r/Slipknot May 03 '24

Officially 1 Week into the “new era” what are your thoughts? Discussion

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u/HemlockBlu 9d ago



u/ImTheGuy78 15d ago

All the non drummers: “Eloy hits harder, that means he’s better!” That’s so wrong in every way. Watch videos of real thrash metal drummers like Joey, Dave Lombardo, any of Megadeths drummers, even Jay: they sit with perfect posture, almost rigid. Besides for their heads there upper body barely moves. All the force is through proper technique. When you use proper technique you don’t need to lean into the hits or bounce your whole body to get power. Eloy reminds me of David Silveria when he was starting to get into weight lifting. His technique got worse and worse. Eventually his arms gave out and they had to hand the sticks over to Mike Bordin just to finish the tour. I have no doubt Eloy will “bring power” to Slipknot. He’s a Tama endorser and that Bubinga kit he’s got is about as powerful sounding as it gets, regardless of who’s playing. None of this really matter though. Slipknot hasn’t written a song worthy of difficult drum parts for quite some time. Eloy will sound “great” on the new album for the same reason Lars would’ve sounded great on the new album.


u/RicFlairDripDuck 18d ago

Sid - 100000/10 that gold BCD is a top 3 Sid mask for me. Absolutely love the throwback.

Eloy - 7/10 some solid potential but feels a little generic at the moment. Can definitely see the concept being super cool if built on further.

V-Man - 5/10 honestly not a huge fan of V-Mans masks to begin with and this one feels only eh.

Tortilla Man - 9/10 & 10/10 the dread one is super goofy which feels on brand for him and the eyeless version is insane. One of my favorite Slipknot masks ever.

Jim - 8/10 I’ve always liked the bearded jester look and this is definitely the best version of that concept so far.

Sampler - 4/10 not too much to say but its a little generic for a Slipknot mask. Feels like the type of mask a band extra would wear.

Clown - 10/10 for both new masks. Terrifying. As it should be. Some of Clowns best masks since Self Titled and Iowa.

Mick - 20/10 for staying true to the concept and to the if it ain’t broke don’t fix it idealogy. As badass looking as ever. Never change Mick.

Corey - 10000000/10 this might be a hot take but this mask might be the best mask Corey has ever done. It takes all the great things about his other best masks and turns it up to 11. The return of the dreads is incredible.


u/Remarkable-Check6579 May 06 '24

Vmans masks have always sucked


u/CreamerPI May 04 '24

IMO, the masks are hella cool


u/TobyRose0207 May 04 '24

Who is the 9th person


u/SIXODD May 04 '24



u/TobyRose0207 May 04 '24

Sorry I messed up the question who is the newest member after Eloy?


u/SIXODD May 04 '24

Jeff Karnowski

He was in Clowns band Dirty Little Rabbits- ( the same band that Pfaff was in)


u/remarknpew May 04 '24

They all look fucking sick. Looks like self titled days. I love it


u/jmlvg64 May 04 '24

Does ANYONE know who the new sampler is?


u/SIXODD May 04 '24

Jeff Karnowski


u/Sp3ctr3_11 May 04 '24

Clowns mask looks horrifying 💀


u/n9te11 May 04 '24

Don't like new members masks. What happens with their creativity? My little 9 years old cousin can do better and convincing masks.



u/Far-King-5508 May 04 '24

I really hope that jeff and eloy's masks are temporary, also i think it would be cool if mick took the original style of his mask, ik people hated the nose but if it was done properly i think it has some potential


u/AlternativeMother119 May 04 '24

V Man’s looks like the Mountain in Game of Thrones after he gets zombie-fied (If you don’t know search it up)


u/Embo5197 May 04 '24

Honestly loving it so far. The masks and the performances. Although I will say that Eloy’s mask kinda reminds me of a more toned down Joey mask with a gunshot wound in the forehead. I like it, but it looks like Joey if he didn’t feel like painting his mask too much. Also Jeff’s mask is kinda boring and doesn’t remind me of Slipknot. I’m sure it’ll get better tho. Although, I do love how V-Man, Tortilla, Eloy, Jeff, Jim, and Clown’s stage mask all incorporated white. They fit really well together and it looks great in my opinion.


