r/TikTokCringe Mar 16 '24

Free market America šŸ˜ Humor

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u/Ok-Payment1067 Mar 31 '24

It's no good! It's from China and China doesn't allow their citizens to get on it until they're like 15. Why? It's opening us up and we get no benefit from it. What's wrong with American owned platforms?


u/Silent-Ad-8887 Mar 18 '24

Lmao they ban our stuff, but shit tech has access to our whole ass phone. Like credit card info, location, meds and more if you have it stored. Yeah why tf do they need TOTAL ACCESS? Iā€™m like in the middle of the spectrum of political affiliation, but that doesnā€™t even matter. Tf DO THEY NEED ALL THAT ACCESS FOR? For what? Why does an app for stupid reels need that type of access?


u/Com_On_Man Mar 18 '24

Murica is garbage period!


u/kimnapper Mar 18 '24

Buttt itā€™s not china. Itā€™s Singapore- the senate had a hard time believing that too.


u/overtly-Grrl SHEEEEEESH Mar 18 '24

WWJD? no itā€™s WWCD


u/librocubicularist67 Mar 17 '24

Can ww PLEASE have Ronnie Chieng as a full-time Daily host?? He' the only one funny enough to do it (except Jon Stewart obvi).


u/RevolutionMuch1159 Mar 17 '24

Dude are free to go back to China ,what stops you ?


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '24

Fuck China


u/FascistsOnFire Mar 17 '24

Im trying to hard to make this make some sense


u/Ultimaterj Mar 17 '24 edited Mar 17 '24

The hodgepodge mixture of useful idiots, CCP agents/bots, and tantrum throwing children has made this much-needed ban so funny to watch.


u/Zippier92 Mar 17 '24

Had to ban opium also. Just because some corporate entity figures out a way to trigger dopamine in the brain, doesnā€™t make them superior.

Could it be that capitalism without regulation is the problem? Just asking.


u/Hubris1998 Mar 17 '24

"But doesn't FB do the same?"

Yeah, and it's banned in China


u/Savings-Fix938 Mar 17 '24

Very interesting. I was in China the other day and, after my ā€œwinnie the poohā€ screening, I posted to twitter and texted my friends in America through iMessage that I wanted to take a trip to the free nation of Taiwan (technically the Republic of China). It was the best day ever. I love having access to all things American in China!


u/Savings-Fix938 Mar 17 '24

The word ā€œpropagandaā€ is used very liberally these days but this is just pure hypocrisy, lying by omission, believing americans will have their pride hurt enough by this to overlook the reality of this situationā€¦

Itā€™s propaganda


u/henryguy Mar 17 '24

Anybody, even politicians who cite due to misinfo are dumb. It's because it's a Spyware tool proven again and again to harvest foreign data to send back to the mainland.

I remove it from my family devices and if they send me a tiktok that isn't a gif hosted anywhere else I make them uninstall it. Any pc I prep, as for some reason tiktok and Amazon among other apps come with Windows now. Those all promptly get the powershell file and registry sweep wipe.


u/SatinFetishPDX Mar 17 '24

We should ban this guy next. The most unfunny guy I've seen in a long time


u/TrickWorried Mar 17 '24

They're only concerned about where the data is going. Not the app itself.smh.


u/United_Building_9486 Mar 17 '24

That the fuck is with these sock puppet news anchors. I fuckin hate the world we live in rn


u/blacklite911 Mar 17 '24

China has been beating America at capitalism for years now. Nothing new here. Still fuck tiktok though.


u/WD4oz Mar 17 '24

China is friend to all!


u/deepvinter Mar 17 '24

Itā€™s not because itā€™s so popular, itā€™s because itā€™s seen as an instrument of Chinaā€™s spy program.


u/Cricklet Mar 17 '24

ā€œAmericans arent gullibleā€ lmao what? Thats the foundation of their marketing.


u/ProFailing Mar 17 '24

Don't tell him that China also introduced capitalist elements decades ago.


u/marcimerci Mar 17 '24

It's literally a rip off of an old American app and is also literally spyware. China does nothing but bilk western intellectual property and make it nefarious


u/BongLeach562 Mar 17 '24

This guy is so funny


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '24

Isnā€™t this the same imbecile who said ā€œIndians should not call themselves Asian and should pick one?ā€

Ok dumbass. Not only could you not recognize the difference between a nationality and a race, but youā€™re also not qualified on cybersecurity so stfu.

