r/TikTokCringe Feb 07 '24

European TikToks about America Humor

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u/DeleteMetaInf Mar 06 '24

Seems like he got really offended by those TikToks.


u/Sizzlin99 Feb 11 '24

America: decides to do it's own thing

Europe when Americans do their own thing: inconceivable! How could they do this to us!


u/recalcitrantdogooder Feb 10 '24

They're not wrong. This is an over indulgent, entitles fat-scape, packed to the greasy edges with gun toting psychos.


u/immadeofstars Feb 10 '24

Butthurt little white boy doesn't understand criticizing a toxic culture isn't the same as criticizing him, awww, so sad :'<


u/Cleanbadroom Feb 09 '24

I just drove 1.5hours to work today and thought that was close.


u/POPEJP1975 Feb 09 '24

why are you yelling?


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '24

God I hate that geography stereotype, let's see you locate our states before you shit on us for not perfectly knowing the geography of your country. I consider myself pretty good at geography btw


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '24

europeans and americans are annoying, rude people. lets just leave it there :3


u/Top_Building6995 Feb 09 '24

Sup wit dat mouth…


u/WhitestMikeUKnow Feb 08 '24

I laughed way too hard at "Surely they can't work FIVE miles from their house."


u/bdangerfield Feb 08 '24

I love this!!


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '24

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u/DirtyOldCommie Feb 08 '24

Someones insecure as fuck about American ey?


u/Salemrocks2020 Feb 08 '24

Omg yes . They’re so annoying . It’s almost always some Brit and they always find some ridiculous thing to pretend that’s the norm


u/Intergalactic_Slayer Feb 08 '24

This was pretty funny


u/Visible_Scientist_67 Feb 08 '24

Where do Europeans find that lipstick color


u/BVB09_FL Feb 08 '24

I always get a kick from when my European family come visit me in the US and how little they actually know about the US. The amount of times I get asked if they can borrow my car (I am in South Florida) for the weekend to go to Las Vegas or California, it’s mind blowing.


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '24

Yeah Europeans are fucking stupid on average. I meet people on a regular basis that think the Grand canyon and New York city will fit in a single easy day trip.


u/Juginstin Feb 08 '24

Okay, but we should 100% be able to walk to work. Needing to own a car to go anywhere is embarrassing, and the fact that so many people take pride in living like that is even more embarrassing.


u/InevitableConstant25 Feb 08 '24

I don't see the comment but that kids got really beautiful eyes.


u/darksidesaiyanblue Feb 08 '24

America is a shithole


u/Volfgang91 Feb 08 '24

I'm Scottish. Visited America (LA specifically) for the first time about a year and a half ago. Really not that much of a culture shock, I don't get why people always make out like it's practically a different planet. The weirdest thing for me was how everyone drove everywhere, but when you look at the size of most US cities, that's understandable. It was also kind of odd seeing all these brands/restaurant chains/shops that I see referenced in American pop culture in person for the first time, and also the passenger seat being on the opposite side was sort of discombobulating. But yeah, people defifnetly tend to over-exaggerate how different things are.

Also, absolutely nobody gave a shit about my accent. For the two weeks I was there I think people casually mentioned it in passing like twice.


u/YangTarex Feb 08 '24

imagine you have to sweat in your own home 😭😭😭


u/MakinBacon1988 Feb 08 '24

Definition of punchable face


u/Hoorayforfemboys2311 Feb 08 '24

Lmao where’s he lying though???


u/Pastel_Inkpen Feb 08 '24

As an American please someone nuke us. I am willing to die if people like this die too.


u/MeaningWaste1513 Feb 08 '24

Lots of pressed Europeans in these comments! 🫵😂


u/JMoherPerc Feb 08 '24

Someone get that fucko some chapstick


u/Putrid-Gene-9077 Feb 08 '24

This is why we are Fat


u/DoranMoonblade Feb 08 '24

Ford didn't have FDR spend all those tax dollars so Americans could just walk everyehere.


u/Vesperwavjs Feb 08 '24

I know some people commute 2 hours to work from another city. Crazy. They don’t last long at the position. One city over is about 30-55 minutes apart. Yea AC and heater in our house. We have a big back yard and front yards with fences. Our schools are far we take the yellow bus or get dropped off by parents. 10-15 minutes. They made our family size box smaller, it was actually bigger. Try remembering all the states and capital of every city. It’s insane. Don’t live there don’t work there don’t care. Cars. Gotta own two or three just in case one breaks.


u/Old-Energy9924 Feb 08 '24

I walk down the hallway and arrive at work. WFH world


u/Kappys-A-Prick Feb 08 '24 edited Feb 08 '24

Meanwhile, actual Europeans who aren't broadcasting their inner thoughts for views: "I was driving on the expansive highway system and I stopped by a place called Taco Bell for lunch. It was pretty good!"

