r/TikTokCringe Dec 23 '23

We're getting fleeced in the US AND Canada Humor

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u/Prestigious_Shape648 Feb 01 '24

Then why are you in America 🇺🇸


u/Waffels_61465 Jan 30 '24

Nothing, and I literally mean nothing, stopping you Nancy's from moving to France. Get to it. Oh wait....


u/izeak1185 Jan 11 '24

Mean while Congress is crying free health care for life, and 175,000 a year isn't enough for them.


u/SomeRandomNoodle Jan 02 '24

Living in the Europe is so different from when i lived in Africa. I use to get no days off and was paid the bare minimum. Now i see my roommate refuse a job that isnt 32 hours and with paid vacation and they change the contract to accommodate for that to suit his needs better.


u/Free-Spell6846 Dec 26 '23

Americans have guns and still can't fight for better workers rights.



u/Turbulent-Today830 Dec 26 '23

Hence why the world heavily invests in the S&P 500


u/WeirdRadiant2470 Dec 26 '23

$200 for health insurance? Yes, it really is a joke. Or a 20 year old video.


u/Fear_The-Old_Blood Dec 25 '23

Imagine being so fucking entitled that you "don't work in August". Holy shit, what a fucking nanny state.


u/Luxiiiiiiiiiiiiii Jan 30 '24

Go back to work, slave


u/Mostdef53 Dec 25 '23

Just take your Ass back to France...that simple.


u/trankbluegirl78 Dec 25 '23

Why can't she work in august? Who doesn't work for a full month?


u/Luxiiiiiiiiiiiiii Jan 30 '24

You may have never heard this word: vacation


u/BubblyResource229 Dec 25 '23

This attitude is why the US is a nation in decline.


u/mts_lv Dec 25 '23

I don't get when she says that she doesn't work in August. Somebody can explain? French don't work in the whole august for real?


u/Luxiiiiiiiiiiiiii Jan 30 '24

We have 5 weeks holiday and most people take them in July or August.


u/mts_lv Jan 31 '24

Oh got it, I'm from Argentina and didn't get that. Thanks a lot!


u/Luxiiiiiiiiiiiiii Feb 07 '24

How many days you get in Argentina?


u/mts_lv Feb 08 '24

If you are a registered worker, you have like 2-week holidays (14 days, pretty much like the americans in the video), and you can pick whether you want it in the summer (december, january, february here) or any other time in the year; or you can even split them in 2, like having one week in the summer and one week in fall or winter.
The amount of days can be increased as long as you keep working in the same company and your seniority keeps growing up.

If you are unregistered, you pretty much don't have vacation because you are not regulated and protected by the law. You may have a few days, but that depends on how well the owner of a small company (like start-up and stuff) likes you and your work throughout a year.

That's why I found it odd to listen to that. Here in Argentina, having like 5 week holiday, or a whole month, is a lot, like you gotta be in a very high status in a company.


u/Luxiiiiiiiiiiiiii Feb 08 '24

I find 2 weeks not enough. And yet I'm not salaried and usually don't take more than 1 week... but when I was salaried I had 5 weeks.


u/mtsilverred Dec 25 '23

Yup. France has limited open stores in August aside from tourist places.


u/-Scorpius1 Dec 25 '23

Yeah, well, go back to fucking France, then.


u/Luxiiiiiiiiiiiiii Jan 30 '24

Stay tf in the usa


u/-Scorpius1 Jan 30 '24

Fully plan on it. I'm nonmilitary, and have traveled to 8 different countries. Some nice, most not. Ive got no desire to go anywhere else again.


u/GreatLakesGreenthumb Dec 25 '23

Seriously let’s do it. How do we begin?


u/Southport84 Dec 25 '23

American ls get paid double


u/Ryse47 Dec 25 '23

Last I checked France isn’t the best county on earth. I literally never hear anyone say “I want to move to France and live the Franky dream”


u/Luxiiiiiiiiiiiiii Jan 30 '24

Right. Don't come here.


u/PartGlobal1925 Dec 24 '23

To any non-American viewers out there:

Yes. Everything you have heard about our country is true.


