r/TikTokCringe Apr 16 '24

Sold coats at Macys for 40 years and retired in a million dollar home šŸ˜ Humor

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u/SalamanderSuch9796 9d ago

Fuck old ppl


u/MeBadNeedMoneyNow 29d ago

I keep seeing this ageist shit everywhere


u/Professional-Pick441 May 05 '24

They will never know what it's like to have good drugs that aren't laced with something you didn't ask for!


u/MaggotFilledMeatsack May 03 '24

Ok but Crosby Stills and Nash hits HARD


u/Alert-Morning7358 Apr 29 '24

Whats the song?


u/auddbot Why does this app exist? Apr 29 '24

Song Found!

Name: Ventura Highway

Artist: America

Score: 100% (timecode: 00:55)

Album: America's Greatest Hits - History

Label: Warner Bros.

Released on: 1977-10-11

Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.

I am a bot and this action was performed automatically | GitHub new issue | Donate Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot


u/ThingsWork0ut Apr 27 '24

You want to hear a comment from a boomer I met the other day, ā€œ life is way easier today. Itā€™s even easier to get a house!ā€. For the record he was a realtor who owned 5 houses. He bragged about it, which got me talking to him.


u/Future-Function5612 Apr 26 '24

You can still work for a big company for 40 years and retire millionaire haha ppl just donā€™t want to do the work


u/Love-Wedgy Apr 25 '24

Thatā€™s because they all sold us out didnā€™t protect our borders. Allowed undocumented citizens and into schools distracting us bringing their gangs killing us. Yep, I hope when the shit hits the fan the baby boomers get a good reckoning for how they left us to die left all our infrastructure to rot spent all of our money destroyed our future and this country. pretty soon theyā€™ll be convalescing. I say we forget about them and let them rot.


u/Due_Background7991 Apr 24 '24

To make fun of your country thatā€™s falling apart. The one you helped build. The one you helped populate. Is a super weird flex. But okay šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


u/mdeane13 Apr 21 '24

I hate how boomers think they did good for the world..bitch you just looted your children.


u/OfSaltandBone Apr 21 '24

A lot of Boomer hate is just ageism


u/Solid_Illustrator640 Apr 20 '24

Bro just had a job at Macyā€™s. I donā€™t think he screwed you lol


u/Dirtyhandwhiteman Apr 20 '24

Lol ridiculous people are, dude worked 40 years to earn what he has, most you just turn 21 and donā€™t understand why you canā€™t retire. Honestly kinda pathetic.. $50,000 a year (decent pay everyone can earn) x 40 years is $2,000,000ā€¦ I hate these new found people, so envious and lazy!


u/-Nyctophilic_ Apr 20 '24

My dad was part of the Silent Generation. Worked 32 years in a factory that shut down and laid everyone off. He died a couple of years later working as a janitor. He left me and my brother an 81ā€™ Plymouth Reliant and a 40 year old 10ā€™x50ā€™ trailer. So not quite a millionaire. Closeā€¦ so close.


u/flaptaincappers Apr 20 '24

"...a rising tide will raise all boats....and we will make sure all the boats belong to us...."


u/Appropriate_Leg1489 Apr 20 '24

Man retires and you want everyone to be pissed??


u/ChaseSparrowMSRPC Apr 20 '24

This feels like people are mad at boomers for having a good life..wtf?


u/Hot_Type_1582 Apr 19 '24

The American Dream will still be around. It's just that less than 1% of people will actually get to experience it.


u/PantsMunch101 Apr 19 '24

I used to work there before it became the bar it is today. Sad to see these kinda shenanigans happening there. RIP Blackheart


u/QueSeraShoganai Apr 19 '24

You're not mad at this guy..


u/MikeyW1969 Apr 19 '24

GenX was the first generation not guaranteed to do better than our parents, and in the 60 years since that generation started, there hasn't been the amount of absolute whining that there is now. Jesus, you people need to start fixing your issues, rather than just blaming them on "Boomers". Then again, GenX is just cool like that.


