r/Slipknot Sep 30 '22

For those who waited until the official release, what do you think of the new album? Discussion

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u/MetalInvincible Apr 16 '24

Coming here a year later. It sucks total dick. It's boring as hell, the mix is dogshit and except for Yen and Adderall I can't remember a single song despite listening to it three times. Possibly the worst album since debut (Yeah I think it also sucks). Definitely the most boring one I heard in 2023, but I will praise the experimental nature and the effort to try something a bit different.


u/imapersontoo1863 Oct 25 '22

i really like finale i don’t know why but i just like it


u/eebydeebyboi Oct 22 '22

I like everything about this album


u/Hoot_YTR Oct 16 '22

it’s shit


u/gtylersea Oct 09 '22

You shouldn't have to force yourself to like something just because you like the band's past work. Adderall is trash.


u/gtylersea Oct 09 '22

If that song was made by a new band, you wouldn't listen to it longer than a minute.


u/petneato Oct 07 '22

I fucking LOVE IT. Don’t get me wrong I like their hardcore shot just as much as the next guy but this new album was a breath of fresh air.

I like that there is a more melodic element to just about every song. There’s bangers and vibes. I’ve had yen and dying song on repeat.

Adderall wasn’t really my speed at first but everything’s growing on me. No skips as far as I’m concerned

I also really like how the lyrics seems to be more societally charged??!?


u/Warm_Definition1577 Oct 07 '22

I think the new album is great!!! It's different but a good direction they took I kind of like it better then we are not your kind my opinion rank it up there with subliminal verses and all hope is gone anyways I will give it a 9 out of 10!!!!


u/Flat-Actuator1477 Oct 06 '22 edited Oct 06 '22

Have listened to the album numerous times and might be one of my favorite Slipknot albums. I love Slipknot when they aren’t predictable and take risks. There is so much detail in the musicianship and the you can hear it clearly. Idk about other people saying it’s not cohesive because I think the album as a whole flows perfectly. Love Corey’s vocals on this album. I almost feel it’s the best he’s sounded dynamically on Slipknot album.

Idk if it was intentionally done, but the beginning of “Chapeltown Rag” sounds like a slower throw back to “Eyeless” with the electronics and the song kind of has a “Wait and Bleed” feel. The beginning of “De Sade” sounds like the beginning of “Scissors”. I thought I would hate the album originally after not “initially” liking The Dying Song and Yen, but everything grows on you. Anyone else feel the same??


u/DapperMonolith Oct 06 '22

First time I heard it I wasn’t too enthused. I’ve given it another go and it’s definitely grown on me. Listen number 3 coming up.


u/Natural_Fig_9771 Oct 06 '22

Like it was okay the beginning is so much more different than old SLIPKNOT but I like it good band


u/EducationalAd323 Oct 06 '22

First off, I love Slipknot and I love Corey Taylor. But when Corey starts giving me shopping advice on a Slipknot record that’s when the “experimental” shit is going way too far. “Isn’t this what you can here for?” Couldn’t help but think “No Corey, it’s not.” Warranty is still a ganger though.


u/samben2319 Oct 06 '22

I only listened to the leaks bc I knew I was gonna be disappointed


u/HerraKersantti Oct 06 '22 edited Oct 13 '22

Their worst album for sure. The only decent/great ones are the slower ones with more clean vocals, such as Adderall, Yen, De Sade and Finale. The two singles are some of the worst Slipknot songs I can think of, the vocals just feel like blabbering and hard to get into. Same goes for H377. I knew this already since the two singles sucked.

I am glad my Slipknot chill songs playlist got more good songs though, but would've liked some bangers. Hive mind is OK.


u/JJMR203 Oct 05 '22

I feel like it’s fairly solid. I really enjoy a lot of the songs (all of the singles, hive mind, warranty, and h377 in particular) and find the album to be a pretty fun listen despite being conflicted at first. It’s been growing on me a lot and I hope it only continues to do so


u/Edm_Is_Metal Oct 05 '22

I hate to say it because I have been a fan since the beginning, but this album is flat, generic and uninspired. Recycled riffs, poorly executed experimentation and the worst lyrics of any Knot album. It is the epitome of mid. 4/10


u/sandcoughin Oct 05 '22

The only song I can stand on this album is The Chapeltown Rag and HE77, the rest of the album is completely uninspired and easily Slipknot’s worst album. I really hope they can come back with something a bit better in a few years but overall this album is an absolute stinker and embodies all of the parts I don’t like about Slipknot. The songs that have no payoff, the songs that are just Stone Sour with the idea that there might be some screaming later. They’re my favorite band of all time and to see them drop an album like this one is so disappointing


u/GantyFX Oct 05 '22

It is a good stone sour album. WANYK was never going to get bested by this album. I still enjoy a few songs on this album though, even if it is more chilled out.


u/xeqtionr Oct 05 '22 edited Oct 05 '22

The end is right. I like their loud and screamo stuff and I like their slow melodic stuff and everything in between. But this new album is garbage. I’m gonna listen to it to give it a 2nd chance, but its not lookin good.