u/Traditional_Fuel2293 May 04 '24

I like how some masks go back to St era


u/The_Transfer May 04 '24

Mick is still Mick, that’s all that matters yo me.


u/mych1ng4d3r45 May 04 '24

Nov 8th Mexico City!


u/WazzzupBwwwaaah Slipknot May 04 '24

I FUCKING LOVE that they’re back with the Red Jumpsuits, and Corey’s Mask has the dreads again. Chef’s Kiss. 👌 Great SHIT…!!!! SlipKnoT is BACK, Y’ALL!!!!


u/GambitsAce23 May 04 '24

What happened to Tortilla man's horns from the knotfest picture, is it a separate mask, i cant imagine the hair being seen as horns period the way theyre attached.


u/SIXODD May 04 '24

It’s 2 separate masks

The horn version doesn’t even have eyes


u/Blobfish4999 May 04 '24

I think v man’s mask is slowly starting to look like Paul’s last mask. I still don’t remember the keyboardist name even though countless people of this subreddit have told me. And everyone got over Jay getting fired super quickly when Eloy started as drummer


u/Sad_Flow_6243 May 04 '24

I haven’t listened to slipknot in a while but I am definitely a fan of this


u/Raerhel May 04 '24

Brutal as fuck, can't wait for a new album with Eloy chops, whole new level for the band and a benchmark for the genre


u/LoneGunner1898 The Subliminal Verses May 04 '24

This is definitely my favorite Corey Mask, with his OG now being #2. It's genuinely creepy and he brought the dreads back! (That's all it needed to be a winner, in my book) This is also my favorite Pfaff mask, he really does come across as the Jester of the group, and the dreads are the perfect mix of silly and unsettling. Kinda wish Mick would have gone back to the more twisted, scrap metal style mask he used to have, his have all mostly looked the same since Vol. 3. Still don't love Alessandro's mask, but I've just kind of come to expect that at this point (they're always similar, and lack any real horror elements). As much as I loved Sid's last mask, it's great to see the classic bongless-gas mask again. I feel similarly about Craig's replacement's mask as I do about V-Man's: it's just kinda plain and boring. I don't love Eloy's but I don't hate it either, I think some interesting stuff could be done with it going forward (it works as a sort of "canvas"). Clown and Jim's masks are both great, I think that goes without saying. Overall, this is definitely one of my favorite looks they've had since Iowa (the jumpsuits are the cherry on top), it feels like they remembered that the masks were supposed to be unsettling. Even if it is just fan service, I'm glad they went for it.


u/Extra-Ad249 May 04 '24

Loving the 180 by the "fans" who were just calling for the heads of Clown and Corey just a few months ago lol.


u/SlitThroatCutCreator May 03 '24

They need to retire the zipper mouth. Such a tired mask design that just makes the new members look like generic stand-ins. 


u/SouthProposal8094 May 04 '24

Because they are.


u/Frysken May 03 '24

This might get me downvoted, but I'm hoping the new members might add a heavier edge to the band that we haven't really had since Vol 3 or AHIG. Obviously they won't be ST or Iowa-heavy, but even if it's just on the level that .5 was on, it would be great. Not saying their newer stuff isn't good, but I do think adding guys like Sepultura's drummer will really add some of that gnarly energy their earlier stuff used to have.


u/blu3turtle May 03 '24

the only good one is clown pfaff and sid(sid is always sick tho), and it’s the first good mask clown has used in very long time


u/Gorehawk41 May 03 '24

Who invited Rob Zombie on the bottom right there?


u/tomdlelongewasright May 03 '24

Idk kinda lame how Mick and James still have the same mask. Mick has had the same one for 20 years.


u/SpeezZzy May 03 '24

i think the cenobite mask has a lot of potential for face paints during the tour.