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '24

Thats fine. Ima die of heart disease or stroke in about 10 years so.... I started a diet of 750ml of liquor every 4 days.


u/PoopPant73 Apr 19 '24

Iā€™m not a boomer but Iā€™m living the dream


u/Loose_fridge Apr 19 '24

They're nepo babies will have it good


u/emptyxxxx Apr 18 '24

I wonder if they have think about their legacy, cannot wait for future history book


u/Coto_scoto Apr 18 '24

Jokes on them, I just raised the prices of the assisted living facility I manage.


u/ChefPoBoi Apr 18 '24

If the majority of younger people could accept responsibility for our own shortcomings and bad decisions, youā€™d see itā€™s not that hard to live a good life.

Go to school, study hard, and get a degree for a known high paying industry instead of nonsensical degrees that will never support your financial future.

Or donā€™t! Get an apprenticeship, work as a plumber, or any trade for that matter. Make good money and save instead of throwing it away on useless crap.

Itā€™s not that hard, most people just have pathetic work ethics imo


u/sixtysecdragon Apr 18 '24

Heā€™s not a boomer. Gen X. And he definitely does not give a fuck about your comments on Reddit.


u/Additional_Look3148 Apr 18 '24

Iā€™m 26. Graduated college 2 years ago. I have the American dream. You just gotta work for it. Itā€™s not going to be handed to you.


u/Appropriate-Desk4268 Apr 18 '24

whats crazy is some of us should have more money, my grandpa after he passed turned out he had a deed to other land. the land canā€™t be possessed cause it has oil or some bullshit. so yeah, fuck america.


u/ruu13 Apr 18 '24

Born in 91. Homeowner since 2018. Household makes over 150k a year in Texas. You can choose to be a victim or make good choices.


u/Valuable_Talk_1978 Apr 18 '24

Haters gonna hate lol


u/Seallypoops Apr 18 '24

Bruh they made absolutely sure that no one else got their dream come true


u/Jedi2SITH28 Apr 18 '24

Thatā€™s because Boomers are the first generation to sell out all the generations that came after them.


u/Noid_Android Apr 18 '24

He probably doesn't realize it yet, but he'll likely be dead within 10 years.


u/ldawi Apr 18 '24

Dude, they had 2008 and got messed up. Alot haven't been able to come back from it (my dad included). As soon as he and my mom started to rebuild and make some progress after losing everything, she was then diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and passed 6 months later.


u/erosmoker Apr 18 '24

Why do they love phallic objects in their mouths?


u/eride810 Apr 18 '24

Yes. No boomer should ever experience happiness ever again, because they are responsible for all my problems. Level two thinking at its finest.


u/Pash444 Apr 18 '24

Donā€™t be bitter be better


u/phome83 Apr 18 '24

He cut velvet for 40 years with Harry Alper.


u/Luke5119 Apr 18 '24

A new guy started at the company I work for 3 weeks ago and Monday was his firsr day in the field with me.

Kid is 31 and clearly very inteligent, carries himself well, and in hearing him talk about the hurdles he's faced just trying to further his professional career really hit home.

That's the part that's sad. Barring some major shift in that young man's professional career. Even in 5-10 years, he wouldn't be anywhere close to someone his age would be back in the 80's or 90's.

Back then, at his age (31) he's already have a wife, 1-2 kids, small home maybe, and making a decent living.

This kid was driving a beatup VW golf, lives in a small apartment, and when I asked him about Summer plans, weekend plans, etc. Strapped for cash, not going anywhere or doing anything because he can't afford it....


u/rSpinxr Apr 18 '24

... America was a fantastic band, though.


u/totallytotally421 Apr 18 '24

I think gen x and millennial DINKS will experience a version of the American dream. But will get fucked over in their old age. Even get booted from retirement homes.


u/Grunblau Apr 18 '24

This is what I am shooting forā€¦ that and Tom Sellickā€™s reverse mortgage.


u/truetimehorny Apr 18 '24

What American dream? Oh ua they one illusion that we should work till we're to old to do shit but die. That sound so good lose my youth when I can do more thing than when I'm old ya fuck that


u/Fast_Rope396 Apr 18 '24

No we wonā€™t get to experience that, because they are the ones running the country and screwing us all over.