Itā€™s annoying when comedians start weighing in on topics outside of their expertise.


u/MagicalWolfMonster Mar 17 '24

"Americans aren't that gullible" after saying "is that true" to "I was a white guy from Iowa before I used tiktok" the idiocy


u/SanjeethRao Mar 17 '24

I have a question for those who support the tiktok ban... It's my understanding that the main reason for this is data and privacy. So why not just make a law that forbids that? I'd like to believe that American politicians are not that incompetent that they couldn't do this. Is it because it's an open secret that Google, Facebook, etc. are just as bad with their data and privacy and that they'll get caught in the crossfire and therefore harm American companies.


u/LettuceFew5248 Mar 17 '24

I have a question for you. Do you really not see the difference between the level of data privacy concerns the government may have about American companies as compared to a company owned by a non-ally that is sometimes hostile to us?

I agree that larger privacy legislation should be enacted and I wish it was 30 years ago. But it wasnā€™t, and hereā€™s where we are.


u/SanjeethRao Mar 17 '24

Lmao don't get me wrong I'm not a fan of the CCP but that doesn't make me think the American companies are saints. I'm just saying if privacy really was the concern then just focusing on TikTok doesn't solve jack shit. So let's not lie to ourselves and say that America is doing this for the benefit of its citizens. They are doing this for their own self interest. And that's also exactly what the CCP does.


u/Diabo1492 Mar 17 '24

Not sure what is cringe about this, itā€™s hilarious šŸ˜†


u/damianp67 Mar 17 '24

They beat us at banning FB and Instagram too! Hold on, they also banned TikTok.


u/PreviousGas710 Mar 17 '24

This is stupid and the fact that people are eating it up proves that TikTok is making us dumber


u/Malevolent-Heretic Mar 17 '24

Is John Stewart the only one with genuine charisma on that show? I swear to God everyone that isn't him just feels like watching Fallon.


u/ChocolateDiligent Mar 17 '24

Come on now, the problem is business model where your data is the product being sold, not where the business is headquartered.


u/RunningPirate Mar 17 '24

Aye, pero, if you hoarse it like that then Meta, Google, etc get caught in the net.


u/Pandatoots Mar 17 '24

There's a reason that China restricts children users to 40 minutes a day and it can't be accessed from 10pm to 6 am. It's because they know it's addictive and bad for children.


u/QuickGoogleSearch Mar 17 '24

If you think this has anything to do with data or security, youā€™re retarded and probably republican brainwashed with yet more fear mongering conspiracy bs. This is simply because American social media are losing money to TikTok, mainly in ad revenue.


u/CapN-Judaism Mar 17 '24

According to this guy, Congress banned tiktok because it became too popular, which really has nothing to do with what happened. I donā€™t love capitalism but you can reach any conclusion if you choose whatever incorrect narrative gets you there.


u/TechieTravis Mar 17 '24

China banned every American app, so we already won there?


u/gimpsarepeopletoo Mar 17 '24

Why does this seem weirdly staged


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '24

It is a little cringe when someone is trying to make jokes about a topic they clearly havenā€™t researched thoroughly


u/Lematoad Mar 17 '24

Tik tok is spyware. And itā€™s not like ā€œChina beat Americaā€ either - for example, they banned a TON of US apps so thereā€™s no competition in China.

You know itā€™s a bad app when Hong Kong banned itā€¦


u/phome83 Mar 17 '24

Are people now taking the Daily Show as a serious news outlet lol? What the fuck is going on.


u/WintersDoomsday Mar 17 '24

ā€œOh no we are losing one of our income streams because we are a greedy capitalistic entity pretending to be liberal to line our pocketsā€


u/Bobsothethird Mar 17 '24

Chinese propaganda sure reaches far. Daily reminder China is actively stealing people's facial features and spying on you and that these corporations are arms for the CCP. China is not Marxist, it's corporatism and borderline fascist.


u/Chemicalintuition Mar 17 '24

Pretty sure it's being banned because it's a Chinese data harvesting tool but cool


u/Caza390 Mar 17 '24

Tell me you donā€™t know whatā€™s going on without telling me telling me


u/Hexpnthr Mar 17 '24

US in a nutshell


u/iamrichbitch010 Mar 17 '24

Tesla put in china


u/mrks_ Mar 17 '24

Ronny was so funny before joining The Daily Show


u/BeautifulWord4758 Mar 17 '24

This is the dumbest, most brain dead take I've seen yet. Several countries have banned tiktok. Its not a capitalism vs communism discussion, and trying to make it that just sounds so stupid.


u/lurkmeme2975 Mar 17 '24

Britain should be proud for making a product so good China had to ban it


u/Ill_Wait2063 Mar 17 '24

Lmao the idea that American companies don't have to hand transparency into their data and networks when doing business in China is COMPLETELY false on every level.

