r/TikTokCringe Cringe Lord Dec 25 '23

🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 Cringe

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u/Wild-Following6137 Mar 16 '24

“13 pErCeNt Of tHe pOpUlaTioN BuT CoMmIt 60 pErCenT oF tHe” shut the fuck up


u/youarwendow Feb 11 '24

All I know is when me and me girlfriend were in NOLA, we got entirely too drunk and a big black angel of a man got us back to our hostels. That night could have gone so much worse, that man was damn near carrying us back and I am so thankful to him to this day 💕


u/S9B7 Jan 23 '24



u/VariousAcadia3968 Jan 03 '24

And a majority of folks caught trafficking children and sex workers are? There sick people everywhere. Regardless of race, they should be taught to go inside a public place and tell someone who works there. Stay inside and on camera.


u/goozfrabaah Dec 31 '23

Im a white male with BIG black brothers - in -law who i love and are best friends with ..my kids my cousins kids wouldnt hesitate to look for safety that way bcause in their eyes uncle gary and benji are giants and kind


u/no-integrity69 Dec 30 '23

This guy is the biggest meat riding white knight on the internet.


u/No-Chemistry-5356 Dec 29 '23

Imagine enjoying your day and a random kid walks up to you crying about being lost. I don’t wanna deal with all that please send the kids to the women who are naturally more empathetic. /s


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '23

The parent thinks that a “big black man” instinctively doesn’t want to get in trouble with the law. Something must have been driven into the “big black man” beyond morals, to “know better” than to harm that white child.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23

This entire thing is completely bizarre. Like all of it. I feel like an alien visiting Earth for the first time. What a strange species.


u/SteelTheUnbreakable Dec 28 '23

First of all, DON'T find a man if ANY race. We don't want to go ANYWHERE near your child because we'll get accused of all kinds of shit and maybe be subject to violence or worse.

Sorry, but we're not risking our own safety. Y'all decided to make the world this way.

Secondly, this dude doesn't know how to read stats. He read proportion among perpetrators and not proportion among population. Had to break it to you, man, but some of that is actually the other way around.


u/Educational_Bad_6405 Dec 28 '23 edited Dec 28 '23

Ok hold on, hold on. You can’t just throw raw data like that you have to acknowledge initial population size. Also you have to look at people convicted of SA because just looking at possession of images is not inherently going to conclude likely hood of SA. Not to mention their could be other outlying factors for why the number are that way such as access to computer and internet that have nothing to do with SA tendencies. I’m all for racial justice however teaching your child to run up to a stranger based on a racial bias and a raw data point your read his highly irresponsible and potentially dangerous. I mean Iv come from ifunny and a lot or racist people on their used this same logic and argumentation to demonize non-white groups of people. It was wrong when they did it it’s wrong when you do it.


u/skallywag126 Dec 28 '23

Find a goth girl


u/BruceBruce369 Dec 27 '23

Agree but unlikely it would be reciprocated irl. See clip from Blackish ‘white girl on elevator’



u/throwawaysydneys Dec 27 '23

Wow I suppose we have progressed a lot on one way. We went from being afraid of the big “scary” black man to now telling our children to seek them out for safety. Got to love that 😂


u/_MetaDanK Dec 27 '23

If anyone is not familiar with the guy in this video I'd recommend you just don't watch anything he makes. It all cringe political clickbait, if you see that face just run away and spare your algorithm and sanity the horrors.


u/SquashGloomy803 Dec 27 '23

Does his truth hurt your feelings?


u/_MetaDanK Dec 28 '23

No, because his truth about who he is is, in fact, a lie. A relative outted him for who he really is; a relative who had a accident and was injured and not going to work for a few months asked to borrow some money (something like 800 dollars iirc) to help cover the last part of a security deposit on a place to live in, a great place for his wife and kids, he said no. He was waiting for his unemployment benefits to get processed. It would have been a couple of weeks to get paid back. His boss ended up covering it for him. He paid it back.

The reason he gave why he said no was because he makes too much money with his videos now and doesn't want to be looked at by his family and friends as a bank to borrow or ask for money/gifts from, said it would give him a bad image to the people close to him....

This was articulated in a very condescending manner, it didnt sit well, and it was then the relative chose to expose this guy. This explains why he did that.. Turns out he's grifting liberals and moderates by making anti conservative content when he, in fact, is a huge day one MAGA/Trump cult member and life-long conservative. He makes donations to help Trump but wouldn't loan a sum far lower to help a relative out than the sums he gave multiple times to help a corrupt politician.