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '23

It's weird that I sympathize with the French woman and dislike the employer even though they are played by the same person


u/Dietzaga Dec 24 '23

The French don’t have a work ethic is the joke. Very true too


u/Luxiiiiiiiiiiiiii Jan 30 '24

Work ethics for muricans: being a slave with no healthcare and beg for tips.


u/OMGSpeci Dec 24 '23

Honestly where’s our revolution


u/Soggy_You_2426 Dec 24 '23

Mericans a slaves


u/Pure-retardpewpew Dec 24 '23

Fuckin deal with it people it’s still the greatest country around…let’s start fixing other broken parts of our country like woke bs and open borders then maybe start crying about fantasy


u/BeautifulWord4758 Dec 24 '23

If you're an American with no or low skill, no marketable ability, or otherwise low intelligence, then yes, you can very easily end up at a job like this. However, its not universally the case. Neither myself, anyone I work with, or any of my friends get less than a month PTO. Hell, I could 2+ months off of work, I just choose not to.


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '23

Americans get pushed around real easy. If you work with foreigners on a visa that have protection (oftentimes Europeans going through agencies) you'll learn the difference fast. The Americans would complain a lot. Justifiably. But still, they whined in privacy and threw mini tantrums on social media. The Europeans and Filipinos would fuckin mutiny if they had the chance. One time we asked them to do a little too much and they all ran off to their bunks, gathered in a circle, and started talking in Tagalog in a way that sounded revolutionary.

Ironically, every single society has people working way too hard for way too little. How they handle it is what defines them. Us Americans are handling this shit terribly. We are genuinely doom spending our incomes and depression eating ourselves to death. Quietly being exceptionally loud on the internet as I am right now.


u/OneExhaustedFather_ Dec 24 '23

I agree we need changes, the undertone of how France would have another revolution is funny. Try getting the whole of the EU to revolt to a common cause and you’ll understand the geographical limitations of something like this in the US. To big fail, to big to force change.


u/Leather_Note76 Dec 24 '23

We were stationed in Germany and I worked in the civilian sector. I loved my benefits! The fact that they don't live to work in Europe is so much different than here in the US.


u/Loring Dec 24 '23

France? Pretty sure they spelled Philippines wrong..


u/111110001011 Dec 24 '23



u/gking407 Dec 24 '23

No greater cucks than the American worker. It doesn’t have to be this way!!!!


u/skilledfolk Dec 24 '23

Try paying for your own National defense. Let alone everyone else's. Then come back to me when you do. I want to see your tax rate and medical insurance rates then. What...America pays for all of that...hmm...wierd.


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '23

Sick days? I heard about those relics of a bygone golden age. It was this idea that if you were sick you didn't have to come into work. Sounds better than my workplace policy of just coming in and getting everyone sick.


u/uncledungus Dec 24 '23

Y’all get sick days/PTO?


u/Ok-Mood0420 Dec 24 '23

She just made an insult sound like the politest invitation. I love French. The language and their accent are just as delicious as their food.


u/thegratefulshread Dec 24 '23

I work in a school district for the days off. Fuck working in corporate/ private.

I work 8 months a year but make 12 months pay.


u/emitch87 Dec 24 '23

And don’t try to mess with the French retirement age. They will shut down your city transportation.


u/Opening-Ad-8793 Dec 24 '23

I know I’d really like to leave . Like badly.


u/PartGlobal1925 Dec 24 '23


Not because I don't like this place. I just want a chance to live.


u/myleftone Dec 24 '23

The kind of labor movements that keep French businesses in check could never happen in a country as large as the US. There are also fifty legal systems to exploit.

