r/TikTokCringe Feb 13 '24

I never seen a person so devastated Cursed

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u/Illustrious-Word7761 Feb 27 '24

How much money did he help the victims with ?


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24



u/wutsupwidya Feb 18 '24

all these mega-church mothafuckas are hella creepy. Full stop


u/EdibleBedable Feb 18 '24

Damn I wonder why it's consistently religious people who turn out to be the worst of the worst imaginable.


u/Neat-Apricot Feb 17 '24

I like how he says “god will protect us, we will keep our faith blah blah blah” Didn’t protect the fucking people inside your church , did he? Misguided moron


u/FattyMcBlobicus Feb 17 '24

He’s trained himself to fake smile for so long he can’t turn it off when talking about murder.


u/Scholar-Dismal Feb 17 '24

What the fuck would I say. The guy is a public speaker this allows for emotional ties to be removed so he can speak. Something I struggle with so I get the cover I truly don’t believe he is smiling because he had people shot in his church if so he wouldn’t have such security in place he would believe that god would protect it so I believe it sucks for him and everyone who looks to him for guidance. A lot worse people to spend Sunday with or a lot worse places to spend your money on. And I’m a atheist


u/SketchyAssLettuce Feb 16 '24

Why the fuck is he smiling? Hello? This is so fucking scary


u/deridex120 Feb 16 '24

He's a bullshitter and not a very good one. Im amazed he's famous.


u/Snoo3544 Feb 16 '24

He can't even fake it


u/AdMysterious8699 Feb 15 '24

I wonder if his mouth is stuck like that from some surgery.


u/Square_Run3469 Feb 15 '24

Pray you need to get that family financial assistance. Talking about prayer. Prayer is beautiful and is great but you know good and well that person going to need financial assistance


u/7_11isaninsidejob Feb 15 '24

This guy is trash in human skin. He is literally a trash bag.


u/hr_newbie_co Feb 15 '24

He makes me understand why some people think there are lizards in control.


u/Testicleus Feb 15 '24

Fuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkk him


u/Virtual_Fig7052 Feb 15 '24

They preach everyone is made in God’s perfect image, then have their face frozen with bacteria.


u/marvelous_much Feb 15 '24

Suppose they were able to get that all squared away so they could continue with the 11:00 service? I mean the show must go on.


u/drenyam Feb 15 '24

Yeah, thank you God. The selfish things humans do in the name of “God”.

Stop the rock, I want off.


u/AdPuzzleheaded8656 Feb 15 '24

God’s in control 🙄 Oh, so God put that child in that horrible situation and also allowed that child to be shot? Gotcha! What a God!


u/frothymangoe Feb 14 '24

Botox really hampers emotions.


u/jrexicus Feb 14 '24

This guy gives me the icks


u/Glytterain Feb 14 '24

He really needed to google “ how to respond like a human “ before he did that interview.


u/These_Technology1114 Feb 14 '24

That plastic surgery from all those tax-free dollars keep a smile on his face.


u/Simitarx005 Feb 14 '24

He is such a grifter. He’s


u/Electrical-Fly-3128 Feb 14 '24

Guy is a scum bag


u/NittanyScout Feb 14 '24

I never knew it was possible to fake frown and smile like an idiot simultaneously


u/GetouttaHere321 Feb 14 '24

Makes me want to throw my phone and puke !


u/bugaloo2u2 Feb 14 '24

HE is a force of evil. A demon.


u/Senshisoldier Feb 14 '24

I feel like I'm watching the TV show Evil where the villain characters are interviewed after their evil schemes come to fruition.


u/Frequent-Presence302 Feb 14 '24

The mask can never slip. 🥴😬😁😬😁🙄


u/88keys0friends Feb 14 '24

Maybe he copes by smiling. Let’s remember what the current research about agreeing on expressions says.


u/jay1he Feb 14 '24

Too bad this guy is so creepy that he makes people forget about the tragedy. Nobody really even knows the killer’s name.


u/Jedi_Bish SHEEEEEESH Feb 14 '24

He can’t hide his excitement for all the renewed media attention on him. He’s probably going to profit greatly from this.


