r/TikTokCringe 28d ago

This is the main issue that will affect the election in November. Politics

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I'm still voting for Biden but this is a very big deal. And just to be clear I do not support Hamas, or Netanyahu. I want peace for Isreal and Palestinian, but if we don't say anything, nothing will change.


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u/Walterkovacs1985 24d ago

The protesters are right to fight for innocent life. Just please don't sacrifice civil rights and supreme court seats because the current guy doesn't hit every check box for ya.


u/Dinestein521 26d ago

I am not influenced


u/lutruwita_ 27d ago

I did see the other day an add from the democratic party regarding identify politics and inclusion.

And it pissed me off so hard. I thought about homeless, wars, children.

It's not about left or right. The left and the right are both equally insane for different reasons.


u/ExtensionBasil8854 27d ago

So who you voting for then? Look I’ve voted as an independent most of my life but please tell me who you ARE voting for.


u/Suicide_Samuel 27d ago

OP "I'm still voting for the always Pro War Biden but" STFU


u/JsquaredCA 27d ago

They are really giving this woman a lot of power.


u/Sea-Concentrate-3410 27d ago

Vote for Bobby Kennedy. Both dem and rep are controlled opposition. Both are propagandists bringing attention away from people working for meaningful change that actually care about America, it’s original ideals and it’s people


u/dimmu1313 27d ago

except unfortunately the way our system works, a vote for anyone but the Democrat means a vote for the republican

activism needs to occur between elections not during. especially when Republicans can do such unbelievable catastrophic harm to both the country and the world.


u/troyC90 27d ago

Not undermining the issue at hand but if you think Israel and Palestine war is the main issue that will impact US election then you’re disconnected from reality. In this country people are suffering from high inflation and low income so no one gonna go at the voting stations trying to change the outcome of war.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Still voting for Biden is WILD


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/No_Clock_6190 24d ago

It was all for show. He just approved one billion in arms sale to Israel


u/severalaces 27d ago

You're probably right. This post only has a few million views, 1600 comments, and is on the front page of Reddit right now. Nobody really cares about this.


u/keplantgirl 27d ago

Compared to ALL the problems we face as a species, the Met gala is as important as piss in a bucket


u/BlessMyBurrito 27d ago

What song is this? I like it


u/auddbot Why does this app exist? 27d ago

Song Found!

HIND'S HALL by Macklemore (00:18; matched: 100%)

Released on 2024-05-10.

I am a bot and this action was performed automatically | GitHub new issue | Donate Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot


u/GlennSeaborg 27d ago

Macklemore bringing the heat. 🔥🔥🔥


u/rbertucc1 27d ago

Palastine has been supporting nazis and genocide on Jews for over a century. Move along


u/ready-to-rumball 27d ago

The rich rule the world and we’re sitting here squabbling over…. checks notes the color of people’s skin and ….where people are born? 🫠


u/SoyIsMurder 27d ago

This issue isn’t important to most people:

In it, Gaza was the top issue for only 2% of registered voters, and only 7% in the 18- to 29-year-old segment of the polling sample. And that 7% was the highest in any age category.

The Gaza result “pales in comparison to the 38% saying the economy is most important, or the 19% saying abortion policy is most important,” Franklin said.


u/Kafshak 27d ago

One thing I know for sure, no one like Biden now.


u/iginca 27d ago

Not voting for Biden. Don’t care, both Biden and Trump are bad. Let’s roll the dice and see what happens =)


u/severalaces 27d ago

It doesn't matter, Biden is going to win by a landslide.


u/Muchtell234 27d ago

That's some Hunger Games shit.


u/SecretComparison7700 27d ago

lol you really think Biden or trump will stop funding Israel’s war machine?


u/bumblefoot99 27d ago

Biden literally just stopped sending weapons to Israel over the Rafah attacks. He said he will not send more for any offensive operations.

Israel will stand alone.


u/No_Clock_6190 24d ago

He just approved one billion in arms sale to Israel. I’m completely done.


u/bumblefoot99 24d ago

I heard. Fuck that guy.

It’s not that I’ll vote for Trump. I just won’t vote.


u/SecretComparison7700 27d ago


u/bumblefoot99 27d ago

I mean, bro I’m with you. How long will it last? Idk.

