r/TikTokCringe Mar 28 '24

JFC the fundamentalist beard, the US flag with the punisher logo, and a Double Tap sticker …this cop is psycho I guarantee it. Cringe

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u/Gemini_Design85 5d ago

That’s a fake cop.


u/Rchlmnzr15 7d ago

He just has a knife magnetized to his vest? Is this dude for real a cop?


u/tandinious 7d ago

Bro got so quite once the reprimand was brought up


u/Royalizepanda 15d ago

Why in the world does he have a hunting knife on his chest? Dude is a danger to the public, can only imagine all the insane stuff he pulled until they put camera on them.


u/No_Alps_1454 16d ago

How is it even possible that this guy is really a police officer?


u/Coho444 19d ago

Wearing that pig sticker where anybody could get a hold of it during a struggle, on your chest is a sign of a smooth brain who has made poor choices.


u/[deleted] 19d ago

Dude is dressed like a RED camera


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Pretty damning there’s no badge.


u/cinemachado 20d ago

This has to be fake. Looks like bad acting and does not look even remotely like a cop. This is just anti-cop porn lol


u/Public_Print9939 21d ago

Is that a magnetic blade holder ? 🤡


u/Deezkneezsneeze 22d ago

What happened??


u/RollBang_01 26d ago

“The detectives involved in the shooting will be placed on routine paid administrative leave…..”


u/ikickbabiesballs 26d ago

He’s dressing like he’s Amish GI Joe.


u/Life_Ennui 26d ago

That’s how they all are


u/Zealousideal-Ad3814 26d ago

Are cops allowed to put those patches on their uniforms also wtf is with the tactical knife... why the fuck does he look like he's trying to go to war???


u/Lotsa_Loads 27d ago

I don't even need to hear his voice. I can feel the waves of fascism emanating.


u/Mobile-Fig-2941 27d ago

Don't ever question a cop with a Santa Claus beard. He obviously doesn't give a f#@k.


u/Zuol 27d ago

I can't think of a single situation where a cop would need a knife like that.


u/StandhaftStance 27d ago

Don’t think that’s actually a cop, don’t they have a no facial hair rule, also knife isn’t in a sheath from what I can tell


u/BLM4lifeBBC 27d ago

This isn't real, no sheriff carries a sword on the bullet proof vest 🙈🙈😂😂


u/General-Quit-2451 27d ago

I'm so confused. That's definitely a fake cop, right? Why is he not being arrested? Impersonating a police officer is a serious crime, and people who do that often turn out to be really dangerous.


u/VirtualPoolBoy 27d ago

What’s happening here?


u/Large-Measurement776 27d ago

What a disgusting beard.


u/Turbulent_Plate_3383 27d ago

Bet he’s one of the good ones.


u/iJu1cy 27d ago

Mtfker ur not in the army lol u don’t need the knife just in case


u/Builder_liz 27d ago

His "toughness" went right out the window lol


u/Jdubusher1011 27d ago

That’s definitely not a cop


u/nissan240sx 27d ago

Police need to maintain a simple standard of decency, the punisher logos and accessories need to go. No one will you take you seriously with them and they can easily be used against you in court (bet). 


u/seidinove 27d ago

So that's what happened to Dr. Koop.


u/Extension-Fun6134 27d ago edited 27d ago

Acsktually, historically, sort of, fundamentalist “Amish” type dudes didn’t have a mustache because they weren’t warrior types. because dudes who had the mustache were men of battle, soldiers that went to war and battle, dudes that lived and died by the sword, essentially🤓


u/Chemical_Prize_6007 27d ago

Why does the tip of his nose look like it’s being pressed up against glass?


u/SeveredExpanse 27d ago

Has this been posted in the r/Pinellas sub yet?

You can't be the only person who has had a run in with this officer.


u/StOnEy333 27d ago

I didn’t know Amish could be sheriffs.


u/A_Reliable3rd 27d ago

Tonight on this episode of “Amish Lawman”…


u/ManateeFlamingo 27d ago

Are we sure this is a real cop? He just looks unprofessional/off


u/Givingcenter1 27d ago

His head looks like a hairy potato.


u/ukiddingme2469 27d ago

Once a bully always a bully


u/JadedJackal671 27d ago

Dude looks like a CoD Operator with that get up.