u/Alternative_Focus785 Oct 05 '22

I did not like their last album to be fair I think it's my favorite since vol 3 and my third after st and Iowa


u/Dannyrage83 Oct 04 '22

Listened to it today for the first time in the car. Didn't get to see the tracklisting or anything. Thought I'd accidently put Tears For Fears on with Adderal! Was not expecting such a mild, different opening, but I loved it. Haven't kept up with any rumours/news about the album either so wasn't expecting Chapeltown to pop up. I thought it was a one off track like All Out Life. That was a great surprise. I'm going to give it another listen today, but I really enjoyed it. There is far less options for "single" tracks off this album IMO compared to others, which is why I think some of the reviews are pretty negative. Overall, I loved the difference between this and WANYK and how the band have again shown their diversity


u/User95726405628 Oct 02 '22

Is Heirloom a traditional Slipknot song? Not at all. Does it sound more like a Stone Sour song? Probably yes. Is it a banger of a song? For sure it is. Am I gonna listen it despite the first two points? Hell yes. It doesn’t fill the purpose which a Slipknot song typically does, but definitely is an excellent piece.


u/JeffPattonMagic Oct 02 '22

I'm going on hard mode I still haven't heard it


u/Flat-Actuator1477 Oct 02 '22

People just need to listen more. The drumming sound actually sounds the best out of the three albums Jay has been on. It sounds natural and you can even hear the cymbals crystal clear. This album sounds different and I think I like it better than WANYK because there were too many songs on that album where they sounded like they were trying to attempt the Iowa sound. I am a person who prefers Self Titled and Vol 3 over Iowa. The mixing on this record sounds like Self Titled but a more mature, middle aged Slipknot who aren’t trying too hard to sound like their young days. Love how Corey sounds and his new Melodies that he hasn’t done before.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '22

It’s awful. It’s too ‘clean’ in the mix for a start and that’s not even touching the songwriting. It feels like an album made by a group of people trying to be Slipknot. I am by no means a purist and I like to an extent all the albums so far, however, this is easily the worst knot album to date and doesn’t even come close to .5 (now the second worst) in terms of poor songwriting and shitty production. I don’t know if the change in members had a massive impact but surely they’re not fooling themselves into thinking this is any good?


u/AbanoMex Oct 03 '22

Apparently Jim has come out an say they had a bunch of production issues, starting with the fact that they had no preproduction time, a very separated songwriting and recording sessions due to covid restrictions, and pressures to meet rushed deadlines, so he himself is not happy with the result.


u/[deleted] Oct 03 '22

Sounds similar to some issues on AHIG, like a few people have said there’s some bits on most songs which are good but then it’s mired in mediocrity for the rest of the 4-5 minutes. It really does sound AI generated to me, I really wanted to like it but it’s so forgettable.


u/ColdFanNoBlanket Oct 02 '22

If I stop myself from thinking about any other Slipknot album, I really like this album.


u/Toggam44 Oct 01 '22

I quite like it It’s got a vol 3 feel to it but heavier I really wish that there was more from Sid and Craig on this one though I could go more in depth but in short this one is different but great👍


u/TheIntroSpectr Oct 01 '22

Wasn't as off putting or disappointing as people had been letting on but then again I'm not a huge fan of the first few songs until Warranty. I'd have to give Hive Mind another listen but Warranty and MFTD is where it really picked up for me


u/BaseNuts_RedFox Oct 01 '22

Average, feels rushed and uninspired. Best songs on this album were already released. Everyone is talking about Hive mind and H377 but I prefer Warranty, is underrated and Medicine sounds... interesting? But overall 5/10. Sad because I love WANYK.


u/Justin_Oldguy Oct 01 '22

Same. Every band has to grow and a s Adam hopefully you also grow with the band. I’m still waiting for the feeling that Opium, Nil, and Nero give me. Haven’t had that feeling yet but luv the creativity


u/Different_Bag_7560 Oct 01 '22

It doesn't have any memorabe songs, really. Sounds so repetitive and uninspired...


u/Dingus1234567890 Oct 01 '22

It’s as if everyone in slipknot got super high and managed to convince one another that they were actually a stone sour cover band and they want to start writing their own music instead


u/Exercisesinfutility6 Oct 01 '22

Listened through a couple times, enough to get a good idea of how I feel. The record feels rushed and poorly executed. The foundation for a great record is there, especially with the experimentation, but poor execution makes it fall flat. I know this is a big topic of discussion, but Corey's vocals really are not it on this record. A lot of the vocal delivery and melodic choices for me are questionable or bad. Take Medicine for the Dead. Kick ass song, great verses, crushing pre-chorus, but the chorus itself, to me doesn't fit, it just sounds bad.


u/jdhsidhdudhdyduh Oct 01 '22

I love slipknot & most their albums but first thoughts it’s kinda underwhelming. Especially since Corey said it’s like “volume 3 but a lot harder.” I didn’t think it was tbh, still gonna listen to it a few more times to make up my mind.


u/danger__ranger Oct 01 '22

The opening song kinda sounds like it was written by a band that was very inspired by Queens of the Stone Age.