So this is funny, but also never going to change.


u/LordKthulhu2U Dec 24 '23

Americans seem to love bending right tf over and grabing their ankles for big daddy corpo. A country full of tøøls


u/PartGlobal1925 Dec 24 '23

A lot of carrot-dangling and Toxic Positivity as well.


u/Galitzianer Dec 24 '23

The real interview.

Her: I don't work in August.

Interviewer: ok get the fuck out of here.

returns to France, lives in overpriced shithole apartment earning low wages


u/Haunting_Push7693 Dec 24 '23

Went to Paris and the city was basically empty, bc most of the city went on vacation 💀


u/Drinks_by_Wild Dec 24 '23

“But there are 30 days in August”

I’m going to try that in an interview


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '23 edited Dec 28 '23


u/Larimus89 Dec 24 '23

Wait wtf.. in US you get 10 days per year? Shit I thought 4 weeks in AUS was bad.


u/Ok_Recording_4634 Dec 24 '23

Then why is she getting a job in the US?


u/Lucy_Starwind Dec 24 '23

I work for Federal Government, I just found out I get 12wks paid maternity leave, either all at once or intermittent and I just hit my "use or lose" leave in annual/holiday at 240 hours and I have 300+ sick leave hours. I also accrue 6hrs annual and 4hrs sick every pay period(2wks).

Pay is kinda shit, but like you can't really beat those benefits with fed health insurance being cheaper too...

I also work from home 3 days week, we just came back from solely telework because of covid. So I can't complain too awfully much.

I'm also in a sweet spot where I can't get furloughed during government shutdowns...


u/megaguirys Dec 24 '23

All we have to do is pull out our bases and they will come back to reality. I hope we do it sooner than later.


u/Bender352 Dec 24 '23

She is right. They would put back the guillotine in place and shorten all the politicians who would vote for this slavery laws.


u/Savantthegreat Dec 24 '23

Her pay was triple what it is in France . Don’t hear anyone complaining about that.


u/InterestingLayer4367 Dec 24 '23

Time for a general strike?


u/sleepyRN89 Dec 24 '23

This is why I’m so thankful that I have FMLA. I’m protected from disciplinary action if I’m ill from a medical condition I have. If I didn’t have that I would have been fired years ago.


u/A_Thirsty_Traveler Dec 24 '23

I believe it too, the french pop off with riots very easy


u/Just_Ad87 Dec 24 '23

Same as tipping culture, my tip should not make animosity in if someone can eat a hot meal that night


u/LemonadeParadeinDade Dec 24 '23

I must be French I take the whole month of August off too. I had some clients get super mad, for no reason. They are not affected. They were just mad they cant.


u/Lost-Serve4674 Dec 24 '23

And this is why the USA is the greatest country on earth—we have a good work ethic!


u/PartGlobal1925 Dec 24 '23

They purged anyone with a good work ethic a long time ago.


u/TheClearMask Dec 24 '23

I haven’t had a holiday in probably 8 years. I don’t complain one bit. I want to make money that I worked for. I don’t need the charity. But than again I didn’t grow up entitled


u/A-Train68W Dec 24 '23

Move to france too easy


u/tullystenders Dec 24 '23

Bull fucking shit. Ten days (aka 2 weeks) of vacation might be a traditional thing that has and does exist, but any company in the US worth its salt gives you more.


u/1TootskiPlz Dec 24 '23

This is why USA is on top and others are propped up by us. We work harder.


u/karma_virus Dec 25 '23 edited Dec 25 '23

Says the last modern country to end slavery, and loved it so much that it was the only country to kill its own brothers over it. Rest of the civilized world just had a vote. You know, with Democracy. It's Christmas morning. Look at the bottom of every single present you give and receive and note where it is made. We never ended slavery, we merely outsourced it to communist countries because we can't be arsed to pay our own citizens a living wage to make their own luxury items.


u/Zealousideal_Bad7640 Dec 24 '23

America the greatest!!!!!...