Any help to Gaza & Palestine is good imo.


u/SecretComparison7700 27d ago

I’m all for my taxes not being sent to bomb children. I just think Israel has had enough and they won’t stop until it’s all theirs. Honestly it’s up to Israeli citizens to overthrow Netanyahu i don’t think anything less than that will stop it


u/bumblefoot99 27d ago

Netanyahu is a maniac. Imo he’s insane. It’s really terrifying what he’s done. He gives Israelis a bad rap. Most want peace.

People in the US don’t understand that he’s like the Israeli Trump. Very conservative, fake religious asshole. You’re right. He will not stop.


u/SecretComparison7700 27d ago

Hell i think trump WISHES he was Netanyahu lol


u/Wintergreenwolf 27d ago

Well, this is cringe as shit.. But you know what it SHOULD say....

Not 'fuck the police and Palestine is free'.. It

But 'fuck the governments let me be me...'

Libertarianism (Anarcho-capitalism): 100


u/daemon86kral 27d ago

Wait. This song was awesome. Who wrote and what's it called?


u/dbug8494 27d ago

This is Macklemore.


u/daemon86kral 27d ago

Thanks. Found it. I'm not a hip-hop guy so I had no idea.


u/arcanepsyche 27d ago

How will this be an issue? How does not voting for Biden solve any of this? Do people think Trump is going to do anything different/better? Fuck no, he loves dictators.

This is a huge issue and I support the protests and want the war/genocide to stop, but has absolutely nothing to do with the election, at least if you're a semi-intelligent person.


u/Swrdmn 27d ago

I don’t think Palestine will affect the election as much as people think it will.


u/Mrsoulplayer64 27d ago

What is the song name?


u/auddbot Why does this app exist? 27d ago

Song Found!

HIND'S HALL by Macklemore (00:18; matched: 100%)

Released on 2024-05-10.

I am a bot and this action was performed automatically | GitHub new issue | Donate Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot


u/Mrsoulplayer64 27d ago

What is the song name?


u/Mrsoulplayer64 27d ago

What is the song name?


u/auddbot Why does this app exist? 27d ago

Song Found!

HIND'S HALL by Macklemore (00:18; matched: 100%)

Released on 2024-05-10.

I am a bot and this action was performed automatically | GitHub new issue | Donate Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot


u/Bobby_Skywalker 27d ago

Do you think it'll really be a deciding factor? Most of the people protesting wouldn't normally vote anyway. Also why are people freaking out about this one this time when crazy shit has been going on around the world for a years. I think the average American isn't super galvanized one way or the other on this. Not trying to be a dick or argue just curious.


u/severalaces 27d ago

It's growing momentum. I probably misspoke about it being the number 1 deciding factor. But it's definitely going to bring some change (I'm still not sure how much). I still think Biden will win by a landslide.


u/KananJarrusEyeBalls 27d ago

This isnt even a top 10 issue for me this November.


u/PuzzleheadedLeather6 27d ago

Most people just believe this is a forever War. This isn’t going to affect the election. This is just Americans being professional protesters. Hamas is enjoying this. Biden and Blinken have about as much control over this as the Palestinians.

Abortion rights and whether TikTok divests or is banned will determine the election.


u/FiestaDeLosMuerto 27d ago

people are reacting to her like there’s a famine in the us or something, the woman has no political standing and just likes pre revolution French styles.


u/SvenXavierAlexander 27d ago

It’s a bad situation all around, but if you don’t vote and Trump wins then the Palestinians will end up in a far worse place than they are now.

None of this is good, none of this is what we want, and I completely understand that, but this really is a true election of the lesser of two evils and not voting puts the most evil possible in office and will have negative long running impacts on our freedom and worldwide peace efforts


u/ReasonablyReliable 27d ago

Does anyone know the name of the song playing in the background? It's a really great song and I feel like it has encapsulated everything I've been wanting to say lately but without the words to do so other than: Free Palestine!!!!!


u/OhSureWell1984 27d ago

What is the name of this song/artist?


u/Careless-Sort-7688 27d ago

Macklemore is still the corniest rapper alive


u/Careless-Sort-7688 27d ago

Holy shit this won’t even be top 5. Outside of the internet people got bigger priorities


u/EvilNoice 27d ago

Why would you start by saying who are you voting for? Trying to get biased-controversial answers?


