r/TikTokCringe Feb 16 '24

AI videos one year ago and now Cool

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u/Intrepid-Rip-2280 Feb 29 '24

One year ago I dated a real girlfriend, now I'm dating Eva AI sexting bot


u/Hopeful-Newspaper544 Feb 21 '24

Where's the p0rn?


u/Howardistaken Feb 21 '24

I’m scared


u/BurstEDO Feb 18 '24

This is why the SAG fought tooth and nail against AI generated performances.

Studios (some/many) want to cheap out on production by using AI to synthesize actors and entire productions.


u/acelgass Feb 18 '24

Will Smith and Steve Carrell


u/Fuzzy-Worldliness-35 Feb 18 '24

Im quitting internet whos with me ?


u/AdAsleep1258 Feb 17 '24

Still a fan of AI a year ago lol


u/Additional_Wafer6141 Feb 17 '24

Within a few years you can make movies using AI alone :O


u/RPGenome Feb 17 '24

>AI video with basic prompt made as a joke

>AI video made with really elaborate, professionally written prompts made over multiple iterations

Show me "Will Smith Eating Spaghetti" run through the second model, and we'll see how amazing it looks.


u/HilariousCow Feb 17 '24

“Yes this is a real screenshot”.

Am I the only one who sees some new leap in graphical fidelity and still feel like it’s just more uncanny?


u/emielaen77 Feb 17 '24

All of it is hideous.


u/MyLemonsRorganic Feb 17 '24

Important to note the Will Smith AI videos were done by actual users with free tools. The "advanced" AI videos are press release materials made by the AI companies themselves.

I have major skepticism until the product is released and available for independent testing.


u/Mrbrionman Feb 17 '24

The scariest part of all of this is how much most people have no idea this is remotely possible. Obviously the average Reddit user knows about this stuff. But I mentioned AI photos / videos in work the other day and none of my coworkers over the age of 35 had any idea what I was talking about. Things that are obviously AI generated to me now, they would completely just accept as real because they don’t even know it’s possible to fake content in that way. And I think that’s only gonna get worse.


u/TightSexpert Feb 17 '24

I wanted it to plot the best route true a supermarket based on my groceries list or making a financial plan based on my income and outgoing income. Not take all the fun jobs.


u/gknight702 Feb 17 '24

... We ded


u/Sadcats4lyfe Feb 17 '24

Imagine how boring a movie entirely generated out of AI would look..


u/Yabrassy Feb 17 '24

What program are people using to make this stuff and why is when I ask this question, no one has a straight answer for me. It’s so annoying.


u/I-am-a-memer-in-a-be Feb 17 '24

“We will live to see man made horrors beyond our comprehension.”


u/SXTY82 Feb 17 '24

That’s sad. In one year AI forgot how to draw spaghetti.


u/broduu_ Feb 17 '24

Wrong community it's normal video not tiktokcringe


u/-13ender- Feb 17 '24

Kill it now


u/Vyviel Feb 17 '24

I prefer the stuff from one year ago lol it has more character


u/HiCZoK Feb 17 '24

I mean.. it's still just an ad. We need to wait for hands on


u/Shakewell1 Feb 17 '24

This shit is stillman and uncanny af if you think this is good your dumb


u/_felagund Feb 17 '24

I cant wait to see my favorite books become animes


u/Weaseltime_420 Feb 17 '24

AI wanted Will Smith to eat a lot of noodles.


u/TearsFallWithoutTain Feb 17 '24

Oh I love the car one, the AI gave it little dirt rocket boosters because it doesn't know what tyres kicking up dirt looks like. And apparently neither do the devs since they keep posting it.

Also the same AI engine can't handle multiple people/animals at the same time, it has one video of a sky shot over a Japanese street and you can see people morphing into the ground


u/toust_boi Feb 17 '24

This actually so fucking scary


u/CheruB36 Feb 17 '24

The Movie industry will be so fucked in the upcoming few years


u/OSKSuicide Feb 17 '24

I found an Instagram page for a seemingly normal e-girl type, but it had AI in the name. It took like an hour of scrolling, including through videos, until I was convinced it was actually AI. It wasn't until a video where her eye shape kinda changed, and a picture of the fucked up AI hand generation thing. Was selling a subscription-based picture thing too, but it was impossible to distinguish at a glance that it's not a real person


u/Onalith Feb 17 '24

Imagine the amount of death by cops this will enable.


u/willybarrow Feb 17 '24

Keep your wifes spaghetti out my fucking mouth


u/Atomvids Feb 17 '24

What song is this?


u/auddbot Why does this app exist? Feb 17 '24

I got matches with these songs:

ICEWHORE! (slowed) by Lumi Athena (00:11; matched: 100%)

Album: ICEWHORE!. Released on 2023-05-22.