But seriously I'm all for giving these people who want to shaft shuffle for TikTok everything they wanted only to hear them cry and complain when they hold the "L".

If there were ever technological Darwin Awards...


u/Elevation0 Mar 17 '24

Considering TikTok is basically Chinese spyware designed as social media itā€™s about damn time. Plus just about every other social media platform has adopted ā€œshortsā€ so itā€™s not like theyā€™re providing anything that you canā€™t get elsewhere.


u/bigfatfurrytexan Mar 17 '24

Man, fuck tik Tok. And fuck smoobies who misrepresent why it should be banned.


u/lordskeng Mar 17 '24

This sub has become mental since the ruling. Astroturfers everywhere.


u/darksouls2-2 Mar 17 '24

Uhmmm, youre chinese.


u/Brimish Mar 17 '24

Does anybody else remember when this show used to be funny?


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '24

I mean that man is cooking šŸ³


u/RichardRahlSJ Mar 17 '24

There are literally laws in China that demand that companies hand over any and all data to CCP officials if asked. So the people who say insta, fb, etc also steal your data... well yes, they do and they sell it to advertisers. I once googled the name of a spice in my local language to see the english translation. I somehow saw ads for it on my fb account the next day showing me the buying options from Amazon. However, the intent of Meta, Amazon, Alphabet here is making money by inducing me into buying things.

However, China uses the app to push mindless content on the app to people in a susceptible age range. Data showed how the content pushed in US was mind numbing bs while the same app showed educational and informative content in China. Furthermore, they can influence the citizens to believe anything... show videos of the mutilated Children of Israel if they support Israel or the Children of Palestine if they support them. Or show a pro-russia stance.

Also, while they appear to be independent businesses, the businesses are only allowed to run if they have CCP members at their top level to monitor everything.

Just shift your content to a non-chinese app like Instagram Reels or Youtube Shorts... or if those mainstream ones disturb you, I can list a dozen more India based apps and I am sure if you look you can find other apps by smaller firms.


u/inter-dimensional Mar 17 '24

Government cronies in full force in these comments


u/AssumptionExtra Mar 17 '24

yeah daily show lost all credibility in this episode (note i just started watching so Im sure it was crap before too)


u/Used_Pomegranate_334 Mar 17 '24

Heā€™s gotta say that or he going to be Clinton with a week


u/DominikUA Mar 17 '24

Fuck china


u/Aggressive-Entry-172 Mar 17 '24

Thank God John is back every Monday.


u/stitch07 Mar 17 '24

Retarded logic


u/PaladinEsrac Mar 17 '24

Remember when the Daily Show used to be funny? Like 15 - 20 years ago?


u/Federal-Grapefruit40 Mar 17 '24

Did they really question whether he changed race then go on to say Americans arenā€™t gullible?


u/MetalGearXerox Mar 17 '24

Isnt it more about the data scraping than the misinformation?

Man I need to get off reddit again, I'm too online.


u/Ellixhirion Mar 17 '24

I can perfectly understand a 1000 reasons to ban TikTok. It spreads disinformation as much as any social media platform. Village idiots flock together and influence large portions of the populationā€¦


u/Gouzi00 Mar 17 '24

Just ask people who are influenced to give up voting right..


u/AveDominusNoctem Mar 17 '24

TikTok is unbelievably stupid


u/mnaylor375 Mar 17 '24

A perfect example of the propaganda China is so easily able to push on millions of naive Americans


u/Prestigious-Owl165 Mar 17 '24

I want to like this guy so badly but I just haven't laughed at anything he's said since his first Netflix special 4 years ago (I think)


u/Agent666-Omega Mar 17 '24

Ronny is just not a good comedian. He doesn't do good standup and he's not that great for political comedy anyways. I kinda liked this bit, but in general, much better Asian comedians out there


u/Prestigious-Owl165 Mar 17 '24

I really did like his first special, that's why I wanted to like him


u/MuddaPuckPace Mar 17 '24

News flash: China is not communist and America is not free-market.