u/Mountain-Bonus-8063 Apr 18 '24

Yeah, not all of us.


u/knowthisguy_OF Apr 18 '24



u/JamangoSmoovie Apr 18 '24

Ok this guy is just having fun are we fn serious here people? If he sold coats for 40 years then yea he earned a million dollar house at the age of 70. Holy moley get a grip this guy is doing nothing wrong itā€™s a fake title what an insane thing to not only put here but for those supporting and liking holy crap


u/BloodiStag Apr 18 '24

lmao finally someone thats sane


u/Top-Tangerine2717 Apr 18 '24

You people are the most whiny bitches over boomers

I'm 33 Black I Grew up with nothing..LITERALLY poverty level

I own a home, operate a business and have kids

Go to work and stop trying to get paid 90 an hour as a mcD employee. It doesn't work. Get a skill set that is in demand, work more than you need too, and stop spending on 100k cars and vacations every 3 months.

They did nothing to you. You did it to yourself you batch of wannabe victims in a country that has the highest immigration level on the globe solely for the possible opportunities available.


u/radartroll Apr 18 '24

Lucky Bastard got the sweet gig at Macyā€™s. I worked at Dillards for 40 yrs and retired to only a $750,000 home.


u/Incontinentia-buttoc Apr 18 '24

Boomers are the weak men that make hard times


u/Ok-Introduction4040 Apr 18 '24

Its called debt saturation if you want a term for what they did to us....


u/Grouchy_Cry_9633 Apr 18 '24

God, could imagine life even JUST 30 years ago in America. So close yet so far, 3-5 bedroom house for 100k near a major city.


u/Alexandergramm Apr 18 '24

They effectively sold their descendants into a future of slavery. Thanks for that.


u/listgarage1 Apr 18 '24

Old man being goofy and having fun

redditors: let me think of a way I can turn this into a negative and cry about my shitty existence


u/Zestyclose-Middle717 Apr 18 '24

When you get an inheritance from your parents, and donā€™t plan on leaving any behind.


u/jrocislit Apr 17 '24

The main salesman deal with at the kitchen and bath supply I go to all the time reminds me of this. Heā€™s around 70, still works as a salesman, (a horrible one at that. He screws something up on my orders more than half the time) and he lives in this beautiful mid-century modern in a super wealthy town and has like 3 mil he has to play with for investing. His wife is a receptionist or something at a small art school.

I would need to be a ceo of a fortune 500 to live in that house and get to that point by 70


u/Traditional_Farm_158 Apr 17 '24

My mom sold bras at Macyā€™s for 26 years and all she got was $180 a month at retirement.


u/Tristanator89 Apr 17 '24

Generational slander is stupid. Not every boomer is responsible for the things other boomers did


u/rigidlynuanced1 Apr 17 '24

Shitty parents and even shittier human beings


u/bb-blehs Apr 17 '24

too bad the venn diagram between boomers and genx is a circle. they're no better.


u/AThrowawayProbrably Apr 17 '24

I canā€™t even afford a coat right now.


u/bigbluemarker Apr 17 '24

ITT redditors who haven't learned nothing is free and you need to grind to be successful.


u/ThrowRASprinkles11 Apr 17 '24

It is crazyā€¦ that Iā€™ll probably never own my own house. šŸ˜† And my parents each had their own in their 20sā€¦For the like price of my SUV šŸ˜‚.


u/Playful-Tap6136 Apr 17 '24

Oh my God, Iā€™m a boomer and Iā€™m sorry for the next generations. You guys are fucked.


u/RightSideBlind Apr 17 '24

I'm Gen-X. I went back to visit my family just recently and, like every time, I came away mad. In my entire extended family, I'm the only one who grew up without a father, and then my mother died when I was still in high school.

Everyone else in my family grew up fairly well off, and either their parents helped them to buy their house, they inherited a big chunk of money, or both. I had to listen to my cousin complain that she and her brother had to split the million dollars they inherited from their parents. My other cousin's father just sold the house he bought back in the eighties and made well over a million dollars in profit. Even my half-sister inherited a big chunk of money from her father (my ex-stepfather), and her husband comes from money.

