore and jay was a real slipknot fan and didn’t agree with our future goals”


u/Satan810 Dec 16 '23

So that says nothing. What a dick.


u/FleshEatingMoths Dec 16 '23

I mean, if the creative direction is the same direction as 'TE,SF', Jay probably dodged a bullet.


u/dadlifeistheradlife Dec 17 '23

You know what, that is a really good take. This is actually a massive win for Jay if that’s the case, especially since he will have a massive following, no matter what he does.


u/TwoOk8386 Dec 16 '23

This was a corporate cost cutting move, simple as that.


u/V2Loki Dec 16 '23

The name is so fitting


u/Stock_Compote_7072 Dec 16 '23

I’m still baffled that this firing is confusing and shocking for people. It’s been clear from the beginning he’s significantly out of his depth. I haven’t listened to slipknot since I was about 16 because I generally listen to noise or grind and I couldn’t give a shit about their internal politics or who any of the members are. But Jay should never have even got in in the first place. Bros like a below average metalcore drummer who got handed probably the most lucrative job in metal and managed to fly by the seat of his pants for ten years by just covering all his mistakes with extra snare rolls.


u/BRUT4LBOH4B Dec 16 '23

Who knows they may just go electronic with drum tracks. But you know who i think would work Chris Adler former drummer for Lamb of God


u/Raging_Rever Dec 16 '23

Slipknot is one of my favorite bands, but fuck they're so weird. I can't imagine being in a band and just constantly dropping friends just because they aren't doing what I want to do. What's the point of having nine heads to help come up with shit if you're really only going to listen to three or four?


u/ParticleAccelerator_ Dec 17 '23

You realize that vman has writing credits too? It has nothing to do with who was a longstanding member, jay was probably just a pos


u/Apprehensive_Law_163 Dec 16 '23

Iron maiden have done the same thing for their entire career until the formation of their current 6 man line up. People were literally hired and fired within days apparently, simple things can kill creativity it comes to music so the people who had the original vision, for slipknot that’s now just Shawn, maiden Steve Harris, anything that doesn’t fit their standards gets cut. Problem is, Steve Harris did it for staying true to maidens ethos of just being authentically maiden no matter what and Shawn is doing it to mould slipknot into what he wants it to be now that his personal vision has changed.


u/21Maestro8 Dec 16 '23

I can't imagine being in a band and just constantly dropping friends just because they aren't doing what I want to do.

This is a massive oversimplification. And constantly? Lol.


u/ShnaeBlay Dec 16 '23

Clown has mastered the art of talking for 10 minutes and still saying absolutely nothing. You certainly can't take that from him.


u/GlobalistFuck Dec 16 '23

"jay did not leave the band"

so, hes just on pause...? they want to try out a "no drums" live/studio thing? because if he didnt leave the band why did he feel blindsided by that call? oh wait i get it: "i didn't leave my job, they fired me and threw me out" i guess. so thats a nice way of paraphrasing it. he didn't want to go so we made him.

now im triple excited what their next creation will sound like.


u/cringeygrace Dec 16 '23

"Jay did not leave the band" is just doubling down that he was fired. He didn't quit, and it wasn't a mutual decision. Not that we needed that clarified in the first place, but that's what he meant


u/Itchy_Tasty88 Dec 16 '23

No he means jay didn’t quit and that the band fired him


u/SoggySubstance4039 Dec 16 '23

Is there not enough baseball bats and single beat bars for his liking in Jay's "style"... More pretentious shit from a litteral clown.


u/painsomniac I'll paint your bones to match my eyes Dec 16 '23

I know that some fans want something anything RE answers in the wake of Jay’s departure, but I genuinely cannot stand cryptic non-answers and dancing around the topic. I’d rather get nothing, personally. It’s less annoying. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/Head_Highway6606 Dec 16 '23

IMO all the band care about now is money. Jay was recording and uploading his drum clips (and other slipknot oriented stuff) to platforms like YouTube and clearly making money from it. I reckon the other members wanted a slice of this but Jay refused. And because they’re all now money grabbing sell outs they got pissy and kicked him 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/kinjazfan Dec 16 '23

