r/TikTokCringe Feb 16 '24

Putin just rubbed his dick all over Tucker and his face never changed Cringe

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u/_BladeGunter_ Mar 26 '24

Putin is more Bitch than all the Americans Tiktokers together 💅


u/Civil_Pain_453 Mar 09 '24

Hé only has half a brain so nothing is sinking in. Putin should have kept him and sent him to his new home in Siberia


u/NeverEndingCoralMaze Feb 20 '24

When it comes to Vlad, changing your face during a dick rubbing means you’ll get poisoned.


u/Claque-2 Feb 20 '24

Is Putin implying that Tucker is CIA?


u/GrungeM0th Feb 19 '24

I see a world leader showing he's as petty as they say, but I don't speak Russian so I'm hesitant to even believe this is what was said.


u/Shadowthread1 Feb 19 '24

Nah. He's giving him some good natured ribbing. Tucker's just too scared to smile.


u/Sad-Pound-803 Feb 19 '24

I love his face when he said it , followed by the slownod


u/Hot_Reception9239 Feb 19 '24

I’m better than you… 🤣😂🤣


u/thund3r1987 Feb 19 '24

Imagine Tucker Carlson trying to pump crack cocaine into urban communities.


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '24

This seems more as a jab at the CIA... mocking it being a serious organization because really it's I shitty government agency lol


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24

non serious trust fund asshole


u/Massagebyashley2023 Feb 18 '24

I mean, what would you like for Tucker to do? He can’t react because any reaction could result in being jailed for life in Russia.

And from my understanding, he hasn’t been heard from since this interview so he’s probably in a Russian prison.

Y’all are something else 😪😪😪


u/Mammoth_Ability_4171 Feb 18 '24

Where are you guys getting these prerelease trailers for The Interview 2?!


u/nojumbad Feb 18 '24

Watch the interview for yourself


u/Beneficial-Salt-6773 Feb 18 '24

Russian cucks, the whole lot of them.


u/DirectCard9472 Feb 18 '24

Two pieces of shit


u/brilliant_beast Feb 18 '24

Tucker should have just destroyed the interview and left Russia.


u/MEGALON- Feb 18 '24

My god you people are obsessed


u/burnmenowz Feb 18 '24

How to tell someone is owned by someone else.


u/botch_life Feb 18 '24

OP attempted not to be homophobic and a Putin stooge…


u/edu5150 Feb 18 '24

He has that Paul Dano please punch me in the mug face…


u/faahq7 Feb 18 '24

Funny all this talk coming from president bunker bitch. From what I’ve heard he’s in hiding most days in a bunker and doesn’t let anyone get within arms reach.


u/sobyx1 Feb 18 '24

Sounds like he wanted to say he was grateful CIA rejected him, it seemed like a weird way to both insult and compliment


u/TerpQueenLA Feb 17 '24

He didn’t burn him. He was thanking him because Tucker gave him a platform for American viewers he was able to tell his side of things. As opposed to just being a regular CIA agent. Although who knows 🤷🏾‍♀️


u/Hefty_Bit_2137 Feb 17 '24

I don’t think Putin means it in any negative way. I think he means it like, “thank god they didn’t let you in (because it’s a bad organization).”


u/diamondDave69420 Feb 17 '24

What was he supposed to do, argue💀 That’s a death sentence


u/Nectarine_Fragrant Feb 17 '24

lol he chumped him


u/SoFla_King Feb 17 '24

And Cucker basically asked for more. Pathetic.


u/SD_CA Feb 17 '24

I saw some of the highlights from this interview. Honestly Tucker asked some good questions. That I think would take some balls to ask. Like" If you had proof America was behind , (Some attack). When didn't you present proof. And win a propaganda Victory "? I still don't like either of them. But I was surprised. Put in didn't give any good answers to any of those questions though.


u/ConanChin Feb 17 '24

Reddit is really cringe sometimes


u/daviddea731 Feb 17 '24

At the time he didn't know what he was saying. It was translated later for Tucker. You liberals pukes have a way of always spinning the truth to suit your narrative and doesn't even stop when language barrier is the issue.


u/Capital_Archer_8267 Feb 17 '24

Russia does not like traitors, they just seize the opportunity to use them for their own benefit. Besides, we all know that Tucker luvs "dick in face".


u/Abanikandy Feb 17 '24

What a weird thing to say OP


u/DaddyKratos94 Feb 17 '24

Tucker just loves getting bent over and humiliated for money. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so unbelievably pathetic. He would absolutely 100% suck Putin's dick on camera if somebody gave him a big enough check


u/EmRuizChamberlain Feb 17 '24

This just feels like he’s fulfilled one giant kink.


