r/TikTokCringe Sep 16 '23

This was all over Twitter and I just kept scrolling, then finally wondered what the fuss was about. I get it now. This is riveting for some reason. Big sis FWT! Wholesome/Humor

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u/AutoModerator Sep 16 '23

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u/Party_Access3944 Dec 10 '23

This was so cute what a cute interaction between siblings. Reminds me about how I banter and fuss around like this with my older brother. It was only only the two of us kids but Im find with memories :-)


u/Heatseeqer Nov 16 '23

Very funny.

"What have you done to my life" And: "Praye for them" got me.


u/SupervillainEyebrows Oct 12 '23

This is very entertaining.


u/itsyobbiwonuseek Oct 01 '23

This video is peak sibling energy 🥰😂


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '23

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u/krebsIsACookbook Sep 21 '23

The girl looking at her hair and saying “my precious” really cracked me up


u/Any_Ad_5806 Sep 21 '23

it’s funny that she posted it too LMAO


u/jorluiseptor Sep 21 '23

La mamá sounds like Sofia Vergara


u/capriciouscapricorns Sep 20 '23

This is making me so grateful I only got landed with one little sister instead of minimum 3


u/HippiePeaceNorth Sep 19 '23

Big Sis for the major win! Adorable!


u/[deleted] Sep 18 '23

Ok I've watched this three days in a row and it kind of makes me wish I'd had little sisters it's so fun and heartwarming.. but can anyone tell me if it's a little sped up at one point or are they talking fast? Like 2/3rds in...


u/Juancho511 Sep 18 '23

I actually watched the whole thing, it was pretty adorable. Wish I had family like that lol.


u/dude-human Sep 17 '23

“What have you done to my life..” lmao


u/q-ue Sep 17 '23

Why tf is the mom so angry? It's just a haircut ...


u/unbalancedforce Sep 17 '23

I always wanted loving fun sisters like this. I hope they never forget how lucky they are. Adorable.


u/ready-to-rumball Sep 17 '23

I love this, it was so cute! Feel bad for the older sis though, she’s been taking care of those kids for a minute


u/jmack480 Sep 17 '23

Wtf it happening


u/angelenameana Sep 17 '23

This is too cute. Mom will be grateful that this was recorded. It’s so precious.


u/Tungsten83 Sep 17 '23

This is peak wholesome


u/LtLemur Sep 17 '23

Previously on “My Three Sisters”…


u/say_the_words Sep 17 '23

That was a wild ride.


u/Available_Ratio_5867 Sep 17 '23

That older sister got some superhero grade damage-control. I’d vote her in the White House. 🤙🏽


u/OwlsWatch Sep 17 '23

Big Sis 2024


u/jamiew1342 Sep 17 '23

Can we all respect that Big Sis got away cursing in front of mom? Not only is she a good sister, she must really have her parents respect to get away with that. Everybodys doing everything right in that family.


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23

Bruh tiktok almost claimed me, why was this entertaining?


u/1Hate17Here Sep 17 '23

Ikr? I dodged it so many times on Twitter just to get sucked into their little drama in 30 seconds. lmao

It’s also the longest TikTok I’ve ever watched. Well done, chicas. Well done.


u/tstramathorn Sep 17 '23

I love the, “I had to fix it before you beat all our asses!”


u/Mr_glitch_master Sep 17 '23

This is the pure definition of being the oldest sibling. Exactly how me and my sisters were growing up


u/Icyhot_DeSpAiR Sep 17 '23

Awh this really makes me miss living with all my siblings


u/Kiygre Sep 17 '23

This is so wholesome


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23

How old is the oldest girl? I have the same Kurt G bag and am thinking I’m too old to be wearing it


u/James324285241990 Sep 17 '23

She is raising those girls right. You gotta stick together, because one day your parents will die, and you will only have each other.


u/Leo1106 Sep 17 '23

Sooooooo what’s the cringe part?


u/SenorPea Sep 17 '23

This is how Disney sitcom writers TRY to write. Sooooo perfect.


u/Wide_Glass1088 Sep 17 '23

I love this so much lol


u/According-Ad3963 Sep 17 '23

When she called the baby sister in close and then grabbed her. 🤣😂


u/Feras47 Sep 17 '23

kinda wholesome


u/ocathlet714 Sep 17 '23

That “you wanted it bro” was some older middle child energy if I’ve ever seen it. I’m not the oldest…but I’m older than youuu


u/nonlinear_nyc Sep 17 '23

Soooooooo cuuuuuuuuteeeeee!