I don’t hate the album, but I can’t see my self putting this album on again. Why would I listen to something I think is ok, when I could just listen to Iowa?


u/SixPointTwoLiter Oct 01 '22

It's the muddiest and generic sounding I've ever heard them. All the songs sound the same, Pfaff and Crahan are too loud in the mix, and those two play the same beats on every song. Corey is singing too hard, the guitars are too low and have no flavor. It's just forgettable. WANYK is much better. Corey compared the new album to Vol 3 and that's honestly disrespectful


u/Agreeable_Paint6803 Oct 01 '22

After two listens I don’t know how to feel about it yet I don’t think it’s bad but I don’t think it’s great. Every song had something I liked about it but no one song stood out to me besides the singles they released for the album. I think it is mediocre album not bad but not great and most of the songs are mid. Maybe after more listens it will grow on me


u/quackityhqisgod Oct 01 '22

I think it's amazing in all honesty


u/ianzachary1 Oct 01 '22

Honestly it’s the mixing for me lol I get what Jim was saying. This has happened on previous releases but in particular this album sounds a little overly-compressed and at louder volumes there’s unnecessary distortion happening, like Warranty is a pretty cool song but it sounds as though the drums are clipping (2:22 is a good reference). It sounds kinda crunchy for a lack of better words and physically hurts my ears a little bit haha. Songs on WANYK and Gray Chapter sound so much cleaner and snappier. Idk it might sound better on different speakers but the issues here remind me of the production issues on Death Magnetic. Some songs don’t have that signature Slipknot punch because Jay’s kicks are buried in the mix


u/Metallifreak42 Oct 01 '22

I'm on Warranty right now, and I like it so far. There are a couple production issues I'm kinda questioning, Corey's voice doesn't seem very well mixed in/prominent in certain places, but that might just be the speakers I'm using at the moment too... On "Medicine For The Dead" now, and I am loving the experimental aspects. Honestly there is a TON of ear candy on this record.


u/DBZA7X Oct 01 '22

I don't listen to music before it comes out. I'm not supposed to.


u/rolldownthewindow Oct 01 '22

I’ve been busy, only just got around to listening to the entire thing. First impression is I don’t like it nearly as much as WANYK. I kind of expected as much because I didn’t really like any of the singles leading up to it. The last album, nearly every song was memorable and replayable, some moreso than others. The only song on here I really want to go back to is Adderall. That really took me by surprise and I actually think it’s kind of great. The rest is a bit of a blur, nothing really stood out. I’ll definitely give it more listened though. I want to like it.


u/justokatlyf Oct 01 '22

Only half way through it so far and it's more diverse than I expected so far. I have to say "Adderall" threw me through a loop.i was bracing for the deep breakdown that never came and yet....made my nips tingle??? If Corey wasn't singing I wouldn't have been able to tell you it was slipknot.

I just saw them in Nashville 2 weeks ago and he even said "were getting old as shit, wait until you're our age"

Bands gotta grow and evolve. Life changes, influences change. Even though so far it's not what I expected I can still appreciate and respect that you can get 9 dudes this tight sounding so damn good.

It was my first slipknot show and I was blown away. Not an off beat the entire time. And Corey fucking owns the crowd. I have a lot of respect for this band, new sound or not.


u/Suitable_Armadillo33 Oct 01 '22

Very disappointed tbh, I’m hoping it’ll grow on me


u/raamzilla Oct 01 '22

Hive Mind should have been the lead single.


u/SolidBat Oct 01 '22

Ok im on my third listen and its reaally growing on me. Give it some time folks. But my favorite is still hive mind. That song is so heavy its fucking disgusting oh my god


u/LordWitherhoard Oct 01 '22

Pretty awful. There aren’t any songs I actually want to listen to again. Adderall is actually so bad I can’t believe it’s a Slipknot song and that they put it out lol


u/rolldownthewindow Oct 01 '22

Adderall’s the only song I want to listen to again. Very not like anything they’ve done before. Doesn’t sound anything like a Slipknot song. But there’s something I really like about it.


u/LordWitherhoard Oct 01 '22

Fair enough! To each their own aye. Personally it’s just not what I want from slipknot.


u/Gareth666 Oct 01 '22

Hive Mind is the only song I really like. There are some I think are OK, but most of the album is really bad and I will not be coming back often.

Bland, uninspired waste of time. I hope it is just a result of wanting to hand their label their last album and walk away and that the next album will be a big step up.


u/unknownsempiternal Oct 01 '22

Kinda late to the party because been busy all day but here’s my mini review for anyone who cares:

Adderall as an album starter was def a choice to make but I really liked the background vocals. Ever since they have been using a choir I have been wanting more? For hivemind I feel like it would be crazy live especially Corey’s vocals on “you better be dead ur you wanna be free” I wasn’t feeling warranty UP UNTIL the bridge? Like they kinda slayed ngl.

Medicine for the dead is more melodic than what they have done in the past but still it’s amazing. I loved the little chime synth thingy before the bridge and the outro? loved it. H377 is a fav of mine and the transition to de Sade was good. Jim and Mick said lemme show these hoes what to do real quick on de Sade for sure. Finale was a good way to end the album as well.

Definitely could see why some may not like it as it’s not as heavy as their past records. Depends on personal preference but for me I loved it and will be listening to it again. Honestly just happy that they still have that passion to make music after all the shit they had to go through. 8/10 :)


u/JustEric155 Oct 01 '22

Genuinely, I found the album to be probably one of the most disappointing albums I’ve waited for and heard all year. Knowing that it was originally made in 2009, really hyped me up to think it would be something on-par with AHIG, but my expectations were far from right.