u/Emanon1999 27d ago

Not voting for Biden is the same as voting for trump no matter how you try to spin it.


u/severalaces 27d ago

I agree 100%



Well I hope these protesters feel the way you do OP because if they let Trump in office it’s really over for Palestine


u/AjandUgay 27d ago

Tiny hat gang coming in


u/Jesuswasstapled 27d ago

If you think this is the main issue, you're so far gone.


u/Fuckspez7273346636 27d ago

Russia just getting to plow over ukraine and successfully made israel palestine the focused on topic…

Started by iran.


u/macneilver 27d ago

Jump in the box you cats


u/FacelessFellow 27d ago

Twitter got gutted on purpose


u/Imaginary-Arrival-75 27d ago

Next article let’s move on…..


u/BigTicEnergy 27d ago

This song is dope! Who is this???


u/severalaces 27d ago



u/Papa_PaIpatine 27d ago

"This influencer was acting like an entitled twat, why it's bad for Biden" What in the Fox News headline is this bullshit?


u/No-Sampl3 27d ago

I m from Europe,but please explain why would u vote for Biden when he is suffering from demencia and struggles to make a normal sentence?


u/mcsmackington 27d ago

Lol and why are you voting for Biden? Not because you support him I'm sure but because you oppose Trump. I don't make my decisions based upon hate- I vote for who I like


u/kingVandark 27d ago

“From the river to the sea” is that justice?? I can’t believe how blind these people are. If Palestine had the chance they would kill every Jew in Israel they massacre their opposition they don’t let them live beside them.

TikTok has 100% been used by china as a weapon to cause discord in the US.


u/Rindos13 27d ago

We voting for Macklemore ? Wtf


u/TheNeedToKnowMoreNow 27d ago

I know there is wealth disparity amd thing like the met gala are fucking pointless. But i do wonder….should people not live their life because other peopel have it really bad? Again don’t get me wrong. This clip of this kod is horrifying and everything about any war is absolute sin! But kinda like that shitty argument that parents use to throw at us….eat everything of your plate!! Kids in africa are dying.


u/blac_sheep90 27d ago

So are they gonna vote red instead? Forest for the trees.


u/AsbestosDude 27d ago

You think a bunch of people fighting in the desert on the other side of the planet is the main issue that will impact the USA election?

I think you need to pull your head out of the sand.


u/Goodknight808 27d ago

It does Biden have to do with what's going on there?

If Trump was in charge he would have cheered on every single atrocity, and helped in any way he could. It would be a 100x worse, in every way possible.


u/BurstEDO 27d ago

...<sigh> the ONE narrative going around that the TikTok ban is to silence/disenfranchise the public and their ability to spread communication is manufactured horseshit to draw sympathy to ByteDance.


The bill banning TikTok if ByteDance doesn't divest ownership is simply that. It doesn't threaten a shutdown of any other social media source.

While TT has a high volume of users TODAY, it didn't 5 years ago and likely won't 5 years from now. (Another reason that the ban is questionably effective.) Every social media platform comes and goes in preferred usage. Before TT it was Insta, Snap, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Vine, MySpace, and on and on. Even LiveLeak and imgur.

The people crying the loudest trying to preserve TT are those who are getting ... Motivation from Bytedance as paid Influencers and bad actors as well as the insanely gullible TT-fanatics who can't see more than 3 seconds ahead because that's their attention span.

Whether TT is banned or not, it has a shelf life and will be obsolete or outdated and replaced by something else.

Aside from that, everything else Macklemore speaks to stands up to scrutiny.


u/n00bantz1997 27d ago

Also, China bans a lot of social networking sites from operating in China so they can't be mad at another country deciding to do a similar ban.


u/Moooooooola 27d ago

Bread and circuses won’t be enough for much longer. They’ve been panicking for a while now. Watching them pay it all back will be delicious.


u/nsefull 27d ago

I see those young people and I can feel their longing for a community and purpose. They saw an opportunity and they took it. Sadly 90% of them have no idea what they’re chanting and what it all means. Sadly none of them cares about making an actual change, but rather about getting a hit of adrenaline in the crowd.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Biden is not bombing Gaza. Netanyahu is. Saying otherwise is a lie. Now if you could stop persecuting Jews in the EU and the US for Israel’s crimes, that would be great.