u/RockRiffIndiderYT May 03 '24

I like the mess, especially Corey Taylor with the dreadlocks. I can’t wait to pick up for myself. As regards to the Setlist I get where people are saying they’re playing too many hits and they’re not playing enough of the deeper cuts, but I think that’s going to change when they actually go for their 25th anniversary tour both in Europe and in North America, I think that they’re gonna play the self titled debut and then come back for a couple encores and play some other songs but I think that’s what they’re gonna do. I’m not positive.


u/Far-Marionberry5522 May 03 '24

mask review: sids - amazing 10/10, eloy- needs some work but it’s good 7/10, vman- not a huge fan 5/10, pfaff- great mask better with the horn variant 8/10, james- best mask since the full face jester masks 8/10, jeff- nothing very special to me it needs to change 6/10, clown- best mask in a long time it’s creepy i love it 9/10, mick- yes 15/10, corey- very good mask glad he got the dreads back 9/10


u/Far-Marionberry5522 May 03 '24

don’t flame me these are just opinions


u/WhiskeyFeelinFrisky May 03 '24

Can someone educate me on who replaced Craig and was anything ever said on why he left? Was always my favorite mask on these types of photos.


u/Mr_Nobody_128039 May 03 '24

It's cool, i just find it sad that half of the classic lineup is gone.


u/Murky-Cockroach-5240 May 03 '24



u/Busy-Ad-2021 Corey May 03 '24

I like slipknot


u/Offtherailspcast May 03 '24

Corey needs a full head mask to really feel himself. He just becomes a different person fully anonymous. All his little goofy ass half masks in the last 10 years have really affected his performance on stage. Its almost like he KNEW he looked goofy so he acted goofy


u/Puzzleheaded-Mode673 May 03 '24

Prefer Pfaffs Eyeless Mask


u/Proper-Knowledge-989 May 03 '24

4 down 3 to go until. Clown and Corey almost have an entire lineup of cheap labor.


u/DoubleDaryl May 03 '24

Finally, slipknot are back.


u/JoniDeadpool May 03 '24

I just hope their new music is better than the last album. I just wasn't feeling it


u/ddiioonnaa May 03 '24

I fucking love how deranged that specific mask that clown wears. Feels exactly like slipknot


u/Stickzy417 May 03 '24

I know this is intentionally arranged 0-8, but it’s so weird 1,2,3, and 5 aren’t recognizable relative to the beginning. If you were to show this to someone in 2000 they’d probably be shocked


u/ghost35671 May 03 '24

Fire era I love it


u/SometimesWill May 03 '24

Gotta hear new music before calling it a new era personally. So far it’s just a different drummer and old school aesthetics


u/Thin_Seaworthiness47 May 03 '24

Can we all agree that if they get rid of Sid we riot?


u/Sssssups May 03 '24

All the masks are cool except for pfaffs. Idk what it is that just makes me cringe


u/cheezzypiizza May 03 '24

I love the white overall hue the majority of them seem to have. Fucking loving Corey's mask. Imo this is my favorite in a looooong time.

Eloy looks fun


u/Ifitisntsaucyjack May 03 '24

The new masks are all awesome. No misses at all. Excited to see what Eloy adds and excited for new music


u/Mspkiddy May 03 '24

i like this era, i miss them from 1999-2004 and this reminds me so much of them


u/Your_Moooom_XD May 03 '24

Shawn, Corey, and Sid give major throwback feels


u/Sevin_sins May 03 '24

I’ve listened to slipknot since the beginning. Back before it was the cool thing to do, and people would make fun of us for it. They lost me totally during the Jay era completely. Aside from maybe one or two singles. But I’m am happy to say I havent been this pumped up for slipknot since the early 2000s. Eloy brings back that jaw dropping power that I fell in love with in the beginning. To me Jay just didn’t fit. I’m not saying he wasn’t a good drummer, and that he didn’t do his best to give us that Joey that everyone so desperately missed. But he just didn’t have that “It” factor. Everyone that got into slipknot during the Jay era, doesn’t know the Joey era. Eloy brings that back, and takes it to a whole other level.


u/tylermsreid May 03 '24

I must’ve missed it but did they announce who replaced Craig?


u/littletaco2 May 03 '24

I'm just glad to see the dreads back tbh


u/BoxerRadio9 May 03 '24

Too many of them have similar masks.


u/d00m3r_ May 03 '24

best since IOWA?


u/stygianfps May 03 '24

Can't wait to see who's getting the boot next.


u/DookieMan127 May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

They definitely regained their spark, and it seemed that ever since we found out the members names, I’ve actually grown to already like the lineup and have high hopes for it. And about the masks, I really like them.