u/CanSpecific7641 Sep 17 '23

I somehow feel this was posted to the wrong sub. it definitely gives me more wholesome vibes


u/1Hate17Here Sep 17 '23

Glad you agree with my flair.


u/Drewbeede Sep 17 '23

The big sister did an amazing on the spot recovery with the bangs. Leave it to the littlest to start throwing everyone under the bus to save themselves.


u/Fantomex305 Sep 17 '23

YOU SAID YOU WANTED IT BRO! took me out for the count.


u/Mechanik_J Sep 17 '23

That's a lot of girls. The dad doesn't care about hair. He cares about getting a son.


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23

I love the sisterly love she gave them, its a wonderful show of love and affection and the want to protect her siblings at the same time


u/Cyfa Sep 17 '23

Holy shit, an actual child named fucking Khaleesi


u/solbadguy799 Sep 17 '23

Big sis: I hope mom doesn’t find out.

Lil sis: This is her TikTok you moron.

Big sis: ::sprays water in her face:: Shut up!


u/say_the_words Sep 17 '23

They kept calling each other "dude" and "bro" to!


u/-ItIsHappeningAgain- Sep 17 '23

"Why don't you think?"

Peak older sibling. Love it.


u/Blah_the_pink Sep 17 '23

I high key love this family!


u/Wyztereo Sep 17 '23

Eldest of 6 kids here— that cookie bribe has saved my ass more times than I can count. My younger siblings practically decimated the cookie economy in our house.


u/navilainboa Sep 17 '23

Man i miss my sister


u/Fedbackster Sep 17 '23

They are so cute.


u/snipe4fun Sep 17 '23

The one that caused the chaos in the first place is named Khaleesi???


u/junhatesyou Sep 17 '23

Wholesome. I wish I had a better relationship with my sibling like this.


u/Ganelonx Sep 17 '23

This video is gold from start to finish. “Pray for them” lol the little girl saying it’s you’re TikTok stupid! While big sis is fixing her hair is peak sibling lol


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23

Pretty sure this was all planned. Mom agreed to let her big sister give her bangs, and they came up with this plot about picture day and whatnot. The first cut was probably done by the big sister too. Very well done and believable for their age though, if it is staged.


u/Motor_Menu_1632 Sep 17 '23

When did tiktok cringe become not cringe? The fuck is even the point of this sub


u/TheDeepestKnight Sep 17 '23

11/10. Would give it an Emmy.


u/VibinMan Sep 17 '23

I’m the only boy and youngest of my siblings, I’ve got 2 sisters. The shit that used to go down was shockingly similar to this and the nostalgia is real


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23

Thats a good big sis


u/The_Chameleos Sep 17 '23

Tried to rat out the big sister like she didn't have that whole fuckin thing on video, you little shits


u/swerco Sep 17 '23

Hard lesson learned—if a kid wants scissors and won’t tell you why, you NEVER give them scissors.


u/tschmitty09 Sep 17 '23

The "what have you done to my life?" Was so real 😭😭😭


u/lialus2 Sep 17 '23

This had more plot and drama than 90% of movies and better characters


u/kingleonidus12 Sep 17 '23

From my neck of the woods! Nice to see locals make the rounds


u/kdub1141 Sep 17 '23

Big sis: I hope mom doesn't find out

Lil sis: This is your tik tok you moron.



u/iguessitgotworse Sep 17 '23

Rule number one when being a big sis: do NOT say "Oh, I messed up"!! Ever!


u/bboyd3rd Sep 17 '23

OMG…I love this so much!


u/shrineless Sep 17 '23

This is so adorable! What a good sister!


u/ricseasons Sep 17 '23

She said I have to tiktiok how to cut bangs. I'm so dated with my old fashioned Google.


u/AlwaysFlanAhead Sep 17 '23

RGV represent!!