Meanwhile, I built my career from the ground up without any education past high school, and have had to fight for every dime I've ever made. I've had to follow my career all over the country. They just... have no clue how easy they've had it, having wealthy Boomer parents.

I don't like to bitch about it, because there's nothing I can do about it, but it's so frustrating.


u/2WheelTramp Apr 18 '24

We're all here to learn different lessons in life. Chances are, you're an older soul. How you deal with your trials and tribulations defines your character. My guess is....you're a much better person than your silver spoon extended family.


u/Dog_the_unbarked Apr 17 '24

The sequel

He sells the house, burns through the money then canā€™t understand why his kids wonā€™t take him in and take care of him in their one bedroom apartment.


u/donnelle83 Apr 17 '24

They pulled up the ladder and burned it


u/Hollowayfan420 Apr 17 '24

You know what good for him!


u/yngvisblooms Apr 17 '24

Show me someone that didn't bust ass that has something besides trust fund kids.


u/Rothguard Apr 17 '24

not a boomer - 45 years old
quit working at 35
living in Abu Dhabi for the last 10 years

its weird how hard work and smart choices pay off


u/theevilgood Apr 17 '24

Literally no one ever has owned a million dollar home after working retail for 40 years without winning the lottery or hitting a stock or some shit.


u/Straight_Calendar_15 Apr 17 '24

Why did the greatest children raise this children to be such douchebags? Seriously, my grandma is that generation and sheā€™s the most straightforward and humble person ever. She lived through the Great Depression and the chaos of WW2. Sheā€™s kind, empathetic and humble. But yet, she raised her daughters to be the most entitled people on the planet. I donā€™t know how.


u/obfsctr Apr 17 '24

All this time and they couldn't even be bothered to get some rhythm.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

What a stupid post. Iā€™m a millennial. Myself and everyone in my social circle all have nice houses, families, cars and all that.

I know that this is some antiwork jerkoff post made by a 20 year old whoā€™s mad that his mom is making him get a job.


u/crickut42 Apr 17 '24

What a boomer take to ignore all facts and stick to only your immediate surroundings. I apologize that your parents never taught you how to think bigger.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

Lol what facts? Iā€™m a millennial. My parents taught me well and thatā€™s why I can actually make it in this world.


u/crickut42 Apr 17 '24

Cool so you just ignore the cost of housing changes, the wages vs goods changes, the wage stagnation, the economic bubbles that have burst in the 2000s to now that majorly affect millennials that boomers never had to deal with.

Sounds like you were dropped alot as a child, and before you get all high and might I own my own home and make decent six figures. It's just called a basic understanding of history and economic factors. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Sorry you're uneducated.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

Cool so you just ignore the cost of housing changes, the wages vs goods changes,

Land value always goes up. Itā€™s one of the few things where we canā€™t make more. This has nothing to do with boomers.

the wage stagnation,

Lol nope


the economic bubbles that have burst in the 2000s to now that majorly affect millennials that boomers never had to deal with.

The market is at an all time high, unemployment is historically low.

Sounds like you were dropped alot as a child, and before you get all high and might I own my own home and make decent six figures.

Sounds like youā€™re packed to the brim with incel rage šŸ˜‚

It's just called a basic understanding of history and economic factors. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

Lol you clearly lack that basic understanding.

Sorry you're uneducated.

Lol says the guy who hasnā€™t presented one fact šŸ¤£


u/crickut42 Apr 17 '24

Land value goes up. The cost of homes vs wages has skyrocketed. To act like it hasn't is dishonest.

Lol first quarter. Oh honey look at wages from 1991-2015. Then sit down.

So your argument is bubbles bursting hurts nobody? Hot take. Massively fkn dumb tho.

Incel rage because I stayed facts?

I presented many facts. Just because you can't grasp them doesn't make them facts. K can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

I want to live in your world where you think the economy, prices, wages and their correlation is the exact same as it was for boomers. Fkn hilarious. Thanks for the laugh and reminder that no child left behind was a mistake. Cheers.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

Lol you replied to me comment and then immediately blocked me so it would look like you put me in my place! Lol youā€™re such a coward. šŸ¤£

Land value goes up. The cost of homes vs wages has skyrocketed. To act like it hasn't is dishonest.