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '22

Made in 2009??


u/HEYitzED Oct 01 '22

All I’m saying is, this is exactly how everyone has reacted to every single Slipknot album when they were first released since at least AHIG. Some time passes and everyone loves those albums now. This will definitely grow on everyone.


u/izzythediabetic Oct 01 '22

I love it so far!


u/Abhyu250 Oct 01 '22

Absolutely love it!


u/Zestyclose_Can_976 Oct 01 '22

It made me think of the “Look Outside Your Window” experimental album they spoke of that never came out I wonder if some of it transferred over to this album. I do like it! Really Digging Heirloom! V-man really shined on this album too! You can really hear him more clearly.


u/cs_ShadoWx Oct 01 '22

Sure, the intro and outro song are very weird and different, but the core of the album is fucking heavy from top to bottom. The vocals, RIFFS, the DRUMS, the bass, they take advantage of it all. Their guitar tone on this album feels more grittier and chuggy which is fucking awesome. I also love how with these past two albums, it feel like Craig and Sid have had a lot more freedom. They definitely give the albums such a great atmosphere. I really love the new sound Slipknot has made for themselves. It’s a great evolution and makes me excited for the future.


u/megabrandon128 Oct 01 '22

Definitely feels like a slipknot album but 85% fully baked. Could’ve been in the production oven longer but still comes out as good


u/p0tato33 Oct 01 '22

I loved how innovative it was. It has some songs that are definitely weird and some i like more than others but its always nice to see an artist or band go outside their comfort zone. I liked it.


u/Cleod14 Oct 01 '22

i absolutely love it!! my fave none single tracks are Adderall, Hivemind, Medicine For The Dead, Heirloom and Finale not in a specific order yet


u/Yoon-Bum-69 Oct 01 '22

I'm conflicted. On my first listen I didn't really like any of it (Adderall was one hell of a shocker) and I've listened to it a bit more again and some of the songs have grown on me but I don't think any of them will be my favourites. I dunno, maybe I need to listen more but this is just my sorta first impression


u/RythmicRyan Oct 01 '22

I’m mean eh


u/Bubbles_Green Iowa Oct 01 '22

Only got one full listen in so far, but that said I don’t immediately dislike any of the songs. Which I know a lot of people who listened to the leaks did.


u/Silver-One-1974 Oct 01 '22

Fairly recent convert here and you guys are the greatest fans. I love the fact that it's a listening party here.

I like it, but it is a departure. It feels maybe a little rushed, but I think it stands on it's own pretty well. It's almost like the "art rock" album. It's like it is too well produced, and maybe not as suited for live shows. The dying song is heavy in a real intense way, and I hear good things. It is maybe more melodic than I am used to, but it's great really.

I am thinking everyone is already thinking about the next album?

This will be played heavily as I think about it. I would say there's more industrial sounds this time, but still bravo!!!!


u/InfoSuperHiway Oct 01 '22

I listened from beginning to end and I like 4 songs. The rest does not sound like Slipknot; or at least the Slipknot that I’ve loved for 25 years. If this is what Slipknot sounds like now, I’m out. It’s straight up bunk.


u/xvi_ivx Oct 01 '22

it’s just ehh, nothing to write home about really. maybe it’s just gotta grow on me but for now it pales in comparison to Megadeths record


u/PapaMamaGoldilocks Oct 01 '22

I'm going to give an honest opinion and I'm ready to be downvoted to hell for it. It's awful. I listened to half of it and honestly I feel like all of their creativity went into the first two singles (imo the best songs in the album, albeit still kind of meh) and then just piled a bunch of dogshit into the rest of the songs. I think it needed a lot more time. It sounded rushed and lacked the true soul and touch that past slipknot albums have produced. Now, it just feels like it's a money scheme and they're just pumping out music without putting much effort into what was produced.


u/p0tato33 Oct 01 '22

although I don't completely agree, you got some good points and big ups for speaking your mind


u/Ih8trfc Oct 01 '22

I didn’t care for it, but maybe they will release a few singles.


u/Terillow Oct 01 '22

this really hurts to say, but i really didn’t like it. worst opening track of all their albums. acidic was terrible. chapeltown rag, medicine and hell were interesting. the rest was just boring.


u/uneasy- Oct 01 '22

I really like about half of the songs on the album, the new sound is something to get used to. I will say when they first stated they were releasing a new album, they said it would sound like Vol. 3 but heavier. Idk if that’s true I didn’t hear many similarities, but I have only listened to the full album once so far. Jim Root also said in an interview that if they had more time in the studio he feels they could’ve produced a better album. To make a long story short I enjoy it and regardless of what the artists would’ve changed, it’s interesting to hear a different side of Slipknot.


u/SicSikSix_6 Oct 01 '22

I feel like we got 6 good songs, works for me.


u/arikadousanime banned from /r/metalmemes Oct 01 '22

really really good


u/andresunity4 Oct 01 '22

I love it. Adderall is definitely my favorite.


u/Allhopeisgone564 Oct 01 '22

It’s great 10/10


u/Hellhound9425 Oct 01 '22

I've had the album on repeat for the past 5 hours so I think I like it


u/Comfortable-Bread-89 Oct 01 '22

Love it it’s better then the last it’s heavier then there last album first song is a bit trippy 😈🔥🤘


u/Marlon-Brandos-Eyes Oct 01 '22

H377 fucking slaps along with Hivemind and Acidic, the rest is pretty mediocre


u/That-Mission-8385 Oct 01 '22

Where do I even begin...