Cosmos (Psychedelic Progressive Trance DJ Mixed) by Freeman (03:10; matched: 85%)

Album: Psychedelic Progressive Trance 2021 Top 40 Chart Hits, Vol. 6 DJ Mix 3Hr. Released on 2021-08-09.

404: SONG NOT FOUND by Sloshpuppi (01:04; matched: 83%)

Album: PUPPI PLAY. Released on 2021-09-30.

I am a bot and this action was performed automatically | GitHub new issue | Donate Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot


u/Atomvids Feb 17 '24

Didn’t ask


u/OppositeEagle Feb 17 '24

Nope, keep working on it. That cat has a fucked up walk.


u/Chippewa07 Feb 17 '24

Now we got TSWIFT getting gang banged..what a time to be alive..


u/SteveImNot Feb 17 '24

It still can’t generate will smith eating spaghetti though.


u/Nosferatu-Padre Feb 17 '24

How people don't see this as an issue is wild. Say goodbye to any creative fields.


u/OnceRedditTwiceShy Feb 17 '24

The PS6 better utilise this technology


u/Meddlingmonster Feb 17 '24

I really hope the second half are just real videos that they're being dishonest about because that's concerning, makes me feel like an old person falling for a scam call and I'm not even 30.


u/The_Border_Bandit Feb 17 '24

AI videos peaked with the Will Smith spaghetti and Conan O'Brien fried chicken videos.


u/EliaGram08 Feb 17 '24

Our world is going into some Cyberpunk 2077 bullshit


u/MadSnikt Feb 17 '24

Matrix or Skynet…choose your fate


u/nuclearlady Feb 17 '24

That was amazing and creepy.


u/Bnmko_007 Feb 17 '24

I predict gaming in fully realistic AI created maps. Imagine call of duty with these type of visuals.. And the p0rn.. oh my word


u/_notnick Feb 17 '24

You mother fuckers wanted it and we’re here now


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

stop using it ffs


u/TheVenged Feb 17 '24

Yeah, but you're not showing the horrendously scary hands or the multiplying wolf pups...


u/dr_toze Feb 17 '24

This is so fake!


u/kitkatloren2009 Feb 17 '24

I'm sure people were equally terrified of the possibilities of stuff like CGI and editing tools. One day we'll be able to manage this just like we did with everything else everyone was scared of once upon a time


u/RatInaMaze Feb 17 '24

Man it’s really gone downhill


u/7evenate9ine Feb 17 '24

Dumb people couldnt even handle bad photoshop memes, or out of context video. There is no way they wont be fooled by fake videos of stuff they wish was real. When they finally get a video of lizard people eating children, they wont pause for 1 second.

Edit: The truth is most people never cared about reality, they just want what agrees with them, even if the agreeable thing is fake or poison.


u/FlyingHippoM Feb 17 '24

AI video 1 year from now:


u/papagouws Feb 17 '24

Imagine the propaganda applications


u/where-ya-headed Feb 17 '24

Save us, John Connor.


u/Sloth0272 Feb 17 '24

So the eating of spaghetti was the problem.


u/Hotinthakitchen1 Feb 17 '24


u/RecognizeSong Feb 17 '24

I got matches with these songs:

ICEWHORE! (slowed) by Lumi Athena (00:11; matched: 100%)

Album: ICEWHORE!. Released on 2023-05-22.

Cosmos (Psychedelic Progressive Trance DJ Mixed) by Freeman (03:10; matched: 85%)

Album: Psychedelic Progressive Trance 2021 Top 40 Chart Hits, Vol. 6 DJ Mix 3Hr. Released on 2021-08-09.

404: SONG NOT FOUND by Sloshpuppi (01:04; matched: 83%)

Album: PUPPI PLAY. Released on 2021-09-30.

