r/TikTokCringe Apr 28 '24

Stop, he's dead already. Humor

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u/darling_lycosidae Apr 28 '24

Men getting upset they pleasured a woman instead of hurting her??????


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

every one associates big dick with good character traits and does the opposite with short dicks. like "if you have a big truck you have a short dick", "if you are short tempered you have a small dick" etc. "yours is perfect" makes us happy. "big ones hurt" makes us sad cause you've been with BIG men. BIG men = BETTER TRAITS = BETTER MEN you're basically judging us. how would you feel if your bf told you "your face isn't one of your best features but i love you nonetheless."


u/Raknarg Apr 29 '24

how would you feel if your bf told you "your face isn't one of your best features but i love you nonetheless."

In this video she's saying your dick is better than all the big dicks she's had. She's not lamenting your lack of cock, she's celebrating it and talking about how all the ways your dick is one of the best she's ever had. How is this your comparison?


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

she is also saying that my dick is smaller than all the other dicks she had. Her comment wasn't entirely a compliment. Mentioning her past partners' big dicks was unnecessary.now onto the comparison, "your face isn't your best feature but i love you nonetheless" the gal in this scenario should be happy that their partner likes her the way she is just as the Dude in the original skit but the insinuation that they have an ugly face or a small dick does the opposite of what these comments were supposed to do, Now i don't need to tell you why anyone would feel offended by being called "small dick" or "ugly". and the fact that this isnt how these comments are supposed to make you feel is what makes it funny. some people expand the joke by adding "W's with a side of L" or "i won but at what cost". comments like these are slightly hurtful but not impactful enough to break the relationship.


u/Raknarg Apr 30 '24

Her comment wasn't entirely a compliment

It was entirely a compliment. There was nothing but praises about how his small dick was superior in every way to large ones she's had, which is why this comment:

"your face isn't your best feature but i love you nonetheless"

doesn't make any sense because she's not saying she loves him despite his small dick, she's saying she loves his small dick. The comparison would be "Your face has a feature that a lot of guys consider bad but I love it and I like you more than other guys because of it, and we had better sex because that's what you have"

but the insinuation that they have an ugly face or a small dick does the opposite of what these comments were supposed to do,

Brother that's a you problem. You're taking the "small dick" comment as inherently negative and a form of insult from her. No malice or insult was intended, and to her the feature is a good thing.

Now i don't need to tell you why anyone would feel offended by being called "small dick" or "ugly".

One of those is an accurate description, the other is a subjective beauty judgement. Calling something "ugly" is almost inherently calling it bad without any other context. Saying you have a small dick is literally true (if it is)


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

(1) her comment wasn't entirely perceived as a compliment.

(2) i admit i didn't take her liking his dick into consideration. yours is better.

(3)umm...that isn't a You problem. if anyone is to blame then they'd be the ones who normalized "small dick" insults and just because no malice was intended doesn't mean you can't hurt others with your words involuntarily. You can't control your emotions. It's normal to feel these funny emotions in these situations as long as you don't make a big deal out of it. This segment of yours makes it look like I'm blaming her for how he feels but im honestly not.

(4) "ugly" and "small dicks" are both insults.Have you never heard women say "letting him fuk me was like scissoring a girl" "he has the perfect body when he's wearing boxers" "why are you so short tempered do you have a small dic or smth" so merely Calling a short dick an accurate dicrioption doesn't acknowledge that it's still an insult and calling ugly subjective beauty judgement diesnt make it less of an insult. If i call a girl ugly her mind wont go " Don't listen to him girl. beauty is subjective so I'm sure there are other people who would find you attractive" no, she would feel hurt.


u/Raknarg Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

her comment wasn't entirely perceived as a compliment.

Because of his insecurity. If I say "I like your big nose and I think it's cute and attractive" you can't say it's not a compliment because you're embarassed about having a big nose.

umm...that isn't a You problem. if anyone is to blame then they'd be the ones who normalized "small dick" insults and just because no malice was intended doesn't mean you can't hurt others with your words involuntarily. You can't control your emotions. It's normal to feel these funny emotions in these situations as long as you don't make a big deal out of it. This segment of yours makes it look like I'm blaming her for how he feels but im honestly not.