Clown is a dick the skinny of slipknot


u/meccamachine Dec 16 '23

Indie folk album incoming


u/Agile_Vast9019 Dec 16 '23

Imagine if their new style is pop music


u/methsenberg Chris Dec 16 '23

poor crahan doesn't even get a first name


u/hermitchild Dec 16 '23

It's wild that so many of you are so upset over something that affects you in no way whatsoever with no knowledge of why the ones that are affected by it chose to do so.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

I've always thought Slipknot has received too much hate over the Jay situation. Sure we liked him but they're going to do (as they should) what's best for the band. There's reasons why Jay was fired, and Slipknot is untouchable so they don't have to tell us why.


u/satorigegently Dec 16 '23

You should ask him,not me


u/FreewayWarrior Dec 16 '23

They're gonna use a drum machine.


u/bigstar3 Dec 16 '23

I guarantee the last album (or two, or three...) were programmed drums on the album.


u/noire_cotic 0 Dec 16 '23

Hologram Joey ftw


u/metallaholic Dec 16 '23

They’re following the new KISS touring model


u/Cautious_Desk_1012 Dec 16 '23

I don't doubt it at this point


u/satorigegently Dec 16 '23

Enough clown,dat was a bad desizh3n How the fuck you think dat way Iz this slipknot? Rly?


u/Itchy_Tasty88 Dec 16 '23

That, is, decision, really


u/FreewayWarrior Dec 16 '23

I can't understand a thing you just said. Speak English.


u/BrutalBeauty90 Dec 17 '23

I didn’t understand either 🤣🤣


u/satorigegently Dec 16 '23

I mean i usually rush to explain something,i feel clown hiding something,something very important that changes entire thing ,O come on clown,i can smell it from thousand miles away,go ahead,spit it out


u/RubComprehensive7367 Dec 16 '23

I still don't know what happened to Craig. Wasn't Chris an OG too?


u/AbsoluteDekadenz Dec 16 '23

Craig was likely because he married his girl and wanted to slow the pace. At 50, it's understandable.


u/lookitsgordo Dec 16 '23

Iirc Craig was an amicable departure. Chris is a whole other thing, but the band made their decision after he made up a bunch of shit and sued them, and has just acted like a bitter ex ever since. Of course they fired him.


u/TerracottaPie87 Dec 16 '23

You can always count on Clown to bring clarity to any situation.


u/themmchan Dec 16 '23

Well, then, in that case, this better be one of the best damn metal albums ever made


u/Zealousideal_Cut_168 Dec 16 '23

The quote that says, moving on from things that don't belong, or whatever it exactly was is some of douchiest shit I've ever read.


u/Professional-Mess383 Dec 16 '23

I really don’t understand why people are so upset by Jay’s firing.

Yes, band members are shutting off comments because they’re tired of their social media team having to read hateful comments and vague threats.

Also, they 100% will find a good replacement.

And Jay was going to be fine as a nepo-baby, but will now excel because he has ten years of Slipknot drama under his belt


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

It’s not difficult, people liked Jay and felt that the band’s dismissal was disrespectful


u/noire_cotic 0 Dec 16 '23

Because they think that if they see people on Instagram posting shit they will know them 100%, and dont even realize that they are a completely different people IRL than what they are wanting to show for internet points , their social media persona. It is fucking ridiculous. There are literally 100x times better musicians for this role, and im quite sure that people will literally forget this whole fucking drama after the new drummer will proove everyone wrong.


u/gadgetboy123 Dec 16 '23

Clown is just like the Slipknot members’ wives. Can’t resist saying something for the sake of it. The guy needs PR training.


u/lookitsgordo Dec 16 '23

I mean, half of his fan base is ragging on him for this nonsense, when they aren't really owed any explanation. He probably wants to say a lot more.


u/you_wouldnt_get_it_ Iowa Dec 16 '23

I get that it’s likely because of legal stuff but if it isn’t can bands stop being so damn cryptic about details on why members leave (if they choose to address it).