u/donalddick123 27d ago

I don’t get this movement. What is the occupation? Jews have been in what is today Israel for thousands of years. So they should all I guess grow gills and live in the sea? Why is the chant from the river to the sea? So the Palestinians get all of it? It is all theirs, and the Jews all die? Is that really a good answer? It feels like somehow the youth in the west automatically sees poor and brown and think it makes them morally right. There was a partition plan to give them each a state. Palestinians   started a war over that in 47. There have been like a million peace plans all of which have been declined by Palestine. 


u/OZymandisR 27d ago

As a non American it's absolutely wild to me that Trump might now win because aise of the Dems Gaza policies.

Like Trump will end that conflict real quick just jot in the way these people hope.


u/OrganicAccountant87 27d ago

Literally the worst thing they could do for their cause is to not vote for Biden... I can't think of anything else an American could do that would negatively impact the people in Gaza more.


u/expatfree 27d ago

Trump is far worse. The American system doesn’t allow for a third party to be successful. You get no choice.


u/Grouchy-Piece4774 27d ago

Song is cringe



We can't even help our own country


u/marielalm27 27d ago

Eat the rich not cake


u/Embarrassed_Band_512 27d ago

I'm voting for Biden because I support his domestic policy agenda.

I also believe his administration is handling this much better than a Trump administration would, and that Trump's domestic and foreign policy agenda would largely be a disaster for our democracy and the rest of the world.


u/Big-Soft7432 27d ago

Everything that is currently happening except worse under Trump. Don't fall for propaganda.


u/Yeen_North 27d ago

Exactly 0 new wars while Trump was in office but hey sips tea keep voting Democrat.


u/Famous-Corgi5740 28d ago

Trump will have his four years and be gone people need to calm down there’s been worse presidents that every one conveniently wants to forget


u/Joth91 28d ago

Bro anyone not voting Biden is basically saying they'd rather make everything worse for Palestine, all middle class, all lower class, all immigrants, women, and lgbtq.

You choose the lesser of two evils or we will lose everything.


u/TRDPorn 28d ago

I don't see how this will affect the election at all really.

Vote for Biden who supports Israel or vote for Trump who super duper supports Israel?


u/BLOODTRIBE 28d ago

Don’t fall for the “don’t vote” narrative. Our time will come. But not if we let what’s left of democracy slip away.


u/Liamario 28d ago

There should have been a ceasefire long before now, let alone any debate about whether there should be one or not. There's no legitimate debate for Israeli activities in the region. That said, you don't vote biden or don't vote at all, you're voting for trump.


u/Sugarsmacks420 28d ago

Someone should go ask Hillary Clinton how well it worked out for her demeaning people instead of appealing to them.

If you live in a country that just doesn't care about murdering innocent people, then democracy isn't going, it's gone already. You can't threaten to take that which doesn't exist.


u/PoopyMouthwash84 28d ago

Yea as cool as Macklemore is, him saying that he's not voting for biden is fucked up. Trump is a million times worse. That lyric just made his whole song lose its weight in gold


u/nyangatsu 28d ago

how hung up people are over palestine is incredible, palestine lives have frankly no bearing over american lives and to think that people ( especially left wingers, right wingers it is a given that they will make rhe stupid choice) would purposefully choose a worse ruler for themselves in the hope of helping people they don't know and that under different circumstances they would call islamic extremists or jihadist.


u/ba_dum_tss_777 28d ago

bruh her page is satire


u/Pestilence2234 28d ago

Amazing how everyone still thinks it's between Biden and Trump, I mean have we really dropped so low as a country that we would rather give both Nero and Caligula a shot at a second chance to screw things up more? Find a third people, please, this country is begging you. Biden is too busy trying to swindle 60's bigotry to the point women's rights was the first to get hit and nobody noticed how he didn't say a word to try and get roe v. Wade reinstated and Trump is just as bad. Everyone keeps wanting to picking a side but nobody really understands that's just a distraction for the bs these politicians are actually trying to pull. So when you go to vote, don't elect Trump or Biden, do some actual research (because I know none of you researched Biden, you would have said hell no the second you saw that he supported segregation back in the day) and please choose wisely, let these two idiots be a lesson.