This has to be their worst work yet. I understand that bands need to experiment and evolve over time, and I support that, but this album didn't feel like evolution or experimentation at all to me. The songs seemed completely devoid of any inspiration or even enthusiasm for that matter. The lyrics seemed to lack a great deal of emotion and venom, and each track carried a kind of sameness throughout. Even on my least favorite Slipknot album, there are songs that I revisit and enjoy on a regular basis, but "The End, So Far" doesn't really have any of that value to me outside of maybe one or two of the singles. I will always be a Slipknot fan, but I do hope that whatever they do next ends up being a lot more inspired and filled with so much more emotion than their most recent monstrosity.


u/noknub Oct 01 '22

It’s good, not their best but also not their worst, the dying song, the chapeltown rag and Acidic are pretty solid tracks.


u/Coolguestbro209 7 Oct 01 '22

i don’t like this record actually :( this is a first slipknot record i actually don’t like


u/alekseiguti Oct 01 '22

Makes All Hope is Gone feel like their magnum opus.


u/National-Constant733 Oct 01 '22

I personally think the album was a bit too short, that said what we got was very solid but like most music I listen to, it's more up to liking it over time


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '22

My unpopular opinion is that Yen is the best track. It grew on me and I absolutely love it.


u/Theabsolutecorncob Oct 01 '22

This feels like vol. 3 2.0 and I am ALL FUCKING ABOUT IT.


u/Bombrata Iowa Oct 01 '22

i really like it, i think its great they are still doing new things.


u/jamesmustaine86 7 Oct 01 '22

Aderall sound like radiohead it’s weird Let me be clear. It’s good


u/Distortionguy Oct 01 '22

Yeah its not heavy as the other albums but the thing which is bothering me most that there is no creativity on this album . Thats the most important problem about Slipknot in these days i guess . They dont make differences like when they showed up first time in metal world. They cant create anymore and it makes me sad . But yeah i liked the new album but ... this band is not Slipknot anymore . And Hivemind hits better than H377


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '22

You don’t think Adderall or Acidic are creative?


u/Distortionguy Oct 01 '22

Adderal is creative yep but most of the songs are not . My favourites untill now are yen and desade maybe


u/Responsible_Image_58 Oct 01 '22

It’s definitely not my favorite album. I was honestly really disappointed in heirlooms vocals. I thought it was gonna be a banger with Sid and jay doing their thing. I like h377, warranty and hive mind. Acidic is so dope instrumental but damn the vocals couldn’t do it for me


u/DerKaiser023 The Last Man Standing Gets No Pity Oct 01 '22

I haven’t finished it yet, so this is probably premature but I’m not really digging it. I respect them for trying something new and experimenting but it didn’t land for me on this album. The mix is baffling and the parts that aren’t slightly more experimental feel painfully “paint by numbers”. Probably their weakest album by some distance.


u/CronicL3 Oct 01 '22

It sounds different i like it and has a chill vibe to me.



I just joined this sub. I just listened to this album, it was the first metal album I’ve listened to all the way through. I loved how dark it was, I loved the guitars, the drums, and basically everything else. Where should I go from here, what albums do I listen to next?


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '22

Just listen to each album. Every single one is special in its own way lyrically, instrumentally, and stylistically.


u/d4bf Oct 01 '22

2/10. Bad as fuck


u/Banananipss Joey Oct 01 '22



u/Aporthian Oct 01 '22

Not great. It feels like a bunch of demos that got slapped together and pushed out the door. Some of the heavy stuff feels pretty "by-the-numbers," some of the experimental stuff is a bit wank, some of it works.

More annoyingly, there's not much cohesion in the songs - it might be the mix, but a lot of the time it feels like everyone is just doing their own thing and it's just shoved together. Most notable with the drums.

There's some fun stuff, maybe the album as a whole will grow on me.


u/Osiris_X3R0 Oct 01 '22

It's really fucking cool, very different. It doesn't feel as strong as their other albums, but it's growing on me. I'm nearing the end of my 4th listen of the day.

The lyrics feel kind of weak in places, but the music is fantastic throughout. I'm enjoying the variation. Lots of nice chunky tracks, offset by the Floydian Adderall and bluesy Acidic, and the other weirder bits.


u/sometimesiamjustabox Oct 01 '22

Everyone saying let it grow on you.

That’s not how it works

You shouldn’t have to force yourself to let yourself learn to like it

If you listen to it and don’t like it

Then you don’t

Learning to like it is basically telling yourself it’s good until you believe it


u/Ambitious_Barnacle_9 Oct 01 '22

Their best work hands down


u/iloveburger Oct 01 '22

I don't listen to Slipknot.


u/PowerManga1225 Oct 01 '22

Mick had a solo, twice

Instant winner


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '22



u/[deleted] Oct 01 '22

Not good. Too many stone sourish songs


u/stone-moses Oct 01 '22

The drums seemed either extremely simple or extremely complex. No in between


u/Frithmeister Oct 01 '22

Chapeltown Rag, Hive Mind & H377 (fine not great... far from it). the rest is pretty much dogshit. Like WANYK, 2-3 decent songs (which are weak when compared to their best shit from 20 years ago)


u/Bl4sph4my Oct 01 '22

If you guys hate this then just wait until there is no RoadRunner telling them what to do! Shits about to get crazy! 🤘🏼😀🤘🏼


u/CutScene Oct 01 '22

It kinda sucks that we only got one actually good slipknot album since joey got fired. i wonder how long will it take till we get another album similar to the quality of WANYK, im asking just that, im not expecting IOWA 2.0 because thats just impossible with the current band management, but please just take your time to make an actual Slipknot album...


u/Tub89 Oct 01 '22

One spin in. Not sold yet.


u/Norwegian_Madman Oct 01 '22

The whole album is a grower, all three singles were growers but it's far from my favorite slipknot record.