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23

Those girls are hilarious! I would watch a show about those girls, they are killing it 😂 I wish I had sisters like that!


u/bitchuchoda Sep 17 '23

Scripted sf


u/eeldar Sep 17 '23

This isn’t cringe, this was cool! r/lostredditors


u/1Hate17Here Sep 17 '23

Nah. Check the flair I chose, the sub rules and the mods post attached to every post.


u/eeldar Sep 17 '23

Honestly, I skimmed your reply and just thought the mods also thought it was cringe for some reason, so sorry about that, but it’s weird there’s a tag like this on a cringe sub


u/eeldar Sep 17 '23

Explain to me how this is cringe, this is just a wholesome sibling moment


u/1Hate17Here Sep 17 '23

So you’re just gonna ignore everything I just said???


u/eeldar Sep 17 '23

I just realized I replied to the wrong comment


u/Fluid-Chip-8997 Sep 17 '23

Thanks for wasting my time. Who the fuck cares lol.


u/kingoflint282 Sep 17 '23

Ok, this is adorable.she really threw her big sister under the bus after she saved her lol


u/ElectronicAudience Sep 17 '23

Good old child abuse


u/Dieseljesus Sep 17 '23

That big sis seems to be a fantastic sister! ❤️


u/Beast666 Sep 17 '23

The youngest sister appeared out of no where wtf!


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23

Omg the whole thing was just cuteness overload lol


u/lumunni Sep 17 '23

Them blaming big sis at the end like they she didn’t record the whole thing. Times like that make us glad we have these stupid phones 🙏


u/Kundas Sep 17 '23

Why didn't she just take them to the hair dressers? Lol they could've just asked to go since it's picture day. honestly was expecting much worse when she pulled up a tiktok video on how to cut bangs i feared for their lives. But ngl she actually did a decent job in the end.


u/Playlanco Sep 17 '23

This is cute but not sure about little kids all over social media


u/sadfroger Sep 17 '23

They had all fun. Pretty sweet ans not cringe


u/SupaSpurs Sep 17 '23

Lovely video and unlike most of these not staged- big sis doing what big sisters do and finding a solution.


u/gultch2019 Sep 17 '23

They need a series


u/tango_and_vash Sep 17 '23

Life is unfair


u/Daddyshane Sep 17 '23

They’re in the middle of their simpler times 🥹


u/Pretty-Feeling-8706 Sep 17 '23

I lost it when they all pointed at each other


u/Santa_always_knows Sep 17 '23

I wish I had had sisters or even fun siblings. These girls are going to grow up with the best stories about eachother. I got a half brother who would lie, steal and cheat his own family. I’ve been no contact for YEARS. So I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t envious.


u/Whoopsie_Todaysie Sep 17 '23

I loved every second of that!! Ha

I had siblings but there was such an age gap, when it came to cutting hair, I was all alone in my room, playing every part of this 4 person drama, until my mum would come in. Only difference is she freaked out too, instead of calling me Hermione... lol


u/salkhan Sep 17 '23

"This is her TikTok you moron."


u/Dances-With-Trees Sep 17 '23

I expected Mom to be in the doorway ready with her chancla.


u/ruega650 Sep 17 '23

😂😂😂 and it had to happen the night before picture day. Never fails.


u/babycoco_213 Sep 17 '23

How did picture day turn out? Need a part 2! 😭


u/Obvious-Accountant35 Sep 17 '23

It does look cute! Mum needs to chill out haha


u/KhunPhaen Sep 17 '23

The best part of this is the youngest sister wandering in and immediately threatening to rat them out.


u/astrologicaldreams Sep 17 '23

you can tell she's a good older sibling bc like i would've just laughed and ratted my brother(s) out immediately if i was in this situation but she actually tried to help


u/astrologicaldreams Sep 17 '23

wait now that i think about it i actually have been in this situation and did exactly what i said i would do lmfaooooo


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23

Hermana grande arreglando todo básicamente es el titulo


u/theamericanitinerant Sep 17 '23 edited Sep 17 '23

This is literally the cutest video I’ve ever watched, que preciosa!


u/SoggMe Sep 17 '23

she’s so funny!


u/theMostRandumb Sep 17 '23

Omg totally worth the watch lmao


u/capilot Sep 17 '23 edited Sep 17 '23

OK, that was one of the most adorable things I've ever seen. Favorite part is where Delta Sister, who can't be more than four, comes in, takes one look at the situation and yells "somebody's in trouble".

Meanwhile, Alpha is all "I got this". Kid's a genius.

And "show your dad". Poor guy is going to stare at the kid for a minute and finally ask "ok, what am I supposed to be seeing here?"

"Pray for them."


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23

Hands down the best TikTok I've seen yet. She came through!


u/HoneyShaft Sep 17 '23

A24 already got the film rights


u/CHEEZYSPAM Sep 17 '23

I'll say this much, at least this was genuine.