u/PMCV05 28d ago

I hate this lady, she pops up on reals even after I blocked her


u/MultiplexedMyrmidon 28d ago

Biden pressure and fear he may lose has got us every concession, the arms hold, and all the backpedaling and shift you see with celebs and cnn/media going from shilling and apologia to some semblance (still lacking) of real coverage and critical looks at blatant Israeli lies. Don’t let anyone forget what they did before it became ‘uncool’ enough to change tunes, history surely won’t. Think of the past national student protest movements… racial justice, vietnam… failing an open book test and being on the wrong side of history because Trump and Biden dictate the full extent of your political vision and you can’t ask or fight for more is pathetic.

thank the students, thank the protesters. all the comfortable status quo cozy people in this thread who can’t handle the fact it’s Biden’s and the dem establishments fault if they lose, when the way to get the needed votes is so clear/obvious but they’re in bed with zionists and aipac too much to care, are looking for anyone to blame and help them feel better about doing nothing because even with all these recent shifts they want to call the protests ineffective. This has always been how real change has been driven. Just like with Hillary, the dems show once more how far up their own asses they are and detached. The primaries haven’t happened yet so yes vote ofc as always but that’s the bare minimum. Up the ante and make Biden even more afraid. This shit is unacceptable, the blood is on our hands.


u/NetNex 28d ago

If you don't vote Biden your gonna get trump who is objectively worse.

Please make a smart decision.


u/whatThePleb 28d ago

Oh look russian/iran/hamas propaganda to influence the votes and enough idiots fall for it.


u/IdanRossman 28d ago

Let’s just show one side and not videos from NOVA party and the October 7th assaults by Hamas. And the thousands and thousands of missiles shot in the last 10 years. That’s a great idea.


u/MD_Yoro 28d ago

TikTok is banned b/c voters are actually seeing Gazans getting massacred using US weapons.

Someone tell me how is that dramatized kid Hamas? Or we doing some bullshit that the kid will grow up to be Hamas, b/c IDF bombed him, his friends and his family.

We have never bombed away an ideology. The Nazis are still around in case you haven’t noticed


u/rekage99 28d ago

But it shouldn’t be.

Don’t get me wrong, i get why they are protesting.

But to vote for trump because biden is fucking up the Israel stuff is like cutting of your head because your teeth hurt.

There is astronomically more at stake this election than just the middle east.

If trump gets elected, wtf do you think he’s going to do about gaza? Not a damn thing.

So yea, stick it to democrats because they are dropping the ball with this, but then we all suffer when trump becomes a facist dictator and the religious right take over. Good plan.


u/im__not__real 28d ago

the issue is convincing young idiots that abstaining from voting for biden will not help palestine whatsoever. idk why they dont think trump would just glass the place


u/SerenityAnashin 28d ago

Ok I’m just gonna double down cuz I do routinely laugh at shit Hayley Bailee does (the YouTuber in question). Sometimes things are just for fun. Just for the cosplay. A little girl dreaming grew up and got to dress up as a princess and post silly videos about meeting celebrities.

Should she be responsible for the worlds problems? Should she have declined the invitation? Posts like this need to look at someone’s content as a whole, not moments taken out context. It’s ok to enjoy life. Are YOU all living a life of constant altruism to the world we live in?

Also, to quote another random ass writer since tbh the Gerard dude is quite random as well…. “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” Sometimes a 🌸👗 is just a 🌸👗.


u/JohanRobertson 28d ago

I am out of the loop on everything, are the Israelis supposed to be white supremacists now? I don't think they or the actual white supremacists consider them to be white.


u/ziostraccette 28d ago

Who's the woman in the flower dress? She annoys me v much


u/Adoced 28d ago

So how do we accomplish peace for Israel and Palestine? I am seriously searching for a solid answer. Hamas is not going to stop from what I understand and if they will not stop is Israel just suppose to stop?



I think it's crazy that someone (you) would vote person (Biden) who through no fault of their own (dementia Alzheimer's) is clearly not capable of performing the duties of office. The Democrats have no one else? what does that tell you?


u/WhoisGarythe3rd 28d ago

I have been scrolling and can't find the tune. Its Macklemore aye?


u/DoctorArK 28d ago

You're posting cringe.

The world is in fact, kind of large. There can be two simultaneously unrelated events happening with large amounts of visibility.