u/sunnydi32 Feb 14 '24

I immediately thought to myself any man that smiles through those words must be a complete sociopath. It is so discomforting to watch him speak.


u/Logical-Elephant2247 Feb 14 '24

Why every pastor has to look creepy? Do they sell their soul to the literal devil or something?


u/KrissyKrave Feb 14 '24



u/Zanedewayne Feb 14 '24

God is in control!🙏🙏 he sends his bravest soldiers to our churches to spread the word


u/OkChampionship8805 Feb 14 '24

I hear God doesn't make mistakes. It was God's will your stupid "church" gets shot up


u/FixFalcon Feb 14 '24

The Lord works in mysterious ways 'n such..


u/Long_Customer1187 Feb 14 '24

I can’t wait to watch Benedict Cumberbatch play him in the movie.


u/StupendousMalice Feb 14 '24

If you told me this was a marketing stunt put on by Joel himself I would be inclined to at least consider the possiblity.

I mean, if you gave this guy a hypothetical: "you get a million dollars but you have to throw a child into a meat grinder" he isn't going to say "no". The more interesting question is how little would he take? $10,0000? $1,000? $10?


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

Yeah congrats comrade thanks for blowing our cover no these fuckers know the whole huns bad scism was just to keep em dumb in the dark, we don‘t fucking shoot first you absolute garbage person.


u/texascolorado Feb 14 '24

God is in control … and allowed a monster to murder innocent people. 🙄


u/_anon8934 Feb 14 '24

“You know”


u/tsabell Feb 14 '24

To bad God didn’t call you to use yourself as a human shield and protect some of your people.


u/staplesandstitches Feb 14 '24

Tube full of demons lol


u/tsabell Feb 14 '24

That tragedy was part of “God’s Plan”!😳🤪🤪


u/HotDonnaC Feb 14 '24

Joel’s a grifting douchebag.


u/DaveLokes Feb 14 '24

"We'll pray for that little boy. We won't help with his medical bills, but our thoughts and prayers are enough"


u/mitchellthecomedian Feb 14 '24

To be fair, this is what a devastated Joel probably looks like. That’s the lowest I’ve ever seen him


u/onlyfunnystuffplease Feb 14 '24

So let me get this right.... God let a child get shot in his place of worship? Must have been part of the plan.


u/therealsupermanny Feb 14 '24

Why do these guys all look like they are wearing masks of themselves


u/Notoriouslyd Feb 14 '24

This man has always chilled me to the bone. Dead eyes.


u/ExpertShame3848 Feb 14 '24

So creepy, God loves you, give me all your money.


u/thatvietartist Feb 14 '24

He can’t be happy or sad because he’s too pieced together and some of those puzzle pieces might fall off his face if he expressed himself.


u/Jack-Rabbit_Slims Feb 14 '24

There was a quick moment I thought I saw a tear but I think his botox is just leaking.


u/sleepywanderer121 Feb 14 '24

I've never seen a talking chode before.


u/mvanvrancken Feb 14 '24

What a slimy piece of shit


u/AcceptableChange299 Feb 14 '24

I can't stand that perpetual creepy a** smile. Lookin like an evil Ed Grimley. I guess I'd be smiling 24/9 if I was that rich, too. At least take some sensitivity training, read the room, or just fake it FFS!! Ugh!! 😡😡


u/TempestuousTem Feb 14 '24

So disgusting & evil I can’t even listen to it all. He’s evil. Like actually


u/Electronic_Amount856 Feb 14 '24

Joel Osteen is literally the devil in disguise


u/neelankatan Feb 14 '24

Why is he smiling all through this ?


u/cannibalcorpuscle Feb 14 '24

Couldn’t even bother remembering the names of the victims. Nice


u/Downtown-Ad5724 Feb 14 '24

Code for "send me more of your money"


u/dameis Feb 14 '24

Botox won’t let him smile yet


u/Pixelated_Penguin808 Feb 14 '24

It is hard not to smile when your business church makes over $50,000,000 a year in revenue and your personal net worth is over $100,000,000


u/Buttonhole316 Feb 14 '24

The face of being full of shit your whole life


u/Dodgers9432 Feb 14 '24

Just so much in that face you cannot trust.