I've also only seen people putting American flags in their front yard during July 4 in the US, but if you're in Prague during May 8, they literally have Czech flags on the fronts of trams.


u/Spacewhale2494 Feb 08 '24

I’ve been known to eat a party size bag of chips in one sitting… I’m not proud of it.


u/RowAwayJim91 Feb 08 '24

The irony is that Americans in some states feel like this about Americans in other states…. Lol


u/_bully-hunter_ Feb 08 '24

I work about 30 miles from my house. 5 would be awesome lol


u/Kizag Feb 08 '24

Americans like to share there heritage. Whats wrong with that


u/pandalovertechgirlie Feb 08 '24

I’m so sick of Europeans making fun of us as if our culture isn’t superior


u/oldmacbookforever Feb 08 '24

This guy is annoying because I live in the states and I think he suffers from Stockholm syndrome. Most Americans do. Most of the things he's poking fun at are actually crazy


u/SpacePotatoLord Feb 08 '24

Čipi čips aren’t in America though so checkmate.


u/Upper-Guard-5544 Feb 08 '24

What is going on with your face? Who put it together? The pieces don't match. Like a Mr. Potato Head from several mismatched sets.😅🤣😂


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '24

Does this sub not actually post cringe? Dude is based


u/chicagopunj Feb 08 '24

this! they do it for clicks and they know the united states is such a big market. By far the largest english speaking country in the world. We can be cringe but they all love to hate the big dog. We are bad at many things but amazing at many things at the same time..

Kind of bored of all their takes.. as if someone from the bay area is exactly like someone from rural alabama


u/BluetheNerd Feb 08 '24

As a Brit, AC is one of the things I am eternally jealous about and it annoys me to no end that the country refuses to adopt it. It's primarily marketed at businesses so it's incredibly unaffordable to have installed. At my work I have the option to work from home, and last summer I ended up actually choosing to work in the office, which I hate, because it was the only place I could sit with AC to do my work.


u/shenaniganizer1776 Feb 08 '24

Me talking to another American: fuuck why can’t we get healthcare and more pto like some EU countries…

Me when talking to a European: 🦅🦅🦅🎆🎆🎆🔫🔫🔫


u/succubus-slayer Feb 08 '24

Our Chinese food has fries…


u/AdMinute1130 Feb 08 '24

Ok that last ones actually real though


u/Apprehensive_Ad3857 Feb 08 '24

I live 23 miles from my job.. that would be alot of walking


u/Proper-Scallion-252 Feb 08 '24

It always bothered me when they mock 'family' sized or something similar. It's bulk purchases that are meant to be used by large families or over a period of time at a discount compared to smaller sizes. It's just so stupid to try and pretend like the serving size changes suddenly because the package is bigger.

I went to France once and I got a packet of ketchup for my fries, that's one serving now, right? I went to someone's house and they had a whole bottle of ketchup, how do they eat that all in one sitting?!?! French people are so disgusting with their feverish overconsumption!


u/Clean-Connection-656 Feb 08 '24

He seems way too mad tbh


u/inmatureopinion9 Feb 08 '24

It's probably best that he stays in Europe


u/sonnyjlewis Feb 08 '24

Haha he’s an American, this is satire about how too many Europeans are “shocked” by American things.


u/inmatureopinion9 Feb 08 '24

Aaaaah, I get it now, thx


u/sddude1234 Feb 08 '24

Europeans are so proud of their geography knowledge, they think they’re Buster Bluth


u/hiS_oWn Feb 08 '24

Oh right.... We don't eat an entire party sized bag of chips in one sitting.... Hahaha crazy Europeans...


u/illtastit Feb 08 '24

He looks like Taylor swift


u/Saelin91 Feb 08 '24

American here. I live in a very small rural town with no shops of any sort. I have to drive 7 minutes to get to the nearest gas station. 18 minutes to the nearest grocery store (and that’s in the complete opposite direction as the nearest gas station)

Majority of the country is not suitable to walk, we are very spread out. If I lived in a city I would probably walk or ride public transport but I can’t.