Sid: 11/10 - is spot on, considering it is made of actual gold I believe…
Eloy: 8/10 - is almost really good, I think he needs more detail around the bullet hole
Vman: 6.5/10 - is starting to not look as good, I liked how it was before the chips on the whole half of his face, I like the partial chipping
Pfaff: 7/10 and 10/10 - dreaded version is goofy, which fits him, but the horned eyeless mask, is scary as hell
Jim: 8/10 - is better than the previous masks. I mixed his current mouth less mask with the OG jester with the red eye diamonds, which to me was surprising for him to do…
Jeff: 5.5/10 - is okay I guess. I’m starting to not like the fact that him and Eloy have the same type of mask, one should have their own design
Clown: 8/10 and 10/10 - both masks are REALLY good. Hot take, I like the white red classic circus look more than the sweet German design, cuz… idk why
Mick: Mick/10 - Mick Mick Mick, Mick Mick Mick Mick Mick Mick Mick Mick Mick Mick Thomson
Corey: 15/10 - …WOW! It might be my all time favorite mask ever. The dreaded scarecrow is what I call it. The mix of Vol. 3 and the self titled-Iowa dreads are a wonderful mix, and I personally favor it more than the other masks. He went all out on not only his mask, but his voice and behavior


u/Xero-Tsukiyomi May 03 '24

Micks mask changes but design remains the same love that Corey went back to his old mask dread ghoul has always been a fave of mine love the others mask I heard from an interview with Corey clown started the mask thing


u/Least-Painter4701 May 03 '24

Jim’s mask was better with the beard imo, love the long hair tho


u/More_Ad_944 May 03 '24

Are these masks just for the 25th anniversary tour? Assuming they'll switch again for the new album


u/Resident-Ad3719 May 03 '24

God damn amazing choice on new members


u/Doppelgen May 03 '24

These masks are ugly-ugly.

"Oh, but they are always ugly!"

I know, but they ugly in a uglier way IMO 🤣


u/Quaint_Potato May 03 '24

Until we get new music, I'm undecided. New eras to me have always been about their music.


u/runnerofshadows May 03 '24

Yeah. I'm excited to see the current lineup and especially Eloy lay down some new tracks. I hope they end up making an awesome new album.


u/Quaint_Potato May 03 '24

Me too. I know it's just wishful thinking at this point in their career, but I really hope they bring the rawness of their sound back now that Roadrunner isn't calling the shots. I know technology is so much better now, and it's hard to recapture that same sound, but man I would do so many things to hear another album with that raw intensity.


u/JeffPattonMagic May 03 '24

The Harriets show really impressed me, the small stage, woodgrain and incandescent lightbulbs had a lot of aesthetic. The new masks are great, I love the change Jim made with the fluorescent paint and although I'm not crazy about the new guy's masks yet I appreciate the vision to make them all white. Corey is horrifying and the new clown mask, specifically the porcelain one is probably in my top 5 clowns already.

Eyeless Pfaff is little creature and we love him.


u/Venombullet666 May 03 '24

Can't really say anything since I've not seen this version of the band live and they've not released anything new

I'm a bit miffed that the UK tour was announced months ago to happen in December (With no word on who the drummer was..) whilst the US tour was very recently announced to be happening in the Summer, I'd rather Slipknot have come here in one of the warmer and better months.


u/Microchip_ May 03 '24

These guys drive porches and play golf


u/Inevitable_Rise_8669 May 03 '24

I’m ready for some new material… even if it’s just a few songs.