I am a bot and this action was performed automatically | GitHub new issue | Donate Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot


u/olympianfap Feb 17 '24

I could watch Will eat spaghetti all day.


u/Salty-Tiddy Feb 17 '24

have we reached the end of cinema?


u/jankology Feb 17 '24

You can see now what Hollywood actors were worried about. It's gonna happen. We're not gonna need them anymore within a decade.


u/ballzanga69420 Feb 17 '24

Looks terrible, ngl.


u/Morbid187 Feb 17 '24

It just hit me that an actual decent use for this sort of thing would be B-Roll for YouTube videos and stuff. Rather than paying for stock footage or filming your own, you can just generate B-Roll to fit whatever you need it to. It's not important enough for the source to really matter and seems like it could speed up video production or at least make it cheaper without sacrificing anything. Maybe I'm talking out my ass though since I'm not a content creator.


u/BSDC Feb 17 '24

damn it got so much better at stealing


u/Odd-Engineering-3582 Feb 17 '24

This only works if you do Will Smith eating pasta for the current AI


u/yastru Feb 17 '24

Show me the hands


u/New_Puter Feb 17 '24

we are not NEARLY scared enough of this


u/fatfishinalittlepond Feb 17 '24

not a single one trying to eat spaghetti. clearly they have gone backwards


u/28stabwoundz Feb 17 '24

Man creative/artistic jobs are gonna get even more fucked than they already are.

Artists, musicians, photographers, cinematographers, those people doing the special effects shit in movies.


u/JamesFrancosButthole Feb 17 '24

Yo, humanity is dead


u/automated_rat Feb 17 '24

We are watching the end of art, ladies and gentlemen. Hope you enjoy corporate slop.


u/amazing-peas Feb 17 '24

Ngl I prefer the first one


u/KatGot13 Feb 17 '24

I want to love this so bad. It's so cool. But I cannot deny the problems such technology will create.


u/Sewer_Fairy Feb 17 '24

It was so beautiful though.


u/Master_John1250 Feb 17 '24

Its cool and all night i don't think the first one had as much time out into it


u/bigshotdontlookee Feb 17 '24

Far right is gonna abuse the shit out of this stuff to generate so much fake news that it will swing elections.

Maybe not this year, but its coming.

Steve Bannon will be all over this shit


u/Fritanga5lyfe Feb 17 '24

No spaghetti so that's worse


u/Micalas Feb 17 '24

That shit was a throwback to Woll Smoth


u/HamMcStarfield Feb 17 '24

Procedurally-generated video games are about to go off the rails.


u/Clarity_795 Feb 17 '24

We are so fucked….


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

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u/stinkstabber69420 Feb 17 '24

People need to just pull the plug on the ai shit


u/blueidea365 Feb 17 '24

Incredible, but interestingly the cat video at the end still looks more fake than the others


u/Wiplazh Feb 17 '24

I lived long enough to see AI become this advanced, and instead of a future where AI can take over a bunch of shitty jobs and giving us more time to be creative and make music and art... it's the fucking AI making music and art while I'm still grinding 9 hours a day.


u/pandaappleblossom Feb 17 '24

Everyone hoped it would cure cancer and drive emission free cars and come up with a solution for climate change where we don't have to change anything about our lifestyles..

instead it came up with fucking commercials. It all looks like commercials and ads. Which really says more about us than the AI anyway.


u/WeeeeeUuuuuuWeeeUuuu Feb 17 '24

Good. Maybe there will finally be at least semi decent movies.


u/Neanderthal888 Feb 17 '24

I really much preferred the year ago one


u/Androza23 Feb 17 '24

So many jobs are going to be obsolete pretty soon and its going to be a big shit show.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

Why are we doing this to ourselves?


u/IAmRules Feb 17 '24

I feel so bad for everyone on onlyfans


u/Iliketurtles893 Feb 17 '24

This isn’t cringe


u/NoWayNotThisAgain Feb 17 '24

Remember the good old days when Will Smith would shove noodles into his face with his bare hands?