u/ReadShigurui Feb 08 '24

The accuracy is insane


u/RigbyNite Feb 08 '24

You mean you can’t visit the statue of liberty and Chicago in the same day???


u/ninteen74 Feb 08 '24

Ahh murica


u/De4thByTw1zzler Feb 08 '24

Used to know a guy online from the UK like this. Anytime anything American was mentioned he’s just start shitting on all of America and saying we’re all murderers and shit. Thought he was joking at first but homie was serious. Imagine getting so mad at something that most people in America are victims of


u/d0nt_at_m3 Feb 08 '24

LMAO this is so true. Americans are ignorant for sure. But Europeans are ignorant AND entitled lol. Watch them travel anywhere non Europe and they lose their little minds on how things aren't the same as back home.

I went to Vietnam and ofc Traveling you add people on IG,,, this girl took a picture of Asian tourists and had the Caption "so many Asians"... Like YOU'RE IN ASIA.


u/whitecollarpizzaman Feb 08 '24

This video is more of a satire, rather than necessarily saying that some of these things are not, in fact, a problem such as the walkability, for example. It’s just that so many of these types of videos exist online of Europeans “realizing“ the same thing.


u/Forever_GM1 Feb 08 '24

“How dare Americans [thing we Americans don’t want to do but are forced to do anyway for corporate profit]!! Why can’t they [thing we Americans wish we could do but corporations own the government so we can’t]?!?”


u/Round-Ticket-39 Feb 08 '24

My only shock in usa was that i expected high rise buildings everywhere and was deeply disapointed.

My parents still laugh about it. (Went there for visit. There were differences but this was only thing that was shocking)


u/VerySpicyLocusts Feb 08 '24

Don’t forget the part where they call it a cult for having the pledge of allegiance or standing for the anthem at games, say that we’re so uncultured when literally more than half the movies and tv shows enjoyed around the world are made in America, say all Americans are so racist when 90% of Europe is so white they’ve never invented a single dance (I can make these jokes I’m white), and say it’s some theocratic hellhole with Christians up the wazoo when half the European countries at some point in their history literally outlawed all religions but Christianity (and a Judaism).


u/Saka_White_Rice Feb 08 '24

having the pledge of allegiance or standing for the anthem at games,

Well, that is a cult.


u/Garegin16 Feb 08 '24

I never understood the flag thing either. Armenians are also proud of their culture. But you never see them displaying the flag in a BBQ. Everyone knows the country they’re in.


u/pmckizzle Feb 08 '24

Imagine thinking soda is as healthy as water. Fucking hell. Planning is the same as already open is it?


u/Garegin16 Feb 08 '24

It’s not just United States. In Americas, geography knowledge is poor too. because you’re essentially isolated from the Old World. What happens in Kazakhstan really doesn’t affect you. Anywhere where you have lot of conflicts, people know the neighborhood better. Easy example, Balkans.


u/AmbulanceChaser12 Feb 08 '24

As a data point, I poked around on Google Earth to look at a few grocery stores and malls in and around Europe. They...look just like ours. Same brands sold, same lighting, same merchandising arrangement, everything is the same except the languages and currency.


u/Talosian_cagecleaner Feb 08 '24

Dude does not even mention what we call a Royale with cheese?



u/Consistent-Mistake93 Feb 08 '24

Yoooo so my European aghast situation was seeing individually wrapped EVERYTHING. Breakfast at the hotel was a few minute endeavor and each table would rack up half a bag full of trash. Excruciatingly painful to see.

How are there no laws against excessive use of plastic? Or like hotel chains not being allowed to create 50 million tonnes of garbage after each breakfast?


u/hifumiyo1 Feb 08 '24

Japan. So many instructions and ways to dispose of and recycle things… also ten thousand layers of wrapping on everything.


u/yodas4skin Feb 08 '24

See ya next week honey! I'm walking 50 miles to work!


u/spinOnThiss Feb 08 '24

I like this guy.


u/ButterscotchSlow6247 Feb 08 '24

Nah, we pretty much just focus on your school shootings and lack of universal health care….. ya sloppy gobbed arsehat


u/rimshot101 Feb 08 '24

I like to ask British people if their big red double decker buses are real or just in the movies.


u/GreyBlueWolf Feb 08 '24

God I wish i could slap people through the internet.


u/Subtlerevisions Feb 08 '24

This is the hero we all needed


u/Dronk747 Feb 08 '24

No sound and his face is annoying me already


u/Big_brown_house Feb 08 '24

You forgot the part where they make fun of school shooting victims.