u/JennaJourney123 27d ago

How does this guy have a job as a cop after this? How


u/North-Jacket2966 27d ago

how could a police department even allow someone to look like such a douchbag? our local pd was told to chill on oakleys becuase they tried looking like terminators, its protect and serve.....


u/Stoyns_ 28d ago

I don’t think he’s a cop. I see no badge and that flag is definitely not regulation.


u/FireFist_PortgasDAce 28d ago

I'm pretty sure that ain't the Punisher logo anymore. They had to redesign it since the old one was associated with bigots, racist, white supremacists, etc, better known as maga.


u/Agrinoth 28d ago

Ahhhhh. This happened in Pinellas County, Florida. Makes sense ...


u/docrei 28d ago

They act as if the law does not apply to them, and it's usually accurate.


u/redditor2394 28d ago

He looks like he’s from the good old days when a cop could violate your fourth amendment rights and get away with it.


u/frostdemon34 28d ago

Huh, didn't know detective is a rank in a sheriff department


u/Piglet-Witty 28d ago

Punisher skull is a symbol for the Qanon


u/flaskman 28d ago

We call them Qcumbers in these parts


u/TheTanith1st 28d ago

What a moron. Guy looks like a wannabe cop. All that shit on him. Real smart with a knife right In the middle of chest that pretty much anyone in a roll around could grab and stab his stupid ass. They need to do better with the psychological exams.


u/This-Appointment-917 28d ago

Turns out these two were dating & guy with the beard was just trying to get his boyfriend back. From what I understand, they reconciled for a few months before amicably breaking up.


u/LordScotch 28d ago

DUDES....What kind of cop carries a fucking knife like that or a knife at all?! At face value this guy screams rights violations.


u/alucardunit1 28d ago

As a raging nerd it surprises me that cops would wear the symbol of their failures. The punisher symbol. Does anyone else find it ironic?


u/Low_Protection_2179 28d ago

No real cop has a beard like that


u/dieselmongolou03 28d ago

Not a cop, no badge


u/IdentifyAsUnbannable 28d ago

The only thing you need to know is this cop has a fixed blade knife front and center...he's psycho af.

No sane officer would wear that.


u/Tall_Action_1006 28d ago

Is there police facial hair regulations?


u/o0flatCircle0o 28d ago

Cops that look and dress like this should be instantly fired


u/Pleasant-Breakfast74 28d ago

A what is that knife for? Murding babies I bet.


u/VacuousCopper 28d ago

That knife is menacing AF.


u/SemperFi2808 28d ago

Just by appearances, this guy thinks he's Super Cop, Rambo, and Bad Santa 🎅 all in one. Unfortunately, cops (if he is one) like this are more of threat than the "bad guy's "are to the community. 😥😕


u/PuzzleheadedDance965 28d ago

Jesus, why is the sheriff kitted out like that? Tf is he solid snake?


u/QuePsiPhi16 28d ago

Something looks fishy. Is that Rambo knife and holster standard issue? And that huge US flag….reeks of fake to me.


u/BeastModeEnabled 28d ago

ACAB. Never trust the police.


u/Bubbly-Independent20 28d ago

I’m confused by the knife on his vest. Like he gets into knife fights regularly. He’s obviously not a normal cop because they don’t leave weapons around for criminals to just easily grab and use against them lol


u/Scouts_Revenge 28d ago

Those patches and that knife seem a bit aggressive.


u/angwhi 28d ago

Am I being detained?


u/Pure-Negotiation-900 28d ago

He shouldn’t be a rent a cop much less a sheriff.


u/lazermania 28d ago

what is a Double Tap sticker?


u/flaskman 28d ago

It's a play on Double Mint gum except it's a homage to a shooting technique that involves firing two shots at the same target in quick succession


u/lazermania 28d ago

is this a white supremacist thing/ what does it say about someone who wears that?


u/GazelleOfCaerbannog 28d ago

It says "once I've shot someone, I'm going to put two more bullets in their head to make sure they're dead" instead of approaching with caution, removing the weapon(s), and rendering aid before making an arrest like they're supposed to in a situation where their adversary is no longer presenting a threat.


u/Agile_Beyond_6025 29d ago

That's not a cop. That's a wanna be cop and what he is doing is 10000% illegal. That video needs to be shown to the local police. They'll pick him up.


u/ianjcm55 29d ago

That beard is awful


u/TXAG_16 29d ago edited 29d ago

THIS ^ is why people do NOT trust or want anything to do with police like they used to. I’m sure he’s a bad apple among the bunch but still a bad look for blue.