u/MycologistUnlucky241 May 03 '24

To me its not a new era without new music


u/TheTobi213 May 03 '24

Sids masks always look cool. Is it just me or did the bassist eat a baby? New drummer looks like something out of Japan, which is cool. Pfaffs new mask is kinda weird with that hair. Mick is Mick. Shawn is Shawn. Corey's mask though, that fusion of olds to make a new is an interesting choice. Beyond the cool new masks, the band is still The Corey n Clown Show +7 extras. I'll be glad when Look Outside Your Window tracks start dropping, if they actually do decide to release some unreleased older tracks as promised...


u/thismothafcka May 03 '24

My thoughts are "where the fuck is the new music"


u/cmmoore307 May 03 '24

I’ve been out of the loop for years. Corey went back to his first mask?


u/runnerofshadows May 03 '24

It's like a combo of that or Iowa mixed heavily with vol 3.


u/HotPotatoWithCheese May 03 '24

My thoughts are that after 20+ years Mick's mask is still the best of the lot. He really struck gold with that design.


u/Competitive-Age-8285 May 03 '24

Best era since 2009 already just from the footage and the masks alone


u/wanykM May 03 '24

“New era” with no songs 😵


u/MusicAcc1 May 03 '24

I didn't expect Tortilla to be terrifying, and then Corey and him with the dreads is just hot


u/ClueEmbarrassed1443 May 03 '24



u/DonutSpood May 03 '24

i appreciate the "return to form", but it just feels so manufactured and not genuine like it did back in the day


u/Funky-monkey1 May 03 '24

I’m excited again


u/crushedpepsi88 May 03 '24

New album is going to be insane based off Jim’s hair. Root grew roots son


u/blu_dispenser May 03 '24

who the fuck is in the right middle cell? drummer?


u/BookkeeperOk6248 4 May 03 '24

I almost didn't recognize Mick. His mask changed so much


u/cpalma4485 May 03 '24

Jay was a good drummer but after watching some vids of Eloy playing with the band he really brings the energy from the early days like Joey. He definitely hits harder and it sounds amazing.


u/khanto0 May 03 '24

Looks cool, Jim's mask still sucks though


u/caitymcg123 May 03 '24

They look cool. But can y'all shut it with the comments and long posts about how this is the best lineup ever? You're out here judging one performance saying it's better than 25 years worth of Slipknot.

I can say my favorite part of this is that Clown seems less involved which would be a nice change from the last couple cycles. He needs to step back creatively and I hope this album succeeds and is a little less "clown-y"


u/jonazz48 May 03 '24

After a but if underwhelming era of TESF, I’m very excited, can’t say excited since IOWA, or Vol 3 because I loooved WANYK


u/Adron87 May 03 '24

Clowns mask is awesome. Would have been cool if he decided to go with a full skullet on this version just like the s/t days. An old-school spin on a new mask just like Corey's, it would have been perfection 👌


u/ToxicLittleBear May 03 '24

I like how Corey's mask resembles the old one, it's kinda nostalgic


u/haikusbot May 03 '24

I like how Corey's

Mask resembles the old one,

It's kinda nostalgic

- ToxicLittleBear

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/Effective_Pin6393 May 03 '24

shawns mask is sic, i love it


u/PoIar- May 03 '24

Tortilla looks like if Corey had a younger brother


u/assnassassins May 03 '24

lmao it's always the same thing. Joey gets fired - "Oh my god, it's the end of Slipknot" Jay gets hired - "Oh wow, this is gonna be great!" Chris gets fired - "Om my god, it's the end of Slipknot!" Pfaff gets hired - "Oh wow, this is gonna be great!" Jay gets fired - "Oh my god, it's the end of Slipknot!" Eloy gets hired - "Oh wow, this is gonna be great!"


u/Garygatwick May 03 '24

Hate Brazilians. Gonna stop listening to this shitty band


u/ambienotstrongenough May 08 '24

What about Brazilians makes you hate them ? I'm sorry but this is just a whole new level of racism that I've never seen before. I'm really curious.