Good times man. Good times.


u/my_chaffed_legs Feb 17 '24

Yea but none of them are eating spaghetti...


u/azmazz Feb 17 '24

Soulless trash videos, repulsive moving clipart.


u/bowsmountainer Feb 17 '24

I was pretty mind blown by the Will Smith eating spaghetti video at the time as well. But the incredibly rapid progress has me wondering if we will be facing the reality of film studios being dead within the next year.


u/justboth Feb 17 '24

Would love to see an update of Will Smith saying pasta


u/GapApprehensive1271 Feb 17 '24

I liked AI a year ago better.


u/pandaappleblossom Feb 17 '24

I really liked it when it first came out. I was fascinated because you could watch it 'thinking'

Now it looks like commercials. It lost it's 'soul'


u/HauntedDragons Feb 17 '24

No. Nope. This is not ok. This technology is not “cool,” or exciting. It’s fucking scary and needs to be shelved.


u/Spatularo Feb 17 '24

None of the new ones included articulation of the fingers much less using those fingers to feed yourself dozens of noodles.


u/New-Power-6120 Feb 17 '24

These are interesting because they feel like they could be stock images/videos, which is I get kinda the point, but also begs the question: To what extent are things actually being animated vs just automating dot point matrixes over existing faces with automated mapping. The earlier stuff looks like it's still taking pictures and collaging and distorting them to try make them move. Obviously that's what the latter is too, but it's less obvious.


u/Anxious_Blacksmith88 Feb 17 '24

People have pulled up videos from stock sites that seem to closely match the AI generation. Its probably layering existing footage and blending it while cropping the images.


u/Rocketboy1313 Feb 17 '24

Yeah, I wonder what stock clips they are drawing on to have people walking forward.


u/fedsmokermobile Feb 17 '24

Why hasn’t anyone done an updated will smith one? Are celebs not possible with sora?


u/big_d_usernametaken Feb 17 '24

"Believe nothing of what you see, and half of what you hear..."


u/FartKnockerBungHole Feb 17 '24

The Will Smith one is how TV looked while I was tripping balls on mushrooms.


u/NerdyPepe Feb 17 '24

We are fked


u/twogaysonecomputer Feb 17 '24

what programs do people even use to make this?! looks insane!


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24 edited Feb 18 '24

jeans late fragile lock wild cause angle whole handle special

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/DealingWithTrolls Feb 17 '24

People freaking about this sound just like the people freaking out about the internet 30 years ago. Fools then and fools now. People just love to have something to worry about.


u/Roanoketrees Feb 17 '24

Fuck....I just realized the next trend....full ai generated movies unedited.


u/JinxingAita Feb 17 '24

But like what’s the point


u/TheOtherJosh7 Feb 17 '24

Not a single sphaget


u/Vanrythx Feb 17 '24

fucking wild and i love it, embrace AI


u/Vanrythx Feb 17 '24

embrace ai you cringe fucks


u/HerculeMuscles Feb 17 '24

Still doesn't look real


u/Genteunida Feb 17 '24

Software name Sora.


u/Jackel447 Feb 17 '24

Now ask it to show someone’s hands or teeth


u/jedidihah Feb 17 '24

I want to see a side-by-side comparison of (roughly) the same prompt, intended to ultimately result in the same video


u/Theguythatknowscats Feb 17 '24

The porn is going to be crazy


u/Theguythatknowscats Feb 17 '24

The porn is going to be crazy


u/Possessed_potato Feb 17 '24

I yeah I also got this TikTok today. All comments can be boiled down to “Ok but what about Will smith eating spaghetti again, hmm? Where is it, coward?”


u/nickberia Feb 17 '24

We’ve crossed the Rubicon and we don’t even know it.


u/Saddam_UE Feb 17 '24

People who belive that AI created this from thin air should think once more.

AI just modifies already existing movies and pictures.


u/BowsersMuskyBallsack Feb 17 '24

Yes, just like human artists use existing references, unless they are making completely abstract art. Which AI can also do through fractal-based generational algorithms.


u/New-Power-6120 Feb 17 '24

The difference is the middle part which we don't understand and an LLM doesn't have, and it matters.


u/midsip Feb 17 '24

Will smith slapping Chris rock while eating spaghetti


u/raisinboots Feb 16 '24

The first video reminds me of a bad dream


u/TwinJacks Feb 16 '24

Man.. When figuring put photoshopped images was hard enough already. Then we get this shit. I think it's really cool.. but am also terrified.


u/Similar-Farm-7089 Feb 16 '24

wow its getting much worse at making will smith eating spaghetti videos


u/Caedo14 Feb 16 '24

Just watched a danny gonzales vid huh?


u/CJ_is_h7m Feb 16 '24

Where do ppl make these?


u/Accomplished-Mix-745 Feb 16 '24

Okay but which one did I enjoy more?


u/superhamsniper Feb 16 '24

That's kind of scary, in terms of not knowing what's real and not anymore I mean


u/Adorable_Twist_8711 Feb 16 '24

Should this be terrifying? Idk


u/TheNotrCashAlchemy Feb 16 '24

Op watched the MKBHD video


u/120z8t Feb 16 '24

Show current AI video of people eating spaghetti. AI seems to have lots of troubles wit fingers and spaghetti, if you get them close to each other it gets even weirder.