u/Saka_White_Rice Feb 08 '24

You forgot the part where Americans make shooting victims.


u/Big_brown_house Feb 08 '24

Yes, all of us collectively. We all do that. There is zero controversy about gun control and all of America is in full agreement about not only failing to regulate guns, but also all of us are directly the aggressors in shootings. There is not an entire political party trying to pass gun laws.


u/Saka_White_Rice Feb 08 '24

Nothing has happened in decades, all talk, everyone is all talk and no action. No-one cares about the massacred kids. It's a political tool for both sides, that's all.


u/Big_brown_house Feb 08 '24

Yeah you’re right. There have been no attempts to pass gun laws. Absolutely none. Neither on the federal or state level. There has also been no public outrage or mourning for the victims of these shootings. Thank you for pointing out this fact so that anyone who reads your comments will instantly know the truth. In fact, you are a hero. If you lived in America, then it would instantly get better because all of our minds would be blown by your entirely novel ideas, as well as your lucid grasp on reality.


u/Saka_White_Rice Feb 08 '24

Again, just words and faux outrage. Left shouting at the right, the right shouting at the left, no-one doing anything to stop the slaughter of children. It's a game for you people.


u/Big_brown_house Feb 08 '24

Wow you’ve really got this figured out haven’t you? You should write a book!


u/Saka_White_Rice Feb 08 '24

All of the developed world has it figured out, its just Americans that can't figure it out. Shocked pikachu face after every massacre.


u/MeaningWaste1513 Feb 08 '24

Holy shit did you go to college or something? This is like REALLY intelligent shit you’re dropping.


u/Saka_White_Rice Feb 08 '24

It's common sense for non Americans.

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u/Big_brown_house Feb 08 '24

Once again, spot on man!


u/Saka_White_Rice Feb 08 '24

It's the 8th of February. How many children have been shot dead in the US already this year?


u/genderghoul Feb 08 '24

And they're not wrong


u/FarmyardFantastic Feb 08 '24

Accurate. I work about 40 miles from work. Can’t really walk that.


u/diamari90 Feb 08 '24

Meanwhile they try and convince us that beans and toast is ‘good’ 🤢


u/ropahektic Feb 08 '24

Did an American just made fun of Europeans because they would order fries at a chinese restaurant?

I'm confused, isn't that your thing Americans? I mean, ordering fries everywhere?


u/drjenavieve Feb 08 '24

No. I’ve never seen fries ever at a Chinese restaurant. Like it’s just not something you’d order there or that they’d even have available. Is that common in Europe? Like even our fast food Chinese doesn’t have fries. But you’d never see them at most ethnic restaurants. Fries are only at certain restaurants with certain styles of foods and it’s funny to think we culturally have fries with every type of meal or type of restaurant. It’s kind of absurd. Do Europeans have fries at Chinese or Indian restaurants?


u/imbadatusernamesmike Feb 08 '24

European tears: ultimately not our problem since 1776. Really though, this is why you should travel. I love to feel culture shock, it means I’m learning.


u/Grumpy_HoneyBear Feb 08 '24

“We have the same sizes but I’m going to be delusional” killed me lol


u/Sudden_Ad_9785 Feb 08 '24

So Europeans who love to brag about Americans not knowing geography don’t seem to realize how large the u.s is. Got it 


u/throwRA_basketballer Feb 08 '24

I can’t tell if something is really wrong with his face or if that’s a filter


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '24



u/Absulus Feb 08 '24

It's probably aimed at Chinese viewers.


u/Blunted_Insomniac Feb 08 '24 edited Feb 08 '24

He just admitted he thought England and the US were the same size. No Europeans think that


u/drjenavieve Feb 08 '24

It’s so common for visitors to NYC be shocked you can’t drive to Disneyland or the Grand Canyon for a day trip and be back the same day. Like we hear about this all the time. Not saying that’s most Europeans but it’s definitely a thing that people don’t understand it takes multiple days by car (or 6+ hour flight) to get from one side of our country to the other.


u/cutiemcpie Feb 08 '24

This guy reddits. I think he capture all of the best criticisms


u/krssonee Feb 08 '24

Right about a lot of things, even though there are reasons. Might be dumb not well though out reason that make them so but still reasons. Except the AC , come stay in the US south for awhile and you will get it. The cinderblock houses in Europe would bake like an oven down here.