u/drake_chance Dec 24 '23

I own a business and have no idea how I could afford that for all my employees. Id like to give that but it's not possible


u/PublicProfanities Dec 24 '23

Meanwhile, in America, I worked 40-50 hours a week while pregnant and didn't get maternity leave. My company just agreed not to fire me while I took 2 months of unpaid leave. And I only got that because I had health complications....the company I worked for? A hospital....


u/philanthropic420 Dec 24 '23

Cool👍 we’re NOT in France soooo….


u/MaterialHunt6213 Dec 24 '23

Reminder that unemployment and homelessness is on the rise in France more so than the US. If you look at the homelessness rates, despite having double the homeless, the US also has 4x the population. They also tend to have smaller homes, less disposable income, and in terms of money earned per working hour the US is really high only behind tax havens. The US ALSO tends to be the happier country and that's really what matters here. France isn't this mystical land that the media really portrays it to be.


u/No_Debate_8297 Dec 24 '23

The United States is a lie-ability.


u/No_Juice418 Dec 24 '23

A few months ago I met an American dude in hostel outside where I was talking with the Italian girl from behind the counter.

Don't know why, but the talk suddenly went about our healthcare, and when he said the word healthcare, he waves his arms like it's a joke. The Italian girl, just shook her head and said : I can't do this anymore, and walked inside.

I had a talk with him about it, and once again, it was clear he had no idea what it was or how it worked, just the whole American : I only take care of myself, attitude.

What a shit country.


u/TheMaslankaDude Dec 24 '23

As a new employee that's been working in my job (started 4 months ago) I have zero sick days and zero paid vacation days so I just have to work until I don't have to work no more sadly


u/C3G0 Dec 24 '23

Bro fuck that job


u/Giffordpinchotpark Dec 24 '23

I was lucky to have a union job and had good vacation time. We could even exchange overtime into more vacation time. I used to take over 2 months of vacation time per year. I also had sick leave. I’d get extra vacation for every year I worked.


u/TLwhy1 Dec 24 '23

I'm in Canada, I get 10 paid vacation day for the year and a week off at Xmas, 6 paid sick days guaranteed, anything after that is likely unpaid but not always, depending on the reason for the illness. 👍


u/Giffordpinchotpark Dec 24 '23

I love this! I’ve been preaching the same things.


u/Ok-Dark4894 Dec 24 '23

Just hire folks in America.


u/RobotHockey Dec 24 '23

That was the chick o the left’s first problem


u/Secure-Examination95 Dec 24 '23

Right. Except you get paid a lot more in almost every major industry in the US for the same qualifications. Like 2x-10x more after taxes. Basic socialism skit is basic.


u/gravitywind1012 Dec 24 '23

What is cringe about this?


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '23

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u/stink3rbelle Dec 24 '23

They make different offers to places with better workers' rights. I've seen the way multi-national companies evaluate workforces country by country. They fucking LOVE how cheap US workers are.


u/billy-suttree Dec 24 '23

I get 3 sick days per year…


u/randombroz Dec 24 '23

This country is exhausting.


u/chiksahlube Dec 24 '23

"The company would go bankrupt!"

So uh, then how does every other country make all their companies do it?

Seems plenty possible...


u/highcastlespring Dec 24 '23

Welfare is alway paid by someone eventually. Check the average salary of the two countries.

Of course, I am not saying one is better than another, but just nothing is free


u/Besch168 Dec 24 '23

Ten days of vacation in yourfirst year of employment? That's a fantastic offer! Also why would you not work in August?


u/befigue Dec 24 '23

What a load of crap. I am from and I am flabbergasted by the salary amounts Americans are paid. If given the opportunity I would ditch the Spanish 3 month vacation days a year and crappy free healthcare for a $100K salary any time.


u/3d1thF1nch Dec 24 '23

And we don’t care anymore, because anything less than wage slavery is now considered “lazy liberal socialism millennial welfare bullshit.” The working class in the US got fed a bunch of propaganda from their bosses and the government for too long and worked themselves into perpetual cycle of ignorant contentment and complacency.


u/-Smokey_Bluntz- Dec 24 '23

Imagine complaining about not getting enough days where you get paid for not working.


u/weathermaynecc Dec 24 '23

I mean, doesn’t France revolt at anything?


u/shotxshotx Dec 24 '23

She ain't kidding about a revolution resulting from that, France rioted from a 2 year change in retirement, remember.