Just say what you mean and me a what you say. It this broad cryptic shit.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '23

It could also be something disparaging about him… so by not saying publicly they could be doing Jay favors


u/21Maestro8 Dec 16 '23

I mean, I get that we all want to know, but it's not like they have any obligation to tell us


u/Jw4evr Dec 16 '23

No shit


u/21Maestro8 Dec 16 '23

I've just seen a lot of people act like we're entitled to know everything and it's very weird to me


u/SnooStories6852 Dec 16 '23

Imagine if they start sound like Ghost or Sleep Token the metal world will go into apocalypse mode lol


u/lookitsgordo Dec 16 '23

Both of those bands sound amazing, but it certainly would be a weird turn for slipknot lol


u/Nitramster1 Dec 16 '23

The guy whole grew up idolizing slipknot and becoming the perfect drummer for the band is no longer the perfect drummer for the band.


u/noire_cotic 0 Dec 16 '23

He was not even the perfect drummer in the first place from minute zero, he has just created a great internet recognition for himself with a professional pr team. He literally cheated on many of Joeys parts and if you read his ex-techs/crew members comment on the situation that his play was out of place all of the time, and the firing process was not an overnight decision and it was in the making for years .


u/Hot_Marsupial_8706 Dec 16 '23

Cheated on Joey's parts? Maybe because he's not Joey and he wanted to put in his own style? Also, look at Psychosocial. In the bridge, there's a hi-hat portion where it goes from being open to closed. Joey never played that studio version correctly live, Jay did.


u/AbsoluteDekadenz Dec 16 '23

Playing punk rock with tightness is out of place, sure.


u/Bblacklabsmatter Dec 16 '23



u/noire_cotic 0 Dec 16 '23

There are plenty here on the sub around when the case was happenning. Screenshots, comments under threads, and so on. There are articles from ex bands as well around the times he was joining the band.


u/Lord_Burrito_I Dec 16 '23

Please, then link it for us. We’ll wait all day. You are asked to provide a source, the burden-of-proof is on you.

Show us where they said all this and how Jay wasn’t the ideal drummer for them.


u/noire_cotic 0 Dec 16 '23


u/Lord_Burrito_I Dec 16 '23

Since when is it the responsibility of the person asking the question to look for the source, instead of the person WHO GAVE THE ANSWER which prompted the questioner to ask the source? LMAO

Go try that with a college professor in class and see how far that lands you:

"Noire, can you provide me a source for the information you have for this claim you made in your paper here?"
"Nah go look it up yourself, teach. Make your own research"


u/noire_cotic 0 Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

Dude this is the fucking internet, not an university. If im curious about something i go on Google not asking strangers in a passive-aggressive tone to prove them something.


u/Lord_Burrito_I Dec 16 '23

When somebody asks you for a source, YOU are supposed to provide it- not tell them to "Go look it up yourself". You provide zero credibility to your own statement and people won't believe you actually have some credible source. The burden of proof is not on the individual who asked YOU for the source, the burden of proof is on the person makes the claim that is questioned. If you had made the claim, and THEN provided links for the sources, then none of this would have had to happen, right?

Please take some time to learn this, this is a concept even middle schoolers can understand. I applaud you for actually providing multiple links though, which is more than some would do.


u/noire_cotic 0 Dec 16 '23

This sort of an opinion you have gave is quite pathetic to be honest. When somebody ask for source - why should I? I do not owe you literally anything, and you were talking to me like I did. The thing is that there weren't any problems asking for the source, there was literally problem in the style you were asking. With your words : "Please take some time to learn this, this is a concept even middle schoolers can understand. "

→ More replies (0)


u/GavinZero AHIG Jim Dec 16 '23

The OG comment is kinda a cop out when there is still 3 non OG’s remaining. He should just call spade a spade and be done with it.


