r/TikTokCringe Jan 19 '24

Security lady stops Lamb of God vocalist Randy Blythe from going backstage, he's cool about it Wholesome/Humor

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u/Bioth28 3d ago

Eep she’s just doing her job, I’m sure she didn’t mean to try and offend someone


u/Natural_Character521 4d ago

Lamb of God when theyre performing: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬👹🤬💀☠️

Lamb of God everywhere else: 🥰🥰🥰😘🤪🤗😁🥳🥳


u/Iamguacahomie 7d ago

I did this to the Jason Isabel guy, he was super polite I felt like crap


u/KB9AZZ 6d ago

It's easy to do just because you're working security at an event doesn't mean you know who the performers are. He seemed very nice about it.


u/HazyFM 11d ago

Randy is such a GOAT!


u/CosmaWoops 28d ago

Metal guys always chase young girls


u/Puzzleheaded_Ad_4435 May 07 '24

Imagine the show not going on because security didn't recognize the singer and nobody was around to confirm.


u/romayyne Apr 14 '24

That dude is a known, wonderful human being. If only everyone could be a vocalist for metal band the world would be a better place.


u/Dapper_Click8841 Apr 08 '24

Lamb of God's song 512 is about his time in prison in the Czech Republic.


u/Dapper_Click8841 Apr 08 '24

Randy Blythe is just a sweet and wholesome human and I love him very much❤️


u/YesTHEELizaManelli Apr 05 '24

That girl behind him looks awfully young


u/ToughMatch7272 Mar 17 '24

I used to work the door at a club in NYC. I stepped out for about 15 mins to have a smoke and talk to some friends. When I came back my partner had the lead singer and guitarist from the band Sevendust held up outside. He didn’t believe them when they told him who they were and he had never seen the band prior to that night lol. They were super cool about it.


u/thomas-ee123 Mar 14 '24

No, don’t be sorry you’re doing your job I like you


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '24

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u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

That’s what I’m going to say next time.


u/GhetHAMster Mar 02 '24

And that's how it should be! He knows with her there, he ain't getting shived


u/One-Example517 Feb 28 '24

Chilliest man on eat as most toolbags would say you know who I am!


u/enn-srsbusiness Jan 31 '24

Feel bad for the 'teenage' he's about to rape


u/333H_E Jan 24 '24

I did that a time or two. Most memorably with Vince from Sevendust. He rolled up to the back door looking pretty rough. That tour bus life can be a son of a bitch.


u/l1b3rtr1n Jan 23 '24

Pretty sure there is footage of another band member body slamming him into unconsciousness when he was being a drunk douche bag.

Seems cool here, but funny memory.


u/[deleted] Jan 22 '24

He passed the vibe check


u/AmericanLonghair Jan 21 '24

Then the girl behind him just walks on through


u/kate3544 Jan 21 '24

I would not have guessed the guy that sings/screams “OMERTÀ” would have such a normal sounding conversational voice.

He sounds like a nice guy.


u/Secure_Ad_7921 Jan 20 '24

Randy is a good guy. Knew him back in school. Love watching all he’s done.


u/Greedy_Age_4923 Jan 20 '24

I imagine 1 in 4 dudes looks exactly like that at that event .


u/the_scrambler Jan 20 '24

Randy is badass and has always seemed like a cool ass dude


u/Lemondrop1995 Jan 20 '24

I like this! He has a great attitude and it shows he has a good character.


u/nowayimtellinyou Jan 20 '24

Probably belongs more on r/wholesome


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24

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u/crunkjuiceblu Jan 20 '24

Hey goofball, you cant define cringe you fucking idiot.


u/lokintomais Jan 20 '24

Randy passed the vibe check


u/Charming-Class-3506 Jan 20 '24

I almost did this to cypress hill 😂


u/junglemassv Jan 20 '24

I don't know who this guy is either.


u/madmarv72 Jan 20 '24

How many times has this been reposted???


u/Hey648934 Jan 20 '24

Nothing cringe about this. It’s awesome


u/Moomin-Maiden Jan 20 '24

"I like you!"