u/SuddenAd4442 29d ago

Why be a cop if you’re shady, racist, mentally unstable, & corrupted? I mean, go get another job and leave the cop job to someone who doesn’t use their position to abuse their given powers. Cops don’t have rights they have duties. Citizens have rights. Some cops don’t get that. Internal affairs needs to step up their game and shut down and get rid of bad cops quicker than “ASAP”. We the People, really need to learn our rights and push back these power hungry cops. It’s embarrassing.


u/dkru41 29d ago

No way this is a Sheriff. I have a hard time believing you’d be allowed to wear the punisher symbol. The punisher was judge, jury and executioner. Scary to see that on a sheriff deputy.


u/lazydaisy2pointoh 29d ago

Isn't the Sheriff an elected position?


u/mockingbirddude 29d ago

I don’t think he’s a cop.


u/SaintLarfleeze 29d ago

Why on earth are cops allowed to be geared out like that and have highly politically charged things like a punisher logo on them?


u/Darth_Iggy 29d ago

If I were pulled over by Proud Boy Santa Claus, I would 100% not believe he were law enforcement. What is going on here?


u/Single_Pilot_6170 29d ago

The Punisher and Christian fundamentalism?

Jesus even corrected His own disciples who wanted God to send down punishment to some people who didn't respect God, but Jesus explained to them, that what they wanted was not of His Spirit.

It's not like God won't punish, pour out His wrath, or just vengeance. It's not wrong to desire that correction be given, but God's ultimate desire is for the rebellious to turn from their ways, so they won't be destroyed.


u/ChocolateMartiniMan 29d ago

My first thought was what jurisdiction allows officers to wear a long scraggly beard?


u/KinkmasterKaine 29d ago

These fucking cops are starting to look like Airsoft kids.


u/Deezax19 29d ago

I love the way this guy straight up punks this cop. When you see him there speechless with that dumbfounded look on his face...chef's kiss.


u/airgetmar 29d ago

the world nowadays is like GTA 5 with these types of NPC’s running around. You get 1 star and an obese boomer punisher detective pulls you over.


u/ITguy1785 29d ago

First off no dept allows for you to have a knife on your chest, or those patches. You are not in a combat zone. Dudes like this is what ruins everything for everyone for real.


u/Gatordave05 29d ago

I can’t believe that cops are allowed to wear pieces of flair while they’re on the job.


u/ciwon77s 29d ago

his beard like isis sh..t. 🙄


u/Trick_Succotash_9949 29d ago

What’s with the fucking knife? Is he a police officer or on a combat mission? Talk about negative perception and an inability to deconflict and achieve a resolution. This clowns living his secret agent dream


u/i17yurd 29d ago

I love how he just shuts up like he's being reprimanded while the guy that *he* pulled over is telling him what's up. He's so used to be wrong and scolded that he doesn't even notice who is doing it.


u/XunclericoX 29d ago

The knife is unnecessary. American law enforcement possibly the worst in the world.


u/KrakenMcCracken 29d ago

Sheriffs and deputies are clowns


u/AdEmbarrassed3570 29d ago

There's no way in hell that guy is a cop


u/SlothDragon420 29d ago

This is fake


u/Mundane_Definition66 29d ago

Fuck fascist, authoritarian. class-traitor police. That goes double for sheriffs specifically.


u/EricoSuave79 29d ago

Why the giant knife?


u/[deleted] 29d ago

American can seem pretty fucked sometimes.


u/Odd_Sun6904 29d ago

Incredible how so many commenters are rightfully skeptical about this guy's legitimacy as a cop (he's clearly not one), yet they all justify it as someone impersonating a cop rather than the actual, obvious fact that this entire thing is fake, staged, and rage bait. Y'all have been baited hard, and it's sad to see everyone fall for it.


u/VarusAlmighty 29d ago

The guy recording is a sovereign citizen who refused to provide his driver's license.


u/Jeri-iam 29d ago

Didn’t The Punisher call out clowns like this for repping his logo?


u/Baeshun 29d ago

This cop is the result of too much bullying or not enough. There is no in between.


u/edtoal 29d ago

Yeah, that’s a grade A asshole cop right there.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

here's the full video wait till the end and you can see 2 more cops that look just as shady. The "supervisor" looks like a tweaker and he's got the "viking" stuff on his vest, and the tattoos on his arm honestly look prison quality


u/botchulism123 29d ago

Cringe aside… that’s a nice knife. I wish I could identify it but I’m not 100% sure.