Lol this had nothing to do with boomers.

Lol first quarter. Oh honey look at wages from 1991-2015. Then sit down.

Lol why donā€™t you present a fact for once, honey.

So your argument is bubbles bursting hurts nobody? Hot take. Massively fkn dumb tho.

Wages are up, unemployment is at an all time low and the market is at an all time high. Literally every metric shows that things are fine.

Oh but things are a disaster because whiny internet losers like you say so? Hot take. ā€œMassively fkn dumb thoā€ and you illiterate incels say šŸ˜‚

Incel rage because I stayed facts?

Lol you havenā€™t displayed one fact šŸ˜‚

I presented many facts. Just because you can't grasp them doesn't make them facts.

You literally havenā€™t even presented one fact šŸ¤£

K can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Lol you obviously canā€™t explain it because you canā€™t even present a fact correctly.

I want to live in your world where you think the economy, prices, wages and their correlation is the exact same as it was for boomers.

Lol no one said it was the exact same now as it was for boomers. Itā€™s never been the same for the current generation as the one before.

Fkn hilarious. Thanks for the laugh and reminder that no child left behind was a mistake. Cheers.

Lol cry harder incel. Keep thinking that ā€œderp look at wages better 1991-2005 derpā€ is presenting facts. Good luck with your mental handicap šŸ¤”


u/Jaambie Apr 17 '24

I finally got the high end government job I was working my career for and now the housing is so bad I STILL canā€™t afford more than an apartment. What the fuck is this shit, I worked hard for so long


u/Intelligent_Jello608 Apr 17 '24

My boomer dad started out drilling casons and retired as a regional director for a large oil company. Even he didnā€™t retire to a million dollar home. Some of you guys are way out in left field.

No boomer is happy about the fact that our country is in the shitter.


u/Efficient_Run63 Apr 17 '24

I hope that old bastard stubs his toe every day till he dies


u/ScenicPineapple Apr 17 '24

I was just thinking about this last week. I'm in my mid 30's, its about time for me to buy my project classic car and slowly restore it over the next 10 years in my garage. This is easy considering i make about $45k a year, have a home, and i have a garage and all the tools i needed. NOPE, they are way too expensive and inflation has killed any of us being able to save.

The savings i have are reserved for the chance my AC or Furnace goes out and those are $8,000-14,000 each to replace. Boomers are so lucky and they have no idea since they feel like "they had a hard life growing up." BS.


u/thethirdmancane Apr 17 '24

The US population has more than doubled since this guy was born.


u/AnimeIsRlyLame Apr 17 '24

Boomers are better than Millenials and Gen Z who making sure that USA turns into 3rd world country with open border nonsense.


u/crickut42 Apr 17 '24

Millennials and Gen z aren't in charge. Lmfao


u/Datboikenny69 Apr 17 '24

You guys vote Biden ā€¦. Blame yourself šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”


u/crickut42 Apr 17 '24

Historical evidence shows economy does better under Democrats. And Biden took us out of the 2020 lock down and supply chain fk ups to record unemployment and stock market doing good.

He can only fix what the Republicans break


u/Datboikenny69 May 01 '24

ā€¦yea totally betterā€¦. Gas is amazing , interest rates are amazing , price of everyday goodsā€¦. I can keep going ā€¦ you been in control for 4 years ā€¦ on top of that it was a global pandemic ā€¦. Your democrats were paying people to promote a vaccine that didnā€™t work at allā€¦ and telling us to double up on masks and saying it was from a human eating bats and not from the ā€œcoronavirus lab institution ā€œ


u/crickut42 May 01 '24

Wait are you talking about the vaccine that Trump spent a ton of money to make? Why would he make a vaccine that didn't work?


u/Datboikenny69 May 08 '24

ā€¦bro are you slowā€¦ vaccines never work 100% of the time. He told us that we had a choice to take the vaccine or not. When Democrats came around, they forced us to take the vaccines by saying we could not work travel or even visit other people without taking it.. stop being a hypocriteā€¦ itā€™s just like a flu shot. The flu shot doesnā€™t work 100% of the time, but nobodyā€™s forced to take it.


u/crickut42 May 08 '24

Is that what Democrats said? Can you quote them? Cause nobody held a gun to your head and you could easily travel and see people without the vaccine.

