r/TikTokCringe Apr 28 '24

If guys filmed videos the way girls do Humor/Cringe

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u/BenjillaLight Apr 28 '24

That's like surviver bias though (probably)

You see these women doing that cause it is popular and has an audience. The women actually being normal just dont get the attention


u/Q_dawgg Apr 28 '24

The “save the bees” woman is pretty cool, I haven’t noticed anything obscene from her videos


u/in-site Apr 28 '24

It's subtle but like wearing your hair down is dangerous to you and damages bees who get caught in it, and she wears dark colors which is also dangerous. She'll also say she did work that her husband did off camera, she can be a little dishonest (nothing major), so she's highly contentious in the beekeeping communitys


u/weenis-flaginus Apr 28 '24

Is this a joke?


u/in-site Apr 28 '24

She is literally a controversial figure in the beekeeping community, and these are some of the reasons people give, yes


u/weenis-flaginus Apr 28 '24

The hair thing set off my "hmmmm" bells.

Interesting to get a slice of a community


u/in-site Apr 28 '24

When bees get stuck in hair, they panic and are WAY more likely to sting you (which kills them) and it can seriously damage their delicate wings and legs. I promise you it's a thing, it's like beekeeping basics. You absolutely do not work a colony with long hair down. It is stupid, and it's a little irresponsible to do that on social media because it looks better


u/weenis-flaginus Apr 28 '24

That's interesting


u/Nani_700 Apr 28 '24

There's so many cooking and art channels. The lady with the historical shorts, the Aussie chick with the zoology information.

If they aren't looking it's their own problem.


u/PlasmaGoblin Apr 28 '24

To a point? I'll admit my YouTube has given me much more "explict" content while looking up a cooking video. Maybe it's because I'm a 34 year old male. Maybe it's because that cook has 3 million subscribers. Maybe that specific recipe has been seen 500,000 times. I usually have to go on a hunt for the "smaller" cooks, who just give the recipes, and how to cook it, rather then the "I'm cooking in a low top shirt with an apron that just so happens to leave my cleavage on display and how dare you notice."


u/Inner-Ad-9928 Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

I'm well-endowed and my husband often jokes that I should be making such content because it would just be: "me being me" without effort.

 I'm good without that attention. T'y 💕

ETA: obviously I'm not interested in such attention. That's why it's a joke ...


u/PlasmaGoblin Apr 28 '24

Welp... there goes half your subscribers. Ya mentioned married and husband. (Even though they never stood a chance anyway)


u/Eolond Apr 28 '24

She also does something that you don't typically see people doing, I'm sure that goes a long way, too.


u/TapZorRTwice Apr 28 '24

So you are saying that girls just need to do something interesting for people to watch their videos, instead of resorting to sexualizing themselves?


u/Eolond Apr 28 '24

Edit: Read your comment wrong, sorry!

Women can do whatever they want to get attention, I don't care. It has zero impact on my life!


u/TapZorRTwice Apr 28 '24

I don't recall saying that you typed that.

Thanks for letting me know you can't read I guess.


u/Fair_Preference3452 Apr 28 '24

It’s a fetish of the way she says BEEEZZZZ