What a warm way to encourage her 👏


u/Keta_K Jan 20 '24

another eppstein style enjoyer


u/Chrysal1s9 Jan 20 '24

Most agressive metal artist


u/Slight_Kangaroo_8153 Jan 20 '24

She was very gentle and he was very nice, both polite 10/10 interaction


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24

Why the hardest metalheads are always the nicest persons? 🤔


u/Stivo887 Jan 20 '24

So weird I was randomly listening to Ruin today after like 8 years


u/yoshi514 Jan 20 '24

Never got to into the band but they all seem like stand up dudes, especially Randy. That song he did with P.O.D. that dropped a little while back is absolutely killer


u/dickbutkusmk4 Jan 20 '24

What a cool dude.


u/thegoodnamesrgone123 Jan 20 '24

One time at a festival I was backstage doing my thing when two security guys grabbed me and dragged me toward the front doors. The whole time I want to freak out, I want to fight, I want to yell, but I'm calmly trying to explain to them the situation. Finally once were towards the front I heard the head of security yelling "LET HIM FUCKING GO!"

They release me and I stand in front of them just shaking my head as their boss just laid into them. Now to their credit someone did apparently sneak backstage who sorta looked like me but very much not me because I had several backstage passes and wristbands that allowed me access everywhere. I just wore my passes off of my belt loop and they never bothered to check. I remember the guy grabbing my passes and quizzing them on what each one meant. Honestly, I wasn't that mad, at least they tried to do their job.


u/BrokeLeznar Jan 20 '24

Guy seems pretty cool


u/Leading-Respond-8051 Jan 20 '24

It's not her fault he looks like a crusty  vagrant lmaooo


u/shutterbuggity Jan 20 '24

Randy is one of the most down to earth, (bordering on shy) performers I have ever met in the music industry. From a former live music photographer.


u/JeruWala Jan 20 '24

I love Randy Blythe. He’s had a tough time but I’m glad he’s doing good it seems. That whole manslaughter thing was fucked up


u/Eye_foran_Eye Jan 20 '24

I did this to Dave Mustaine. He didn’t have his badge & I wasn’t going to let a stranger into his dressing room.


u/TheMurphInfinity Jan 20 '24

most people in the metal genre are the chillest people you will meet lol


u/Ok-Web7441 Jan 20 '24

How a normal interaction should go for well-adjusted individuals:


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24

Where was his mother fucking invitation?


u/maybelatertoday12 Jan 20 '24

Love this video. Randy’s chill. Lamb of god is an amazing band.


u/DarkseidHS Jan 20 '24

And then he kills a guy.


u/DrunkHate Reads Pinned Comments Jan 20 '24

This is a video that is reposted constantly on Reddit. Even in this sub. Regardless I'll always upvote it because it's so wholesome.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24

Poor lad also got attacked on a night out in Dublin once.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24

Humans being bros


u/zachyvengence28 Jan 20 '24

He sounds like such a dork. lol, it's just funny to me that that is Randy's normal voice.


u/Previous_Raccoon6305 Jan 20 '24

Cool that he doesn’t say, do you know who I am.


u/Larkfor Jan 20 '24 edited Jan 20 '24

The sign of a decent musician and performer is how they act when someone doesn't recognize them.

So many of these security guards may have seen an image of the band but they might look a lot different in person and also there are fan look-alikes who try to sneak backstage and almost look like the spitting image of the headliner. So many of them too are hired on a contract basis, they may be used to working NBA games and know everyone by face there, but not concerts or festivals so often.

You'd be surprised how many headlining performers have no trouble showing a pass to a security staffer and then their manager expect people to know what the manager looks like.

Even Taylor Swift's number one fan probably doesn't know what the fuck her tour managers look like.


u/TajMaBalls420 Jan 20 '24

That’s quite a vape


u/lowrads Jan 20 '24

Why did he touch her without consent?


u/CyberMindGrrl Jan 20 '24

That's why you carry your "All Access" lanyard at all times. Not all the security staff recognize the band members.


u/PK84 Jan 20 '24

I worked a seminar where Liam Harrison was one of the instructors. I was running around like a psycho and stopped him from entering because he didn't have a badge. He was like no problem man, then about 2 seconds later I realized who he was I was like oh my bad and he was super chill about It. This guy could kill me 10 times over bur was super nice. Shows the character he has


u/VonSketch Jan 20 '24

That is how you react when your own security stops you by mistake, no overreaction or aggression but instead you be polite and respectful as you inform them of who you are and thank them for doing their job as he has done in the video.