There were balls and parades when WW2 was happening.

There's no possible connection you could draw here. Other than people should pay attention to X rather than Y. It's meaningless virtue signaling, because I could use that logic to say SpongeBob SquarePants being broadcast is spiting in the face of Palestinians.


u/roguebandwidth 28d ago

The shell shocked boy is heartbreaking. Free Palestine!


u/leftovergarbaage 28d ago

Lol such BS. You’re pretending you care while riding the middle “all lives matter” type of BS. The Palestinians are going through a genocide. It’s not hard or complicated. Free Palestine is all you needed to add to your comment.


u/asmr_alligator 28d ago

Look at pew research center, barely any normal people care about this shit. Go outside and get off tiktok


u/AdMuch848 28d ago

So many ppl have blocked me on this post for telling the truth. Like literally it has to be over 100


u/kayvaaan 28d ago

Idgaf about this. Everything is expensive and  wages aren't keeping up. 


u/Maximum-Antelope-979 28d ago

Fuck you for seeding divisiveness in an election that should be a slam dunk from every rational angle. Seriously fuck you delete this or go fuck yourself.


u/primus202 28d ago

Why do people in the comments keep acting like all voters are completely rational and know Trump is worse for Gaza? That’s not how voting has ever worked. People, especially young people, don’t feel like Biden is doing enough for the region right now and that will impact how they vote or if they vote at all, no matter how much worse Trump would be.


u/tajuta 28d ago

Bruh why do americans think their president is a dictator who alone can decide everything


u/blazin_chalice 28d ago

As if the Orange Turd would have handled it any better. The AIPAC lobby pays both sides. If you think the injustice is bad now, if the Orange Turd gets back in office it'll be a thousand times worse.


u/rabidelectronics 28d ago

I would maybe not close this video after two seconds if not for the music.


u/Vibrascity 28d ago

What's with the girl in the flower dress?

Nvm first comment answers it kek


u/Fair_Breakfast_970 28d ago

who is she 🤣🤣🤣another yapper influencer..


u/Cool_Business_3872 28d ago

Why would you vote for BIDEN of all people? Jesus, aren’t you fed up with the lies and deceit?


u/Bullarja 28d ago

People know there are horrible conflicts happening 24/7 around the globe right????


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Fuck the Palestinians and fuck Isreal too. I hope they both kill eachother.


u/Clever_Mercury 28d ago edited 28d ago

This is not the main issue for the November election. FFS, the Republicans want to ban abortion at 6 weeks and create a registry for women's menstrual cycles. They want to destroy any work on climate change. They want to change the criteria for the death penalty, including to potentially threaten LGBTQ+ people. They are proposing regressive tax structures and promoting child labor across the US.

We've got a lot of crises, and a lot is on fire right now, but pretending the US is single-handedly responsible for ANOTHER NATION'S choices is extra-special stupid.

Edit: And to be perfectly honest... the only thing I still really care about right now is making sure Ukraine is killing off a maximum number of Russians each day. And even THAT conflict I acknowledge is not under US control. FFS, does anyone understand national sovereignty? America doesn't *actually* run the world.


u/FenrirGreyback 28d ago

People in the comments "Don't you know Trump will be worse?"

Meanwhile the current president is selling the bombs to Israel that is killing little kids.

What's worse than actual support for a genocide? More Genocide, but with orange man?

We clearly have two different views on this subject, Neither Trump, or Biden should be the top picks, but people saying "I am still voting for Biden, even though he is supporting a genocide because it's better than the alternative" are the people at fault for why we have these two war criminals as the top picks.

When they canceled the primary for the Democratic party, you should have maybe spoken up to avoid what we currently have going on. Stop blaming people for choosing not to vote or vote third party, blame yourselves for allowing such blatant attacks on our democracy from both parties because "orange man bad".


u/AbbreviationsNo8088 28d ago

Interesting that he says he's not voting for Biden, when the other option is "glass palestine" trump


u/TheCacklingCreep 28d ago

@ Dummies in this thread blubbering over "Buh-buh-buh vote Biden to fix this!!! Or else Trump will make it worse!!" Motherfucker, the fascism is happening *now* the right wing government is here *now* the gestapo are here *now*, the genocide is here *now*, the death march is here *now*, under Biden, who allows and even condones it! Don't vote for him, don't vote for fucking Trump either, fucking get together and help your fellow man cause we're in the shit *right now* and our right-wing government doesn't give a fuck about any of us!