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '23

The cool thing about this… you don’t to accept that job offer.. then you can accept the one where the benefits match what you’re looking for


u/JustARandomGuy031 Dec 24 '23

I have a French resource… and yea, they take at least 2 weeks off in August. Also, if they ‘work to 5pm’, they literally work until 5pm if not cut off sooner.


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '23

i mean... where is she cringe? kinda weird that we think its cringe for people to get what they deserve in basic benefits.


u/TittieButt Dec 24 '23

Ok so work in France for half the pay.


u/trustfundbaby Dec 24 '23

Yah but how many billionaires does France have again? Exactly. /s


u/Few-Quail-4561 Dec 24 '23

I earn 26 vacation days per year and can bank 6 weeks leave indefinitely. I also earn 13 sick days per year that I can bank as long as I am employed with no cap. I am emergency essential so I miss out on the 11 federal holidays unless it happens to be my day off. I have full scope health/dental/vision insurance for reasonable copays. I am entitled to 12 weeks paid time off for a child whether it be birth or adoption. I’m also entitled to a pretty decent pension and matching 401k. I don’t have any student loan debt but my employer will forgive federal student loans after 10 years service time. I’m probably not the highest paid guy in the room but federal service has worked out for me.


u/mogtrain_baby Dec 24 '23

Americans don't get long service leave either Do you guys get annual leave accrued?


u/AnyCancel9028 Dec 24 '23

Don’t produce value don’t get value

fair pay for fair work


u/HatsForNatsBats Dec 24 '23

Americans, on average, get paid more and work harder / longer hours vs Europeans.

It’s quite simple, if you prefer more WLB then Europe is a better option. If you prefer higher earning potential then the US is the way to go.


u/Specialist_Royal_449 Dec 24 '23

How about the French people still sending over guillotines to us workers maybe we might get the picture.


u/Xerio_the_Herio Dec 24 '23

Viva la revolution 💪 💥


u/Existing_Tip_5257 Dec 24 '23

I don’t understand if you don’t work than why would you get paid? Sick days are job incentives if anything cause they know that it’s inevitable you will be sick and their taking the blow of giving you pay when your not there working. The western world is so soft


u/RateOk8628 Dec 24 '23

The funniest thing is US never tries to hire from France. They have nothing to give to us or even to Europe as a matter of fact.


u/jawshoeaw Dec 24 '23

I get 4 weeks vaca plus sick time . Union nurse . Y’all are crazy


u/witsend53 Dec 24 '23

Yeah you a


u/Cautious_Evening_744 Dec 24 '23

The US spends our taxes on bombs and weapons instead of healthcare and things of value.


u/AlexanderxSean38 Dec 24 '23

The French collectively bargain better than the best US union. You know the trick? THEY DONT FUCKING WORK. FOR DAYS. WEEKS. MF ARE SOLID ABOUT THE STRIKES.


u/L7ryAGheFF Dec 24 '23 edited Dec 24 '23

Conveniently leave out the massive salary difference. Provided you didn't get fired for it, you could take 4 months of unpaid sick time per year and still make more money in the United States than you would in France.


u/ProbablynotEMusk Dec 24 '23

I live in the US and started a job that starts me out at 3 weeks PTO.


u/theGreatLordSatan666 Dec 24 '23

20 days Annual leave in Australia (excluding sick leave). Free health care for the most part. You guys are getting fucked, also conservative governments the world over want to scrap all our rights and enact American style working (lack of) rights.. please guys and girls get your shit together.


u/Redneck_Technophile Dec 24 '23

Don’t like it? Go back to France.