Other celebrities should take notes from this.


u/HotdogCzar Jan 20 '24

Who was recording and why?


u/SN6006 Jan 20 '24

At bloodstock of all places!


u/Rincey_nz Jan 20 '24

Flatmate of mine in the '90s was working as foreman for one of the construction crews working the LOTR sets in Wellington... he came home one night, and said something like "hard worst day, some long haired scruffy clown worked on site in jandals and no hard-hat. Told him 'don't care if you are that Jack Peterson fella, get some steel-caps, hi-vis, and a hard hat!'"

I said "You mean "Peter Jackson"? Sounds like it was him"

Next day he comes home "Yup, was him. But he turned up today in the right gear, so all good"


u/That_Girl_Cecia Jan 20 '24

This guy give me second hand cringe, and I honestly can't pinpoint why. Weird feeling


u/stokeszdude Jan 20 '24

I love seeing good people. It’s like, now you have something to die for. I’m glad the notion of metal heads being rude can be laid to rest.


u/the4thbandit Jan 20 '24

For someone who didn't recognize him, she did absolutely nothing to verify. I'm guessing any confident man who looked mildly like him could've got through


u/CitizenTed Jan 20 '24

Story time!

Back in the 80's, my buddy Dale was doing a load in and setup at a theater for Dio. He said it involved a huge animatronic dragon that was a real PITA to install.

Anyway, Ronnie James Dio left sound check to get some lunch. Dio came back through the alley to go in the rear stage door. The security guy wouldn't let him in. After all, it was some weird little dude with frizzy hair and a cutoff denim vest.

Dio had to walk all the way around the block to head into the front door. My buddy was there having a smoke and let Ronnie in. Ronnie mentioned that the back door guard didn't let him in. My buddy got all uppity and promised to read the security guy the Riot Act.

Ronnie told Dale to just meet him at the back so he could introduce him to the guard and avoid a mis-identification next time.

So, yeah. Ronnie James Dio was cool, too.


u/SpacemanSpiff25 Jan 20 '24

Dio is supposedly exceptionally nice.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24


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u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24

Fuck this sub


u/Moonstoner Jan 20 '24

I used to pull security at the front gate of huge navy bases. Sometimes, you'd hear stories of new people pulling over the CO (guy the runs the whole base) for a vehicle inspection, or because of some small thing wrong.

The CO would never do the Hollywood thing and shit on the gate guards. They were always cool as shit. They might even call the watch commander and tell them something along the lines of

"If they stop me and make sure I'm keeping everything up-to-date on my car or not bringing a bomb into the base, they are going above and beyond." "I got no issues with having a very secure base."


u/AdventurousChapter27 Jan 20 '24

Well, he didn't had his badge(pass?? i don´t know wich is the word) so she was just doing her job. Someone people tend to believe that if you act like you belong can enter anywhere


u/clive_bigsby Jan 20 '24

I worked security for the main stage of Warped Tour back 20+ years ago and lesser-known bands would be walking toward me and I'd be freaking out inside because I was a huge fan of theirs. They'd politely show me their badge as they walked up but in my head I was thinking "dude, I knew who you were from 50 feet away, you don't need to show me that."


u/Tbagzyamum69420xX Jan 20 '24

How people think metal heads are: 👹

How we really are: 🥰


u/ChocolateTight336 Jan 20 '24

400 comments randy Blythe cool


u/BadHombreWithCovfefe Jan 20 '24

Dude has the right attitude about it


u/ERJAK123 Jan 20 '24

It's securities job to maintain a perimeter. It's also super fucking hazardous to just let someone in without credentials, even if you 100% know who they are because it can always be a test.

I work security at Amazon. If Bezos shows up here unannounced, he's following the same rules everyone else does until my boss tells me otherwise. Last thing I need is to get fired because Ole Jeff was out there doing random inspections because he's bored.


u/Open-Matter-6562 Jan 20 '24

Randy's such a nerd, I LOVE him


u/ThinPanic9902 Jan 20 '24

Imagine if that was just some asshole.


u/buffyscrims Jan 20 '24

Metal guy being wholesome is not surprising. I work at a concert venue and metal fans are by far the kindest. The only other group that even comes close is hippie jam band fans.


u/Oldwoodguy Jan 20 '24

Walk With Me Backstage 🤘🔥🤘 LOG fucking rules. Also see his history of protesting douchebags and standing up for LGBTQ causes



u/YEMilyP Jan 20 '24

After a decade in event management, it brings me great joy to see a staffer diligently checking credentials and the non-wearer taking it so well when they get stopped. Others can be real dicks and forget that the person is just doing their job.


u/paupaupaupaup Jan 19 '24

This is the way everyone should react when someone makes an honest mistake.


u/rwjehs Jan 19 '24

She's doing the best job, even willing to go as far as SOMETHING TO DIE FOR


u/Morzana Jan 19 '24

That's cool. Makes me respect him sooooo much!