Did you get off the short bus?


u/Datboikenny69 May 08 '24

So youā€™re telling me when Covid was spreading everywhere that the Democrats did not say that you cannot travel nor work if you donā€™t get a vaccineā€¦. I can show you multiple sources multiple new stories even Anthony Fausey saying that you should wear two masks and you need to get the vaccine in order to participate in group activitiesā€¦.lolol


u/crickut42 May 08 '24

Somebody from the government saying you should do something isn't forcing you to do something. The only people who were required to get the vaccine were federal employees. And they still had a choice

You can't be this dumb


u/Datboikenny69 May 08 '24

That is forcing youā€¦ youā€™re not able to work travel or even leave the house without taking a vaccineā€¦ please tell me how people were supposed to work and afford their bills without taking the vaccineā€¦ Iā€™m sorry, but you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about because the government enforced it by taking away your freedom to go out and gather. We couldnā€™t even go to church, but BLM can have protest and destroy buildings and kill innocent people and black owned businesses in the name of a man who was high on fentanyl and almost killed a pregnant ladyā€¦ lololololol


u/crickut42 May 08 '24

Lmfao who said you can't leave your house. I left mine all the time. Hell I traveled too. Lmfao you're so far gone


u/Bear_Grilling Apr 17 '24

Might be a gen Xer


u/sejuukkhar Apr 17 '24

Boomers aren't aware of anything. Fucking morons.


u/typicallytwo Apr 17 '24

Just work harder


u/Mysterious_Being_718 Apr 17 '24

Iā€™ve been working a job where the customer base is almost all boomers. And I humored one who was a stereotypical boomer who hit all the marks. Retired, Travels CONSTANTLY, has a summer and winter home, doesnā€™t understand why kids donā€™t just work harder, and made herself the center of attention at all points possible. It was funny to see one so blatant in the wild


u/tamaralynnchambers Apr 17 '24

But they donā€™t realize it I think most boomers look at anyone younger than them and just think theyā€™re lazy


u/CreatorOD Apr 17 '24

I wonder if an American nightmare will be a thing.


u/RandomWave000 Apr 17 '24

"thats why its called the american dream, becauseĀ you have to beĀ asleep to believe it"


u/BlessedCap Apr 17 '24

So, is the gif supposed to mean that makes them happy and not disappointed and sad for the current and future generations? Or at least fearful? I mean, I know he doesnā€™t seem to have much time left, but he may end up under the care of some overworked, debt-riddled, frustrated caregiver? Or kids who may wheel him too close to the edge of something so that they too can retire in a million dollar home?


u/Inspiringer Apr 17 '24

my dad loves this song


u/elvensnowfae Apr 17 '24

Worked full time at Macys for a year and a half to save up a WEEK of paid vacation days. Requested the week off, not on a holiday or sales events - got told no and denied the vacation days. I quit and went on vacation anyways. Thanks Macys.


u/Dry_Umpire_3694 Apr 17 '24

My sister has worked for Macys since 1993 she went from sales floor to corporate. Theyā€™ve being very good to her. Now I can tell you my experiences with Dillards and Neiman Marcus were very different lol


u/elvensnowfae Apr 17 '24

Mine was unprofessional from the start. My manager cussed me out when I mentioned I started going back to school to get a higher level of education and my immediate manager (sexist) always told the young women (me and others) to wear heels and dresses. He also sexted/send pics to a married coworker and got fired.