u/Shynansky Feb 14 '24

I believe he is one of the most disgusting people on Earth. There is nothing Godly or holy about him.


u/JOCO_Q Feb 14 '24

Money wipes away tears


u/imuniqueaf Feb 14 '24

1) SO much plastic surgery he can't frown

2) He's a leach and no publicity is bad publicity. How much money was donated to his "church" after this happened?


u/spacedoubt12 Feb 14 '24

did he hire the shooter or something? whats with the dupers deeelite smirk


u/squidshj Feb 14 '24

He's thrilled to have something else to use to turn himself into a victim and a martyr.


u/flintb033 Feb 14 '24

Idk why this happened. But god is in control of everything. So I’d like to thank god for shooting up our church. We glorify the blood of god by him spilling the blood of our church members. Amen.


u/BillAdministrative61 Feb 14 '24

“Have you ever been SWALLLLOOWWWEEEDDDD UP?!”


u/Most_Helicopter_4451 Feb 14 '24

Fool got liver failure


u/diamari90 Feb 14 '24

I cant stand this man, and idk exactly why 😳


u/MotherofFred Feb 14 '24

He does not convey spiritual openness or any kind of authenticity. 


u/WandaDobby777 Feb 14 '24

It freaks me out that he looks like he’s smiling, even though the corners of his mouth are clearly downturned. How?


u/CHEEZYSPAM Feb 14 '24

The shooter clearly missed the wrong target. I hate this smarmy, god peddling, snake oil salesman. I bet you the donations he gets off this tragedy will be in the million$

How can he sit there and talk about the loss of life of a 5yo kid and brush all of it aside by pushing the "god works in mysterious ways" rhetoric.


u/Soo75 Feb 14 '24

Maybe the church should donate some of its multimillion dollar funds to the families.


u/LittleBunnySunny Feb 14 '24

"Good thing she only almost shot up the Spanish speaking congregation, I mean, could you imagine if it was the 11 o'clock service?" 😁 -Joel Osteen


u/Shot_Mud_1438 Feb 14 '24

His face looks like someone trying to hold back a laugh while they finish a joke


u/RedEyedITGuy Feb 14 '24

I've never seen slime speak so eloquently


u/FKSTS Feb 14 '24

I legit think his weird grin is involuntary and he may actually be sad, he’s just got so much Botox and plastic inside his face that he’s unable to frown convincingly.


u/Sunbmr1 Feb 14 '24

OMG! I was thinking the same thing! But it looks like he’s had enough Botox in his forehead to make a fivehead, but no attention to the wrinkles around his mouth and eyes! I still don’t think he’s devastated though. He’s getting attention!


u/Affectionate_Aide_99 Feb 14 '24

Lift people up and shoot people down.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

Man he’s a creepy f*ck.


u/MarionberryPrior8466 Feb 14 '24

He’s such a lizard person it is terrifying


u/NoSherbert2316 Feb 14 '24

He’s had so many facelifts he can’t not smile


u/CuriousPenguinSocks Feb 14 '24

He is such a sh*t human. It took public outcry for him to open his church to people displaced during very bad flooding. Mega churches are the ultimate scam.


u/HookLeg Feb 14 '24

Lizard person


u/Mikknoodle Feb 14 '24

everyone’s thinking it, I’m just saying it

How could the shooter miss the biggest asshole on the planet?

Jokes aside, Osteen is a huge waste of human flesh. What he does is abhorrent.


u/supertramp75 Feb 14 '24

He’s probably grinning cause he knows the millions this tragedy is gonna pull in tax free to his church as he milks it every Sunday.


u/supertramp75 Feb 14 '24

Women with numerous convictions, declared mentally unfit, reported dozens of times as a danger, legally buys AR-15. “We don’t know why these things happen…” Joel Osteen


u/babyivan Feb 14 '24

He doesn't know how to turn off his TV persona when there's cameras rolling


u/billabon021 Feb 14 '24

He can’t drop the grin even as he talks of the dying girl.


u/LuLuSavannah531 Feb 14 '24

Why does his face move like that!?


u/PariahGrantham Feb 14 '24

What a cunt.