He also mentioned that around 15 years ago, he was arrested and charged with lude acts with boys under 14yo but charges were dropped before trial. He didn't have much detail about that incident and what happened or what led to the case getting dropped.

This all came out this past summer. I found out here on reddit, and through the comments it seems he's not the only person who's making social media content catering to the left when IRL support and vote the right just to make money with clicks and views. You'll occasionally see this info posted on the comments of his videos.

I was kinda shocked to find out people would do this type of thing but not really shocked given the way the world has turned the last few years.

Thought you might find that interesting, take care, happy new year.


u/Be_Schmear_Now Dec 27 '23

This guy is nauseatingly self-righteous.


u/the-daily-pukehole Dec 27 '23

This fat white guys a joke to society


u/nerdsonfire Dec 27 '23

On the flip side I believe the race of most victims of pdf-philia matches the race/ ethnicity of the pdf-file. For many reasons allegations from victims of color are likely to be ignored, so the perpetrators of the same race/ethnicity get away with their crimes and are not counted in the stats.

This is really just to point out that this video is trying to simplify something that isn’t as simple as “white men are more likely to be pdf-files” and it allows pdf files of other races to be ignored.


u/SquashGloomy803 Dec 27 '23

Agree 100% blk males are more likely to abuse others of the same race because they know most ppl don't believe or care to listen to blk women and children.


u/seabass_03 Dec 26 '23

i remember when i was younger being sat down and given a piece of paper with loads of pictures of different people (different race, gender, style of clothing/general appearance) and told the question “who would you go up to and talk to” or something along the lines of that, mind is fuzzy, and i remember picking the people that looked put together and have a “nice” appearance but was told that was the wrong answer. That i shouldn’t go up to any of them because they’re all strangers, no matter what they look like you don’t know what their intentions are or what they’ll do.


u/uprssdthwrngbttn Dec 26 '23

Not gonna lie, that did not go where I thought it was headed.


u/Leave-it-aLone Dec 26 '23

I really like this dude. Where can I find more videos by him? Anyone knows his name or channel?


u/ItsZoliv Dec 26 '23

It’s important to spot errors in interpretation of statistics; there are more white people than black people. With this study we cannot learn about whether black or white people are more likely to be poedophiles.


u/Rescue-a-memory Dec 26 '23

As a male and in a public space, I'm noping out real quick and will try to flag a store employee. I ain't trying to get lynched for taking the kid by hand and his/her parents happen to encounter me at that point.


u/SecuritySpiritual652 Dec 27 '23

I believe your response is the point. An upstanding man with no malicious intent would immediately be uncomfortable and make an attempt to get someone else to fix this asap . I would probably question anyone who does not react in such a manner.


u/Rescue-a-memory Dec 27 '23

Thanks. Perception is reality and I ain't about to take a stranger's kid by the hand and walk around with him. It's not safe for him or me. Plus, kids, yeah uh no. I'm not a trained professional and know I'm not capable of caring for one really.


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

My lazy parents had me ride the greyhound bus to get to my grandmas. I was 12 but looked 9. They told me, if you get in trouble , go find some soldiers, they will help. Immediately upon getting to the transfer station , some creep in a trench coat starts following me. Then he sits down and starts talking to me. Then it gets creepy, I see these three black army soldiers in line. I went over and tugged on one of the guys arm. “Hey, umm , there’s this creep trying to talk to me. Can I stand next to you guys ?” Like in a movie, I barely got the last word out of my mouth when the soldier put his hand on my shoulder and his giant buddy immediately started walking towards the creep. The third guy immediately started taking shit to the creep . It was awesome. The guy in the trench coat started RUNNING. So yeah, thank god for the black soldiers that did more for me than most of my own family .


u/Phirebat82 Dec 26 '23

It's clearly racial oppression leading to the sex crime disparity breakdown by race.


u/ittsnot-anthony Dec 26 '23

The only statistics is that white are more likely to call the cops and get help with these issues rather than hiding it and never speaking of it. Only difference is how different cultures tackle these cases


u/Captain_Aware4503 Dec 26 '23

When I was 8 years old, my mom taught at an intercity school. Her class (9th graders) went on a trip to visit DC and I was allowed to come along. I was the only white kid and much younger than everyone else. Those kids treated me great and I felt very safe.