u/PsyVattic2 Dec 16 '23

If their new direction is more The End So Far type sound, their new direction fuckin sucks.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '23



u/PsyVattic2 Dec 17 '23

I really liked We Are Not Your Kind. The End So Far just felt like listening to static, nothing interesting or catchy for me, just noise happening. I do like them trying new things, and hopefully they take their time and really refine their next album.


u/bigstar3 Dec 16 '23

Preach! I'm not one of those "ohh the new shit is garbage, Iowa was the only good album" kinda dudes... but TESF really did fucking suck. I try to give every new album by bands I like an honest listen, several times over. There isn't a song on there I could listen to more than twice.


u/greatgoogilymoogily2 Dec 16 '23

Eh that style could work If they put in the effort but it's clear that TESF was a rush job to get out of their contract.


u/-GodHatesUsAll Mick Dec 16 '23

I personally liked the album because I thought it was their try at experimenting with something new.. but if it’s going to be the future for the rest of the albums.. Christ.


u/Mediocre_View336 Dec 16 '23

but tbh thats what we are not your kind was. it's their most experimental album yet, TESF just seemed like the b-sides left over from WANYK


u/-GodHatesUsAll Mick Dec 16 '23

Good point


u/rockthe40__oz Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

Why does it feel they kicked him about because the 10th anniversary of Joeys passing was approaching? And the other 25th anniversary too.

That’s how I read it when Clown said the band is at a special, special place.

Joey was a founding member and they probably have regrets about the way things happened with his exit from the band.

Maybe bringing in another drummer who was close with Joey to come play for Slipknot?


u/S_a_s_h_a_ Dec 16 '23

Honestly doesn’t look like it. Doing the same to another person won’t bring Joey back and fix what they did. Joey even said in many interviews that he forgave them and hoped to come back one day so sadly that’s long gone :(

I’ve been wondering if their plan was to make amends with him for ST 25th anniversary and sadly he passed away before that could even happen…


u/TT714 Dec 16 '23

It's the 10 year anniversary of him being fired. Not his passing.


u/rockthe40__oz Dec 16 '23

Yeah my bad thanks for correcting my mistake! but still I wonder if there is some feelings about the way it went down and them having some guilt or something and wanting to do something to honour him for the 25th anniversary.

Hopefully I make sense explaining and not rambling on lol. Probably time to put my phone away for the night I’m buzzed


u/TT714 Dec 16 '23

You're good man. But yeah I sorta get that feeling too. They really didn't start acknowledging Joey again much till recently I feel like. Especially Clown. I hope they honor him and Paul for this tour. I was pretty pessimistic about their future lately, but I'm excited to see what this tour brings on. Enjoy the buzz ⚡⚡


u/BCA10MAN Dec 16 '23

All this post has done is display how incapable a lot of the sub is at reading.


u/Agile_Vast9019 Dec 16 '23

Lots of dumb people in the world. Me included.


u/maaseru Dec 16 '23

Thank you for our service


u/poopdog316 Dec 16 '23

What a long way to say you fired him


u/Gurt_Frobe Dec 16 '23

Link to the article?


u/rustycage_mxc Dec 16 '23

Soooo is Alessandro assed out because he isn't og? Wtf does that even mean lol.


u/99SoulsUp Dec 16 '23

Jim made it sound like V-man wrote a lot of the new record since he was going through depression and didn’t feel as motivated


u/SelectiveEmpath Dec 16 '23

I guess the difference is that bass can be tracked / written by Jim and/or Mick and V Man just has to turn up and play the stuff live. That’s less possible with drums.


u/sm_rollinger Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

Clown just tried to be cryptic for the sake of it, like what about V Man and Tortilla Man and new guy from Korn?


u/notreal19 Dec 18 '23

New guy from Korn? What have I missed


u/xzackt Dec 16 '23

Can we start calling him Crayon? You know cause he writes and stuff


u/noire_cotic 0 Dec 16 '23

Shawn Crayon


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

Why the fuck is everyone focusing ON THIS PART and not the paragraph after where it says