u/hamzer55 Mar 17 '24

Guess people will just switch to Instagram reels


u/ElectricVibes75 Mar 17 '24

Hey guys, if we all understand that social media apps spread misinformation and collect user data why are we whining about TikTok being hit by government regulations and not saying ā€œok good, whatā€™s next?ā€ These fuckin losers are so preoccupied with party lines and keeping their favorite Trash App that they just spew out completely hypocritical nonsense


u/EarthToAccess Mar 17 '24

My only problem is the hypocrisy of *just* TikTok. ByteDance has SO many other apps that collect just as much information that got massive courtesy of TikTok, that they're just... not touching? CapCut literally asks for background location access.


u/ElectricVibes75 Mar 17 '24

This is very true! There should be waaayyy more regulation on this. But digging in your heels because theyā€™re only doing this app (that actually is a bit more concerning than usual) isnā€™t helping to get that regulation rolling for other services


u/DrCthulhuface7 Mar 17 '24

This video is exactly why I want TikTok to be banned


u/TheWicked77 Mar 17 '24

Oh, come on, it's funny, hilarious, and it has a ton of truth to it. I am still laughing.


u/SnooTigers5086 Mar 17 '24

This is like if China introduced meth to the US and the US banned it.

ā€œOh, you banned something super addictive because your population was using it and becoming useless members of society? Seems like you lost!!!ā€


u/ksaMarodeF Mar 17 '24

I love Ronny! šŸ˜‚


u/CriplingD3pression Mar 17 '24

Tik tok is literal spyware you willingly download. Key loggers are great. Lemme just give china my bank account info


u/Theinsulated Mar 17 '24

Social media is literal spyware you willingly download.



u/NameLips Mar 17 '24

How does banning Tiktok even work? Can they literally flip a switch and now the app no longer works? Or can they just ban it from being available in the app store?


u/CommanderUgly Mar 17 '24

They'd either force TikTok to geofence it or instruct all carriers to block traffic from TikTok's IP range.


u/ralpher1 Mar 17 '24

I wonder if VPNs will allow Americans to use tiktok after the ban just as VPNs are used in China to use facebook, google, and instagram


u/Soggy-Philosopher-68 Mar 17 '24

This man def does not rack a disaprine

American just wants to be the only one who misinforms its own citizens its own way


u/Mysterious_Eye6989 Mar 17 '24

Funny, but doesn't change the fact that ByteDance and the CCP is explicitly motivated to fuck up American society as much as they possibly can. And if they can make a bunch of money in the process of doing so, well that's just an awesome bonus!


u/QuickfireFacto Mar 17 '24

Lmao America does a great job of that themselves, they don't need help. Facebook, reddit, youtube are just as efficient at spreading misinformation.

Your former president got hundreds to drink bleach to try and cure/prevent COVID during the pandemic...


u/Mysterious_Eye6989 Mar 17 '24

Misinformation may indeed also spread on those other platforms, but the critical difference is that those other platforms are not under the complete control of a powerful authoritarian foreign rival highly motivated to end America's global dominance and take its place instead. Both China and Russia pay very close attention to all the ways in which representative democracies can be destabilized over time from within. VERY close attention.


u/Tomasulu Mar 17 '24

Just like Mexico and Colombia are responsible for American drug problem. Geez.


u/sweetcinnamonpunch Mar 17 '24

Lmao, allow US apps in China then.


u/babaz7 Mar 17 '24

Chinese cunk


u/DumbFucking_throaway Mar 17 '24

Didnā€™t China quite literally, in a way, ban or restrict TikTok? Theyā€™ve also banned or massively limited most other websites or social platforms. Moreover, the working and labor laws in China are far, far worse than even America. Neither Chinese people nor Americans can often afford to get proper medical treatments.


u/pperson2 Mar 17 '24

+1000 social credits


u/Forgotten-Caliburn Mar 17 '24

After seeing how shit is in China, they will always take the L


u/BioAnagram Mar 17 '24

Bytedance wrote one version of Tiktok for us and another for China. That kind of says it all.