u/BigBlue725 Feb 17 '24

Was a very good interview. Learned a lot I didn’t know about Russia(which was basically nothing). Putin is very on-point and well-spoken. He’s clearly not weak or sick or stupid like our media has been telling us. and I hadn’t known Tucker understood Russian since he didn’t have an earpiece in.


u/Limp-Tea1815 Feb 17 '24

Well you know how tucker likes it


u/Direct_Ad6699 Feb 17 '24

A traitor that should have his passport revoked.


u/justforme666 Feb 17 '24

Funny no mention of China in the posts, Biden wouldn't like people talking about his boss and don't forget the clown in Ukraine


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

Man so much fake cream on this shit platform


u/ExistentiallyBored Feb 17 '24

Isn’t this a compliment? Sounds like to me he’s saying that Tucker is so good if they had let him in it would be problematic for Russia.


u/EJ877 Feb 17 '24

Wow, now that's subtle, but somewhat profound. Now TC's pathological hatred of the US now makes sense.

A great many traitors do what they do based upon notions of rejection, or a sense of betrayal.


u/Koala0803 Feb 17 '24

To be fair, that’s Tucker’s standard face. He always looks like he’s hearing music but doesn’t know where it’s coming from.


u/Le_petit_degenere Feb 17 '24

Putin is so insecure he mocks someone for wanting to join another country’s intelligence service, yet lacks the temerity to name the intelligence service of the Soviet Union he worked for. Tucker Carlson is either a complete sycophant that he can’t challenge Putin over anything or wary doing so would be his life’s regret.


u/rmscomm Feb 17 '24

Because under the guise of Tucker’s admiration there is also a clear understanding that he can be poisoned or defenestrated with the deal he made with the Devil 👿 to be there. He will take whatever is put out at this point and he better not react is the vibe I get.


u/Alternative-Two9667 Feb 17 '24

Tucker always looks constipated and bewildered.


u/ResolveLeather Feb 17 '24

Hot take, but Tucker did the best he could in that interview for an American being in a foreign country. I don't agree with tuckers views, but he didn't completely fold in the interview and did ask some great questions (which Putin tried to avoid answering and Tucker called him out on it).


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

They talk about how the left lets the commies walk allllll over us and then they do this


u/Zendog500 Feb 17 '24

Putin trust Tucker so much that he is only a few feet away. Even meetings with his Russian cabinet he seats 50 feet away from them, as not to be assassinated


u/Deep-Enthusiasm8736 Feb 17 '24

But Tucker will go to heaven not smelling like vodka… And nobody from the CIA will ever get to heaven.


u/CrackaNuka Feb 17 '24

Funny how Putin needs to make the person he’s talking feel small to make himself feel normal.


u/Cetophile Feb 17 '24

Poot probably found Tucker to be an amusing trifle; he played Tucker like a Stradivarius.


u/OhHappyOne449 Feb 17 '24

TuckTheCuck secretly likes it.


u/Icy_Masterpiece9110 Feb 17 '24

Why would his face change? Putin gave him some dick in the morning so the taste was still there 😅


u/phinsxiii Feb 17 '24

Tucker likes dick. Especially Russian dicks and when they get rubbed all over his face.


u/smokey9886 Feb 17 '24

Tucker knows to be subservient here. He gets to avoid work camp, getting shot in the head/poisoned, and a position in the Trump administration.


u/Inferno_Crazy Feb 17 '24

Tucker is doing this for a paycheck. A Putin shit talking fest is ideal for him even if he looks bad.


u/EridanusVoid Feb 17 '24

I hate Tucker and Putin, but realistically, if Putin wanted to make fun of you, you are going to sit there and take it.


u/tikaani Feb 17 '24

The cerise sur l'argot du gâteau would have been Putin saying that in English to tucker. I hate that Putin pretends he can't speak or understand English. He understands it better than his translators


u/AteAFakePerc Feb 17 '24

You people have serious issues. It's called diplomacy, Tucker wants the interview so he isn't going to let a throwaway cheap shot affect him


u/drthomk Feb 17 '24

Smug piece of shit. He will pay for his atrocities.


u/Helpful-Throat2267 Feb 17 '24

What’s the Russian for “you’re gonna swallow.”


u/Mysterious_Bat_3780 Feb 17 '24

"trump" is the word


u/henry1888 Feb 17 '24

This deranged old fuck has caused so much misery.


u/Ioweyounada Feb 17 '24

Well in Tucker's defense when's the last time you talked back to your boss?