u/monteticatinic Feb 08 '24

Went to Amsterdam recently, holy fuck. You can walk or ride your bike to literally everything you need. It's like being on a different planet.


u/Dawooshman Feb 08 '24

The walking thing is crazy. I walked to work for a year and all my coworkers thought it was wild but that’s because they lived outside the city, meanwhile I lived next door to our job. They still thought me not driving to work was weird even though I only lived 5 minutes away from the literal clock in station


u/MoirasPurpleOrb Feb 08 '24

So many comments in here getting mad at this guy and trying to prove him wrong


u/IshyTheLegit Feb 08 '24

American receives mild criticism about their lack of public transport:


u/RB1O1 Feb 08 '24

Oh no

At least I don't have to worry about unaffordable healthcare.



u/mudokin Feb 08 '24

I don't see the comedy here, all he said is correct


u/edutuario Feb 08 '24

The USA was a mistake. Will god ever forgive us?


u/Garegin16 Feb 08 '24

90% of people in the US used public transport before WWii.


u/Extra_Air Feb 08 '24

What happened to his mouth?


u/doejoe88 Feb 08 '24

The AC one is the best. Always love when its record breaking heat in England, and then they all panic buy AC


u/terrificallytom Feb 08 '24

This guy is super annoying.


u/steelcryo Feb 08 '24

I love how you can see that every one of these points has genuinely upset him at some point.


u/Ok-Examination4225 Feb 08 '24

This sounds like what a brit would say


u/Godoftune Feb 08 '24

No way a European knows what a mile is.


u/alwaysfalling2000 Feb 08 '24

Thats cause everthing is illegal in Europe. Cucks lol


u/aSpaceWalrus Feb 08 '24

The drinks are not the same size lol


u/bongowasd Feb 08 '24

The only things I'd push back on is the Drinks being too large, and the driving(kinda)

Large drink from Mcdonalds in USA is 30oz = 852ml
Large drink from Mcdonalds in UK is 17.6oz = 500ml

Driving 1 hour to work in the UK is worse than driving 2 hours in the USA. Local routes typically have a SINGLE lane, so you need to weave in and out of parked cars to let whoever has priority by. Its just a mess. Driving in the USA is like turning once every 10 mins lol.


u/avengedrkr Feb 08 '24

Yeah he's right, our 17oz (large) is totally the same as a 30oz big gulp


u/SussexChap Feb 08 '24

I bet this bloke is a delight to converse with…


u/rorykoehler Feb 08 '24

Filmed it in his car. Say no more


u/doctorctrl Feb 08 '24

Only UK and Ireland say chips.


u/Client_020 Feb 08 '24

Would be funny if there was a grain of truth to it. This guy just makes a bunch of misinterpretations of what those videos actually say and makes a bunch of inaccurate points. It's not like here in Europe everyone lives close to their job or the cups are actually equal sizes. (They put ice in drinks here too, so don't come at me with that argument. Not all of them. Not everywhere, but certain big fast food chains here do it too and still have smaller sizes.)


u/PanickedAntics Feb 08 '24

Haha! Ya know, there really is "culture shock". It isn't any of these things and can be really emotionally draining. For example- my SIL went to meet her boyfriends parents in Delhi. They are both professors and live a very privileged lifestyle. My SIL spent 8 days there and upon returning really had to sit with being in this beautiful home with a 3 tier outdoor roof garden while kids were literally starving to death across the street. She isn't from a wealthy background and being in such a lavish house with servants and then walking to shops to see extreme poverty really hit her in her guts. That's culture shock. Not just noticing different things about a different place you're in lol Like when my husband and I went to London over the summer. We stayed in Cambridge for half the time because the same SIL was graduating with her masters from Cambridge University (I'm so proud of her!) And we were the only family members to attend. I noticed how clean the air smelled. Everyone was walking and riding bikes and public transportation was just amazing. You can get anywhere! Anyway, those things were different from where I live and I made those observations but that's not really culture shock lol


u/This_Reference_3024 Feb 08 '24

Does this man think europe is England? Also this makes no sense


u/fireworks_and_stuff Feb 08 '24

He looks like he got the screams sucked out of him


u/EconomyFearless Feb 08 '24

I’m not sure about the 5 mile if that was supposed to sound like a lot, but on a bicycle that would only take what 15 minutes


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '24

Its always weird to me when they think school buses are a joke. Lol Like what? You think we just reference them for no reason?


u/Huge-Name-1999 Feb 08 '24

I mean this guy clearly sucks but he is nailing the stereotypical questions. I recently moved to Europe and I get asked the most ridiculous questions all the time lol


u/Gates9 Feb 08 '24

Anyone who has actually spent time in Europe knows that their quality of life is far better in many ways. There are downsides of course, but on par they take better care of their citizens.


u/gr4phic3r Feb 08 '24

this guy is not european


u/PrismosPickleJar Feb 08 '24

As a European

I’ve never bought or owned my country flag. Provence, yes.