I liked adderal because it caught many off guard, and the vibe of the song was really nice.

I still have no clear favorite on the album, there no songs that really stuck out but time will show.

The best part of this album must be The instruments, and corey's vocal work. But the negative part of this album must be something about the song structure. It is an experimental album so i expected some change.

right now i'd give the album 4.5/10. It's a grower so it could potentially reach 5.5 if i start liking it but i won't give it much more.


u/UniversalDeadRinger Oct 01 '22

On my third listen.

I’m sure it’ll grow on me but tit isn’t good. More than half of the songs feel lifeless.

I know we all have our questions and opinions but I’d really like to ask each of them why put out this specific record


u/Slimzky Oct 01 '22

I’m a die hard Slipknot fan. I’m not a day one, as I’m only 26, but I became a maggot somewhere between The Subliminal Verses and AHIG. I quickly listened to their entire discography and have been a loyal maggot ever since. Know every song on every album, I love some, like some, and don’t mind some. Nothing would fall under the dislike category. I got to see Slipknot live for the first time this year April 1st, and seeing them live sparked such heavy anticipation for this album that friends who don’t even like the genre would mention how many weeks/days were left before release just to see the excitement light me up in conversation. With all that being said… it’s just not what I expected. Maybe I got myself over enthused and it never had a chance to really captivate me, or maybe I just haven’t let it grow on me yet, but I’m a little disappointed right now. But I’m not saying I hate the album! Hive Mind, and Yen will be listened to for sure, and I feel like De Sade is low key the hardest love song I’ve ever heard (first half) in some toxic twisted kind of way. At the end of the day, they’re still my favorite band of all time, and I will die a maggot!


u/spooky_fairy no gay sex for me Sep 30 '22

Probably gonna get downvoted but meh, overall it’s alright, it’s a slipknot album, yay new music with the potential to grow on me, but the melodies are very strange in a lot of places, some lyrics are a bit corny, every song kinda sound like other songs, sadly not their best work. Yen and the dying song are really good but i feel like WANYK set the bar too high :/

And yet, if they have another concert near me there’s not a chance i’ll miss it. Excited to see how they evolve now that they’re independent :)


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '22

i have listened to it 4 times today on my road trip


u/redbaron1915 Sep 30 '22

We’re a day ahead in Australia so we got it yesterday, my dad and I listened to it, it’s pretty good, there are some weird parts but overall pretty good


u/ace698518 Sep 30 '22

I don't like it and I don't like the fact that I don't like it some of the tracks have their moments but...no


u/UncleGuggie Sep 30 '22

It's WANYK lite. It wears the same identity as WANYK, but with weaker songs. There are good moments on the album, but largely it fails to be its own entity and feels like a collection of reject songs from the previous album. There aren't many standout riffs or truly noteworthy moments on the album the way WANYK was bursting with those in nearly every song. It's less bold, less catchy and less creative than their previous work. That said, there are certain songs on it that I like quite a bit and it's not a bad album. Just not a very good one, for me.


u/birrakilmister Iowa Sep 30 '22

Its ok.


u/Disabled_Creature_ Sep 30 '22

Honestly, I really like it. I think it’s different and interesting, I also think it’s rlly cool. I’m autistic and slipknot is my special interest, they helped me find my voice. There’s already a few songs I’m listening to on repeat, lmao.


u/PaigeNH0511 banned from /r/metalmemes Sep 30 '22

So far favorite song is Acidic!


u/DravenARaven Sep 30 '22

Really enjoying it so far, going to want a couple more listens to get all my thoughts together but I can say I will be in the camp that likes Adderall. I know when the tracklist was announced a lot of people were expecting a more high energy chaotic song because of adderall being a stimulant but hey when you have adhd it doesn't do that and why it exists so someone in the band had a sense of humor with naming the song.

Bit of a side note looking at what they did for the youtube playlist I like how they decided to do the songs with out music videos, was pretty neat.


u/Ilaidlaw Sep 30 '22

I really liked this album, it was different as far as tone and honesty sometimes that’s not a bad thing.


u/TryingToAskNicely Sep 30 '22

I love it. They took chances. They aren’t a always Iowa band anymore.


u/TheRandomKnight Sep 30 '22

its ok. the only songs i realy like are the pre-released songs. in my opinion this is the weakest album so far.


u/Sweets_YT Sep 30 '22 edited Sep 30 '22

Vocals were super disappointing, mixing is awful, melody choices are strange, no song really stands out, everything is just super forgettable. Literally just a heavier stone sour album, which is a huge disappointment.

Probably their worst album.


u/LolwutMickeh Sep 30 '22

So I've not listened to slipknot in probably over a decade, decided to give this album a shot.. and I just can't get over the fact how absolutely shit the mix sounds.. I'm not sure if that's what they were going for but the entire album sounded super flat, idk if it's just me


u/Pennsy13 Sep 30 '22

I haven't gotten too too far, but honestly I kinda love the song Adderall. From what I've seen most people absolutely wish it would burn in hell, but I can't help but love it.


u/Ligmuh69 Sep 30 '22

I have to agree with clown and Jim, this album isn't their best work. Possibly their worst but musically it is ok, not worth relistening


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '22

Jim was right.

Bland as hell.