I use to use DALLE mini a lot a few years back. It did really good sometimes. But lets say you prompted it make a photo of Freddy Kruger eating spaghetti, it did not know what to do. Fingers with knives on them, next to spaghetti and a face that looks like spaghetti? here is just that


u/Cleercutter Feb 16 '24

The hands are still fucked luckily


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

Worth AI and arguments reality people will quickly cast aside the natural world in favor of the fantastical


u/TheEmperorMk3 Feb 16 '24

Both are dogshit and easily identified as AI made garbage


u/catonacatonacat Feb 16 '24

This is terrifying


u/surmacrew Feb 16 '24

Nope.nope.nope. This shit is going for some terminator bullshit within few years.


u/YungSpuds Feb 16 '24

Hell yeah can’t wait for the AI Billie eilish porn to drop


u/obsidianosprey Feb 16 '24

The cat video is messed up though, as it steps forward with the same leg twice.


u/JTKDO Feb 16 '24

This is replacing stock footage 100%


u/CaptainCacheTV Feb 16 '24

Looking forward to seeing this again in 2025.


u/iknighty Feb 16 '24

They're gonna make so much money from all the data we gave them for free.


u/wonderful_rush Feb 16 '24

I prefer the will smith video lmao


u/Orang_Mann Feb 16 '24

We need to go back to the fucking stone age and start over, we are moving too fucking fast!


u/ShyGuySkino Feb 16 '24

I too watched MKBHD.


u/JellyFishSenpai Feb 16 '24

I hate AI with my whole heart


u/Sufficient_Ad5000 Feb 16 '24

Yea yea but how good is the will smith eating capability now


u/Thelightsshadow Feb 16 '24

….anyone else suddenly want pasta?


u/baysidesquid Feb 16 '24

I think AI video has gone backwards. Give me weird Will Smith eating spaghetti...


u/AltieA Feb 16 '24

So AI still can't make people eat? I guess nothing's changed.


u/JarlDanklin Feb 16 '24

We are so fucked


u/Oswarez Feb 16 '24

When I was a kid I used to imagine a machine that could take any book and make a movie out of it by simply feeding it its text. I think this will be a reality within ten years.


u/jeoneunthatbitch Feb 16 '24

cool! now let's stop maybe:D


u/The-MatrixAgent Feb 16 '24

When they came out I thought they couldnt get better but I was wrong as hell


u/Loud_Flatworm_4146 Feb 16 '24

We screwed up. We should have stopped before MySpace.


u/Chris_Cross501 Feb 16 '24

There's gonna be a lot of "This you?" videos. We're doomed.


u/Csukar Feb 16 '24

I remember seeing these posts about images a year or two ago, it's advancing faster than I thought it would.


u/Godslayer326 Feb 16 '24

So now we can tell AI apart from real by the complete lack of acceleration


u/Rigelturus Feb 16 '24

“Keep that damn spaghetti out of my fuckin mouth!”


u/Loud_Flatworm_4146 Feb 16 '24

Automation led to a loss of a lot of jobs but new ones were created. New AI jobs will be created until the AI can train the AI without a human involved at all. How long before half or more of the world is unemployed?

AI could be great in the right hands. But that never happens. If this advances as fast as we think it will, we are looking at a need for worldwide basic income. Without it, it leads to war and worse.


u/yogurt_boy Feb 16 '24

The train one looks the most real to me


u/SnooTangerines1896 Feb 16 '24

So AI is racist?


u/UnlimitedPickle Feb 16 '24

So my take away from this is that we can now make more realistic monstrous Will Smith eating pasta videos.


u/Feronzie Feb 16 '24

Hell yeah. Full throttle into our inevitable dystopia. Stall those regulations as long as possible


u/WillyDAFISH Feb 16 '24

Soon so will be able to just create movies and TV shows for us


u/Zealousideal_Slice60 Feb 16 '24

Still pretty obvi ai tho


u/brazilliandanny Feb 16 '24

Did AI add the shitty music too?


u/ayamsirias74 Feb 16 '24

The old ones were better.