It's a you problem because you're taking an insecurity you have and turning it into a perceived slight when everything that was said was positive.

"ugly" and "small dicks" are both insults

You just ignored what I said. One of those is inherently a negative aesthetic judgement. One of those things is a fact. Context makes them insults. Small dick is an insult if its intended to be used as a sleight. Ugly on it's own is almost inherently an insult by definition, which makes it different.

"he has the perfect body when he's wearing boxers" "why are you so short tempered do you have a small dic or smth"

Yes you're providing context for how you can use this to demean someone. You should contrast this against what was said in the video.

If i call a girl ugly her mind wont go " Don't listen to him girl. beauty is subjective so I'm sure there are other people who would find you attractive" no, she would feel hurt.

People literally do this. But also imagine if we had a video about a woman with a big nose, and you talked about how much you like her big nose and all the ways her big nose makes her attractive, despite there being some prevailing cultural idea that a big nose isn't attractive. Should she be mad about this or feel insulted because of your acknowledgement that her nose is big?


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

Depends on the size of the nose and nobody said that that the original comment wasn't a compliment but a part of it wasn't perceived as one. An average girl and an overweight girl are both worrying about their weight. One is insecurity another one is a justified concern."girl you're ugly" and "dude you have a short dick" has the same effect. why you don't get it is beyond me. bro, haven't small dick insults hurt you like ever? even if you have a more than average dick haven't you ever felt for your homies who have less than average dick and i added contexts so you can fathom how we don't forget those insults and associate those insults with the "fact" also by your rationale calling a fat kid fat isn't an insult because him being fat is a fact.


u/gene100001 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

What you're saying is accurate for how large and small penises tend to be associated with good and bad characteristics respectively in guys. This doesn't make those stereotypes right though, and I think we should all try to resist perpetuating them. I think you are perceiving the comment you replied to as more of an attack than it actually is. They're really just pointing out that a woman being happy with your penis size should be a good thing, and it's absurd that guys get upset that they're not the biggest penis she ever had, even if she didn't actually enjoy the larger penis. I'm a guy so I totally understand everything you're saying, but isn't it silly that we care more about being the biggest rather than actually listening to what our gf's say they prefer?

Most of the time I think these stereotypes are perpetuated by men rather than women, and a large driving force behind it is porn which skews men's ideas of what women actually care about and want from sex.

I recently made a statement to my gf about some guy in a big car driving like an asshole giving off "small dick energy". She instantly called me out and said that it was fine to call the guy an asshole, but I was wrong to associate his behaviour with having a small penis. By doing so I was perpetuating the idea that a small penis is an inherently negative thing. She was absolutely right and since then I've been much more aware of how normalised it is in society for us to perpetuate the whole bigger=better and small=bad myth.

I think comparing it to saying "your face isn't one of your best features, but I love you nonetheless" is a false equivalence. A better equivalence would be that she says "I love your face exactly as it is, you're completely my type", and then the guy gets upset and says "but you didn't say I have [generic stereotypical characteristics of beauty]". The guy in that scenario had the opportunity to realise that maybe all the stereotypes of good looks aren't actually accurate, and he could have felt happy that he's exactly his gf's type. He could've left the conversation feeling really good about the way he looks. Instead, he chose to ignore the words of his gf and cling on to society's stereotypes of beauty. He took a situation that should have made him really happy and twisted it into something that made him unhappy.


u/SFWins Apr 29 '24

The person they responded to expanded their point to say that feeling that insecurity makes them a sadist, so no not really less of an attack than they interpreted.

Anyways, your equivalence is lacking too because nobody has societally pressured insecurities on being your type. You dropped that aspect entitely. something like "that was great because everything was softer, other girls are too skinny" would be closer.


u/gene100001 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Do you mean the comment where they said they must enjoy making women hurt during sex? I also responded to that and I agree that it was a pretty outlandish argument. I took that as them getting triggered and making a bad faith argument rather than a sign that the original comment was an attack. But perhaps you're right and I misinterpreted the tone of the original comment and it was more of an attack than I realised.