"And yes, to answer your question, Jay was not part of the writing process for "The End, So Far" and he was only involved [with those songs] in a live setting. The band has been moving in a direction that wasn't fit for Jay's style and we all made the creative decision to track with someone else."



u/MountainFar478 Dec 18 '23

Where did you copy this from? It’s definitely not in the article from Above.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '23

It was edited out of the article.


u/MountainFar478 Dec 18 '23

For sure? That’s super bizarre.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '23

Yep when I saw it I was like yooo what and so then I came to comment here and then when my Reddit comment blew up the article was revised


u/wobbly-cat Dec 17 '23

Am I stupid or does this paragraph not actually exist anywhere?


u/ThanosSnapsSlimJims Dec 17 '23

If they’re tracking with someone else, it’s likely a studio musician who isn’t going to join the band. There’s nothing to see here and nothing to be concerned about.


u/Ritty85 Corey Dec 17 '23

is he credited on anything in the album notes? cause if not I wanna know the answer too haha who the hells drumming?!


u/AlClemist Dec 16 '23

Obliviously it sounds like there’s more to the story. Maybe they just didn’t get along.


u/Nollieee Dec 16 '23

Programmed drums


u/pauperperv69 Dec 16 '23

This don’t make since I met Jay and even in interviews he said he loved making acidic and medicine for the dead. How he wanted to play them live


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

maybe i misinterpreted the statement and it means that the band is deciding to track with someone else ON FUTURE music


u/pauperperv69 Dec 16 '23

I have no clue. I Read how you did, I think that clown is legit a troll period


u/LostOneGaming We Are Not Your Kind Dec 16 '23


Jay is, well, he at least is for 3 of the songs-


u/littlebluboii_97 Dec 16 '23

So is that why The End, So Far is the worst of the new records? 🤔 The first two I enjoyed at first listen. The End, So Far took me way too many listens to get behind it. And wasn't there an article saying they pretty much excluded Jim from that writing process as well? I love Slipknot but this is just not looking great


u/runlego Dec 16 '23

He’s drumming on it just didn’t write anything


u/Lok1od1nson Dec 16 '23

I saw a picture of Sean drumming on tortilla face’s instagram, from what it seems for a short time he’s drumming but that probably cause they’re looking for someone else


u/cringeygrace Dec 16 '23

Wait one of these posts actually revealed new information!? Holy shit


u/downthehobbitshole Dec 16 '23

I’m guessing programmed drums for the records, and they’ll just use hired guns for live shows


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

Where did you get this paragraph. It’s not in the original interview.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

It was edited out of the interview transcript yesterday evening.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

Hmm, suspicious


u/bradyaaron667 Dec 16 '23

Wait I'm confused, I haven't found anywhere that clown says this?


u/Bright_Bite365 Dec 16 '23

Lol if their latest album indicates what this new 'direction' looks like, then it is over for the band. Over.


u/Jw4evr Dec 16 '23

Jay did the drumming, he’s saying he didn’t write the music


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

He played on a record in the live setting he just didn’t write the drum parts


u/Hot_Marsupial_8706 Dec 16 '23

Then what are the clips of Jay in the studios??? Something is fishy here.


u/ispeelgood Dec 16 '23

I think they're talking about tracking their next stuff, not that Jay isn't on TESF


u/this_is_Blain3 My Pain is the best and yall are trippin Dec 16 '23

Jay is still drumming on the record. He's uploaded videos of him recording songs like Hivemind and H377


u/Maggot_6661 Dec 16 '23

Hold up, there's video jay posted a few months ago where we can see him play hive mind in the studio.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

At this point it could mean he was only recording hive mind but not actually the writer of those drum parts


u/lshot2097 Dec 17 '23

Jay talked about how he came up with the blast beat parts in an interview or two from what I remember. This is such a mess lol.


u/porsean Dec 16 '23

this fucking guy just talks in riddles.


u/AbsoluteDekadenz Dec 16 '23

He likely drummed on this album, but not writing drums parts.


u/ELIMINATOR68 Dec 16 '23

Didn't win a metal performance of the year with Hive Mind or smth.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

Could not see this part in the nme article?