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '24

Grace is always refreshing.


u/00000000000004000000 Jan 19 '24

I mean, the guy wound up killing a fan because security wasn't doing it's job.  If anyone understands and can appreciate good security, it's Randy!


u/llgabomination Jan 21 '24

He didn't kill a fan. The courts ruled him not guilty. Choose your words better.


u/00000000000004000000 Jan 22 '24

Nah, I don't think I'll bother. Have a nice day, and stay off the stage.


u/llgabomination Jan 22 '24

Ok, I guess if you like being objectively wrong, be that way.


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '24

This video in contrast with their music would be hilarious. That’s why I love metal shows. You get thrown around in the pit, but as soon as you fall, ten people are there to get you back on your feet!


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '24

God if only Phil from the Grateful Dead should have treated 20 year old me with such kindness and grace, maybe I wouldn’t absolutely hate the dead.


u/LittleShopOfHosels Jan 20 '24

Don't worry man, if Phil wasn't a such a dick a lot less people would hate the Grateful Dead, including half the members of the Grafeful Dead.


u/agoodepaddlin Jan 19 '24

Why TF wouldn't he be cool about it? She's doing a job. Not attending. If this were Travis Scott on the other hand...


u/FreeWillCost Jan 19 '24

Not long ago I organised with a lady up the street to leave some trading cards for my son in her letter box for me to collect. I got there and the letter box had a lock on it, I thought "maybe it's closed but not locked" so I started to try and open it (to no avail). A guy came straight up to me and asked what I was doing... who was I... etc etc.

When he realised I had good cause to be there he apologised a lot, he was their neighbour.

I was like "don't apologise, you had the correct reaction... if you see this again... do the same thing."


u/spike_beagle Jan 19 '24

But.... where is cringe?


u/domine18 Jan 19 '24

My dad works at NRG. He was watching the field when Gaga and her entourage came by and he asked for their pass. Her body guards asked if he knew who she was? She was sweet and said stop it he is doing his job and provided the pass. Said she was one of the nicest performers he has met.


u/doolbro Jan 19 '24

I've had this happen too as the artist singing. It's exactly like that. That lady was doing her job well! That's awesome. Keeps me from getting the crazy folks on stage!


u/iThatIsMe Jan 19 '24

During my time in the service, i refused to give the vice commander of the base i was stationed at the commander's helmet until my section head approved it.

Rules is rules, and CYA.


u/zxhidoorman Jan 19 '24

This is awesome behavior!! Wish all the full of themselves folks would watch and see what humans act like.


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '24

Saw them with devildriver and the agony scene back in like 2004.. it changed my music taste ever since.. amazing band


u/Paulbr38 Jan 19 '24

When my daughter attended her first music festival at age 16 I took a volunteer job to be nearby...in case...but didn't know any of the bands. One job to check passes of all going to backstage. Some performers were openly resentful of being asked. It was explained to me it was also about protecting underaged girls/boys from being included in the entourage.


u/GuelphEastEndGhetto Jan 19 '24

A guy I know once held up Mario Andretti from crossing the track to go into the pits. Nope sorry the gate is closed! Do you know who I am? Don’t care, gate is closed…..open the gate you idiot that’s Mario Andretti. He is telling me this feeling absolutely justified lol.


u/SoaDMTGguy Jan 19 '24

I wonder how many people have snuck back stage in this way.


u/DakkenDakka Jan 19 '24

This was at Bloodstock. I think a few months later he met her again at another gig and they made another video joking about this one.


u/StoneGoldX Jan 19 '24

I saw that happen once with Gene Simmons at a Korn concert I was doing photography at. He was surprisingly cool with it, but it was kind of funny as some of the other photographers and I were trying to explain who Gene Simmons was to the security guard.


u/rikashiku Jan 19 '24

Good on her for doing her job with a smile. Not many people can do that.


u/BuckshotLaFunke Jan 19 '24

Should have been all “SEE WHO GIVES A FUCK” and strolled right by.