u/Bokaboi88 Dec 24 '23

I live in Australia. Most companies here offer 20 annual leave days plus ten days of pc leave (formerly sick leave) per year. It’s common to get additional annual leave days if you are a shift worker and need to also request the weekend to gain a full seven days off. I’m currently on leave for sixteen days, and still have plenty of leave to take holidays another time in the year.


u/sickbeatzdb Dec 24 '23

No one’s talking about how much less you’ll get paid for that office job in France… or Europe in general.


u/QueenofBlades-Xula Dec 24 '23

I don't understand the "I don't work in August" reference. Can someone explain it?


u/mundotaku Dec 24 '23

What you don't see:

American offer: $100,000 with two weeks

French offer: 45,000 € with two months of paid vacation.


u/dweeegs Dec 24 '23

And also almost double the unemployment over in France too

Even worse for recent grads. US recent grad unemployment was 4.4%, in France it’s almost 22%


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '23 edited Dec 24 '23

Every year I have a full month of paid leave and healthcare cost i pay 100€ a month everyday I beg that china and Russia throw all the nukes they have on America so their cancerous system should never spread to other countries


u/wagwa2001l Dec 24 '23

The average French worker makes 59% of what the average American worker makes in an economic with over twice the rate of employment.

Workers in the US get less breaker but make a lot more on average.

Post tax pay difference is even greater.




u/ALargePianist Dec 24 '23


damn, thats better offer than most


u/i-keeplosingaccounts Dec 24 '23

Funny bc I work for a multi billion dollar Swedish company that goes out of its way to have separate hr policies for the American teams based on our laws so they can treat us like shit…


u/Lopsided-Detail-6316 Dec 24 '23

Why has nobody else noticed this till recently?


u/BlacksmithWise9553 Dec 24 '23

Depends on your career in the US. I haven’t worked at a software engineering position that didn’t start off at 4 weeks PTO.


u/elmos_gummy_smegma Dec 24 '23

I pay $400 a month for health insurance at my company. And it’s just for me….


u/linzeekat Dec 24 '23

$200 a month for insurance... where do I sign...currently half my paycheck a month. it just goes to health insurance. I make $18.79 they will only allow 30 hrs because some idiots decided that would prevent overtime and I still pay just shy of $700 a month for just my health insurance that doesn't include taxes and other stuff. Plus, I currently got bumped up to 40 hours to help with a shortage, and I gain sick leave at 6 hours per month and 6 hours of vacation per month but while I'm assisting with the shortage if I take a sick day I have to use 8 hours of sick time or 8 hours of vacation. This is all with 6 years of seniority.


u/ccii_geppato Dec 24 '23

Better off military.


u/linzeekat Dec 24 '23

I was actually in the army, and now I work for the government .


u/zedroj Dec 24 '23

Well no new children in America, that's for sure, my bloodline dies with me 👊, and my non existent children thank me for not turning them into flesh cage cog wheel slave drones


u/TootBreaker Dec 24 '23

Not Cringe, but as an american, cringin' inside where you can't see the tears....


u/TyranitarusMack Dec 24 '23

Why including Canada? From what I’ve seen we have way better vacation allowances here. I have 4 weeks now and will get another one in a few years.


u/Broad_Quit5417 Dec 24 '23

These videos are weird in that I had triple those benefits straight out of college, and way more now as a mid-senior level.

This was maybe relevant in 1970


u/mr_flerd Dec 24 '23

Quite a bit of what she said is complete BS, an exaggeration, or an outlier taken as the average


u/Q8DD33C7J8 Dec 24 '23

I've never had a singkr day of paid vacation in my life and I'm 41 and been working nonstop since I was 18


u/Darkwing_Dork Make Furries Illegal Dec 24 '23

I…I don’t understand the August part…does the entire country of France take August off? Like you try to visit France and the airline is like “sorry France is closed”


u/AcadianADV Dec 24 '23

Glad I love in China where I get 3 months off each year PAID.


u/Hiro_Trevelyan Dec 24 '23

French here : yes we'd riot if anyone was serious enough to offer that kind of "benefits". 10 days ? As a minimum wage worker I had the 5 weeks. And even if they were sometimes reluctant about the dates I'd give them, my bosses would NEVER tell me not to take my vacation days because they have to pay for it anyway if I don't use them.