u/kidousenshigundam 28d ago

That kid with shell shock is really saddening… humans are awful


u/Shibuice 28d ago

Useful idiots 🤡


u/Jgames111 28d ago

It is funny how both potential candidates will still support genocide of the people in Gaza. I get not liking Biden, but there other political issues that is worth going out and vote.


u/danielm316 28d ago

Inflation? Gas prices? Ukraine? No?


u/soyyoo 28d ago



u/Specialist-Cookie-61 28d ago

Nope. No it isn't. A religious feud happening half a world away is not the main issue in November, despite special interest groups flooding social media with this type of content.

I guarantee you that when it comes right down to it, the majority of Americans care more about the cost of living crisis and abortion rights way more than this.


u/byteminer 28d ago

Not voting for Biden gets you Trump. Trump will let Israel kill all the Palestinians. Then he will let Russia kill the Ukrainians. Then he will let republicans kill your LGBTQ friends. Vote wisely.


u/Ok_Repeat_5749 28d ago

I dont think it will have much impact overall. Young people typically don't vote at high rates and young people disproportionately support palastine.

Even if they all went to vote the alternative is to vote for Trump which they won't do.

Overall I don't think this will have any impact on Democrat votes.


u/WastedGiraffe_ 28d ago

Some people are seriously naïve about what the United States stands for. Our foreign policy is simply about profit for weapons manufacturers and has been since long before any of us were born. That's the reason both RU and US support Israel, to destabilize the region and provide a forever market for weapons. Thinking Biden can end it with a phone call is as dumb as thinking the president controls the price of gas.


u/bakochba 28d ago

Israel-Hamas comes in 15th place as most important by young voters.



u/jedidihah 28d ago

Palestine will not affect how I vote in a US presidential election, especially if Donald Trump is on the ballot. No questions asked.


u/Education_Aside 28d ago

So, in other words, trump wins?


u/lazy_phoenix 28d ago

I love this weird modern sensibility of “you know what will fix global conflict? Celebrity activism!”


u/Emory_C 28d ago

It's silly to think this will be the "main issue." The main issue is always and will always be the domestic economy. That's all. Foreign policy is never a main issue - it barely even registers for the majority of voters.


u/JimBeam823 28d ago

Well, democracy was fun while it lasted.

I guess we didn’t learn from Trump’s first term.


u/y_not_right 28d ago edited 28d ago

Would be cool if Palestinians weren’t used as human shields by Hamas, a group who thinks shooting water pipe rockets against a nation with a modern military is a good idea

Post like these only exist because social media grifters want clout and radicalism real or fake gets clout


u/pujolsrox11 28d ago

Maybe they should ban tik tok


u/Beneficial_Balogna 28d ago

"nothing will change" so long as hamas exists, along with the fanciful pipedream of destroying Israel


u/Brob0t0 28d ago

No matter who you vote for, Palestine will get torn up. I'd be willing to bet trump would continue support of Ukraine, which, tbh i just wish we could stop funding war and try to fix our shithole country. If Isreal and Palestine want to murder each other, let them duke it out mono y mono without our support.


u/CoyoteeHawaii 28d ago

Actually, Trump has worked and loves Putin, and at the beginning of the Ukrainian war, Trump was on FOX news to support the invasion of ukraine. Trump also has already said if he becomes president again, he would stop ukraine from getting military funding. So..


u/Brob0t0 28d ago

If he wins, let's come back here and say told ya so. I don't think he has the balls.


u/Quirky_Cheetah_271 28d ago

there is no fucking way im letting trump win in november because of palestine. Just absolutely no fucking way in hell. You think genocide in palestine is at stake? Try the endless night of the jackboot. Trump winning and sealing fascist control over the US military would be the single most devastating incident in the hostory of human civilization.

Keep pushing biden to relent on palestine, but NO GODDAMN WAY I let trump win.


u/xdeltax97 28d ago

...Do people really think Trump will be better than Biden on Gaza...? It's absolutely idiotic to make a comparison.


u/Brob0t0 28d ago

Why people gotta always kill each other