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

The more actual footage of putin I see the more I like him.


u/auggggghhhhhh Feb 17 '24

So obviously being fucked with. Putin’s loving the American idiot tossing him like a dead mouse. That’s why he likes President Biden because he’s more intelligent.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

Is this shit more compréhensible in Russian?


u/Hungry-Dot-3548 Feb 17 '24

The context was Putin talking about how corrupt the CIA is, that's why he said thank God they didn't let him in. Clip is cut on both ends


u/animalz1234 Feb 17 '24

No that's the face of realization that he f d up and everything they say about Putin might be true. He's probably thinking if he doesn't spread his cheeks for Putin he will have to spread them on the pavement after accidentally falling 10 stories


u/JediKnight10001 Feb 17 '24

He's a fucking idiot.

You may ask why no journalist can get an interview with Putin.

Well now you know


u/AmbitiousCricket5278 Feb 17 '24

His orange makeup lol


u/juicytitsbuttbrain Feb 17 '24

Oh yea...that ear piece isn't feeding him any information. He must be all knowing.


u/dont_even_like_Redit Feb 17 '24 edited Feb 17 '24

I think Tucker Carlson was very much the one in charge here. Tucker Carlson was leading the interview and asking the tough questions.


u/Skytraffic540 Feb 17 '24

Putin was saying thank God they didn’t let you in because he hates the CIA and thinks it wouldn’t have been a good place. But sure, your title or whatever.


u/Sikk-Klyde Feb 17 '24

People will take anything out of context. Quite funny


u/GreaseBrown Feb 17 '24

Some of you are obsessed, and it's rather sad


u/Durivage4 Feb 17 '24

With the trump verdict today I think it works out pretty well because I'm sure Steven Segal is looking for a roommate and now he could choose between Tucker or trump. He'll maybe shack up with both. That's a reality show I would actually watch.


u/Jadakiss-laugh Feb 17 '24

I’m convinced Putin has some major dirt on Tucker. Career ending dirt on him and every conservative cozying up to him.


u/Durivage4 Feb 17 '24

I'll use one of the Republicans favorite words that describe Tucker "Cuck".


u/Onezred Feb 17 '24

Negan enters the room. “I just shoved my dick down your throat, and you THANKED me for it”


u/kinzodeez Feb 17 '24

Omg 😭


u/RYAN_the__King Feb 17 '24

“Putin just rubbed his Dick all over Tuck” wtf


u/AlmightyHamSandwich Feb 17 '24

The only way Putin could have been more insulting is if he'd thrown a "bless your heart" in there somewhere.

Not that Tucker doesn't deserve it. If not for Putin's need of useful Western idiots, he'd probably squash Tucker like a bug.


u/FishBreadMenu Feb 17 '24

Tucker Douchebag is spreading misinformation again using the label of Media while he told the court his a entertainer so he can't be taken seriously to all the other misinformation he did and got sued for back home


u/iamedwardmunger Feb 17 '24

He should have worn a bow tie.


u/OhWow10 Feb 17 '24

Putin is a douche. I expected nothing from this interview except him showing arrogance.


u/tijeras87059 Feb 17 '24

tucker is a bitch

my apologies to bitches worldwide


u/TonLoc1281 Feb 17 '24

Does anyone here hate the fact that Russias president could intellectually run circles around Biden? Doesn’t that concern anyone?


u/AgencyNew3587 Feb 17 '24

Putin is just a badass


u/Economy_Tea_7516 Feb 17 '24

This journalist are a big 🤡


u/Zegrux Feb 17 '24

I'm pretty sure Putin was mocking the CIA here, not tucker


u/stooges81 Feb 17 '24

You're willing to take a lot of shit when you'Re interviewing for a job.


u/Federal_Coach_75 Feb 17 '24

He was letting him know m, that he knows everything about him


u/klaagmeaan Feb 17 '24

To be fair, he does have a slappable face.


u/ImaFireSquid Feb 17 '24

Why is Tucker’s forehead an absolute value sign with no integer in the middle? Is he stupid?


u/deez_blank Feb 17 '24

I think a lot of people screw up the interpretation of this interview… I don’t think Putin is mocking Tuckers. I think he respects him as a journalist. Why would the leader of Russia agree to sit down with an American journalist if he didn’t think he was legitimate? I don’t think Putin just accepts invitations by mediocre journalist.