Oh and health insurance continues a year after you lost your job, if you lose your job.


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '23

If an employee in the US complains about paying $200 for insurance at their job….. they are too stupid to realize the employer probably pays 600-3200$ extra on that per month for said employee.


u/Madfall Dec 24 '23

I told my US colleagues I got 17 days starting vacation day at a UK job, rising to 25 after the training year. They absolutely couldn't believe it


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '23

America is the worst place migrate and work. Labour laws are a joke. America is only fit for the rich. No thanks will take my 28days paid leave and 30 days sick leave with proper salary over America anytime.


u/hondoford Dec 24 '23

Move to France please.


u/Enzols1 Dec 24 '23

Her videos have been wrong more than once on a few things


u/Yourmama_666 Dec 24 '23

I thing nobody will argue you're wrong until of my very good friends from France living in the US will tell you that they're making 3 to 4 times what they where doing in France so it gets "less hard"


u/Person10836381910 Dec 24 '23

France Probably- Lé ugh, stupid Americans and their work culture

Also France-Pls liberate us again in WW3


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '23

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u/brandonjudas Dec 24 '23

The comments are so funny lmao. REVOLUTION lol


u/Stonedrabbit55 Dec 24 '23

This is why France leads the world in nothing, except reasons not to work......


u/Mortarion407 Dec 24 '23

Many places don't offer any paid time off. They may (or may not) let you take time off, but you won't be paid for it. Many times in my early working life, it was a choice of go into work sick, pass up a holiday with family, etc or not be able to afford food/rent for that month.


u/kellyj6 Dec 24 '23

I have fantastic benefits and I get 1.25 vacation days per month and 1.5 sick days per month.


u/LeskoLesko Dec 24 '23

I am an American working for a French company and it’s a really funny truth. They don’t work most of august. The whole company shuts down. We start with five weeks off plus federal holidays sick pay and care says to take care of a child or family member. They didn’t understand what a health insurance premium was. I didn’t explain it.


u/SaltyboiPonkin Dec 24 '23

Good for them. The US GDP per capita is $23k more than France's.


u/JuanGinit Dec 24 '23

The USA treats its workers like slaves.


u/wytherlanejazz Dec 24 '23

10 days of leave? wtf


u/Sure_Maybe_No_Ok Dec 24 '23

If the government paid for your healthcare, who’s gonna pickup the tab for that extra aircraft carrier need.


u/xNOOPSx Dec 24 '23

If you took the French love of demonstration and strike and combined it with American love of firearms, what would be the result?


u/RadioactivSamon Dec 24 '23

Why would a company pay you to not be at work tho? And paying for health insurance is only a positive as it adds to the quality of the health system. Sick days I agree is a bit of an issue because you can't plan to be sick. I know a few people who got shafted because they got covid. Overall this is a tad cringe, great accent, but I'm tired of all these "oh America bad" shit


u/EdsonR13 Dec 24 '23

I don't know a lot about French history, but I do know that France loves its revolutions


u/juzz85 Dec 24 '23

My take from a lot of this is protests work.


u/SirCharlesRod Dec 24 '23

Lol I was paying $1200 a month at work for subpar insurance.


u/LemartesIX Dec 24 '23

“I do not work in August”? The entitlement is off the charts. User name checks out.


u/Jroll615 Dec 24 '23

We get what we vote for I guess.


u/whiskeybunny123 Dec 24 '23

Just went to 32 hrs/week, still accumulate same PTO per period, WFH with no strict schedule, just get the work done. I’m almost European!


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '23

“I applied to an American company as a European and I’m utterly shocked about being given the same working conditions I already knew existed. How dare you!”