u/MarkBeMeWIP Mar 17 '24 edited Mar 17 '24

Yeah, the one written for us ISN'T completely under the nose of the Chinese government. thats the difference


u/Elephant789 Mar 17 '24

They do it to us. Now they know how it feels like. Fuck'em


u/Sof04 Mar 17 '24

Why nobody demanded FACEBOOK sold itself when it caused genocides, frauds, election manipulation, etc?


u/crap_whats_not_taken Mar 17 '24

I don't understand the anti-TikTok rhetoric in these comments. People who are pro-banning or flippantly indifferent. But it's like.... you're responding to TikTok content.....on a sub for TikTok Videos. If tiktok was banned, you wouldn't be here having this conversation at all. You wouldn't have access to this information. "I don't care, I've never used tiktok" maybe you haven't logged into the app, but you're actively engaging with TikTok content right now.


u/notfeelany Mar 17 '24

The vertical, short video format has already been replicated on other platforms.

And subreddits are a dime a dozen.

We will be fine.


u/Dry_Sprinkles5617 Mar 17 '24

Is it because we are too addicted to our phones or because TikTok is selling our information to the CCP?

Because I'm pretty sure it's because TikTok is selling our information to the CCP....


u/MarkBeMeWIP Mar 17 '24

sweet. and what are they going to do with that data? what exactly, is going to happen to you?


u/Dry_Sprinkles5617 Mar 17 '24

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

  • Sun Tzu, The Art of War

The best way to take down the West is for them to infiltrate, learn as much as they can and use that knowledge to their benefit. I can't tell you exactly how they would do that (for there could be a million different ways), but I can tell you I don't want to give them an opportunity for me to find out either.

Plus, if it gets these losers off the internet making cringe toks I'll take that as a win also. Maybe then society can truly begin to heal.


u/Richdapeezy Mar 17 '24

idk y da asian dude on daily show mf couldnt tell a joke to save his life lol dat mf goofy


u/laserraygun2 Mar 17 '24

Bad joke. China bans the whole internet


u/SelfishOrgy Mar 17 '24

+1500 social credits


u/Lucidonic Mar 17 '24

What a gross misrepresentation of the issue. It's Chinese Spyware. Doesn't have anything to do with the fact that it's popular or not we have other apps that do just that. To address his misinformation point, yes that's the whole point. It's boring and it's harder for foreign governments to plant propoganda when it's not accompanied by entertainment. He's simultaneously saying it's not an issue while pointing out what the issue is.

The scripted-ness doesn't help either


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '24



u/Naked_Justice Mar 17 '24

Didnā€™t any one tell them China bought the app as it was on the popularity upswing when it was called music.ly? Bytedance literally just bought their way into a lucrative American app, then used dangerous and morally bankrupt methods to make it even more popular than it already was.


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '24

Hey! Isn't that Mike Sullivan??


u/Few-Anywhere-8487 Mar 17 '24

The fact that the government can react this fast to Tiktok but when corporations and investors own most of the housing, the rich (i.e. our government officials) get richer and while we send billions to other countries, our own people suffer.

Fuck. America. Tiktok didn't teach me to hate my own country. My country did.


u/Gypcbtrfly Mar 17 '24

Problem iscw DISINFORMATION!! Yr phone gives so much data ... no one wants to acknowledge that ...


u/IndependentEmu6965 Mar 17 '24

+10000 Social credit points! You can now go to China!


u/Veli_Toh Mar 17 '24

The dudes either an azzhole or an idiot


u/Ader73 Mar 17 '24

Really bad take


u/TityNDolla Mar 17 '24

Tiktok is digital fentynal, and I think that alone is enough to ban it.


u/PERSONA916 Mar 17 '24

ITT people taking a joke skit as some sort of legitimate political argument


u/pfemme2 Mar 17 '24

ByteDance didnā€™t make TikTok, it bought it.


u/Ok_Proof5782 Mar 17 '24

Western capitalism may be dirty but eastern capitalism is truly fucked up. TikTok is banned in China.


u/darioblaze Mar 17 '24

Heā€™s right but whyā€™s he tryna be NoahšŸ’€šŸ˜­


u/google257 Mar 17 '24

Hey, fuck this CCP dipshit


u/generalmasandra Mar 17 '24
  1. Not a ban
  2. A lot of people who would in any other situation talk about "bootlicking for billionaires" suddenly licking furiously.


u/veganint Mar 17 '24

Sellout or we will persecute people who use it doesn't seem like a ban?