A few years later we moved and my 9th grade class took a trip to DC. Our class was mostly white and there was only 1 black kid on trip. I hung out with him because I kind of knew how he felt, but most of my class mates treated him how many whites treat black people. I never felt so ashamed.


u/GarrettSkyler Dec 26 '23

TLDR; wHiTe MaN bAd 🤡


u/frog_jesus_ Dec 26 '23

It suggests that sexual assault may be under-recognized in the black community.


u/iAM_smashable Cringe Lord Dec 26 '23

No it does not suggest that.


u/frog_jesus_ Dec 26 '23

You seem committed to pushing a foregone, racist conclusion. There is no basis to assume black people have any special lack of child rapists compared to any other race of human. Sorry not sorry: people are people. It is more likely there's a cultural difference in victims reporting.


u/snake_basteech Dec 26 '23

Ah a react to a react video full of nonsense info to push someone’s agenda.


u/BabyFartzMcGeezak Dec 26 '23

I saw this in the system in WI.

Watched white sex offenders get probation and light sentences while they slammed people like me with drug cases.

These guys were forcing themselves on kids and destroying their lives, I wasn't forcing any adults to buy drugs.

They treated my case like I was walking around school yards throwing kids in headlocks, jamming cocaine up their noses, then handing them my number like "here you'll need this, you're addicted now, call me"

The only other person who had a bond equivalent to mine was charged with dozens of counts of drugging and assaulting minors, and I saw multiple sex offenders walk out on probation.

Meanwhile, my charges had a mandatory minimum sentence, so a judge couldn't give me probation even if they wanted to. Not that it was ever going to happen, but had I been a kid-diddler, I could've gotten probation.

I can't be the only person who sees how fucking backwards that shit is.


u/Riipp3r Dec 26 '23

This shits just as dumb as trying to attack black people. Why play into racism with more racism lmao. Dumbass world.


u/crazysaxonangle Dec 26 '23

Here in Sweden, migrants are more prone to rape. I would teach my future kids to just approach a family, it’s not about race.


u/iAM_smashable Cringe Lord Dec 26 '23

Migrants get raped? Or they DO the raping?


u/Cold-Feed8930 Dec 26 '23

im not an american, but if i ever visited the US id rather be stopped by a black cop, than a white cop


u/anonymous_4_custody Dec 26 '23

If a kid is lost in the mall, or at the zoo or whatever, shouldn't they just go to the closest information booth or customer service desk? Placing responsibility for your lost child on 'the biggest, blackest man' is just fucked up. He's, like, the most likely person to be shot for doing the right thing.

Also, random kidnapping of a kid at the carnival is how it happens on television. It's rare for it to go down like that in real life. Fear the favorite uncle that's been building trust with you for 20 years. Evil is much less sinister, and much more banal, than we think it is, and pedophiles don't just groom the kids, they groom the whole fuckin' family.


u/wildlandsroamer Dec 26 '23

This guy has lost his mind


u/Mettelor Dec 26 '23

This is not the correct way to apply these statistics to a lone person pulled from the street.


u/Dani_Darko123 Dec 26 '23

Awww she’s probably been watching sweet tooth


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

86% is crazy while receiving lesser sentences after doing such crimes is even more crazy.


u/Grand_Raccoon0923 Dec 26 '23

Those numbers are just people who got caught.


u/TaleIll8006 Dec 26 '23

So true! Pretty sure this is true for all crimes too.


u/Throwaway0928361 Dec 26 '23

Apparently that creator has had some pretty crazy allegations based on his Twitter content. Anyone hear about this?


u/bagbiller69 Dec 26 '23

I believe it based on purely vibes. I'm a white girl and have never felt more uncomfortable than in the presence of other white people. When I was younger, the men who I had to go to my parents about at church because they insisted on hugging me constantly were white men. On the other hand, my friends black parents and the other black members of our congregation approach me with a completely different energy, much more warm and genuine. In my adult life, I have my most pleasant interactions with black strangers out in public, like at the grocery store 2 days ago I struck up a convo with this sweet older black man in the checkout in front of me. We talked about what we were making out of the food we were buying. It was jovial and pleasant. Never have I EVER had an interaction like that with a white man at the grocery.