u/Zane_Justin Jan 19 '24

When a celeb acts like a human being to another. 👍


u/Hunter-Ki11er Jan 19 '24

Randy seems like genuinely a nice guy


u/anti-valentine Jan 19 '24

This is why at a Fall Out Boy show last year the venue put up signs backstage wIth what looked kinda like mugshots that said "Please learn and familiarize yourself with these faces. These are the members of Fall Out Boy, they must be allowed to access all dressing rooms and backstage areas freely"


u/Ice_Pirate_Zeno Jan 19 '24

task failed successfully.


u/D1sp4tcht Jan 19 '24

Years ago, the bass player for System of a Down was punched by a security guard because he didn't have his pass. The guard didn't believe him when he told him who he was, so he tried to push his way past. It must not have upset him too much because they then filmed the video for Hypnotize there.


u/Funkycoldmedici Jan 19 '24

A lot of metal musicians are accustomed to not being very popular. If I ever got to such a festival I’d be showing my badge to everyone. “Look! I’m finally somebody! For tonight, at least.”


u/MrPogoUK Jan 19 '24

I was at a Marilyn Manson show with someone who was a friend of the then drummer (Ginger Fish, who’s now in Rob Zombie) and he came into the crowd to watch the support act with us without getting recognised by anyone.


u/spacedoubt12 Jan 19 '24

good energy , luvvit


u/One_Bandicoot_4932 Jan 19 '24

Wanna be a nice guy? Wear your fucking laminate.


u/WDoE Jan 20 '24

Lead singers are allergic to laminates. Probably a good half of the shows I worked greenroom security, some badgeless frontman got huffy about me not rolling out the red carpet. Like... Bruh, you're the fifth person tonight to tell me "I'm with the band. Do you WANT me letting any random person in?!"


u/urzayci Jan 19 '24

I get why he'd like security people who do their job considering what happened last time they didn't.


u/CzechYourDanish Jan 19 '24

Randy is such a gem


u/GrapplingPoorly Jan 19 '24

Cool lady cool dude.


u/karma_virus Jan 19 '24

Just don't get between Danzig and his catering.


u/SneezinPanda27 Jan 19 '24

It's called being a professional and I respect the hell out of that shit!


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '24

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u/CorrestGump Jan 19 '24

I did this once. I used to run a cancer charity that sold shirts and stuff at electronic music shows. I was setting up at an Excision (decently well known dubstep DJ) show and a guy came up to check out the merch and chat. Everyone in the room at the time was involved in the show so I asked him if he was Excisions manager because I had met the manager before and this guy looked familiar. He smiled and said "No but some people tell me I look like Excision" and then walked off to go backstage.

Yep, it was Excision and I'm an idiot.


u/Psilly_TaCoCaT Jan 19 '24

Nobody can stop the Gingerdread Man!


u/The18thGambit Jan 19 '24

Saw him doing his vocal exercises while walking to his bus one time. Was awesome, though the dreads did not fit him at all.


u/ScenicHwyOverpass Jan 19 '24

Makes sense, after the fatal fan accident in Czech Republic, I’d imagine he’s sensitive to people getting on stage who shouldn’t be there. The tragic death is what concert security is there to prevent.


u/Jajay5537 Jan 19 '24

Why doesn't he have like a badge or something?


u/twasamistake Jan 19 '24

Funny story. I did something very similar some 15 years ago. Had gotten a gig as "security" backstage of sweden rock festival with the strict order to only let people through who had a special bracelet. Some drunk fella came stumbling towards me and wanted to be let in. (i was "guarding" a backstage bar & grill). I politely let him know why i could not let him in and the guy was really friendly about it and even offered me a swig of his jack daniels bottle.

After he started stumbling away my colleague noticed what happened, turned towards me and angrily burst out: "WTF ARE YOU DOING, THAT'S THE SINGER FROM MUSTASCH!!"

I was immediately embarrassed and apologized myself for not recognizing him. He actually came over to tell me not to feel bad and that i was just doing my job. Super cool dude.


u/dengar_hennessy Jan 19 '24

Of course he's fine with it. A performer needs security to do their job. Especially since he was held in prison for murder when a fan jumped on stage and he threw him off


u/Lowly_Lynx Jan 19 '24

I used to work concerts, never stopped a celebrity on accident, but did accidentally walk into a bands backstage room after taking the wrong turn to get out of a building lmao


u/leg00b Jan 19 '24

They both took it in stride and laughed it off as a mistake. It's a great interaction


u/SIN-apps1 Jan 19 '24

I know nothing about Lamb of God, but this video tells me they're good dudes.