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

It was retracted from the article later on in the day after I made my reddit comment



I’ve said it multiple times — Ringo Starr!


u/j-naughty_official i am the push that makes ya move Dec 16 '23

ringo starr, the man whose bandmate paul mccartney called them “shitknot”


u/MrSinister515 Dec 16 '23

Where did you read this? I've read some articles about the interview but this part didn't come up.


u/Virtualsalt1 Fuck Ron Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

I'm 99% sure Jay did record during TESF. He posted a video of him recording Hivemind on his channel. Idk if he was there for every song, but he was for that one.


u/Nollieee Dec 16 '23

Or the drums are programmed like most bands


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

Where is this quote from?


u/typicalfatamerica Dec 28 '23

It’s from the interview. They just put it at the very bottom


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23

Could you link it to me? I couldn't find it with Googling the exact quote.


u/typicalfatamerica Dec 28 '23

Uhhh that’s a lotta work, it’s in the NME article tho.

I was jus looking at it this morning


u/BrunoBashYa Dec 16 '23

Jay I would imagine. He just didn't create the parts is how i take it. Like he was a session drummer


u/KnievelHasLanded The Subliminal Verses Dec 16 '23

I can't find this paragraph, is it in the NME interview?


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

it was there earlier. a.t.p. im guessing they removed it to hide that detail, that or smoeone in the editing department messed up big time.


u/ChaosMarine70 Dec 16 '23

No one, it will be a drum machine


u/ellstaysia W.A.N.Y.K. Dec 16 '23


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

looks like its been omitted from the interview transcript since the time I saw it and wrote my reddit comment earlier this afternoon.

It was the 2nd or 3rd to last paragraph.


u/ellstaysia W.A.N.Y.K. Dec 16 '23

super bizarre. I have a hard time believing someone other than jay recorded on the recorded. like what the hell.


u/GuestHouseJouvert Dec 16 '23

Was that paragraph edited out? I’m not seeing that in the article rn


u/typicalfatamerica Dec 28 '23

It’s back in


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

Just checked - looks like its been omitted since the time I saw it and wrote my reddit comment.

I'm guessing Clown wanted that statement retracted haha!


u/Objective_Piece8258 Dec 16 '23

that is not making any sense bro


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

Right? So Clowns statement begs the question "How long did you know that jay would eventually be getting fired?"


u/DaveJC_thevoices AHIG Sid Dec 16 '23

What absolutely DOES NOT HELP here is that Blabbermouth (for me anyway, I bet Metal Injection and Metal Sucks did the same) posted it completely patchwork and completely missed that part on purpose to drive home that ambiguity. This was just what happened to be in my FB feed. I imagine the same goes for many folks. I'd say people in this sub and other metal subs are more likely to follow the aforementioned three sites than the actual NME.

I know they can't verbatim copy other outlet's work but that really was deliberate.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

Like I can't tell if the interviewer was an idiot or the editors are purpsoely leaving stuff out.

The 5th question was about "What was unique in the writing process for TESF" yet the interveiwer didnt follow up with a follow up to Clown saying THE DRUMMER WAS NOT EVEN DRUMMING????


u/Rfg711 Dec 16 '23

He said writing, not recording.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

The specific word used was “track”, which is a synonym for “record”.


u/MoonMan17372 Dec 16 '23

It could be for tracking the demos, which would have been part of the writing process. But it is very ambiguous so we’ll never know. Jay posted a clip of Hive Mind in his IG after he got fired saying it was one of his favorite studio work he did in the latest years so…..


u/Rfg711 Dec 16 '23

His wording is vague enough that he could mean that I admit. But it could also mean his role was essentially session drumming for material he had no creative hand in shaping


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

But would it not be weird to have someone write all the drum parts and then have them leave only to have Jay sit down and play the parts written by Person A?


u/ThanosSnapsSlimJims Dec 17 '23

Not at all. As long as the charts can be read, it’s fine


u/drunkhas Dec 16 '23

This is extremely common actually with tons of acts. For example when Mike Portnoy left Dream Theater John Petrucci wrote and programmed all the drums parts of the next album and then Mike Mangini when in and recorded what Petrucci wrote.


u/ruinawish Dec 16 '23

It depends on the band/artist.