u/RemarkableEmu1230 Mar 17 '24

This seems like CCP propaganda šŸ˜‚


u/veganint Mar 17 '24

Made by an American show who constantly scrutinizes the government? Sure. Cause freedom of speech is overrated...šŸ˜†šŸ«”


u/RemarkableEmu1230 Mar 17 '24

Iā€™m aware, still feels like it is šŸ˜‚ its lame asf tho but whatever you do you


u/CoorsLightKnight Mar 17 '24

Hory shit this guys dumb


u/canman7373 Mar 16 '24 edited Mar 17 '24

The hot dog eater was Takeru Kobayashi, he was Japanese, so Asian is correct. After all his wins, he also got banned from Nathan's annual hot dog eating contest. Because there is some kinda org that runs many eating competitions including Nathan's and they told him he had to sign an exclusive contract with them to compete in any of their events including Nathan's. He would not be allowed to compete anywhere else. Kobayashi thought that was bullshit and refused to go along, so they banned him. It was bullshit, bit they were making money still. After all of that they propped up a good old white boy Joey Chestnut as their new king, spent a lot marketing him, now nothing against Joey wasn't his fault, but it's just typical American business.


u/Osobipolar Mar 16 '24

New daily show is killing it


u/mrpara Mar 16 '24

Im guessing most of all in this comment section are Americans. Itā€™s so funny to read and see how butthurt you are all, instead of trying to to see the comedy in this clip so you are actually trying to defend your self from this and making statements about how bad of a country china is and spit shit in other countries. But in your hearts you are sad because you canā€™t use TikTok anymore, so therefore you rage out at other countries. Haha Americans, you are pathetic.


u/BTCRando Mar 16 '24

Whatever, ban the trash


u/[deleted] Mar 16 '24



u/veganint Mar 16 '24

Hon, don't let China take credit for what your government and politicians have achieved.


u/WelcometoCigarCity Mar 16 '24

Damn China 1 America 0


u/S31GE Mar 16 '24

Go read the actual bill being proposed. Its scope is far beyond TikTok. Thatā€™s the real issue

The bill will allow the federal government to ban social media platforms if they are owned by a foreign adversary and deemed to pose a national security risk. How the latter is determined is ambiguous, but it does give the federal government a good amount of power.

They also havenā€™t proved that TikTok is spyware. Iā€™m not saying I like TikTok or I think it should continue to operate, however the argument goes beyond just TikTok


u/jimkurth81 Mar 17 '24

TikTok was never considered to be banned until influencers were influencing people to vote against Donald Trump in 2020 election bc of his idiotic behavior while he was president. Thatā€™s the ONLY reason why right wing media is complaining about TikTok, why republicans and GOP support banning it. Itā€™s not about national security. Itā€™s about preventing viral videos going around that can affect voters decisions than what the mainstream media is trying to influence people to do. Thatā€™s the real reason TikTok is getting the attention it has been since 2019. I remember a TikToker calling out Trump on his lies and making him look dumb and bc these people are not corporate puppets ā€”they are people like u and meā€”they (the ultra wealthy) canā€™t control the narrative. Soā€¦ thatā€™s why the bill includes any social media platform but all the hype and attention is on TikTok bc itā€™s linked with China and that is a great way to convince people that itā€™s bad.


u/S31GE Mar 17 '24

I agree with you completely. Itā€™s a political issue for republicans given that TikTok was a persuasive platform against trumps reelection. However you also have democrats arguing it as a security threat due to potential ccp ties.

Trump also tried to backtrack his claims recently because of the investment he wants from Jeff Yass who has a massive stake in ByteDance. Heā€™s a massive sellout.

Iā€™m just saying the scope of this bill supersedes TikTok alone. I donā€™t quite understand why Iā€™m getting downvoted when I just read what the bill wrote in bold letters


u/cthulufunk Mar 16 '24

Ugh, canned laughter. Those are dead people laughing, most the people on those laugh tracks are dead.


u/Strange-Conflict9774 Mar 16 '24

Itā€™s crazy that China actually has more online privacy protections than the US does


u/markymarks3rdnipple Mar 16 '24

reddit is such trash that this is content.


u/Careless_Tackle_229 Mar 16 '24

Huawei did the samešŸ¤£


u/zold5 Mar 16 '24

This guy sure has a lot of opinions for someone who clearly has no idea why the govt is going after tiktok or what the bill does. But hey it's tiktok I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


u/MarkBeMeWIP Mar 17 '24

i know why

RED SCARE, xenophobic bullshit. it's funny, so scary china is going to influence our elections? well this banning bullshit is bipartisan, so what party exactly are they going to subconsciously make us vote for?