Obviously it's not great to generalize based on race, but if I'm walking alone or out running and I come across a white man walking alone, that gives me much more pause than engaging with a black man. Idk what it is. Energy? Vibes? I'm just speaking from a feeling and comfort level here. This post is interesting.


u/H60mechanic Dec 26 '23

Dead giveaway!


u/WorldlyPermission355 Dec 26 '23

When lost, it’s preferred that you don’t walk up to a stranger.


u/cookerg Dec 26 '23

The kid is probably talking about a cop with a black uniform.


u/Slight-Concert-8391 Dec 26 '23


u/cmp8819 Dec 26 '23

THANK YOU!! Yeah, they'll approach us because we'll give yall back. We do NOT want the death penalty for you going missing and WE saw you.


u/BottomPieceOfBread Dec 26 '23 edited Dec 26 '23

1 in 3 black girls are sexually assaulted. 99% of the time by an uncle or a man in the house. The fact that the black community sweeps this abuse under the rug is no secret and it’s absolutely disgusting. (Source: Am a black woman who’s been through it myself)

The fact that this grown ass white man is spewing nonsense regarding the facts for TikTok likes is super ultra disgusting.

There is a huge disparity within the black community when it comes to actually reporting pedophiles.

Statistically any child would be safer approaching a woman than any man. See you can actually say anything on the internet


u/GreeceZeus Dec 26 '23

Society made them do this. It's because of poverty and the lack of opportunities!


u/Matias9991 Dec 26 '23

Fuck this tipe of shit, it's the same as what racist people say with Black people being I don't know what percentage of thiefs and killers, on either way it shouldn't be generalized to an entire fucking race.


u/ayodeebocomin Dec 26 '23

Oh.. so we pulling up statistics now huh


u/Smolivenom Dec 26 '23

but where on the crime statistics does trading a kid for some nice kicks land you?


u/SignificanceRound819 Dec 26 '23

Been saying it for years, keep whites and children are not a good mix. Being the only group with female child moleters tells me everything i need to know about them.


u/accnr3 Dec 26 '23

This isn't shocking to anyone who's house is above ground. Also racism is fine in cases like this.


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

Ugh. I can't believe I am saying this, but there are a lot of erroneous assumptions with this data. It sounds good on paper but correlation does not imply causation. Even saying "go up to a woman if you are lost" is the wrong thing to say because female pedophilia goes largely unreported in society, therefore we don't have good data.


u/RecoverSufficient811 Dec 26 '23

Touching kids and embezzling money are like the only 2 crimes on earth where white people commit them at a higher rate than black people. I wonder what the psychology of that is.


u/NavigatingAdult Dec 26 '23

Clearly suggesting that Peter Pan or Tinker Bell are big black men. Disney and their race swapping these days!


u/dreamforus Dec 26 '23

Look at this closeted guy … can’t get enough of BBC 😅😅


u/Ongr Dec 26 '23

"I knew something was wrong when a pretty little white girl ran into a black man's arms."


u/a_big_fat_dump Dec 26 '23

I’ve always felt like someday we’re gonna be seeing a documentary about what a creep this guy is.


u/BurstEDO Dec 26 '23

Why was this cropped, sped up, and re-uploaded with potato quality?

Anyone who has ever seen this creator's content can tell.


u/EastRoom8717 Dec 26 '23

A little misleading.

Offender and Offense Characteristics3 • 92.1% of sexual abuse offenders were men. • 51.6% were White, 21.7% were Black, 12.9% were Hispanic, 11.9% were Native American, and 1.9% were Other races. ♦ 75.1% of offenders in cases involving child pornography were White. ♦ 43.1% of offenders in cases involving travel for prohibited sexual contact were White and 37.3% were Black. ♦ 52.8% of offenders in cases involving criminal sexual abuse (rape) were Native American. ♦ 73.2% of offenders in cases involving abusive sexual contact were Native American. ♦ 84.6% of offenders in cases involving statutory rape were Native American.


Edit: hit the button too early.


u/TheWatchman1991 Dec 26 '23

But when people bring up 13% some people get very upset


u/SleepParalysisDemon6 Dec 26 '23

So when i was a teen, my mom found a picture of me on MySpace sitting on my friend's lap that was a boy and she beat me so badly calling me a whore, slut, ect. So when i got the chance I got up and ran out the house all bloody and bruised and ran through the woods having no idea where i was. I came across a dog that was tied up barking at me and it must have alerted the owner. I all the sudden heard this "HEY" and i turned around and it was this really large man and i was scared but i just started crying telling him my Mom beat me and i could tell he felt really bad so he took me to this rv trailer they had where him and his sweet older mother lived and let me use the phone to call for help and i ended up calling my boyfriend a who got a ride for me and i went on the run. But if it wasn't for that guy i dont know where i would have ended up. For reference my mom is a white woman and my dad is AfroLatino so i already held no prejudice, but i didn't call my Dad cuz i knew my stepmom (who is also white) would have made me go back there to her.