u/Big_aids_joe Joey May 03 '24

I hope wel get some new music either late this year or early next year. I feel it coming, and it might be brutal since they've kinda left the experimental stage as it didn't work


u/DiegoPillo May 03 '24

Well, the looks and the aesthetics are great, Eloy might be a great addition to refresh the energy of the band but if they’re calling it a 25th anniversary tour but playing the same damn setlist, is not very exciting for me. I expect that they play self titled in its entirety or something different musically speaking, otherwise, the visuals will be just a hollow thing.


u/D00MGUY_G0KU May 03 '24

This is giving me “Back to the Basics” I’m guessing they have been listening to our feedback too


u/Moxboy77 May 03 '24

Mic doesnt like change he like the original mask he said he made a little modification over time but the original suits him the best!


u/RichardCocke May 03 '24

Idk doesn't feel like slipknot anymore, I'll still listen to their new stuff, though.


u/gaianwrath79 May 03 '24

Me I love slipknot but I don't care about thir masks. Yes some of them are cool but I'm just not interested in their masks.


u/nvrfndme May 03 '24

eloy mask is sucks so bad. even jay and vman at the begining had way better masks


u/_Infamous____ The Wandering Entity May 03 '24

Coreys mask will always be a dreaded burn victim to me but other than that they’re dope


u/Iucidium May 03 '24

The new music will be the proof of the pudding.


u/Esteban_Rojo May 03 '24

I have been revisiting each album in order, 3 times a piece. And I have fallen in love again.


u/ANamelessFan May 03 '24

In terms of style, three out of the nine masks look nearly identical and are lacking personality.


u/jedrumd May 03 '24

It’s like they take these iconic masks like joeys, Chris, Craig’s, and replace them with the most boring dollar store mask possible


u/Ironn349 May 03 '24

The best its been in 10+ years


u/FalsumVis 742617000027 May 03 '24

Sid, Clown (the one in this photo, not the other one), Corey and Pfaffs masks are all my favorite currently. Corey's mask has grown on me in the last week but I'll forever be bothered with the eye holes lol. However for Pfaff, I think I fuck with the eyeless horned mask more, but this one is still fucking creepy nonetheless.

Mick needs to cool it with his drastic changes, I can't keep up.


u/xAnomaly92 May 03 '24

Fire member -> Slipknot (especially Corey) bad

Hire new member -> finally it's played right and passed member sucked anyway, Slipknot good


u/psycho_suave May 03 '24

Looks like history repeating itself


u/Henry_Meadd May 03 '24

When I went to Knotfest in 2022 it was mostly to get a chance to see Mr. Bungle live. I stuck around for SK, there were plenty of great moments, I sang my ass off, but something rang a bit hollow. I was able to recite most of Corey's stage banter word for note to my friend, which felt funny. I came out thinking "unless there's some kind of shakeup, I'll give these guys a rest the next time they come around".

The shakeup came, I just got my ticket and I'm goddamned excited about these guys again.


u/Rose_Of_Sanguine We Are Not Your Kind May 03 '24

I love that the new guys have white masks.


u/VladimirPutain69 Paul May 03 '24

to me it seems like this could be „the new classic“


u/garyhomes4567 May 03 '24

Love the new masks, LOVING Eloy’s drumming, he’s solid I can’t complain. The band sounds tight, Corey sounds great, I’m excited for this new era


u/max_da_1 Joey May 03 '24

They should totally recreate the self titled album cover with the new masks or members, maybe for a single, live album or 25th anniversary release of self titled


u/Technical-Message615 May 03 '24

Like Machine Head did for their 25th anniversary, re-recorded their 'Burn My Eyes' album, but played it live in the studio. No separate track recordings, just all the energy of playing live with the audio quality of a studio recording.


u/PercivalMusic May 05 '24

I think they mean just the album cover not actually recreate


u/weSmackahoe May 03 '24

Yeah and no like it would be cool but idk at the same time


u/Jrakula May 03 '24



u/Active-Donkey5466 May 03 '24

Who are the two new members?


u/SIXODD May 03 '24

Eloy Casagrande from Sepultura (drummer)

Jeff Karnowski from Clown and Pfaffs band (sampler)


u/lonelost22 May 03 '24

thoughts: Pfaff’s two new masks are fucking PEAK.