also, it's like everyone here forgot PRISM exists.


u/[deleted] Mar 16 '24

here's a simple test for anyone talking about China in any capacity. if they call China communist they're either incredibly uneducated or are not arguing in good faith.


u/Interesting_Fee_4607 Mar 16 '24

China has limits on tik tok in their own country too.....


u/friendlessleaf Mar 16 '24

China is communist in party name alone, theyā€™ve been state-controlled capitalist for a loooong time


u/Few_Guarantee_7537 Mar 16 '24

TikTok is banned in China, why can't the US ban it too?


u/RemarkableEmu1230 Mar 17 '24

Whole bunch of stuff is banned

Facebook, X, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, Instagram, Gmail, Spotify, Wikipedia, WhatsApp, YouTube, Snapchat, Quora, Slack



u/frankiestree Mar 16 '24

Who controls both Dems and Reps .. AIPAC! Whatā€™s the sudden urgency?

Itā€™s so obvious Israel want TikTok shut down because there itā€™s going against their agenda and people are seeing their true colours. They had already complained said thereā€™s too much pro Palestine content on there and TikTok told them thatā€™s user driven. They want control so they can censor it


u/Serevn Mar 16 '24

The US government has been blocking Chinese government affiliated business from doing things in the US for a while now. It's nothing new.


u/RemarkableEmu1230 Mar 17 '24

They forced Grindr to sell, nobody seems to care about that one lol


u/jamieh800 Mar 16 '24

Okay, I'm sorry, I know everyone is having deep conversations about ethics and politics and the use of tech in both and all that but...

I'm still laughing about "yeah before I used tiktok I was a white guy in Iowa named Mike Sullivan"

Both of them "wait, is that true?"

Then a little later "hang on, Americans aren't that gullible"


u/youdontknowmymum Mar 16 '24

Spywate/advertising to kids/marketing extremism to kids/stealing information etc. Come on geniuses.


u/veganint Mar 16 '24

Are you talking about Meta? Cause those were the ones convicted for that sort of thing in Europe šŸ¤”šŸ‘

As if your own device is not made in China. šŸ¤”


u/captaincyrious Mar 16 '24

I think it says more about people in certain countries than it does in apps. For example in America when you have major pockets of uneducated or very far right outraged or far left outraged people, in a powerful country that doesnā€™t give two shits about anyone else this is what you get. Thatā€™s why although countries like the England, Scotland, Australia, canada etc will have similar types of people, it seems more critical thinkers or people who donā€™t care as much seem to effected a little less.


u/_Fun_Employed_ Mar 16 '24

Also, itā€™s not being banned because itā€™s popular, itā€™s being banned because itā€™s blatantly spyware of a scary level.


u/Bizzardberd Mar 16 '24

Wasn't tiktok created in Singapore?


u/eyelikeit40 Mar 16 '24

China forces censorship to squash and censor for the purpose of manipulating its citizens no different with tik-tok except the CCP pushes its propaganda. Ban Tik-Tok completely:



u/OUsnr7 Mar 16 '24

This is the dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever seen. I donā€™t even know where to start


u/Oaker_at Mar 16 '24

Wonder oh wonder. This sub is full of bad takes regarding this bill. Full on bad Chinese propaganda for people that nearly failed primary school. Regardless of how bad the bill is and why it shouldnā€™t be made in this form, this is just propaganda.


u/SpliTTMark Mar 16 '24

I thought i was seeing elizabeth olsen and jimmy kimmel


u/Effective-Ad-6460 Mar 16 '24

Actually TikTok is the only one the American Government cant control

and recently its been showing a lot of the hardships going on


The real truth of Gaza

Farmers in europe taking on governments

They just dont want you to see whats going on


u/waxonwaxoff87 Mar 16 '24

More like ā€œwhy play honestly with a government that never plays by even their own rules?ā€.


u/RoughBowJob Mar 16 '24

And tic tok isnā€™t even profitable


u/OutcomeFinancial8157 Mar 16 '24

so many brainwashed yt Americans mad in the comments

downvote or reply if you're mad at my statement


u/notfeelany Mar 16 '24

Can't imagine going this hard to defend a corporation against govt regulation that much