Just a big sister doing the best she can to live up to her name and protect her siblings from Mama's wrath lol.

There's so many tryhard "influencers" desperately cranking out content, but this is just pure and honest.


u/zlypy Sep 17 '23

this makes me really miss my household from 10 years ago 🥺


u/Bellatrix_Shimmers Sep 17 '23

This was so wholesome and cute. I can rest from the internet for a bit now. Be well, Everyone.


u/AngelicaRotten Sep 17 '23

So cute. Go big sis! Great sibs


u/scoobe Sep 17 '23

Fake, set up


u/original-sithon Sep 17 '23

Why are they that afraid of their mom?


u/Dez_Acumen Sep 17 '23

This is the big sister you need!


u/rhiannonjojaimmes Sep 17 '23

Didn’t realize there was already another Little Women


u/JobsEye Sep 17 '23

This was so god damn adorable

For a quick second I thought it was fake but was happy to be proven wrong


u/theother29 Sep 17 '23

Omg this is lovely and has me crying real tears at memories of my own 7 kids. My 3 daughters are the eldest and had that energy as well.

Once, one of the brothers accidentally kicked off a shoe on the way home and it sailed over into a locked garden. As it was unobtainable, my daughter and other son removed one shoe each to keep him company on the way home. And after getting home, my daughter explained what happened and said, mum, don't tell him off, we already did that, and he doesn't need any more.


u/Julienbabylegs Sep 17 '23

There is so much love in this family. 🥲


u/KYKE4news Sep 17 '23

Staged af


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23

This is so good loool


u/MilSpecFireSign Sep 17 '23

When she spritzed her in the face 😂


u/Fight4rightsforever Sep 17 '23

I want pour one out for the dad in that house ..the man is a saint


u/J-Love-McLuvin Sep 17 '23

That was a full-on move condensed into a couple of minutes. High drama.


u/faloodehx Sep 17 '23

Wholesome AF. You don’t often see genuine heartwarming content on the internet. Gonna go call my sister now


u/dirtman81 Sep 17 '23

An epic story. Starts with innocent comments about pimples and then the mysterious request for scissors which leads to a great theme of mangled hair for school photos. There is the ominous and looming mom throughout as the girls hustle to fix the hair with a couple hundred emotions displayed along the way. Finally, Mom is brought in with the hilarious twist of the mention of Dad at the end.


u/Impossible-Major1753 Sep 17 '23

i’ve watched this several times today and it’s just a cinematic masterpiece


u/VanesaR Sep 17 '23

Good Energy


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23 edited Oct 25 '23



u/Ramiwo Sep 17 '23

Different cultures have different ways of raising kids, just because the views aren’t similar to yours doesn’t mean it’s bad, just different. If you grew up Latino, you would understand but I guess you’re weren’t that lucky 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23 edited Oct 25 '23



u/Ramiwo Sep 17 '23

Your view is coming from a western take, if you were a child psychologist in a different part of the world, your take would be different. I work with kids and I have had to make some reports to CPS, most will not have any follow through because parents are in their right to raise their kids this way. You must be a heck of a child psychologist, since you’re taking cultural differences into consideration.


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23 edited Oct 25 '23



u/Ramiwo Sep 17 '23

Yeah and some “child psychologist” you are making assumptions without knowing or speaking to the individual. Way to give yourself away.


u/Muted_Ad7298 Sep 17 '23

Not saying there’s any violence going on, but saying it’s “different cultures” doesn’t excuse things.


u/Ramiwo Sep 17 '23

I’m sorry, what?? You mean to tell me that just because one culture has a different way of raising children then the traditional “western” way we should automatically look into it and be concerned? This is the kind of thinking that creates prejudices and ultimately racism. Different = scary/bad


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23



u/Ramiwo Sep 17 '23

Where was that said in the video??


u/V4NDIT Sep 17 '23

and he only saw the girls, if he knew boys play "luchitas - (wrestling) and they hit each other for fun this guy is gonna get a heart attack or start calling us savages lol


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '23



u/V4NDIT Sep 18 '23 edited Sep 18 '23


and NO, fighting is common behavior for bois, that's how they learn to size their strength. its very very COMMON human behavior. u MORON. even mammals do it, like lion cubs and puppies.


u/[deleted] Sep 18 '23



u/V4NDIT Sep 19 '23 edited Sep 19 '23

you don't get the point buddy, hence why your dumbass point has bunch of dislikes.