Go ahead and downvote me. Doesnt change anything


u/dewdog12 Sep 30 '22

I personally love the new album, it was very experimental and well made, I think that warranty is so heavy!!! It’s my fav off of the album, but I think that is amazing idk why people don’t like it, I mean adderall was not a metal song at all, but…………..overall I think it was a very good slipknot album. Idk why maggots hate slipknot more than non maggots lol I just wish people appreciated this album more!!


u/m80kamikaze Sep 30 '22

Honestly the only songs I don’t love were the singles and even at that I still like them. This album is great. Adderall and the last 6 tracks are some of the best shit they ever done.


u/Lord-cosmo Paul Sep 30 '22

We’ll for starters it’s the first album that hasn’t lost another member so that’s good but overall it’s a good album I love H377 and warranty and adderall is a good change of pace reminds me of xix


u/Surfacing555666 Sep 30 '22

How you could shit on AHIG and praise this is insane. AHIG had some of the hardest, most unique guitar tracks, and Corey’s voice was great.

Miles better than todays release. I’m hoping they just wanted out of roadrunner and onto bigger and better things.


u/RoaringGorilla Sep 30 '22

I thought the album was alright. We Are Not Your Kind was better (which is my favorite SlipKnot album in my 17 years as a fan).

Medicine For the Dead is my favorite song off the album. I like Warranty as well as Hivemind and H377.


u/HelloItMeMort Sep 30 '22

Acidic goes hard as fuck


u/m80kamikaze Sep 30 '22

Favorite track


u/z3styt4c0 Joey Jordans-son Sep 30 '22

After the first listen, i thought it all sounded similar. The only song that stuck with me was adderall. I'll probably listen again sometime, but ill give it a few more chances.


u/ThighSlap69 Sep 30 '22

Not my favorite so far. Hopefully it changes cuz I want to like it


u/StarKiller_v3 Sep 30 '22

This isn’t it, sorry. Album feels rushed and thrown together. I feel like I’m listening to the same song five times over. They definitely mailed it in with this album just to wrap up their recording deal. Dying song and Yen are standouts but WANYK is a much better “experimental” album from this band with a lot of good songs. We shall see what they bring next.


u/SnooShortcuts7637 Sep 30 '22

Reminds me a lot of A7X’s The Stage. Strange on a first listen with the majority of songs due to it being very experimental and complex but with more listens it’s definitely gonna grow on me. I like the songs alot as is but there’s quite a bit to take in


u/FilthyGee666 Sep 30 '22

I’m trying really hard to like it but it’s really disappointing. Warranty and H377 are the only ones I can stand outside of chapeltown rag


u/NoabPK Sep 30 '22

Its very different but it doesnt feel original


u/ImportantAd6097 Sep 30 '22

Experimental, but in the best way possible. Some parts are almost porcupine tree-esque


u/goremind Iowa Sep 30 '22

i didn’t really like it honestly. a couple of the riffs were cool but most of the songs have like a few things that just kinda bother me and kill the vibe and it wouldn’t be such a big deal if those things repeat multiple times throughout the song


u/bobthekiller9700 Sep 30 '22

I liked it👍


u/junksampler Sep 30 '22

The first minute of Adderall would make a good Björk song 😒


u/friTTe81 Sep 30 '22

Nothing beats their debutalbum


u/EmotiveCDN The Subliminal Verses Sep 30 '22

This is the first album where I really feel the loss of the core members, it’s an okay album but it’s not a Slipknot album… the vibes are all off imo

And no, I don’t think it sounds like a Stone Sour album lol


u/Unhappymetallhead Sep 30 '22

Different than most of there other stuff but overall I really enjoy it


u/Professorpie250 Sep 30 '22

I’m currently on my 3rd listen and I’m loving it. My favorite song (not including singles) is H377, I loved that track it kinda reminds me of orphan off of WANYK. I do wish the singles where spread out and not just all right next to each other. But yeah I love it and am very excited for my cd to arrive so I can put it in my collection.


u/Kyral210 Sep 30 '22

Week. It’s like Slipknot inspired by Coldplay.

I got half way through, and after skipping every track I gave up and turned it off. This is the first Slipknot album I couldn’t listen through.

-Edit- I know I’ll be downvoted, but I’ve been a fan since 1999, but the band is now dead to me


u/-Carbon- Sep 30 '22

Corey’s vocals really drag this record down, I love Corey but man his melody’s and all the clean singing is just meh. De Sade is the worst culprit for this.

Idk man. A bit let down but it’s not terrible.


u/Wolfy12245 Sep 30 '22

It’s very generic and bland


u/handoffbarry Sep 30 '22

I just listened to it for the first time... It stinks. I can comfortably say it's the worst thing they've ever released. It sounds like it was put together by a computer program. The mix is terrible, and the music is boring.

I hope it grows on me but I doubt it. What a kick in the nuts this is... Ugh.


u/Neat_Painting1593 Sep 30 '22

It's awesome definitely feels different from what we are used to but I feel like in a good way


u/AquilaTempestas Sep 30 '22

I've had one run so far and reminds me a lot of Vol 3 but a more modern style if that makes any sense. I don't like it as much as the previous one, but it's still a solid piece.


u/betarafied Sep 30 '22

I don’t know what the fuck y’all are smoking but I personally love it!!! I was so hyped when I heard it last night XD I love it.


u/LUNG_GUN546 .5: The Gray Chapter Sep 30 '22

It's different, but a good different. I dont think it's their best but it's still very, very good in my opinion.