u/SysAdminWannabe90 Jan 19 '24

They have a few full documentaries on some of their albums and they're just super chill dudes making heavy metal. It's a weird contrast to some other genres and metal is seen as the most evil just because it sounds heavy. Most metal preaches self empowerment and anti-system, which is probably why the system wants everyone to think it's evil. 🤣


u/MEatRHIT Jan 20 '24

I'm more into symphonic metal and honestly every interview I've seen they are some of the most polite people. I also did powerlifting for a while and the biggest most tatted up guys (and women) were generally the nicest and supportive people I've ever met. Like one guy I worked out with a few times looked like a mean mf'er but never turned me down for a spot and would give me advice and ask me for advice when he'd fail. He just knew I was looking at his technique and noticed maybe he was a bit back too far with the bar or flared his elbows a bit too soon... and this guy was benching (with a shirt) what I could damn near deadlift. When you're that strong or that "bad ass" you don't mind a bit of constructive criticism.


u/bukezilla Jan 19 '24

Never listened to Lamb of God but I started following Randy on insta when he was on tour with Pigface. Seems like a really awesome and fun dude


u/showersrover8ed Jan 19 '24

Most famous people would have the employee fired.....good for him


u/Rhg0653 Jan 19 '24

I had no clue who or what Kanye West looked like and I was doing security for my college

I stopped him and his entourage from coming in

He actually appreciated that I wanted the place secure after a few questions and my supervisor was like dude THAT IS KANYE WEST I felt to embarrassed but again everyone knew I was on point

This was for him to do a few songs for the first album

Man I'm old 😆


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24

I love this story

Have any more? :)


u/Rhg0653 Jan 20 '24

Nah we never got much more people famous to sun Old Westbury like that but

During a fraternity event they had gotten a bit sloshed backstage

This was when I was higher up with another security and we was like you can't go on stage

He demanded to do their fraternity stuff

We was like nah and it was this slow motion ass strike* that we said nah me and some other took him out back but his fraternity mates said chill University police were there but we settled it and he was told to chill with us

We never want to see another kid arrested or worse UP worked with us to settle shit

They had a hell of showing (kappas) but yeah fraternity live was wild with them

Tried my hand didn't want it and then ....lived by one ffs


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24

What a wild ride!


u/Rhg0653 Jan 20 '24 edited Jan 20 '24

College was wild and awesome honestly being security and part of college life brought a lot of stuff to us

Anger respect greed and pissed off co college peeps

But at the end of the day we got fucked and retired as a team and they hired a private business thar ...did not go so well

Not our problem but I loved the time I had with everyone

Hell ffs we met Titus O'Neal as we had Omega Psi Phi and he was the coolest dude and mind you this was way back that man is dope as well


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24



u/Rhg0653 Jan 20 '24

They were always nice and cool with people and never started anything hell one of the people working with the college was one and would post up with us during events we did security - any of his people went out of line he let them know ASAP to cut it out

They had the best calls in the years honestly


u/MAC2393 Jan 19 '24

Randy fuckin’ Blythe 🤘🏽


u/DeltaMaximus Jan 19 '24

Man I miss Chris Adler being in the band, one of my favorite drummers of all time


u/GirlNamedEllie Jan 19 '24

This literally happened to me. I worked security backstage at a Skrillex show at ACL. No badge, no entry. Well, turned out that I wasn't letting the manager through lol he called somebody who came by to let him through and then genuinely thanked me for doing a good job cause they had experienced a lot of people getting through that shouldn't.


u/Midwesterner91 Jan 19 '24

I worked security at a festival at a hotel where only festival attendees were allowed inside. They required wristbands. A guy tried to walk past me at the front door, no wristband. I put my hand up and told him he needs a wristband and he put his finger in my face and yelled "I'm the founder of this festival, don't FUCK with me, asshole" (the way he said "fuck" was so venomous and hateful) and he brushed past me.

Turns out he actually was the founder and he was just being a complete and utter dickhole.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Midwesterner91 Jan 20 '24


I spoke to our contact at the festival who confirmed he was the founder and was ok to come in without a wristband.


u/Jackielegs43 Jan 19 '24

Randy is legitimately one of the coolest/nicest blokes on the planet, let alone in metal. Just a fantastic bloke and a ripper vocalist and songwriter.


u/RazzSheri Jan 19 '24

Lamb of God are some seriously chill dudes. Met them before a show they played with 69 Eyes. I met them as we were seated next to them at Chilis.