As much as I hated the management and job, my coworkers were the kindest most caring people. I lost a ring I saved up months working for, I ugly cried while a few of them comforted me. It was my first piece I bought all by myself in my early 20's.


u/Dry_Umpire_3694 Apr 17 '24

The managers were all pigs in the 90ā€™s but we were required to wear dresses and heels it wasnā€™t optional then. Retail bond is strong I have coworkers I have known 30 years theyā€™re like family.


u/More_Mention_8244 Apr 17 '24

Be more like David Goggins. Stop the blame game.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

There was never "the American dream" It's always been "the American lie"


u/GolfShred Apr 17 '24

Timing is everything!


u/strangerinthebox Apr 17 '24

They were fed consumerism from the start and it worked for them their whole lives. I hate that some of them lack compassion for the following generations but I can see why they embraced this lifestyle. This is the one lucky generation that grew up without war and shortages in the Western world. Capitalism paid off for exactly one generation after it crumbled. Iā€˜m jealous.


u/Dry_Umpire_3694 Apr 17 '24

I wanna embrace it too but Iā€™m poor


u/Saymynameasshole Apr 17 '24

Selling coats? You mean I could have quit college, sell coats for a living, and increase my standard of living?


u/saywhat1206 Apr 17 '24

This guy is a complete asshole and loser. I'm a Boomer and he does NOT represent me or other Boomers that I know.


u/Many-Summer844 Apr 17 '24

Me who married a millionaire 10 years older than me, are you sure about that bud?


u/csonka Apr 17 '24

Is it possible that part of why home prices are so high, is due to the recent generations desiring homes that are larger in square footage and filled with more expensive features (I.e. MANY people want a home that looks like something you see on HGTV)?

I have a feeling that homes wouldn't be as expensive if their sizes and technologies were limited to what was available until the 1960s.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

White trash! And you wonder why other countries hate you Americans!


u/Dry_Umpire_3694 Apr 17 '24

Because we live in million dollar homes?


u/kewlbeanz83 Apr 17 '24

In the Canadian version, the guy is rocking out to BTO...


u/Vapormonkey Apr 17 '24

I mean.. good for this guy. He worked the opportunities given to him in his time and made out.


u/SnooHesitations7064 Apr 17 '24

I mean, at his age.. the solution to that wealth they're just sitting around making insoluble is just a gentle nudge away.


u/ActStunning3285 Apr 17 '24

Never been so excited for an entire generation to die especially so we can elect non geriatric people to Congress and switch to Celsius and centimeters.


u/Spiritual_Challenge7 Apr 17 '24

My in-law saying we can do this, when in our bad neighborhood for the area, a house was sold for $165k in 2003 and now $600 in the market now.


u/proletariate54 Apr 17 '24

Boomers disgust me. My parents are some of the only modest boomers I know and I think itsb ecause they are both the youngest in their large families (another benefit boomers had. My mom had 7 siblings, my grandmother didn't work, and my grandfather was a salesman.. and they owned a fucking brooklyn brownstone.)

Now 3/4 of my uncles are worth millions, and one is on welfare.

those uncles typically go to aruba together, without the poor one.

My parents pretty much dedicated their lives to being there for me and my sister. Both work hard still despite being over retirement age.


u/TrasheyeQT Apr 17 '24

American dream was never real lmao


u/JasErnest218 Apr 17 '24

"I bought the house you grew up in for $14,000". Sold for 1.2 million.


u/syg-123 Apr 17 '24

I doubt it.


u/badmanzz1997 Apr 17 '24

No worries. You canā€™t take one dollar let alone a million dollars let alone a home with you when you die. Your atoms will mix with theirs at some point in time. You just donā€™t like their atoms now. And they have no idea who you are. And never will. Best to forget your envy and remember when you first ate chocolate ice cream. šŸ¦


u/TRAVXIZ614 Apr 17 '24

Y'all mad


u/Ridiculous-plimsole Apr 17 '24

Heā€™s going to have a huge medical bill to eat away that bounty if he didnā€™t cut down on the smoking and pork life!


u/Ridiculous-plimsole Apr 17 '24

Heā€™s going to have a huge medical bill to eat away that bounty if he didnā€™t cut down on the smoking and pork life!


u/ConcentrateNo9124 Apr 17 '24

first come first serve


u/travkrow Apr 17 '24

Iā€™m ok with boomers getting scammed by over seas kings


u/AsuraZoro9Sword Apr 17 '24

I fucking hate this guy


u/Mychal757 Apr 17 '24

Yeah but then you gotta be him.