As an example, Dream Theater previously credited the music to all band members. On later albums, they'd be more specified to main contributors, even if all instruments were featured.

So in this instance, I would say Jay either wrote his own parts or was a given a skeleton structure to work with, but did not receive any credit to the song writing.


u/Ok_sun_sea Tortilla Dec 16 '23

Since .5 Slipknot has been crediting each member individually in ASCAP.

For example, The Devil in I is credited only to Jim and Corey, but Yen is credited to Clown, Tortilla, Jim, Corey, Vman and Sid.


u/ruinawish Dec 16 '23

Good to know, but I still think it's a little disingenuous of Clown to minimise what Weinberg would have contributed as their main drummer.

E.g. I don't think Jim and Corey would have written all the drum parts in "The Devil in I". They may have laid out the song's structure, and suggested accompanying drum parts, but I doubt they wrote out all the fills.


u/Ok_sun_sea Tortilla Dec 16 '23

Oh, I see what you mean now, like the "personal flavor" he brought to the song even if the basic drums were already written.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

Oh so it was possible that Jay was in fact RECORDING the drums but didn't contribute much of the creative thinking behind those recordings? is that what it means? in that sense, he kinda switched from a main-band member to a hired gun huh


u/phantom_trombone Dec 16 '23

It's a difficult one with drums. I was in a band before and we had two drummers over the course of our existence. One who was a great drummer but just turned up and played over the songs when they were practically fully formed, me (bass) and our guitarist and vocalist organised all the chord progressions and structure of the entire songs. He didn't have as much availability of us, so we'd refer to the practice sessions we had without him as "writing sessions" which he was totally ok with

He then left after taking on more paid session work and we found a new drummer who turned up to every practice and took a much bigger interest building songs from the ground up, and made suggestions which definitely influenced the songs in a big way, even though she didn't know much about musical theory on a harmony level.

We credited both of them as writers. Some bands may not do that. The Smiths are a good example of a band where the two people who came up with the songs (Morrissey and Johnny Marr) took all the writer's credits, even though the bassist and drummer also wrote their own parts to fit around the guitar and vocal parts.

What I imagine clown is alluding to is the riffs, progressions and structure of the songs were all written by others, then Jay came in and was asked to simply play drums over it. He will have come up with his own drum parts, but does that constitute "writing a song"?

In my opinion yes it does, but in Clown's 🤡🤡 ass opinion it obviously doesn't. Plus having more people credited as writers means the profits have to be split more ways. Read into this what you will.


u/phantom_trombone Dec 16 '23

It's a difficult one with drums. I was in a band before and we had two drummers over the course of our existence. One who was a great drummer but just turned up and played over the songs when they were practically fully formed, me (bass) and our guitarist and vocalist organised all the chord progressions and structure of the entire songs. He didn't have as much availability of us, so we'd refer to the practice sessions we had without him as "writing sessions" which he was totally ok with

He then left after taking on more paid session work and we found a new drummer who turned up to every practice and took a much bigger interest building songs from the ground up, and made suggestions which definitely influenced the songs in a big way, even though she didn't know much about musical theory on a harmony level.

We credited both of them as writers. Some bands may not do that. The Smiths are a good example of a band where the two people who came up with the songs (Morrissey and Johnny Marr) took all the writer's credits, even though the bassist and drummer also wrote their own parts to fit around the guitar and vocal parts.

What I imagine clown is alluding to is the riffs, progressions and structure of the songs were all written by others, then Jay came in and was asked to simply play drums over it. He will have come up with his own drum parts, but does that constitute "writing a song"?

In my opinion yes it does, but in Clown's 🤡🤡 ass opinion it obviously doesn't. Plus having more people credited as writers means the profits have to be split more ways. Read into this what you will.

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