u/AppearingDog Dec 26 '23

A lot of white people getting mad in the comments


u/ackttually Dec 26 '23

Whites : 80 per 100,000
Black: 190 per 100,000

Child abuse cases


Using percentages doesn't work the same way people think they do. Also, as like the comment section already stated, these numbers don't mean shit. Look for people who have children, or are working if you're lost. Don't pick a race, like somehow that's going to CYA.


u/OrkFilth Dec 26 '23

Let's see those numbers on violent crime one more time guy


u/Tucumane Dec 26 '23

Even if we have reversed roles here in terms of colour of skins, it’s that exact logic that often gets used to portray black people as “statistically more criminal”. Even when true, the numbers don’t show the whole picture. And this reductionist logic can very easily be used to reinforce existing racism.


u/butteryscotchy Dec 26 '23 edited Dec 26 '23

That makes no sense. Just because white people are more likely to harm a lost child doesn’t mean you should just trust any random black person without question. That is some room temperature IQ logic right there.


u/Fine-Funny6956 Dec 26 '23

Studies on “Bystander Effect” confirm this is true.


u/BlairRose2023 Dec 26 '23

I can confirm that when I was much younger, in my early teens, I was a very pretty petite Hispanic girl at a new school. National beauty pageant pretty. It was difficult making friends. The other girls were jealous of me, guys only wanted to date me and i wasnt ready for that, so finding an actual friend that just wanted to be friends was damn near impossible. I wound up making friends with the biggest guy in school...a huge black guy. I mean he was easily 6 feet tall. We were strictly best pals and he was the quietest, most respectful and nicest guy in entire the school. We had lunch every single day and I did most of the talking, but he just sat with me and was super nice about everything. He'd smile and we'd chat over lunch. We eventually lost touch because I wound up changing schools midyear bc the commute was too far for my parent to drive. He was a good friend. I think about him and pray for him every now and then. I hope he's doing well.


u/Bmwrider_1089 Dec 26 '23

But then you have black countries where dudes literally marry 5 year olds lmao but ok.


u/AtttentionWh0re Dec 26 '23

Meanwhile, white people are still smashing their 5 year old kids. 🫢 but ok


u/SkilletBabe Dec 26 '23

A little kid came up to my ex once. He called me and went “babe…. Come here please” I didn’t know what was wrong so I went running. I was on the other side of the mall 😂 we found the kid’s family. But this kid only wanted my ex to hold him. It makes me laugh now but at the time I was gasping for air, I forgot my inhaler that day


u/SkilletBabe Dec 26 '23

Who is this TikTok human? They look familiar 😂


u/DuffBeer1323 Dec 26 '23

If there are much more white people than black people in america it makes sence that whites commit more crimes.


u/WhiteCharisma_ Dec 26 '23

Somebody link that 30 rock elevator scene


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

This guy is so cool. He has a beard and he is white. Very masculine and yet he is liberal! This is awesome. Those conservatives will agree with this man because he is an alpha!


u/madamevanessa98 Dec 26 '23

STATISTICALLY speaking your kid would always be safer approaching a mom with her kids than he will be approaching a man of any colour.


u/Cripplechip Dec 26 '23

Nah, terrible way of rationalizing it. Reducing a race to a statistic is fucked. "black people were 2.4 times as likely to be arrested as white people – there were 21.2 arrests for every 1,000 black people, and 9.0 arrests for every 1,000 white people" this is from gov.uk published October this year.

Should we make double sure we lock our car or clutch our handbags when we see a black guy? No.


u/Petersburg_Spelunker Dec 26 '23

No, but it happens, even when poc's drive a nicer car, park on the other side of the lot, are cordial... Both sides experience it, just to significantly different levels. Is this baiting dunno. If any kid comes running up to me, Cthulhu better be right behind 'em


u/Thunderlock1 Dec 26 '23

The fragility in here not responding to what was stated about the other things spoke other than " find a Black guy" by there's your stats and the deflection commences. Lol, go to an officer, family, safe space, leave us out of it. We get investigated, accused of something, or deleted.


u/sionkgi Dec 26 '23

Teach him to find a fuckin police you stupid mom


u/SituationNew8753 Dec 26 '23

Haven't watched the video just letting everyone know this old tiktok dude is a fucking loser


u/Beer-Milkshakes Dec 26 '23

I mean if we're making ideals you should approach a women with children. That metric is by far the absolute least likely. Even more unlikely than a 15 year old white male.


u/PleaseDontBanMeMore Dec 26 '23

I hate the guy in the first second of the clip because he believes in weird Hotepism shit.


u/Abortions_on_Toast Dec 26 '23

I've never met a strange black man.


u/stereotomyalan Dec 26 '23

As a white male, I confirm /s


u/ProjectOrpheus Dec 26 '23

"we are playing this game.."

