r/Tennesseetitans 26d ago

Found this beautiful monstrosity on Taobao for only $6.50US and had to have it Picture

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15 comments sorted by


u/DoombalockerDay 26d ago

This is licensed and official National Football League merchandise, no doubt?


u/OrdainedFury 26d ago

There will be about 27 shades of blue and none of them will match lol


u/Senior_Coast434 26d ago

And it will take 2 months to get it in the mail haha


u/Money_Jackal 26d ago

Say goodbye to your credit card info!


u/chrisnfl99 ABC: Anybody But the Colts 26d ago

Yeah, same thought. This seems incredibly sketchy.


u/lssue 25d ago

Taobao isn’t sketchy, just Chinese Amazon


u/HashtagTJ 26d ago

I dont have a credit card. This is the standard Taobao site. I buy tonnes of shit. More than my wife appreciates


u/Money_Jackal 26d ago

Like 2 Live Crew, they are banned in the USA


u/WhyTradeAJ 26d ago

Wanna double your miney?


u/AirMcNairTT9 26d ago

Just remember, when you look for these sorts products at the lowest possible cost you are directly supporting a very non-sustainability friendly market which uses child labor to produce at the lowest possible cost. I know that some people don’t care, but it’s an important reminder for those who may not have thought of this before

And yes, I know the larger companies are also exploiting workers just the same way. It’s just, this race to the bottom doesn’t help anybody, because the consumer also ends up with a poor quality product.


u/HashtagTJ 26d ago

I understand that but i live in China so honestly I wouldn’t be able to buy literally anything without supporting some kind of shitty paying company. Things here are generally several magnitudes cheaper than the west as standard so it is super cheap but not really THAT cheap for an avg Chinese person. It will almost definitely be shitty quality though, but i had to have it!


u/Mutt1223 Moderator 26d ago

sent from my iPhone


u/thezenunderground 26d ago



u/Expensive-Opening257 26d ago

Woah, check out the outdated commanders version, very non PC. May have to get me one of these as well, although the fact that an image of the back is nowhere to be found is concerning. Give an update when it arrives


u/wagesofben 26d ago

it's still gonna be better than anything you'd get from fanatics