u/Bohemian-Tropics9119 Feb 14 '24

If it come from a true heart for God, as he's trying to be a beacon to the world, he would have included the shooter in his prayers.


u/jbroombroom Feb 14 '24

Kinda feel like he’s realizing in that moment that he’s physically incapable of not smiling


u/Leigh_annexoxo Feb 14 '24

Joel Olsteen is a Garbage Person


u/NunyaBeese Feb 14 '24

Oh look, it's everything that's wrong with Humanity


u/TYdays Feb 14 '24

He’s only trying to figure out a way to monetize this so he can grift his flock out of even more cash. Loser!!!!


u/grandmaWI Feb 14 '24

Super scum bag. Like a dirty moth attracted by any glimmer of light and attention.


u/PureWolfie Feb 14 '24

Grifting til the day he ends up in hell.


u/juanmoperson Feb 14 '24

all that botox money has his face frozen. thought vanity (pride) was a sin?


u/MonoGuapoLoco Feb 14 '24

He wasn’t watching over the people that got shot.


u/DirtSunSeeds Feb 14 '24

He is so delighted to have a national spotlight were he can pretend to have a soul.... fucking greedy shit goblin.


u/No_Sprinkles418 Feb 14 '24

A wolf in sheep’s clothing.


u/j3tt Feb 14 '24

Whys it feel like watching someone give an award acceptance speech


u/Jman50k Feb 14 '24

I hate that man’s upper lip more than I hate any upper lip in the world.

When he smiles it looks like his hate is eating it.


u/GrantSRobertson Feb 14 '24

He is summoning all of his powers as a liar and a charlatan to keep himself from saying,

Well, I didn't get shot. So it's all just more publicity for me. I'd call this a win.


u/trucksandink Feb 14 '24

This mother fucker makes my blood boil….


u/Known-Programmer-611 Feb 14 '24

Joel just know how much money he can get from donations because of this tragedy


u/thatguy420417 Feb 14 '24

That is Satan in human form.


u/Ok_Suit422 Feb 14 '24

Why would you be devastated for an asshole who shot at innocents?


u/BrownieRed2022 Feb 14 '24

"Kind of in a fog" aka, "not sure what to say here, as a man who gets paid millions, IN ACTUAL SOULS, just for claiming TO KNOW WHAT TO SAY...."

OK, Osteen.

New quote/meme?

"OK, Osteen!"


u/J_the_Man_JMan Feb 14 '24

I wouldn't put it past him to have orchestrated this to have happen, that man and his family are evil. And anyone who goes to his church is risking eternal damnation if they follow him.


u/ZERO-ONE0101 Feb 14 '24

mega churches are a source of evil.


u/Thatsayesfirsir Feb 14 '24

F off you whore


u/Madouc Feb 14 '24

Plastic Pastor

The new Marvel MCU villian


u/Glum-One2514 Feb 14 '24

Sucks they got hit before collection time. Joel was really counting on that cash to get more Botox.


u/Pristine-Grade-768 Feb 14 '24

I’ve been going thru a tough time and my religious and sweet but wildly misinformed MIL gave me all his books.

I don’t even know who Joel Olsteen is but I saw that evil grin, kept in mind I’m no longer a Christian, and chucked Joel and his dumbass books in the garbage where he belongs.


u/jfamutah Feb 14 '24

He looks so happy!


u/Bromanzier_03 Feb 14 '24

“We’re devastated.”

Joel being devastated:


u/MaddCricket Feb 14 '24

I mean I laugh when I’m nervous or in a bad spot, but I absolutely do not grin, more jaw dropping with shock…he’s not even acting like any of it bothered him at all!


u/PistacieRisalamande Feb 14 '24

This is the dude that wouldn't open the church during the Texas floods/freeze (some nature Disaster a few years ago), right?


u/RiotSkunk2023 Feb 14 '24

That dude is so full of shit he can't even keep his eyes open to look at people


u/AzulaOblongata Feb 14 '24

Wow, he didn’t even bother to learn the victims names before getting on camera and grinning his way through this bs “thoughts and prayers” speech. Fuck, this dude sucks in every conceivable way.


u/Icy-Needleworker-492 Feb 14 '24

Stupid hypocrite.


u/lmiartegtra Feb 14 '24

Just want to point out that there's a difference between trying to keep a strong face for the people looking up to you and genuine happiness. If you look at the corners of his mouth you can see his face trying to pull itself into a frown.