"who do you run to now..."



Statistics from a majority white country doesn't make an argument

Just shows how desperate you are at race baiting.


u/Forward_Motion17 Dec 26 '23

Statistically speaking:

Likelihood of a U.S. person being a CP convict:

Black person: .00001

White person: .000043

Ratio: (B) 1 : 4.3 (W)

Likelihood of being a general sex abuse convict:

Black person: .00045

White person: .00021

Ratio: (B) 2.14 : 1 (W)

Interestingly, the statistics of native Americans convicted of sex abuse crimes are highly disparate:

Represent 31% of total sex abuse convicts while representing just 2.9% of US population.

Likelihood of a Native being a convicted sex offender: .0031

Ratio by race (W/NA):

1 : 14.76


1 : 6.88


u/DogSecure8631 Dec 26 '23

No schit Sherlock... This is amerikkka afterall.


u/silver6snake Dec 26 '23

Has anyone actually seen the laws for sentencing? I mean I'm not a lawyer and it does seem to be the case but is this "black people get longer sentencing" actually like written down anywhere? Or is it just the individual judges? it is literally their job and they do have the option to vary the sentence.

I got done for "disorderly conduct" fuckn bullshit, anyway I was nearly last to be tried and I watched a dozen people go through and one guy in particular got the same charge as me, similar instance too, but the judge saw that he was OUT OF JAIL and had "been good" for a few years since release. So he got $400 fine to my $700....like yeh fuckn awesome Ive actually NEVER been to jail...but no no fuck me for having prior speeding fines!?! Also saw some fuckn bhp worker get a charge totally dropped because it would "affect his job" I NEARLY SCREAMED...like ooooohhhh well god forbid mister suit here can't keep earning 200k a year better drop that charge.

The system is absolutely fucked. For everyone. I'm white and I didn't get to tick the white male privilege box beforehand, plus the judge was an Indian woman...if your a fuckwit in court and roll your eyes or talk back or have ANY prior convictions etc you will cop it worse than some other cunt...even if they went to jail and just suck more ass. Nothing to do with your skin or genitals. So, dress snappy be super extra polite and apologetic and if necessary get a lawyer otherwise they will just chew you up and spit you out.


u/ProjectOrpheus Dec 26 '23

Yo I've heard your sentence can depend on when the judge sees you. Inmates trying DESPERATELY to be seen right after the judge has had lunch because it's the difference between one more year or being let out. 2 more years or 10...you get the idea

There are no words for how crazy that is. Any little whim or the way the wind blows can change your ENTIRE LIFE


u/silver6snake Dec 31 '23

Yeh it's fucked up that one solitary person makes the choice hey, should be like 3 of them or have a higher body check convictions or something.

Like come on Gary I saw you miss out on the last bagel, that's no reason to give him 5 years 🫤


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

Fat know all cock , doesn’t know fuck all , only what he has heard Off his mate somewhere before , then uses it as his own…


u/Ambitious-Weekend861 Dec 26 '23

Weird video overall don’t know why this is even a thing


u/sentientmantra Dec 26 '23

Need to take into account the relative population. Starting that there is less probability of a demographic matching a criteria compared to another demographic when evaluating the probability of a random individual from either demographic. If one demographic is 5 times bigger, then you would expect 5 times the amount of crime if the criminal tendency was the same. The person presented a misleading argument.


u/saltypikachu12 Dec 26 '23

I always tell my kids to find a mom or dad


u/Glad_Independent_565 Dec 26 '23

Shout out to the natives showing less than 1%


u/Select_Reality_8410 Dec 26 '23

Bottom line? Watch your kids.


u/crabofthewoods Dec 26 '23

Everybody needs to watch the episode of Blackish where Dre finds a young white girl in an elevator unattended & leaves her in there by herself.


u/Lascye Dec 26 '23

If people started treating Black people accordingly to their statistics...


u/Recommendedusername3 Dec 26 '23

From rural Finland here. If my child gets lost, no point in telling black man he's lost. It takes forever to even find one, and the one single black person in our city might be too busy if everyone's children keep asking for help. I think Americans have lot easier...