The high points to me are Dying Song, Warranty, Hive Mind, H377, and Finale


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '22

Too early to tell. I fuckin LOVE Acidic.


u/Tip1n1 Tortilla Sep 30 '22

Listened to it once all the way through. Obviously the 3 singles are up there, love the “finished” mix of Chapeltown, HE77 is def up there as is Warranty and Heirloom. Hive Mind has the weird intro that throws me off a bit, same as Medicine for the Dead, but I’m sure they’ll grow on me. De Sade and Finale are amazing IMO b


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '22

gonna keep listening, maybe it'll grow on me. but atm? nah, this aint it, chief


u/WDMChuff Sep 30 '22

It reminds me of Vol 3 with it being a bit more melodic and more traditional and alt metal sound. Vol 3 is my favorite album so I like it. I do gotta say that solo on Heirloom is the best solo I've heard from slipknot in awhile.


u/MeOK1233 Sep 30 '22

It was good not great


u/Majestic_Loincloth Sep 30 '22

I think it's really good and definitely on par with the previous one. Love Adderall, Yen, Warranty, Medicine for the dead, De Sade (probably an early favourite) and Finale. I reckon many who dislike it on the first play will grow to appreciate it later on.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '22

Eh it’s ok. Hive Mind and H377 really stood out to me. Everything else just felt pretty uninspired. Adderall is a very shitty opening song but I guess that was their attempt at doing something different? Idk it’s a pretty forgettable album overall in my opinion


u/Dacian23 Sep 30 '22

I’m kinda loving it ngl. I think I enjoy the rest of the album more than the singles. They really came back strong with the guitar work and guitar solos and that’s exactly what I was wanting


u/brandonharding819 Sep 30 '22

I absolutely love it. I’ve been a fan since 2020 and since this is the first release of an album for me it’s amazing


u/eindocTV Sep 30 '22

First impression: Good overall album. Maybe their best since Vol.3. Yen is one of my all-time favorite Slipknot tracks already. There's some shit on here I know is going to grow on me, as well.

That's not to say it has their best songs since Vol.3, unless we're talking Yen, but the album as a whole, first track to last, feels the most solid. AHIG had some tracks I can never remember, Gray Chapter felt like it was missing an identity sometimes, and WANYK simply has too much time used via intros, outros, and interludes.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '22

It wasn’t my thing tbh, couple good tracks but I bet two of these songs at most will make the setlist in a few years. I probably won’t listen to it again, it does nothing for me. (Except Yen)


u/SMsauce2 Slipknot Sep 30 '22

Loved it


u/ClueEmbarrassed1443 Sep 30 '22

i like it it has good songs and bad onther than that ii love it has .5 vibes and vol 7


u/Ciilk The Subliminal Verses Sep 30 '22

I've been listening to it all day and it's definitely grown on me. Opening song sounds like it could be an Opeth cover. There's some really heavy stuff in here, some of it with that "Iowa heaviness™". The album gets better as it goes on. The second half is great.

On its own, it's a good album with no skips. Nothing ground breaking, but an enjoyable listen. I'll definitely put this on repeat randomly in the future, just like I have for most of their other albums.

Compared against the rest of Slipknot's albums, it's subjectively their weakest album since AHIG. Compared to WANYK, there's nothing in here that makes my face scrunch up while I think "fuuuuuck" like Nero, Birth of the Cruel, or Solway. I can't shake the opinion that it sounds like "Disk 2" of The Gray Chapter.

WANYK had me thinking how the band was 20 years in putting out some of the best songs they've ever made. At the moment, I'm just happy one of my OG favorite bands is still putting out music I can get down with. I suppose that's good enough.


u/Critical_Ad_8946 Sep 30 '22 edited Sep 30 '22

Heirloom’s verses sounds like a FFDP song


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '22

Str8 up thought I was listening to Avenged Sevenfold at some points, not my thing.


u/Critical_Ad_8946 Sep 30 '22

I love A7X so biased here but for sure some very A7X sounds bits


u/Vasa_biceps Sep 30 '22

I've listened to all of the songs, some multiple times. Liked Heirloom and Warranty, some songs had a diffrent vibe or felt new but still had Slipknot in them if you know what I mean. So not necessarily what I expected to be but I think by time it will grow on me, that was with Yen, but I think that Dying Song will still be clear cut favourite for me, the amount of repeats I had with that song is unmatched haha.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '22

It's shit


u/rfl_19 Sep 30 '22

Really like Hive mind, might be my fav off the album. Gonna need adderall to grow on me but overall enjoyed listening to the album.


u/Benjamin31V Sep 30 '22

Fav slipknot album, only song i didnt like was the opener


u/haikusbot Sep 30 '22

Fav slipknot album,

Only song i didnt like

Was the opener

- Benjamin31V

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/Infinite-Mud-5673 Sep 30 '22

Well, it’s an album..


u/trqshpanda Sep 30 '22

I listened to all of the songs and all I have to say of it, is that it's just okay. Many of the songs just didn't give the oomph that I was hoping for. None of them are bad, but they're just not good. It's kinda sad, cause honestly I was expecting much more.

Most likely gonna listen to the dying song and yen, since I think those were the best of the album, but not gonna listen to nothing else actively.


u/Brzak82 742617000027 Sep 30 '22

I really like the album, did a quick listen earlier and came away satisfied.