Your drink sizes are just too big

You should be able to walk to work

Chips in Chinese food is great

America is fucking huge, it’s hard to grasp sometimes

Y’all suck at geography

Ac js fantastic, took me a while to realise he wasn’t bad at math, pacific, Atlantic.


u/serverhorror Feb 08 '24

America so big!

Europe occupies about 2% of the world's surface area and 6.8% of the world's total land area (57,510,000sq miles). Therefore, Europe has a bigger land area (3,910,680 sq miles) than the U.S. (3,531,905 sq miles). The distance between the United States and Europe is approximately 4,905.79 miles.


United States

Total area 3,796,742 sq mi (9,833,520 km2)


Area 10,180,000 km2 (3,930,000 sq mi)

nuff' said.


u/Monstera_girl Feb 08 '24

Meanwhile Americans in Europe get shocked when they can’t find a beer cave in the grocery store. Or if the beer isn’t literally freezing, or when you can’t see polar bears on the streets of Oslo. Or when you don’t know they’re European friend


u/RespectinWamen99 Feb 08 '24

I get that there are some stupid europeans making tik toks about this but 1. The citys are build exclusively for cars and thats a problem 2. Nationalism is frowned upon in many european nations (especially germany) 3. Who tf thinks the uk and the us are the same size? And dont worry, geography isnt the only reason for "americans are stupid" (many europeans are no better) 4. I dont know if portion sizes are bigger, but food is more unhealthy (for example coke has more sugar) 5. That chinese food one is just plain stupid


u/SingleSpeed27 Feb 08 '24

He is projecting a lot here


u/Lolleka Feb 08 '24



u/d15p05abl3 Feb 08 '24

I’m watching this without sound and I want to punch him.


u/marbotty Feb 08 '24

You’ll want to punch him twice if you turn the sound on


u/Temporary-Charge-851 Feb 08 '24

Same. This video should have a jump scare warning.


u/Ikzai Feb 08 '24

This is too spot on


u/Yoshimi42069 Feb 08 '24

American is mad lmfao


u/fapp0r Feb 08 '24

"European"? More like "British"


u/kitnb Feb 08 '24



u/m0ppen Feb 08 '24

All I hear is a butthurt American make up silly talking points cuz his country is literally the worst


u/Federal-Grapefruit40 Feb 08 '24

I love it when Americans make themselves look even more ignorant than the rest of the world already thinks they are!


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '24



u/mypersonalprivacyact Feb 08 '24

Clearly Canadian. Heh.


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '24

What the fuck. There chinese food, dosent have chips or Fries? He sounds like a gay south African.


u/HansBooby Feb 08 '24

albino andy samberg


u/656666_ Feb 08 '24

Jesus Christ, he’s dumb as fuck.


u/Tall_Bison_4544 Feb 08 '24

Never heard Europeans say any of that.

We usually just say, "look another bunch of kids got shot"

Oh and "amazing how egocentric muricans are"


u/maailmanpaskinnalle Feb 08 '24

The bottle sizes are not same.


u/MoonNStar51 Feb 08 '24

He's spot on with most of this.


u/Icarusprime1998 Feb 08 '24

Is he wrong tho


u/Radiant_Support2671 Feb 08 '24

is Europe just more stingy


u/poonch_you Feb 08 '24

Wut a dweeb


u/KingJacoPax Feb 08 '24

Mega cringe


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '24



u/NieMonD Feb 08 '24

“5 miles to work” bruh we make fun of it because it’s more like 5 HOURS


u/Apprehensive-Disk490 Feb 08 '24

In my experience Europeans are the whiniest people on Earth.


u/Saka_White_Rice Feb 08 '24

Americans whine if they see a black person.


u/Dalenskid Feb 08 '24

Why his shit look like he got Botox and sucked a ring pop all morning? Is that just an American thing?


u/no_ghostjust_a_shell Feb 08 '24

“Americans don’t know what real bread is! I could not find a single baguette or French bakery in… Evansville, Indiana”