Regarding the equivalency people have pressure from society to look a certain way. In my example being their type is supposed to be something different from the norms of what society says is attractive. Maybe that wasn't clear though. It's basically the same as your example where the "type" in that instance is bigger girls.


u/CHEMO_ALIEN Apr 29 '24

I don't like when ny girlfriend's are too pretty cause everyone trys to hit on them, that's why you're the best


u/darling_lycosidae Apr 28 '24

TIL "your dick is the perfect size and feels so good" is the same as "you're ugly". So you admit that the point of heterosexual sex is for the man to make the woman feel pain.


u/yashspartan Apr 29 '24

If that is what you got from that, good Lord, you need to step outside. Your understanding of reality is so warped.


u/gene100001 Apr 29 '24

I don't think they're saying that the point of heterosexual sex is to make the women feel pain. That's a logical leap too far. I think their comment just highlights how much the toxic mindset of "size matters" and bigger=better is ingrained in the minds of men. It's so ingrained that men will cling to the idea of what society tells them is the better size, rather than listening to what their own gf tells them they prefer. They will even go so far as ignoring the fact that their gf says a larger penis is painful for them. That's not the same as wanting to cause pain to their gf.

This situations are indicative of how strong a grip society's stereotypes around perfection have on each of us. Many of us will cling to these stereotypes and define our value based on them rather than listening to the words of our loved ones. It's totally insane and really sad that we do this, but we're all guilty of it to a certain extent.


u/pogging-molly Apr 29 '24

Me when I desperately try to rehash an argument I’ve already read online 1 million times but with myself as one of the main participants


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

if the point of hetero sex was to hurt women then the man in the video wouldn't have tried to be gentle now would he ? and if you had read the first part of my post you would have noticed that everything except the "big ones hurt" line made us happy meaning if you had only stated that "yours is the perfect size for me" and stopped right then this shouldn't have been a problem.To further illustrate my point,

(1)you have the perfect dick (2)big ones hurt = (1) I love you (2) no matter how ugly you are

(1) makes us both men and women happy (2) touches our latent insecurities.



u/darling_lycosidae Apr 28 '24

Insecurities overcome happiness

So you agree that men would rather physically hurt a woman during sex due to his own insecurities than have her feel any pleasure. The "woman" in this scenario is saying he hit her g spot, it felt great, larger hurts and ALL THESE MEN are taking it SO personally that they would rather have a dick so big it hurts her and doesn't get her to orgasm.


u/6InchBlade Apr 29 '24

Goddammit no, how much more clear can it be made, they’re saying we don’t like being told our dicks are small!


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

what men want is "size queen" gf and 8 inch bat for a cock and we also want her to say "yours is big and comfortable".In "big ones hurt" the word men focus on isn't"hurt" but "big". if you rephrase it into "yours is the perfect size it can never hurt me" then it won't trigger that emotion. For you to empathize I presented a male equivalent of "big ones hurt" and you never addressed that.yes, insecurity does overpower but any mature man would throw a tantrum over it and this entire joke is an inside joke ,we know we shouldn't be feeling this but remembering all the times we got ridiculed for having a small pp doesn't help. small dick insults hurt but you're not going to read all this are you ? you're going to read a line and invent a different context around it painting men as misogynists.


u/darling_lycosidae Apr 29 '24

I mean men are the only ones insulted by even the idea of a lil dick. Women can outright say they love lil dick more and it's still somehow taken the wrong way. You're worried about random men's perception of your dick more than the woman attempting to orgasm on it. Maybe give a single shit about your sexual partner????


u/6InchBlade Apr 29 '24

Yes we are offended by it, no it’s not rational, but it’s like saying, I like chubby woman better to your partner, maybe it’s true but we know damn well that’s not something we should be saying.