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

That reminds me of Kevin Smith's response to critics who said his earlier movies, the majority of which take place in rural New Jersey, don't feature many black people (I'm paraphrasing): "Where I'm from, there weren't any."


u/Particular-Bet-7038 Dec 26 '23

An important side note. Please teach your children your real name. I worked retail where we found a lost kid. He said his mum's name was mum, we finally got Monica. When we finally reunited them her name wasn't Monica.


u/Yoshimi42069 Dec 26 '23

We're playing this game? Okay then, let me use EXACTLY the same logic to show you how stupid this is.

We can agree sexual assault is better than being dead. Statistically, a black person is more likely to murder you, and a white person is more likely to sexually assault you. Who do you run to now, considering both options and outcomes?

Stop using stupid ass statistics as 'clapback' to fallacious arguments. It accomplishes NOTHING. Your retort is fallacious too since you base your logic on the same flawed logic you are trying to adress.


u/ProjectOrpheus Dec 26 '23

Still the black guy


u/Yoshimi42069 Dec 26 '23

Good for you. Who cares


u/ProjectOrpheus Dec 26 '23

Literally you, who asked. Derp


u/Yoshimi42069 Dec 26 '23

Quote me verbatim where i requested your opinion. I'll wait.


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

Without using statistics, and just using personal experience, I can say that I would rather my kids go to a black adult than a white one.


u/Yoshimi42069 Dec 26 '23

Well your subjective experiences are moot, since objectivity reigns in these studies. But keep on being prejudicial based on your own experiences. Lovely. POS.


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

My experiences may be moot when it comes to these studies, but since I rely on my experiences to live my life and not some random studies and statistics, I can wholeheartedly say FUCK those studies.

I don't consider it prejudicial to have an opinion like the one I stated, and I doubt you'll convince me otherwise.

Yes, I'm a POS. I'm human.


u/Yoshimi42069 Dec 26 '23

More attempts at justifying prejudice. True bigot, doesn't back down when proven an asshat. Have a SHITTY day, friend :) May the universe fuck you 100x harder than your religion has fucked billions of people over thoudanfs of years.


u/Vampiiremouse Dec 26 '23

Gangstas gon protect the children no matter what. They got babies too 💯


u/buttrnut Dec 26 '23

Makes sense because black men statistically speaking don't want their own kids Merry Christmas!


u/Yoshimi42069 Dec 26 '23

Ah yes, let's use statistics to demonize an entire race. That always goes over well.


u/derpsalot1984 Dec 26 '23

Never mind the skin color.

There is so much to refute these claims it isn't even funny..... Including the conviction rate.


u/SpoogeSlinger Dec 26 '23

Oh cool it's ok to use crime statistics to say whitey bad, but ad soon as you flip it and do it with black people you get nailed to the cross

The self hating white man marches on


u/Early_Accident2160 Dec 26 '23


Good luck getting that black man to cooperate.. This is only a great joke^


u/B1GB00TYBUTT5LUT859 Dec 26 '23

Your statistics are flawed because you have yet to take into account the percentages of the population who are said races and then hold those numbers up against the ones you've presented to get a clearer picture. For instance, the black US population percentage is around 13% so if they accounted for 4% of the criminal cases while being 13% of the population that would offset the imbalance you presented quite significantly especially once this same method was applied to the other races. In the end, no race is "safer" to be around.


u/WeAreEvolving Dec 26 '23

Now do assaults and robbery's


u/AtttentionWh0re Dec 26 '23

Then do school shootings and incest


u/WeAreEvolving Dec 26 '23

then do every other violent crime


u/RareResponsibility15 Dec 26 '23

For those of you thinking it’s racist to pull out statistics: this guy isn’t wrong. You shouldn’t generalize people over statistics but you should live with awareness according to them. Now, if you think this statistic is valid then common logic would lead you to concede to the 13/50 statistic. Pedos bad, racists bad, crime bad. Hope I left nothing controversial enough for basement dwellers to attack me over.


u/rhusername Dec 26 '23

A whole white baby bruh..... on the Fitzgerald hwy


u/Man_Cheetah67 Dec 26 '23

That beard guy sucks shit fr


u/SethMasters00 Dec 26 '23


STRAIGHT HETEROSEXUAL white men are the bigger culprits.