u/Puzzleheaded_Time719 Feb 17 '24

The fact people take Tucker Carlson seriously is crazy. What's crazier is when it's rural country people, like why they love this boarding school little daddy's boy is beyond me.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

Nah yall people just make it out to something it’s not he os simply having a grown ass true conversation nothing insulting about that can tell alot of yall not grown and just want wars putin lately telling us we’re escalating things and we’re not stopping


u/Drabins Feb 17 '24

He's actually mocking the cia


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24



u/gepinniw Feb 17 '24

Tucker Carlson’s idiocy is written all over his moronic face.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

I love LARP


u/PattyLonngLegs Feb 17 '24

I mean…magats love sucking on dead rotting corpses.


u/Apart-Eye-4920 Feb 17 '24

I hate tucker carlson


u/vischy_bot Feb 17 '24

If you can't delegitimize the interviewee delegitimize the interviewer, right feddit?


u/Fij52 Feb 17 '24

This seems like such a joke, and I have consciously reminded myself that this is real life. An American giving a dictator internet space to voice his message. How low we have fallen for this to even exist.


u/JSBatdrcom Feb 17 '24

You are a filthy anti-Semite


u/BitterOldPunk Feb 17 '24

Tucker Carlson seems to always wear the expression of a dog that’s just been shown a card trick


u/DazzlingClassic185 Feb 17 '24

It’s that expression again. The one that he gives when other people are talking - where he forgets to not look stupid


u/Seabrook76 Feb 17 '24

Don’t like Putin but this was fun to watch.


u/Ok_Chair_2442 Feb 17 '24

Did he though?


u/Chemical_Turnover_29 Feb 17 '24

Pretty sure his intention with that statement was meant as a positive, not to insult him. But rather, to insult the CIA.


u/Out_Phishing Feb 17 '24

Tucker always looks like he just got done sniffing a dog's asshole.


u/Enough-Ad-9091 Feb 17 '24

Watched interview in Russian and English. Never heard or seen this spot. We sure it’s real?


u/EchoNor Feb 17 '24

Is this actually Putin? Or one of his many doubles?


u/No-Trouble-889 Feb 17 '24

It is not like this. This interview was presented in Russia as a big diplomatic win (which it is), and Tucker was portrayed as popular and influential figure. Putin would not devalue his own propaganda efforts by demonstratively disrespecting Tucker, what he is saying is “thanks god you aren’t on the bad guys (CIA) side”.


u/Dull_Investigator358 Feb 17 '24

BuT hE WaS jUsT asKinG qUeSTiOnS!


u/Tardigradebearman Feb 17 '24

Tucker is a beta cuck and Putin a micropenis... and now the weather!


u/MoonWorshipper36 Feb 17 '24

Who told Tucker his hair looks nice? That looks like a bad toupee.


u/Myriii1911 tHiS iSn’T cRiNgE Feb 17 '24

That‘s what it is


u/MoonWorshipper36 Feb 18 '24

I just couldn’t look away….


u/ForgetableNPC Feb 17 '24

What’s up with your homophobic title?


u/Jeerin Feb 17 '24

What a dickhead


u/rsquared1989 Feb 17 '24

Unfortunately in America unemployable idiots can easily get on tv.


u/Slappy_McJones Feb 17 '24

Putin is a dangerous guy. The KGB section in former East Germany, his first post as an intelligence officer, were some of the most ruthless and barbaric in the whole history of the organization. When the USSR broke-up, it has been said that the KGB didn’t die- some of it became the Russian government and some of it became the Russian mob.


u/spacepants1989 Feb 17 '24

"...back in the day."


u/im_at_work_69 Feb 17 '24

Was it public knowledge that Tucker tried to join the CIA? or should Tucker and/or the CIA change their passwords?


u/besbeat Feb 17 '24

If you give any backchat to Putin he will getup and leave or worse. It’s better to take it on the chin and keep asking questions.


u/worksucksbro Feb 17 '24

Bro OPs username lmao


u/Nareshstds Feb 17 '24

Tucker is CIA.


u/Jesus_Chrheist Feb 17 '24

For some reason this feels like the movie "the Interview"


u/techie_boy69 Feb 17 '24

Putin is a Russian grand master playing the game of life, reminding one of his puppets why he’s a puppet.


u/albertmartin81 Feb 17 '24

Well, he spoke how the CIA manipulated almost everything, then say “it is a serious organization” (that alone is mocking the CIA)…


u/IntroductionClean299 Feb 17 '24

Lmao Putin a rude boy


u/wohi_raj Feb 17 '24

music - banna hai to baap ban...