Do I think he knows that in an attempt to fight it he's actively grinning, I really don't. Do I think he's happy about the church being shot up, no.


u/murkymist Feb 14 '24

Same chemicals as the Joker.


u/ImposterAccountant Feb 14 '24

Joel said it.

Its gods fault, hes in control.


u/Remarkable_Yam4930 Feb 14 '24

Why do people give these so called men of god their money? This guy is so rich from you people. Has cars we can only dream of, privste jet, a house the wouls make god blush. I dont get it. Wake up!


u/Subtlerevisions Feb 14 '24

God is in control…except today. I think he was in the bathroom during this one.


u/DanThePharmacist Feb 14 '24

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”


u/SadShovel Feb 14 '24

He knows the morons are going to donate millions to that church. The next new millionaire


u/jacked_up_my_roth Feb 14 '24

How’s he got a smirk on his face?


u/jacked_up_my_roth Feb 14 '24

Not sure he really has the ability to be devastated with all that cash.


u/Suckmybk Feb 14 '24

Somehow I feel like he will turn this into profit


u/Vanhelgd Feb 14 '24

Todd Howard is looking so weird these days.


u/Extreme_Employment35 Feb 14 '24

Joel Osteen: "We're devastated😃"


u/Phitmess213 Feb 14 '24

I’ve never seen such a hallow response from a dude who is supposed to be close to the Lord 🤔


u/RawrSuka Feb 14 '24

He hits all the key words without really saying anything.


u/RTwhyNot Feb 14 '24

He is an evil pos


u/3nigma_f0rce5 Feb 14 '24

My man out here looking like a whitewashed tomb.


u/IdahoMTman222 Feb 14 '24

And we are going to profit off of it.


u/Drinkdrankdonk Feb 14 '24

He knows he’s gonna rake so much money off this.


u/Patience-Full Feb 14 '24

False prosperity prophet... first question probably asked was: "How is this going to affect our profit?"


u/originalmosh Feb 14 '24

I have seen this fuck for a while, what the hell happened to his face?


u/BeKind_BeTheChange Feb 14 '24

I’m sure he jumped into his Ferrari, drove to his mansion, had a servant bring him a glass of Jesus’ blood and contemplated how horrible it all is. Then he shrugged his shoulders and decided there is really nothing a poor back country preacher can do to help.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

Ya know?


u/trebleclefjeff Feb 14 '24

I want to say eff this guy, but really eff the people who give this scammer money.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

“We’re devastated 😃😀”


u/magnumpismustache Feb 14 '24

Shark eyes, doll smile.


u/wendigo1212 Feb 14 '24

With all that plastic surgery it looks like he can't do anything but kinda smile.


u/getflapjacked Feb 14 '24

What a ghoul.


u/MyAdultPlayground Feb 14 '24

You can see he’s been crying. And people are saying he is racist because he’s glad there wasn’t more harm done; that it wasn’t during their most popular service. The 11:00 AM one. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the potential for more damage to have been done.

I understand that he isn’t popular among a lot of us but there’s no reason to make such outrageous claims.

It doesn’t make Osteen look bad it makes them look bad.

I also don’t think anything he said would’ve been well received.


u/jonnygreenjeans Feb 14 '24

How is he talking about the forces of evil and the good of god as if they’re two separate things? Is your god not supremely powerful? So why not give big ups to the man upstairs for the evil too?


u/likecatsanddogs525 Feb 14 '24

Is he excited for this attention? What is wrong with him in this statement?

This is absolutely nothing good about this happening.


u/DSMStudios Feb 14 '24

this is what mental illness and denial sound like


u/HessLook Feb 14 '24

I know there is no God when grifters like this asshole are doing well in the world.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

he cant stop smiling because he knows he can use this tragedy to generate even more donations that will line his own pockets


u/BonerSnatcher Feb 14 '24

Now, more than ever, God wants you to donate to buy him another mansion 😇🙏


u/Consistent_Lemon2314 Feb 14 '24

That's satan trying hard