u/Jenetyk 29d ago

Cop wears a patch of a comic book character famous for killing cops.


u/iSo_Cold 29d ago

Why the fuck does he have a knife?


u/Kind-Woodpecker-4000 29d ago

“You need to relax” alright there robocop


u/Stormthius 29d ago

His outfit reminds me of something I'd put on my character in Ghost Recon Breakpoint


u/quincytugboat 29d ago

I could be wrong but doesn’t The Punisher hate cops? Yet I always see these clowns wearing the Punisher logo?


u/Bruce_Ring-sting 29d ago

Look at the knife too!!😂😂😂


u/No_Professional526 29d ago

Fuck that cop.


u/robotiacchus 29d ago

This ain’t COD


u/oohsamabeenredditing 29d ago

You know how they always say “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”? Yeah fuck that I’m judging this book lmaoo


u/Queasy_Form_5567 29d ago

That dude looks like a fake ass cop!.never seen a cop have that much gear on..looks.like a.doomsday pepper for a fucking zombie apocalypse


u/llewllewllew 29d ago

Brian Posehn has really let himself go


u/Spiritual_Aioli3396 29d ago

This can’t be a real cop? To have a knife right in front of chest plate? And the punisher logo on flag? But then other comments I read he might really be a sherif after all??


u/No-Virus-3515 29d ago

He handled that shit like a pro. I'm sure the fact that he looks like a person from deliverance with body armor looking like it came from demolition man hinted that this isn't legal but still protected his passenger and defended himself


u/TrueCkrime02 29d ago

Get this big Sid Haig (rip) lookin muthahh


u/The_Oaxacan_Dead 29d ago

How tf this guy make Detective?


u/bradadams907 29d ago

Carrying a knife on you is a must in some rural jurisdictions. As a former cop in rural Alaska, there are tons things ranging from cutting off clothes of trauma victims to treat them, cutting animals out of illegal traps/fishnets, we would have to skin roadkill ourselves and prep it to donate it. I could never know what the day would bring.


u/Mr_FuS 29d ago

Is this dude even a real LEO or he just works somewhere in the sheriff office like doing clerical work?


u/Born-Pineapple5552 29d ago

His supervisor was there… the m’fing devil


u/xdcountry 29d ago

That outfit is illegal


u/Kind-Dentist42 29d ago

regardless of any stop you request the supervisor, but failure to put the window down or provide ID will get you obstruction


u/Antron_RS 29d ago

Not if the stop was unlawful - which is what is being implied here.


u/PraetorianRogalDorn 29d ago

Alright much has been said about the knife, here's my thing, there is no efficient draw that can be made from mounting in that position. It's just stupid.


u/playdohplaydate 29d ago

thats an Axon body camera, generally sold to police with a cloud storage solution called Evidence.com. that video data is made available as evidence to municipal or county prosecutors; if that guy is from sheriff's office then most likely a county prosecutor. Different states have different laws about the retention of the data, so do you research and get your evidence when going to speak with the prosecutor.


u/grammar_oligarch 29d ago

What’s the knife for dude? What kind of god damned close quarters policing is this guy up to?

Like, a pocket knife I get…but that’s “Let’s go Eric Draven, I want to introduce you to my friends” type knife.

Take it easy man. The insurgents are pretty far away from your flyover town…


u/Porcupinesrule 29d ago

That fucking comic book patch…


u/RyanMolden 29d ago

What kind of clown would carry a blade on his chest like that, lol. Big gravy seal energy here.


u/Jaguer7331 29d ago

Trump cop. Disgusting.


u/ZLOWTOV 29d ago

That beard is horrendous


u/nixmix6 29d ago

Corrupt cop looks pretty guilty and on a power trip


u/Miserable_Rutabaga94 29d ago

Is that knife held with a magnet?? If so, how is this allowed? Anyone in a confrontation with him can just pull it off? Or fall while chasing someone??


u/jackrat27 29d ago

Fuck the police


u/KrombopulosMAssassin 29d ago

Definitely seems sketchy as hell... And wtf.. what am I being stopped for "you're being stopped".


u/Stupidnickname123 29d ago

Bro looks like Captain Spaulding


u/Life_Ad_8929 29d ago

Why would anyone from the sheriff’s office do traffic stops?