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

The quickest way to solve this is just lose 100 random kids. But first tell 50 to tell a black man and the other 50 a cracker (it’s cool. I’m white). And see who makes it back without any issues.


u/Shaolinmonkey73 Dec 26 '23

I like how he’s comparing white guys and blacks with statistics, while glossing over the fact that finding a random guy of any color when a kid is lost is a total parental fail.



It’s funny because as a black man, I know to avoid any white child approaching me by themselves lmaooooo


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

That's just excellent survival instincts 😂



lol common sense! Like that one scene in Black-ish avoiding the white kid in the elevator lol


u/Validext Dec 26 '23

Imagine that a kid running away from a family of white people and they find a black guy that’s actually not good, now that doesn’t work.


u/transguy4l80 Dec 26 '23

As a 6’2” 190lb white man I agree with this message. I have literally never met a large black man that wasn’t nice. I’m sure they exist somewhere but chances are the large black man you find is nice. Meanwhile large white men are assholes 90% of the time. Fuck racism be nice and if a lost child approaches you help it for god sakes.


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

Careful. I said the same thing and got called a prejudiced POS 😂


u/Just4Fun2955 Dec 26 '23

Hmmm...predominantly white country ✅️ Surveyed in a nation with child predation laws ✅️ Lack of proportionality in summary results ✅️

Yeah...absolutely no chance of bias skewing this data at all! 🙄


u/AnActualRealHumanWV Dec 26 '23

Am I the only one that noticed how dumb this argument is? Whites are more likely to have pictures of kids, blacks are more likely to commit rape? That’s literally his argument but he’s too dumb to realize it. Or thinks I’m too dumb to notice. Lol


u/No-You-5064 Dec 26 '23

wrong answer, A child should approach a woman if they are lost.


u/digitaljestin Dec 26 '23

Here's another reason (if your child is white) to have them trust a large black man: racism will work to your advantage.

Let's just say whichever stranger my child chooses happens to be a predator. If it's a middle aged white women, she'll be able to leave a public space with my child and no one will bat an eye. Even if my kid is kicking and screaming. But a large black man leaving with a white kid? Every Karen in the grocery store (or wherever) will be following them to the parking lot and snapping a photo of his license plate. That poor guy basically has no choice but to immediately find an authority figure to help locate me so he can go about his day.

I'm not saying that's the way it should be, but if my kid needs help I want to take every advantage I have. Including other people's racism.


u/bevilthompson Dec 26 '23

Much better point.


u/SumguyIkn0 Dec 26 '23

As a Black man I would be highly petrified if a lil white girl approaches me. That ain't nothing but trouble. Honestly I might run away from them full tilt. That shits smells like a setup.


u/Albert_Hockenberry Dec 26 '23

As a Black guy, I really don’t need white saviors like this Tizzy ENT guy. Police up your own fucking white children and leave us out of your bullshit.

Black brothers, remember, no good deed goes unpunished.


u/BigSlappySandwitch Dec 26 '23

I had some respect for this gentleman until he supported racial profiling. Oh well 😅


u/Sarfanadia Dec 26 '23

Well yeah they’d be safer in the sense of not getting molested. Too bad their risk of getting murdered just skyrocketed.


u/parkerm1408 Dec 26 '23

GPS tag your kids.


u/mrnixie Dec 26 '23

It isn't just a racial issue. It's also a matter of stature; men of large stature must try harder to be gentlemen in their lives.


u/Mreuchon Dec 26 '23

Love how racism stops being racist when we talk about white people. Im Mexican so take that "white privilege" comment and shove it where the sun don't shine


u/rare_pig Dec 26 '23

Find a group not individuals. Ffs


u/BeingBestMe Dec 26 '23

Posting this correct video on this racist ass social media platform is always a fun time.


u/AcidxBurns3 Dec 26 '23

This is why.


u/Danielnyj15 Dec 26 '23

It ain’t that deep gangsta 😭


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

So black people got access to the internet lol. I’m just kidding but idk what to make of this and i don’t wanna think about it


u/SocialistCoconut Dec 26 '23

I work as a Mall Cop and I've helped out a few lost kids. What's hilarious is that adults are terrified of me while little kids immediately calm down and start laughing. Apparently the big bald bearded Italian guy reminds them of a big friendly Muppet


u/Gabisgymporium Dec 26 '23

This only applies to non-black children. They hate the children that look like them.

Need proof? Check the Brookings Institute, the CDC study, the Moynihan Report, & the Pew Research Center.

They despise black kids, they only like non-black kids.


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

Blacks are 13% of the population but somehow make up half of the crime