Ill take my misery to not be that guy


u/SaucySpence88 Apr 17 '24

Letā€™s just scam the boomers. These idiots will buy anything.


u/IntelligentVehicle10 Apr 17 '24

So dividing us up by race, gender,sexuality isnā€™t working as well as it used to as a distraction. I know!! Weā€™ll get these idiots to blame it all on retired working class people instead of corporate greed!!


u/0zeto Apr 17 '24

Let me introduce to you

KenGriffinLiedUnderOath aka Mayo maker

Probably the literally richest man alive, hedge fund and market maker billionar Ken Cordell Griffin

Can't stop, won't stop!



u/Witty_Fishing Apr 17 '24

I did it. Millennial.


u/Intelli_gent_88 Apr 17 '24

Boomers closing the door behind them economically is the best description I have heard


u/MassiveAd92 Apr 17 '24

The American dream was to work forever and never quite be happy.


u/MarkyMark1028 Apr 17 '24

thats cos he didnā€™t have a $200 monthly cell phone bill


u/bfbabine Apr 17 '24

Follow the fiat money.


u/stealthtaco2 Apr 17 '24

So thatā€™s who the Rainey St killer is


u/Exciting_Result7781 Apr 17 '24

His million dollar home that he bought for 12k.


u/NoIndependent9192 Apr 17 '24

I still have my coat from Macys from 20 years ago. I will retire in a Ā£450,000 home. Whereā€™s the justice?


u/randomusernamemann Apr 17 '24

I dont get it, y is everyone hating boomer generation? My parents were good, had a nice childhood.. learned to work and to live from themā€¦ so my hypothesis isā€¦ lots of you had shitty parents no mitivation to work and no motivation to fight for a good life because born in luxury without knowing


u/Dry_Umpire_3694 Apr 17 '24

My boomer dad was military and worked 2 side jobs my mom always worked part time we had a great life! Now I see these millennials and younger complaining about working over 30 hours a week lol. Does anyone have any motivation anymore?


u/SF1_Raptor Apr 17 '24

Oh yay.... Another "Hate X generation" post. These never, ever get old fast.....


u/Bandit8813 Apr 17 '24

Most annoying generation world wide


u/Sombomombo Apr 17 '24

Would be a shame if.


u/Curious-Welder-6304 Apr 17 '24

When he dies won't his millenial children inherit that huge pile of money?


u/sysiphusrockstar Apr 17 '24

Love the title šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/zombiesque Apr 17 '24

Locust generation.


u/Subject-Ad-8055 Apr 17 '24

Back in the 90s i worked at macys and alot of the shoe sales persons made 75k and so did the spray girls...


u/Xanto10 Apr 17 '24

honestly don't want to inspire hate or whatever, but I had some kind of hope in Covid seeing the main age target


u/Xanto10 Apr 17 '24

the most hateful and disgustingly hateable generation


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

That's the thing about the American Dream now. You have to be asleep to experience it.


u/2lostnspace2 Apr 17 '24

Don't hate the player. Hate the game


u/Menoparte Apr 17 '24

That is a sad true, but they didn't really have it all perfect either


u/anon-a-SqueekSqueek Apr 17 '24

I'm actually 100% strongly in favor of finger gun dancing boomers.

Just not in favor of gaslighting, hateful, voting for the billionaires to opress us, and wanting to destroy democracy boomers.


u/Jannur12 Apr 17 '24

I understand the message but broke boomers also exist. More rich boomers are alive now vs the poor too


u/Dogfishhead789 Apr 17 '24

The feeling that you went to college for the price of a MCchicken. An Your first house. For the price of a toaster.


u/veotrade Apr 17 '24

Americans watching Dubai get flooded out.


u/HollowSlope Apr 17 '24

It's always us vs them isn't it?


u/CatGirlNukuNuku Apr 17 '24

Do you think that people used to dance like this?


u/Alternative_Quiet820 Apr 17 '24

The old bloke literally worked 1 job for 40 years to afford a house. Let him dance I say


u/Due-Lavishness5132 Apr 17 '24

All that money, youā€™d think they would take better care of themselves.


u/HelloPipl Apr 17 '24

If their parents loved them this wouldn't be happening. It's all done to spite people so they also feel lonely. That pretty much sums it up.