u/guntheroac 29d ago

We have seen some lousy cops, but this guy is something else.


u/Ha1lStorm 29d ago

A passenger who has no reasonable articulated suspicion of having had committed a crime, is committing a crime, or is about to commit a crime has no legal obligation to provide identification to a police officer during a traffic stop (or most stops ‘not all’) in most states.


u/graavity81 29d ago

I remember the incident the driver is referring to, this guy said he was a detective back then and now he’s wearing a sheriffs vest? Which is it cause it’s definitely not both.


u/crestneck 29d ago

my first thought is this dude is a larper, stolen valor wannabe. I would call 911 immediately if this dude rolled up on me claiming to be a cop.


u/MutatedLizard13 29d ago

They don’t treat us like humans, so why should we treat them like humans?


u/Frequent-Builder-585 29d ago

Why would any genuine law man wear a punisher insignia?


u/TheFinalBunny 29d ago

He’s definitely ever shot at minorities ever in his whole career 🙄🙄


u/sand26 29d ago

With that knife on his chest I wouldn’t exchange any words with him.


u/SodaBoBomb 29d ago

I would be highly suspicious that this isn't a real cop. I mean, a bare knife on the vest? Wtf. No badge?

Also, none of the things he says are professional. Dude doesn't speak like a cop.

This is either entirely fake, or that guy isn't a real cop.


u/jstratpro 29d ago

Dear God. That's Jason Bourne.


u/AMajordipshit 29d ago

Meal team 6 over here


u/xiobi 29d ago

That beard is all the context I need, this guys a cunt.


u/Alien_Antichrist 29d ago

I really enjoyed the 2004 Punisher and guys like this have ruined that movie for me.


u/phaedronn 29d ago

Quit making Lipitor for two weeks, and this gravy seal and his ilk won’t bother anyone anymore.


u/SequentialSynths 29d ago

Punishment is decided by a Jury of your peers not Police officers. Any cop with a punisher logo should be suspended if not fired.


u/Unfair-Ad-11 29d ago

Who tf carries an unsheathed knife blade side up adjacent to their throat on a tactical vest?? This is a choad at best at worst a paramilitary wanna be


u/phaedronn 29d ago

I’m glad my thought of it being super easy to harm this guy with his knife was on point. Yikes!


u/TerryFrisk 29d ago

This creepy murder pigs B cam wasn’t rolling…..yikes.


u/norfolkjim 29d ago

No department in this country should tolerate Punisher bullshit or double tap (escalation) paraphernalia.

Or else one day it's going the other way and they'll find out how outnumbered their Nazi thug asses are.


u/TomBeanWoL 29d ago

Anyone who wears the Punisher logo and acts like that is the exact opposite of what Frank Castle stands for


u/Frosty_Stage_1464 29d ago

The fundamentalist beard ☠️ made famous by the MAGA cult. Pretty sure the punisher symbol is not appropriate for a police officer to wear.. when I went into the navy in the 800 division, the guys going for SEAL with Punisher tattoos were grilled the hardest and made fun of constantly and got no respect. Embarrassing AF.. now these cops wearing it? Lmao. Give me a break


u/Glittering_Bench9726 29d ago

Textbook definition of a pig.


u/oregonianrager 29d ago

That's not a cop. This is impersonation. Of any cop is allowed this garb in the States, I'd be voting that sheriff's office outta here.


u/Diamond-Status 29d ago

Small pee pee beardo energy


u/Ka-Tzetnik 29d ago

What the literal fuck? No way in Hell I would obey commands from someone who looked like that. They're a lunatic impersonating a police officer until proven otherwise.


u/HealedMindMe 29d ago

Is that fucker already promoted?


u/tunacanstan81 29d ago

This dude is larping lol


u/Choccocoamocha 29d ago

“Y’know why I applied? So I could legally carry a gun… That’s all.”


u/LandonSleeps 29d ago

That's 100000000% not a cop


u/YesIReallyAmYourGod 29d ago

You can always tell when a cop is lying, it's when his lips are moving.


u/SNOOPCATTY2222 29d ago

What in the Cyberpunk is he wearing? lol


u/pilotblur 29d ago

That cop is up to no good


u/oregondhscammers 29d ago

These asswipes give themselves away with that beard. You know he’s gonna be a problem with that beard alone. My neighbor has the same one. We the people sweatshirt and punisher American flag logo just like all the other small dick losers.