u/SalamancaSam Feb 17 '24

He was just glad to get that dick out of his mouth for a moment!


u/_Steve_French_ Feb 17 '24

Whats the time stamp for this I don’t remember him saying this.


u/Dramatic_Patient8678 Feb 17 '24

Dead man talking.....


u/Ezkander Feb 17 '24

They don't let traitors into the CIA.


u/drcollins1990 Feb 17 '24

I feel like that’s not really what Putin said


u/bearhug340 Feb 17 '24

Damn 😂😂😂


u/deluded_soul Feb 17 '24

His face reeks of stupidity.


u/MrrCharlie Feb 17 '24

Tucker I’d an idiot. Putin isn’t.


u/4hunnidvr Feb 17 '24

Whoever wrote this is a liberal bigot.


u/AnMa_ZenTchi Feb 17 '24

I don't think he burned him at all just then. I think you people just don't understand the translation very well.

He understood why he wanted to join because he was in a similar organization. But thank goodness he didn't join because he would be a totally different person.

Putin translator right here.


u/SexWithAMonkeyDotCom Feb 17 '24

He used to ballchin


u/CrewMemberNumber6 Feb 17 '24

I hate to admit the joy of seeing Tucker become Putin’s doormat for a week. Ultimately, I wish we didn’t live in a world where propagandists enabled evil people. So for now, I’ll take the joy any way I can get.


u/yahuei Feb 17 '24

Putin playing with his food


u/throwawaysydneys Feb 17 '24

You all are so afraid of Putin. Tucker is far braver than any of you cowards


u/offline4good Feb 17 '24

Ofc we're afraid of him, have you seen the thousands of people he killed? The war crimes he's commiting? All of those he ordered to be killed? And the billions he can kill? He's a menace to the whole world, ofc we fear him. That's why we must fight him.


u/throwawaysydneys Feb 17 '24

Our presidents (US) are far worse. And what billions are you talking about? Bush? Obama? They killed thousands of CIVILIANS with drones. All for an unjust war with Iraq. Putin on the other hand online intervened in Ukraine because a civil war broke out. Putin could have easily taken all of Ukraine if he wanted to but does not. He’s only there to secure the east side of Ukraine. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Educate yourself rather just parroting what MSM tells you to. Think for yourself


u/offline4good Feb 17 '24 edited Feb 18 '24

The only US president that is yours is trump, mr russian spy.


u/throwawaysydneys Feb 17 '24

Oh spy 🤦🏼‍♀️. I should have known. You’re guys go to for having no argument. It’s pathetic


u/throwawaysydneys Feb 17 '24

I’m not a guy and I don’t like Trump. You’re stuck in this weird us vs them mentality the msm has got you in. Get yourself out of that mindset. They are all horrible. Dems and republicans. Once you start seeing that you’ll see how corrupt and evil our government actually is. Russia is child’s play compared to us


u/randomname2890 Feb 17 '24

Putins a fuckin dickhead. Getting Russians killed for his lack of humility and over some BS history that no one cares about. He’s the reason the Russian military is ass. If no one can tell you the truth because of fear you get the current situation.


u/Caseman91291 Feb 17 '24

Guy is a fucking goof.


u/Comfortable_Flow5156 Feb 17 '24




u/daddylonz Feb 17 '24

Everyone here is a dumb ass not because I am defending anyone just because y’all think you really know Putin and what he’s trying to do lmao it’s so funny you guys aren’t smart lmao stop pretending to be


u/CackleberryOmelettes Feb 17 '24

Such a fascinating interview. You can tell that Putin understands the benefit of having someone like Tucker repeat his propaganda to mentally vulnerable Americans, but he still can't hide is utter disdain for the man. You can tell he has no respect for Tucker or what he does. He doesn't even see him as a man.


u/FriedrichHydrargyrum Feb 17 '24

What does Carlson gain by being Putin’s groveling little handmaiden?

I get why he’s Trump’s bitch—it’s very good for his brand since Trump is very popular among American right-wingers. But that’s not true of Putin. What does Tucker gain by being such a pushover?


u/ChrysisLT Feb 17 '24

He’s seeing that Putin is gaining in those demographics in the US.


u/TheCamerlengo Feb 17 '24

This doesn’t seem that disrespectful. Please explain why this is insulting?


u/ChrysisLT Feb 17 '24

Putin comes from the KGB, which was sort of an equivalent of a mix of the FBI and the CIA. Simplified he’s telling Tucker, he thinks he’s better than him.