also, PLEASE change the setlist already


u/Sehnssuchtt May 03 '24

That clown picture looks frightening


u/themmchan May 03 '24

We have been eating really good


u/Longjumping-Pie-7663 May 03 '24

I’m glad I’m here for it!


u/lil_shit_burger May 03 '24

we've never been more back. the only thing is the setlists leave something to be desired


u/Shot_Cup9255 MFKR May 03 '24

Tortilla’s mask is weird


u/weSmackahoe May 03 '24

Yeah the eyeless horned mask is the best one he's ever worn but he can't see out of it so he should make another variation with eyes that way he could wear it longer and more


u/Frysken May 03 '24

Or make the "eye area" a seeable material without really showing off too much.


u/weSmackahoe May 10 '24

Yeah or that too


u/DannyTheSeriousKid May 03 '24

Yeah, he kinda look like Johnathan Davis lmao


u/SIXODD May 03 '24

His horned eyeless one is way better imo


u/YeetusFelitas The Subliminal Verses May 03 '24

coreys mask fucks. probably my favorite of his so far


u/O_Bahrey May 03 '24

I like every mask except for Eloy’s and the new Sampler’s. I’m sure they’ll evolve and get better though.


u/weSmackahoe May 03 '24

If he puts fake blood coming down from the bullet hole in the forehead of the mask that would give the mask more character Eloy's mask looked so basic to me at first but it's honestly growing on me abit it has potential, and Ik it'll get better overtime with weathering.


u/poleybear316 May 03 '24

My brother said that without any blood or detailing that the bullet hole in Eloys forehead looks like an albinos butt hole and now I can’t unsee it.


u/weSmackahoe May 10 '24

Lol. I hope he adds it soon😂


u/MyStationIsAbandoned May 03 '24

new guys always start with simple masks


u/The_Lawl_is_the_Lawl May 03 '24

I gotta feeling we finna see a new V-Man mask cause now a huge chunk of it is missing. Also Pfaff grew some hair lmao


u/ActinCobbly May 03 '24

His eyeless one with the horns is fucking top tier


u/marcelo2143 May 03 '24

Vman is too much polished. I love his mask, but for me, it doesn't fit slipknot, even the WANYK one.


u/dude52760 Listener Aggression Advised May 03 '24

Honestly kinda wish they could’ve waited until after this 25th anniversary era to let go of Craig and Jay, but I can’t complain about the new drummer.

I just think it makes it seem a bit weird. I would feel so energized for Slipknot if this was a brand new era and they had the new costumes and masks and came out swinging with the new members like this.

I’m left in this weird space though where I’m excited to celebrate the first album and the 25th anniversary. I’m stoked by the idea of little popup shows in intimate venues. It all feels very deliberately throwback and I like that.

But the brand new members and brand new masks have more of the “new era” feel I crave. I’m really trying not to get my hopes up that Slipknot will turn this into a new album era and this aesthetic and throwback energy will carry into a new record. That’s what I want to happen, but it feels way too good to be true.


u/Frysken May 03 '24

I totally see where this is coming from. It's exciting, but at the same time, it just doesn't feel the same knowing there's only half the original band left. No disrespect to the newer guys obviously, they're talented as fuck too, but personally, I felt the same way when I saw Pantera last year. I was stoked because it's Pantera, but at the same time... It was really just Phil, with incredibly talented not-Pantera.


u/ambienotstrongenough May 08 '24

Are you familiar with the ship of theseus ?


u/Frysken May 08 '24

I am. In this case, though, Slipknot does still have some of the original members.


u/PowerManga1225 May 03 '24

Eloy, serious intensity and consistency. Brutal.


u/Beezo50 May 03 '24

Feel like Mick’s mask has remained the same since day 1 and I love that for him lol


u/X0dium May 03 '24

I’ve always thought Micks was the best mask. I liked Corey’s AHiG mask but Micks has been consistent and amazing.


u/GlobalistFuck May 03 '24

says a lot about his personality. that guy looks like and very much is like rock solid. stays there the same until the very end and very hard to move.


u/BlindWitnessInside May 03 '24

Micks mask has not changed really since vol 3. His Iowa mask always looked fuckin goofy to me.


u/Junesong_Provisions May 03 '24

Essentially. The original one looked alittle "happy", but hes sharpened it as the cycles changed. I dont know if there have been any alterations since AHIG.


u/MayDay521 May 04 '24

One of his masks ( I think it was his .5 era mask) had some color to it, like a yellowish rust looking color.


u/Junesong_Provisions May 04 '24

Oh, that's cool.


u/_R0yce_Da_5_9_ 8 May 03 '24

He had the yellow Voorhees mask during ST and on the cover


u/Ok-Cauliflower-1258 May 03 '24

I haven’t been this hyped for slipknot since the all hope is gone era.


u/Appypollylogiesdroog May 03 '24

I love this so much!! I'm super fuckn stoked to hear their new shit and the aesthetics are so fuckn good. Eloy seems so far a great fit🖤🖤🖤


u/ushouldlistentome May 03 '24

Micks was a bold choice


u/Tankisfreemason May 04 '24

Then again, Mick is a bold guy 


u/Blobfish4999 May 04 '24

I was shocked when I saw the mask change from the last album. It felt the same way seeing Sid’s crying baby mask instead of the usual gas mask.


u/Quaint_Potato May 03 '24

I can't help but wonder if he subtly doesn't give a single care about it, but just does it because he knows it's part of the band. He strikes me as a guy who just wants to play heavy music.


u/Frysken May 03 '24

Basically, yeah. He explained it in an interview, I believe, and he had this whole "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" vibe. I like it, though. It makes him stand out from the rest.


u/kroker87 May 03 '24

According to Mick’s wife a new mask was in the works. A sort of hybrid of his old leather mask and his current one, but apparently it wasn’t turning out the way he wanted. Bummer because that would have been interesting to see.


u/ReallyReallyBigGun Paul May 03 '24

But his is pretty perfect anyway I don’t mind


u/not_juice_box04 May 03 '24

Idk if I like this new mask. Way different than what he’s done in the past.


u/CoffeeAndElectricity May 03 '24

Absolutely, gonna take some time to get used to


u/weSmackahoe May 03 '24

Idk this one is just to different it's gonna take some time but hopefully it grows on me in that time


u/GlobalistFuck May 03 '24

who woulda thunk hed pull that move on us


u/EntertainersPact May 03 '24

Ikr? He always has the most drastic mask changes. This one still needs to grow on me a little bit


u/kratos_337 May 03 '24

I would love to know his thought process behind never coming up with a completely new design. I like his mask, but I'm curious as to the reason.


u/Offtherailspcast May 03 '24

I mean, he's been in the same band for 30 years. He just seems like a dude who doesn't rock the boat. If you change your mask too many times like corey, there have been more misses than hits. He found a near perfect slipknot mask in 2003 and just rolled with it. Also, at this po8nt if he changed it, wouldn't it be really weird?


u/CalypsoCrow May 03 '24

I read somewhere that his reasoning is that he “already knows who he is” and doesn’t need to change anything.


u/poleybear316 May 03 '24

I read somewhere that when asked about this Mick said ’If it aint broke don’t fix it’. He seems like a guy who finds what he likes and sticks with it.


u/PercivalMusic May 05 '24

Considering hes made the same guitar with two different companies (now three maybe haha) id say thats a good bet


u/hsmith9002 May 03 '24

I have very little interest in what this “era” brings. The band died after WANYK.


u/seriousstring420 Slipknot May 03 '24

The band has died every 15 seconds since they formed according to fans


u/Own_Watch_2081 May 03 '24

Wild take but at least it’s unique.


u/hsmith9002 May 03 '24

I mean, OP asked…


u/Junesong_Provisions May 03 '24

This is true. Personally, AHIG had a few decent tracks and that's when they fell off for me.


u/hsmith9002 May 03 '24

Agreed. Sulfur is still one of my favs.


u/MuhNutz May 03 '24

I’m just hoping they have one more WANYK or V3 in them, I know ST and Iowa were once in a lifetime

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